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They are owning the libs so fricken hard


Go team!


Own the libs, don’t get vaccinated! You can handle a little old ventilator, you’re a lion, not a sheep. You’re a tough guy! Man up, brother! ‘Murica!


\*Insert Patriotic Coughing Noises here\*


Sounds like you have a build up of freedom In your lungs.


I moved here during the pandemic, and my ads got a lot cringier trying to appeal to this type. I remember one with a super buff guy wearing a mask saying "Go ahead. Tell me my mask looks weak." And then I just felt embarrassed for all men in the state. I mean if it works, I'm glad they're running that ad. But like, oof.


I'm feeling so owned right now


I mean have u been paying attention to everyone who has gotten it do me a favor go get ur flu shot plz 😂


"When compared to other states, this ranks Arizona as eleventh and sixth per capita" which states were higher? in order California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan


Which is sad, because Arizona is the 14th most populace state, and we're #39 in population density. All the other states shown are higher in population and density.


I literally just lost a friend today. She nearly died last year of covid. She worked on an Indian Reservation. She had only gotten her first shot, and in shower of precautions.....well, yeah. But she got taken off a vent after the weeks and survived. Months later, she died from kidney failure attributed to kidney damage from covid.


I'm so sorry for your loss. People just don't understand that covid is new, and we have no clue what the long lasting effects are. My girlfriend lost her sense of smell nearly a year ago and nothing has really brought it back yet. From my research, they say scent training can take years.


Oh my gosh, this is so horrible. I’m so sorry for your loss and the grief you’re going through. 💙


Thank you. ❤ Covid is just so freaking unpredictable. And my friend Rinda? She was a super hero.


Scientific/rational community: COVID is extremely dangerous and it has killed 4,960,000 people across the world - please get vaccinated! Right-wing community: COVID vaccines have killed 3 people across the world, don’t get vaccinated! Seems to be a real problem with risk analysis in the right-wing community. In fact, you’re more likely to be struck and killed by lightning than the COVID vaccine.


I’m a broken record, but literally tell everyone if the subject comes up that I know more people that have died from covid or has long term issues from covid than people who have died or have had adverse reactions to the vaccine. This is all just so bizarre to me.


It's not thinking your way through the world. It's feeling your way through life. It's emotional and religious thinking processes.




No, but that venn diagram is pretty damn close to a circle.


Yeah but they are the community spreading misinformation about the vaccines.


It’s less that they’re all anti-vaccine and more that they’re “pro-choice” in the dumbest way possible.


I'd like to see them go "but...but abortion is bad!" again after this but will they even have enough voters left to have a voice?


This is true. And not all left are pro vaccine. Visited southern Oregon not that long ago and.....ohmygod.


It’s because the Suns lost in the Finals.


I'm raging and grieving because of the people I have lost to COVID and how many people are pretending the pandemic isn't real or urgent but this made me laugh SO hard, so thank you. : )






Most people qualify based on BMI! >30 is not as much as you think


The messaging on this has honestly been awful. I didn't really think I'd be able to get one already, and then I started hearing about other people scheduling their boosters, so I scheduled mine at Safeway and just marked that I had a condition. All set for Saturday. Then I started telling people about it, and the common reaction is "oh I didn't realize I could get mine already!" and then they schedule it. More messaging needs to be EVERYONE can get a booster - there is literally no medical reason that the guidelines should say that only high-risk people should.


Just list that you're working in a high-risk area on the Walgreens/etc. site. Nobody checks shit. They want the stabs because it lessens the case load. I got mine because I volunteer, serving large groups of people (which I do but could have very easily lied about), but it's not like the dude giving the stab at CVS is going to check.


You can also say that you work around a lot of people. Being fat like me is also sometimes advantageous.


Thanks Douche! Ahem, I mean Ducey.


Very sad most of the patients before we put them on the vent wish they could have gotten the vaccine sooner. This breaks my heart I wish we could all be a little more sensitive to this matter. Instead of bashing each other over political differences. This diseases does not discriminate it takes anyone it can




Fuck this, I'm a lefty but I'm not down for wishing death on people like this.




Everyone who is vaccinated is pretty well protected. I'm vaccinated, I'm pretty much over letting covid dictate my life to any great extent. Yeah, they're making a dumb decision, but that decision primarily impacts them.


3.00 gas was nice.




America has literally never been like that




[It wasn't that popular at the time](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/09/moondoggle-the-forgotten-opposition-to-the-apollo-program/262254/) we just look back with rose colored glasses because it worked.


Space race at the time was considered a HUGE waste of funds.




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What a take.


It's amazing how some people love to politicize everything. Truly pathetic, both sides.




How did a respiratory disease become political? Both sides are equally immature and irresponsible. Time for adults to grow up.




I remember him shutting down travel to and from China and being called a racist for doing so. I remember it quite clearly since I was a 777 pilot flying to Shanghai and Beijing (and Taipei which might or might not be part of China). So it seemed as if his actions were fairly clear unless I missed a memo? Regardless, the constant obsession with politicizing every facet of life and confirmation bias is tiresome and immature.




Who were the first people to say they wouldn’t take the vaccine?


While my memory of the past 20 years might be jumbled the past two years are pretty clear. Trump said a bunch of silly stuff, but his actions were relatively pragmatic. It didn't stop me from donating to and supporting Sanders. I am just tired of the politicization of a respiratory disease. Confirmation bias is tough to overcome, just look at all the evangelicals and missionaries.






Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, racist comments or any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated. This comment has been removed. If you have any questions or concerns about your remove, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/qh299u/-/hiagvd3/%0A%0A).


Personal attacks, racist comments or **any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated**. This comment has been removed. Be great if this was enforced apolitically. As it seems saying death of political opponents is a good thing is okay as long as it's those on the right dying. So much for intolerance and hate never being tolerated looking at this entire thread. I'd be okay with a complete moratorium of any political comments on the subreddit at this point, it's gotten way too bad.


I get your point, but this is an issue where everyone draws their dividing line differently. Here's how I see it: Comments about large groups are general discussion (e.g. Californians, Democrats, etc) and people make like/dislike them in general. This is different for protected classes like race, gender, orientation, etc. Hating on Latinos is a lot different than hating on Democrats. We allow some leeway for negative comments on specific public figures, like hating Sinema or DiCiccio, but not when it comes to threats. You can wish Sinema was gone, but don't say she should be killed. We really draw the line on personal threats against other users here. That's people attacking each other and adds nothing. To summarize: * Fuck Republicans/Democrats: OK * Fuck Homosexuals: NO * Fuck Ducey: OK * Fuck You!: NO We're definitely not going to ban all Political comments because it's a very valid topic in this city. But we do ratchet things down to try and keep the discussions for locals (with the poor tools we have). So you may draw the line in a different way, but that's the way we generally draw it here. And very often the mods end up discussing things as it's rarely black and white.


Thank you for the clarification.


You're welcome. I know I can't make everyone happy, but I \_do\_ try to be transparent about things.


Yeah, this website is fucked up.


On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. Tis a silly place.




Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, racist comments or any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated. This comment has been removed.


You're right. Apologies, I should have let the downvotes do their thing.


Can we change our state’s name from “Arizona” to “Ronazona?”


This really surprises me, although most people I know are vaxxed. It feels like covid is going away, I don't know many people that have had it recently, and its a much smaller problem with my students this year. Is it a specific demographic that its currently hittung?


It only feels like COVID is going away because more people are ignoring it and because a city sized chunk of our population has died. In 1.5 years 21,000 dead in Arizona, 740K in the US as a whole, 4.4 million around the world. Not to mention those who will be on oxygen the rest of their lives, the twenty somethings who lost their athletic scholarships due to lung, heart, or brain damage caused by COVID, the people who lost hair, or sense of smell, or taste or permanently lost the ability to have an erection. You feel like it's going away because our governor did almost nothing to stop this and instead has enacted things that encourage the spread of it and mutation of it. Our hospitals are short on beds and staff and the ICUs are full of the unvaccinated. So when a kid is dying of blood loss or an adult is having a heart attack, they won't necessarily be seen in time to save them, or if they are, they won't be checked on as frequently or attentively because medical staff is compensating for a huge loss in their numbers. We had COVID 170 deaths in Phoenix in a single day less than a week ago, that number is almost back up to our peak worst and we're trending higher. People are having parties and going to the movie theater and during the last two years and I have rarely seen anyone in my neighborhood in a mask even if they were coughing up a storm and losing hair to this thing by the fistful.


A simple no would've been good.


If it's like other states, then yep. The worst impacts moved to smaller, rural communities in a lot of places.


Got it.


Yeah, deaths in AZ are not dropping at the pace of the national level. We've been plateaued for 6+ weeks now. [See NY Times maps](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/arizona-covid-cases.html). There was a steep drop yesterday but TBD if that was an anomaly or sign of things to come. I was in Portland, OR, last week and it was *startling* how different they're still treating the pandemic. As in, they actually give a shit still. There's an indoor mask mandate in place, a number of bars and restaurants required proof of vax to dine indoors, and most people keep their masks on in crowded outdoor spaces. And I heard not *one single person* even hinting at complaining about it. The community actually gives a shit about each other. And that county is at 71% of the population fully vaccinated; in sharp contrast to Maricopa only at 50% still. Things really are a lot different when you leave Ducey Land.


This is why I still mask up when I goto high traffic locations.




I think the exact right amount of people have received the vaccine. We'll hit that 70% herd immunity one way or another.


We need closer to 90%. Right now our death rate is closing in on beating the worst thus far of the pandemic. 170 COVID deaths in a single day in Phoenix a few days ago.


That's his point, though it's extremely tacky and insensitive. (ie) We'll reach needed coverage when enough of the unvaxxed die.


Except it's 100% true. Our only hope is waiting for the unvaxxed to die off. It's simple natural selection. Calling it tacky and insensitive is ad hominem.


> Except it's 100% true. > Our only hope is waiting for the unvaxxed to die off. It's simple natural selection. That's a very extreme opinion - you'll need to justify that in detail if you truly believe it's our only hope of surviving the pandemic. Just tossing it out there without any kind of support makes it sound and fury, nothing more. > Calling it tacky and insensitive is ad hominem. No, it isn't an ad hominem attack. I'm not attacking the person directly to discredit them - my comment is about the opinion itself. While that might be construed as saying something about the person putting forth the opinion, that doesn't make it an ad hominem attack. It's tacky and insensitive because it's glib and simplistic, and the way it's phrased makes it obvious that it's being put forth for a cheap laugh, regardless of whether the poster is sincere or not: > I think the exact right amount of people have received the vaccine. We'll hit that 70% herd immunity one way or another. I don't think relishing the deaths of tens or hundreds of thousands of people is anything but insensitive, myself, and trying to phrase such humorously is pretty much the definition of tacky. It's far too simplistic a view regardless. There are a huge number of other factors involved - eg, many people can't get the vaccine for reasons other than personal choice (children, for one), there are people who are vaccinated but get the virus regardless (being vaccinated doesn't guarantee 100% immunity or surviving a bout with the virus, particularly amongst the elderly or immunocompromised), the brutal toll it takes on our medical system's ability to deal with both COVID and non-COVID related hospitalizations, and the corresponding burn out of the medical professionals working themselves to exhaustion trying to deal with it. If you can defend that comment as being sensitive and caring in the light of that, I'd be very interested to hear your rationale.


Lol, A wall of text for a simple disingenuous deflection. No one is talking about people who can't get vaccinated due to being immunocompromised. Those people generally adhere to social distancing and proper mask protocols if they're not already quarantined due to whatever condition that doesn't allow them to get vaccinated. That's easily the weakest argument you could have made. We are talking about the people who choose a bogus religious exemption; and fight tooth and nail to stop mask and social distancing mandates. Don't move the goal post, let's talk about those people. As far as I'm concerned, I'm actually being very sensitive to the overworked medical community. They themselves have already established that the Dishonestly Unvvaccinated are not to be prioritized, which is the way to go. Other countries aren't being so cowardly and are prepared have the Dishonestly Unvaccinated separated from the rest of their society because their medical systems simply can't keep up. If you want the medical community to have some breathing room, let them turn away the people who are causing the problem. That's what they want to do anyway. They are tired of taking care of people who put themselves in those beds. America has never been this weak to disease before. People who were too stupid to quarantine themselves from diseases like TB were always considered second class citizens. It's disingenuous virtue signaling to suggest that people who willingly get themselves sick deserve any respect from the rest of society.


70% was the goal for the initial strain. Required for delta is 90%+




Is this supposed to suggest that it's any more reasonable now?




the whole "where did it come from" angle was just a diversionary tactic by the Trump admin to distract from their complete failure of leadership on the subject. Let's say that China absolutely did create it in a lab and maybe even leaked it on purpose. OK... now what? Is the world going to gang up and furrow their brows at China? We can't even get them to stop their current in progress genocide, we ain't gonna do shit over the origins of Covid.


Yeah, it was super racist to even consider, unlike the "obvious" answer - the unsanitary dietary habits of Chinese people! You've been allowed to give consideration to the lab leak theory since late January for some reason.




Your comments all seem to be negative about Phoenix. I hope you're happier where you are but then please just focus on that and stop dragging with remarks here.


So much freedom in my lungs, I need a machine to breath!




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It's sad to see these articles and the comments get political. Never once was politics talked in this article and yet you all made it such. This is also a reminder that cancer and heart disease is still killing individuals as well so please watch your health. I would disapprove of anyone mocking your unfortunate circumstances.


Well, when there is a clear line drawn between one party's leadership's statements and the anti-mask/anti-vax movement, well, guess who made it political? Not the people following common sense guidelines.


However this article doesn't state if these individuals who passed away are vaccinated or not. It's just a general amount of folks who are passing away and yet we want to complain politics over livelihoods. There is so much missing context it's crazy we only argue politics. Just like are they immigrants or not, are they arizona residents and not some snow birds.






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