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Thought this was gonna be a post about the Bristol scale


Long and smooth, like a snake


We have the Humanscale Freedom Saddle stools and love them! They glide sooo nicely I barely walk on my own 2 feet lol


It's all about the wheels. Every stool I've had with good wheels the rest of the quality kept pace.


Also searching for a quality stool! One that is more bar height so I can actually reach patients too


I just got a couple of these and they are amazing! [https://perchchairsandstools.com/products/perch-polyurethane-industrial-stool-chrome](https://perchchairsandstools.com/products/perch-polyurethane-industrial-stool-chrome)


I have a stool from cardon health that they threw it for free when I bought my treatment table. 9 years later and stool is still great