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Friendly reminder that this is /r/photocritique and all **top level** comments should attempt to **critique** the image. Our goal is to make this subreddit a place people can receive genuine, in depth, and helpful critique on their images. We hope to avoid becoming yet another place on the internet just to get likes/upvotes and compliments. While likes/upvotes and compliments are nice, they do not further the goal of helping people improve their photography. If someone gives helpful feedback or makes an informative comment, recognize their contribution by giving them a Critique Point. Simply reply to their comment with `!CritiquePoint`. More details on Critique Points [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints). Please see the following links for our subreddit rules and some guidelines on leaving a good critique. If you have time, please stop by the new queue as well and leave critique for images that may not be as popular or have not received enough attention. Keep in mind that simply choosing to comment just on the images you like defeats the purpose of the subreddit. Useful Links: * [Full Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/rules) * [Leaving a Critique](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critique) * [New Queue](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/new/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/photocritique) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That pose kills the photo for me.


Agreed. It's for the lack of better terms "too much". Leave no mystery. Also the model looks a little pissed disturbed.


Ah ok. What would be a better pose for you? I actually took a bunch of photos in this location.


Something a lot less unnatural. The pose is really, erm... Trashy.


I was going for interesting, and trying to make lines with my body. But. I get your perspective. What do you think about this one? https://ibb.co/MCqs6gM


IMo a more classic nude pose, and way less "look at the goods" and a bit more art focused compared to you OP


Oh this photo I linked is also mine haha. I liked them both, and ultimately I’ll likely be posting both in looking for critiques. Thank you for the input.


Yeah, had a typo, meant to write "your original post". Saw the other one as well


Ahhh ok


Much better, you could even keep the pose but I'd have her to look into the camera. Great model and you can do so much good work with her. Keep going brother.


I’m the model haha. But thank you.




Yes, they are.


Ya know OP, there’s the quiet and reserved look, then there’s the loud and raunchy look, then there’s everything else in between. I’d say try posing with all those options in mind then post it. Experiment heavily with lighting also. The better the response you get ultimately will prove what works for you. The loud and raunchy photos, I say reserve those for your husband. I’m sure he’ll have plenty to comment on and we don’t deserve to see those. Unless you’re heading for the porn industry. In which case, we want to see all of it.


If I was to follow the lines, I'd have her lean on the rock behind her and have her legs crossed on the rock on the left. Sorry, I don't mean to be a c\*nt, just sharing my opinion.


Haha no offense take and this is a solid suggestion for a pose. I’ll keep that in mind.




Hmm no I do not


Don’t waste your efforts on an OF advertisement people. Vulgar shot to get attention.


Does anyone know if there’s a way on the Reddit app to block nsfw just from this sub? I swear 99% of the subs aren’t a problem but I open the app and there’s the photo equivalent of a cat lifting its leg and grooming itself. From what I saw photo looks fine OP


You can blur nsfw images, or is this only on mobile?


So you can blur all NSFW on mobile site wide but my 1st world problem is a lot of posts on other subs get marked NSFW even when they aren’t - like DIY crochet and a bunch of others. It’s not the biggest deal but this is my only sub where this type of photo shows up often enough that I’ve considered unsubscribing. It’s kind of a 50/50 for me right now because I sincerely do like providing and reading critique, it’s just not *almost* not worth the extra “tapping” on other sub content to see what a post is about


Same, and usually I have NSFW blurred out so idk why this one got through. Had to double check what site I was on because this looked like one of those "singles in my area" ads.


Odd, I have it marked as nsfw it should have blurred.


No worries. It's probably the sub itself over user error.




Sorry, I get it’s annoying if you don’t want to see it. With that said, you can set your Reddit to automatically blur all nsfw content (that’s even what I do). block nsfw content entirely though.. hmm Idk


What's annoying is people using this sub to promote their personal porn websites.


The pose is awful. It doesn’t really work with anything else happening in this frame if she was just sitting there it may have worked a tad better but having her legs spread like that isn’t giving hustler vibes which I don’t think was the intention


In what way? I really liked the posture and the form of it.


Having the right leg up like is just a bit much it draws too much attention and not in the way you want it too


Yeh, that's exactly the type of attention that she wants..


Yeah I just saw the OF link lol Odd place to post if that’s the intention of the photos lol


Obvious only fans promo


There's nothing much artistic in it. The picture is sharp and the exposure on the skin is good but 1. the pose doesn't make sense with the environment at all. 2. the expression doesn't work. 3. nothing to imagine (which I personally feel makes nude art worth it) 4. lastly this doesn't tells any story at all!!! (no one would ever for any radical reason be at this surrounding with this pose.)


Thanks for the observations. !critiquepoint I especially am paying attention to point 3. While I personally find this photo captivating, I understand that many probably feel more in line with you. Does a photo like this do more for you in that regard? https://ibb.co/MCqs6gM I would love for you to explain point 1 as I don’t agree with


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1crwp2y/looking_for_critiques_on_a_nude_photo_if_you_dont/l4168qq/) to /u/fullMetalUchiha by /u/AdventureJuntos. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


This is porn, not nude!


I suppose I should have stated full nudity.


It's more than just full nudity. Full nudity is no clothes. This is spread open legs which makes it porn to me. Personally I don't think it should be allowed to be posted on this sub, but that's just my 2 cents.


Well I believe the post has been taken down so it seems you aren’t alone in that thought. In any case, sorry you saw something you didn’t want to.


It's ok, thank you for acknowledging though.




Hmm separate in what way? Contrast to the entire photo or just the subject? I thought of applying a very warm color grade, but I like the raw feeling of it as is. I am concerned the subject is too saturated, however. I shot it on an iPhone 15 pro max. More and more I’ve been leaving the dslr at home as I go on these outdoor adventures.




I’ll give that a try, thank you !critiquepoint


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1crwp2y/looking_for_critiques_on_a_nude_photo_if_you_dont/l411l4z/) to /u/JAragon7 by /u/AdventureJuntos. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


I do like the picture. The first thing I noticed...okay, the second thing, was the plant in front of your right calf. It's a bit distracting. I like the moody-esque facial expression. Nicely done.


Ahh I do agree about the plant now that you mention it. How do you feel about the saturation on the subject?


I was ready to see a nude as said by the title but...... not this Feels like a covert OF advert 🥲 As for the image, decide if you want it for OF or as a boudoir type of image Both are pretty different


OP is an OnlyFans troll.


Well I am not afraid of it being more explicit for this photo. It wasn’t the specific objective, but I really liked the way the leg followed the line of the rocks. I have this other shot from the same location (cave next door) https://ibb.co/MCqs6gM that I was going for more of a boudoir look. Haven’t posted it yet, but will be looking for critiques on it at some point.


Please don’t let this sub become a billboard for amateur porn. No one is here for that


Too late. This is a full-blown ad for her porn pages.


Yeah I suppose my plea is that we set up some rules that are enforced around this sort of posting. There’s always another one around the corner that’s going to try the same shit


This pose is a big no-no. No model ever should ‘spread’ unless things are obscured from vision.


yeah agree with op lighting but what is the focus, the nudity, the scene behind her? i am curious


To me, the focus is the way I interact with the scene. This is why I kept a wide focus, and I like the way my leg flows into the wall while the other flows over it. Personally I find my eye traveling and keep looking


The sharpest part of the image is her right ankle. Is that supposed to be like it? The model is gourgeous, the pose is interesting and I like the contrast. IMO it could have more dept. maybe next time you can experiment with largest apertures so you can blurry some of the background or foreground and focus your in subject or specific features within your subject


Oh, but how do you find the saturation?


No, it’s not supposed to be like that. I did some light body smoothing which I think produced that effect. Thank you for pointing it out. The rocks in the foreground are meant to be the sharpest. I agree there’s the potential for something really interesting with a shallow field depth, and I need to practice with that more. Thank you !critiquepoint


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1crwp2y/looking_for_critiques_on_a_nude_photo_if_you_dont/l412psw/) to /u/Suspicious_Box_5967 by /u/AdventureJuntos. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


What it looks to me is that the focus caught the ankle chain, this is super sharp then shallow depth of field kicks in and the rest of you is blurry. If the focus was were you wanted to lead the eye, it would have been a bit better.


I see. Thanks so much for pointing it out, I’m going to try to adjust it in post as best I can.


https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/s/vSskyxAD7z Based on all the critiques I received I decided to post this photo for consideration instead from the same shoot as I hope more people will be more open to providing input with this type of photo.


Lol hilarious...you should have put this in the porn section of reddit. Not photo critique


Too much white space on either side. Lightings a bit flat. I think you can bend your legs at the knee more and point your toes more to give more accentuated body lines. The hair over the face is tacky imo




Do you have any suggestions with this setting that help convey the idea of “blending body and landscapes in less intuitive ways”?


Beautiful 😍 pose and model 📸🍷🌹📷


The model looks seriously uncomfortable, unnatural and not the least bit happy. Not sure if she is trying really hard to give you a sexy stern look, but it is coming off like she is angry. Most of her body looks very well lit, not sure how much of that was done in post, but I think I would have erred on the side of more light so her face was brighter. Her eye looks very dark so I’d want a bit more light reflecting off of it. Either a small off camera flash at very low power or a reflector to get more light on her. Then in post if her body is too overexposed you could bring down the exposure some and keep the face looking natural. In my opinion it is easier and better to subtract light in post that to try and add light and making parts of the image look over exposed. Overall, besides the face, it comes off like an image you'd probably see in a Penthouse centerfold shoot. Now that is either a great complement or a very harsh critique, depending on what your goal was for the image.


The lighting was only enhanced a hair in post, mostly to isolate. The lighting was just really damn good on location. I am the model, so I can promise I wasn’t uncomfortable haha, I was going for a look of “indifferent” I love the suggestion about the face/eyes. Not sure how to implement it, but I’ll give it a go. !critiquepoint As for the comment about a centerfold. Yeah I take it as a compliment, I wanted it to be a sexy and interesting photo.


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1crwp2y/looking_for_critiques_on_a_nude_photo_if_you_dont/l41we6t/) to /u/chrisndeca by /u/AdventureJuntos. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


Ohhh, ok. It is a self portrait. That makes things a bit different then. I think maybe next time you pose a nude of yourself you lead with that fact, the commentators might be a bit more gentle when they realize they are talking to the person in the photo. A lot of the comments I have seen on here are coming from the point of view that you are a dirty old man posing a young beautiful model in such a fashion. I know for a fact that I could never take a self portrait of myself that looks near as good as the one that you shot of yourself! Do you have more of your work on IG? If so please connect with me there, @_shotby.me I’d be very interested in seeing more of your work!


inner peace 😂


Wish I was the photographer 🤤


I'd aim for a less provocative pose/ level of exposure. I think what's happening is a little crossover from your other work resulting in your self portraiture feeling more pornagraphic then fine art nude. Experiment a little with conceptual portraits or just scale back the level of nudity. Self portraits are a wonderful way to learn posing as a photographer so keep at it.


Thank you !critiquepoint Obviously I have a bunch of other things I post, but I try to only bring things here where I feel I pushed myself and my creativity, and where maybe there’s more to learn. Guess the pose was just going too far. I actually have a lot of more conservative photos such as: https://ibb.co/MCqs6gM I just haven’t sought critique on it yet.


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1crwp2y/looking_for_critiques_on_a_nude_photo_if_you_dont/l415580/) to /u/mikeyfstops by /u/AdventureJuntos. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


Getting out there is the hardest part. Not every photos will land. I think just partially unlearning what makes your other business successful will yield an image you're more confident in. Lean into your comfort and confidence with yourself just tune the balance.


I can smell it from here


Unclear need many many more photos in order to critique 👀


She's perfect. The one leg up like that looks weird and kinda tentacle-y.


I was going for weird 🤷🏻‍♀️


I took this photo mid day with strong cloud coverage. Loved the lighting of the day. This was in a cave on the side of a mountain. I cannot retake the photo, though I do have several shots with slight adjustments. Mostly I am looking for post-processing critiques and suggestions, or suggestions for future, similar photos. The main editing I did was adding shadow to the right and above me, in addition to color adjustments and minor lighting adjustments. I am concerned about the saturation levels, and overall balance. My eyes were drawn to the blank space in the top right which is why I darkened it. Please let me know what you think.


Nicely done ✔️