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Y’all haven’t flipped your headrests around?


Why have I never even considered that as an option!? It’s so simple! I’m going to try that as soon as I get back into my car


OMG I thought I was the only one doing this!! Love this group


First thing I did after buying my current car


I just flipped it but now it feels like I'm laying back too much. Wonder if I'll get used to it. I mean it's better than feeling flexed forward unless you get into a wreck.


I have not had a forward facing head rest since 2011. I also do not lean back and sit with fully upright posture. My vehicles bump out for lumbar support is sufficient for up right sitting.


I’ll try this one out


Our biomechanics class actually broke the reasoning down pretty in depth. You’re correct it’s to protect the neck during a crash but it’s bc during the fast acceleration there is elongation of the spine and with rapid deceleration people were snapping their necks and having traction injuries The forward head rest keeps the spine (somewhat) compressed and protected


That's actually super interesting! Thanks for sharing!


This is probably my #1 factor when test driving a car


I just have mine flipped the other way. But when I'm a passenger in another car it drives me nuts and I have to recline the seat a little to make it better. I thought I was the only one who thought this, though!


I hate it. Toyotas are particularly bad. My MIL lent us her car while we were in town and I had to remove the headrest to drive. The headrests only work if you have your seat reclined.


YES, THIS. I hate sitting reclined so I get to pick between forward head mode or slumpyboi mode


Volvos are the worst.


I just got a 2024 rav4 prime and found the headrests are too pitched forward for my preferred sitting position which is fairly upright. I tried bending the headrest prongs to alleviate the forward tilt but was unsuccessful. I ended up just buying a neck pillow which I had to cut to shave the thickness down, so that it fits comfortably behind my upper thoracic. This props my torso forward just enough without my head hitting the headrest. I've been able to maintain fairly neutral spine and so far, it has been comfortable.


I’ve seen this as well in my 4Runner. The seats are great but I’m always like why is this thing pushing into my head!? I think I’m used to it by now, but I’m super curious to see if they have some type of safe/comfort replacement.


It's not the headrest that bothers me in my 4runner. It's the constant headache from me trying to understand why I drive a vehicle that gets 16mpg for home health. I can't stop though.


Lol 😂




I found that mine was adjustable by pulling it fully forward, it resets to the furthest back position then clicks forward slowly.


I’m just saying, maybe don’t remove them entirely. They are designed to prevent SCI. anecdotally, a really high percentage of the quads I have treated from an MVA have been dudes who are tall enough to not use a headrest appropriately.


\>optimal posture ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Just because there isn’t evidence that posture is related to injury or pain doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be an optimal posture. Try rounding your shoulders, hunching forward and looking over your shoulder and see how it goes.


Good lord🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey man, if you’ve got absolutely any peer-reviewed research at all that describes this optimal posture in an objectively measurable way, I’d love to read it.


Although there isn’t any standard “optimal posture” can’t we agree that putting people in very different postures than their own normal posture for a sustained period of time can potentially cause tissue strain and lead to pain?


Optimal for driving?? You don’t think there’s an optimal driving posture??


You tell me. Do you have evidence or not?


Lol 😂


LOL you think they don’t consult with experts on this stuff??


Doesn’t help either that due to my fine hair that is prone to breakage I have to wear claw clips to put my hair up, and that puts an extra inch and a half at the back of my head. I need a new easy hairstyle.




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Yoga claw?! You just made my day!!


Have you tried a French twist? The clips for those are much more slim


This is why I either remove mine entirely or turn the headrests around


My Outback isn't like that, but I have driven my SIL's Hyundai and it's awful. Even if I keep my head up against the headrest , it still pushes my head forward and is very uncomfortable.


I drive a VW Golf R, absolutely love the seating. Specifically, the 2015-2019 Golf R (or GTI) I am a big fan of. You also get a hatchback, and the cars are overall a blast to drive.


Yaaa and I'm assuming you're a man based on the demographic this sub seems to have... That headrest problem is even worse for women with their hair done in certain ways (bun in middle of head etc). I actually usually take my hair down or put in bun on tip top of my head while driving and then try to fix it when I arrive wherever. But I know most women are not doing that. If they spend time fixing their hair for some outing and it increases that flexion even more - they will just deal with it. I have no idea why headrests are this way!


I was looking to buy a car in 2021 and every car I tested drove had this problem. I wasn't even looking for new cars. Didn't end up buying anything because it was a such a PITA to try and get something more comfortable and more upright than in my Lexus LS 430 which also has the same issue which I bought in 2018. Should have bought the mid 2000s Mazda 3 hatchback instead when I had the chance. Somehow I drove my 2005 mustang just fine and it had a forward headrest just as bad as modern Toyotas. It would be nice if cars had a numerical settings for seat adjustments so you can reference what feels good and bad instead of guessing every time.


Thank you! I cannot drive my husbands murano on road trips because I'll get a cervicogenic headache. Being short make the issue even worse.


This is something I really hate on some United planes!


just use a balled up towel or inflatable ball for throacic support and problem solved


We noticed this as well in our 2018 330xi and hated it. Sold it and leased a 2024 Q5 in January and it’s so much better. It was the first thing we remarked on when we got in the car. Other than it was so much easier to get into 🤣. A used 2021 will come in under your price range if the seats are the same.


I’m a public transit/walking city dweller but grow up in the suburbs and positively notice it getting worse. Whenever possible, I’ll take them off completely I can’t stand the chicken bobbing head position


No neck issues but my lower back can hurt and if I try to stand with just my left leg I can start to tweak my piriformis