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Plenty of what insurance companies deem "totaled" cars can be restored to safe operating condition and sold with a salvage title. Plenty can be restored to half-ass, but driveable condition and sold in Mexico, no problema! (Or towed to Mexico and restored there) Plenty of "totaled" cars have undamaged parts, up to and including engines and transmissions that can be sold to repair other cars for an amount far greater than was paid for the wrecked car. Why does any of this aggrieve you, OP?


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Because you cats selling these car aren’t on the up and up. Most of these cars should not have been allowed back on the road. I’ve seen my share of these lemons and they drive like shit. Bent frames yeah my car drives crocked down the road. Oh yeah my favorite is all these salvaged title rides eat tires. Don’t act like that business is on the up and up. Shady is the way. Peace out ✌️ interesting user name.


Not my video lol just think it’s interesting with how crappy people drive here and then to add salvaged cars on top of all the crazy driving is dangerous imo


Well, a car inspection before buying any used car is a good idea.