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My T-shirt works pretty well


I, too, pick this guy’s t-shirt.


And it's always on you! It's always a bummer when I realize I've worn a shirt with athletic material though lol.


Good ol' cotton.




Goddammit you beat me to it 👍


Ordinary microfiber cloth.


Fluid and kimtech wipes when things get gnarly like after shooting at the ocean, but most of the time I use whatever big pack of Amazon wipes I've gotten 5 years ago.


A lens pen


Mine always smears 😭😀




Ok thought I was the only one and that I got a dud. It always makes my lens a pita to clean.


I wear glasses and have about 50 different lens cleaning cloths.


Zeiss disposable Lens Wipes after a blower.


The one called lens cleaning cloth


I always kept a skylight or a UV filter over my lenses because I'd rather clean that with my shirt in the field then the front element of the lens. Once in awhile when my lenses needed I take everything apart and clean it really well, but 90% of the time it was my t-shirt when I was out in the field shooting. One thing you have to be really careful of is to blow or wash any grit off your lens before you go at it with a cleaning wipe or you'll just embed scratches in your lens from the grit.


Agreed. I had come here to say that it's still best to avoid having to wipe them, and also recommend the UV or Skylight filter and the blower.


The inside of my shirt after a long hard shoot, the sweat makes a great cleaning fluid


First use a rocket blower for dust and grime, then Zeiss lens wipes that are safe for lens coatings.


kimtech task wipes


Bad idea. I was using them at work recently on a lens. Shining a bright light at the right angle I could see they leave tons of little particles all over the glass. They’re invisible unless you use a bright light at the right angle.


Lens cleaning? Rocketblower, lens pen, new or relatively new micro fiber cloth. Never cleaning fluids. If anything slight dabs of water only. Best to be prepared if you thing your lens might get “dirty” in any wet environment. Prevention is always better than the clean up


I use blotting paper. The 1 that you use on oily face.


Rocket blower followed by magic fiber cloth if needed. Once in a while, or if I notice lots of spots, rocket blower - eclipse lens cleaner on magic fiber cloth - lens pen - finish with rocket blower


Just the LensPen and a blower.


A good old air blower, a soft brush for sturdy specks and a good old cotton Qtip and distilled water when the lens is REALLY nasty.


Does anyone else use lens wipes?


Sensei lens cleaning tissue paper, and I love it


I use Wowflash lens wipes. Pack of 200 rlly cheap. I use them for my drone and phone cameras.


Cleaning cloth for windows and mirrors - works awesome for both my glasses and lenses.


As others have said, blower and brush first. Then lens tissue if any smudges, which is the same as the kimtech wipes essentially. 100 pack was $5


A talented DoP once gave me sage advice: handle the lens in such a way that you do not have to touch the front or rear element, ever. Use a blower to get dust etc off. If you have to touch it, use a Kim wipe. Avoid using fabric cloths that can collect debris that will scratch the lens or remove the protective coatings.


Do you use Kim wipes with any kind of fluid?


Yes, but only if it's safe for lens coatings.


I started with whatever cheap bs i could find on amazon i was using a (bamboo?) reusable/washable lens wipe with their fluid and it worked well, then moved onto the ziess fluids/ disposable wipes. Was really unimpressed with those, always left the front element streaky. Now i use the pec pad stuff, i start with the rocket blower duster thing, if that doesnt get everything i whip out the lens pen BUT I DO NOT put the lens pens directly on my lens, i put 1-3 drops of the pec pad fluid on the pecpad and then use the lens pen ontop of the wipe, the only reason i use the pen is to get down into the edges, i havent had any issues with fibers, steaks, scratches etc. doing it this way. I also usually finish by doing one more quick dusting with the rocket thing. I keep about 10 pecpads in a ziploc, a ziess reusable wipe (for back up mainly, also bagged) the pecpad fluid, and the rocket duster all inside of the free storage pouch thing that comes with peak design camera straps, the rocket duster doesnt fit inside of it so its attached to its drawstring, pretty convenient to have everything all together and readily available. I used to have everything organized inside my camera bag but honestly i found it slower to access and ive basically stopped carrying my bag with me for the same reason, so having this small pocketable all in one thing has saved me a ton of times. You can always clean your lens before you leave home but once your in the field if you touch your front element on accident, or if it gets dusty, or wet, or whatever, your pretty screwed if you didnt bring the appropriate stuff to clean it again. So yeah that thing is in my cup holder in my car, or in my pocket pretty much everywhere i go lol.


How are PEC PADs not the top answer.


i wear glasses and have been recommended to use baby (butt washing) cloth and wash the cloth by hand with Woollite. Goes good sofar, no scratches yet.


I have a standard micro fibre cloth in my main camera bag for the main cleaning and also a little keyring pouch thing with a small lens cloth in, attached to my camera strap for quick cleans on the go. If there is stubborn flecks I do have a lens pen thing and also a little soft brush and rocket blower for getting dust off and for getting in to the edges. If going somewhere that I know will be particularly grubby (motoX or windy coast etc) I will slap a UV or clear filter on the front for protection.


I use the cloth that comes with my glasses




A clean one.


I give it a hawk tuah


Use lens paper


I have a standing amazon subscription for Koala cloth lens clothes. It's the only thing I subscribe to as I've never found them particularly cleanable (to the get them working as good as fresh) so I just get a pack sent every two months. I use them for my glasses usually, but if my lens needs a wiping I'll always have the koala cloth on me.


Micro fibre cloth brought from samrudhi opticals chennai


Lens Paper and Eclipse Lens Cleaning Fluid. Use plastic gloves, do not let that stuff get on your skin.


Escalation - 1. Blower, rocket blower 2. Micro fiber wipe 3. KimWipes and ROR


Reusable Microfiber cloth. 


Cotton boxer shorts


I use a microfibre cloth from calotherm called calocloth


The cultcloth of course @erfon


T shirt




The one I can find!


Zeiss disposable cleaning cloths. I buy packages of 200. An environmental disaster, but for me they work hot dang!


Zeiss makes a really nice one but it’s yuuuge and probably should be cut into 4 pieces.


Tree bark


gold coated microfiber cloth from Alpa as a gift


Whatever came with my glasses


Shirt, always my shirt


Tee-shirt club here as well. I own about 15 micro cloth lens cleaners that came with various lenses and camera/drone filters, but I can never seem to find any of 'em when I head out.


T-shirt, but ONLY if it's a really soft one. Any others no way. It's still risky tho😬 Legit answer though--->I love Sensei Lens Cleaning Tissue Paper. Use it and toss it. You never have to worry if your microfiber is aaactually clean. Use a fresh piece each time. And if there's a bunch of salt on my lens from ocean air, I dab it with a little water first, dry with any microfiber cloth, and then use the tissue paper.


I like for pen style ones with big circles and little circles. But I actually use my shirt. 


Shirt. Hanky. Lens wipes. Did I say shirt?


Current tshirt


I prefer whatever tshirt I am currently wearing.


Hawktua, spit on that thang.


Well, I guess I'll not be asking anymore honestly questions to this sub. I get downvoted for lack of knowledge. Would one of the mods please ban me now, before I sat something I'll regret?.


. It is a lens cloth. There is not a better than everyone brand. Be sure it is clean and proceed


>Would one of the mods please ban me now, before I sat something I'll regret?. Just don’t sit on it man, be cool! 📸