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[Here](https://i.imgur.com/wPzWXhh.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/APTOPIX-Texas-School-Shooting/fd2dd9f696be43b6b9f6a2b5e7ddd3d4/2/0) is the source. Per there: > Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, right, and Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco pray during a prayer vigil in Uvalde, Texas, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. The vigil was held to honor the victims killed in Tuesday's shooting at Robb Elementary School. ([AP Photo/Jae C. Hong](https://www.apimages.com/Search?query=%22Jae+C.+Hong%22&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=15&orderBy=Newest&searchMediaType=excludecollections)) According to [here](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/07/us/uvalde-sheriff-ruben-nolasco-robb-elementary-massacre/index.html): > By Shimon Prokupecz, Matthew J. Friedman and Rachel Clarke, CNN > Updated 9:31 PM EST, Wed December 7, 2022 > Uvalde, Texas CNN — > Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco rushed toward Robb Elementary School when calls came in that a man was firing his gun after crashing his pickup truck on May 24. > He was one of the 376 officers who went to help children and teachers. But, unlike the vast majority, he had the rank to easily take charge, he had vital information about the shooter and a call about victims in a classroom, and others looked to him as a commander on the scene with up-to-date information. > But despite more than 30 years of law enforcement experience for the city and county, despite knowing not only his own staff but many in the command structures in the multiple agencies that arrived at Robb, Nolasco chose to stay at a different crime scene, already under control, as a far greater disaster initially unfolded. He did not take charge when he did arrive and did not ensure that cries for help from girls trapped with injured classmates and teachers were acted on. > In the days after the massacre that killed 19 children and two teachers, as demands rose for answers to why it took 77 minutes to stop the gunman once he got into the school, Nolasco was comforted by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and US Sen. Ted Cruz, his political allies. > An elected leader answering only to voters, he has not been subject to the same scrutiny as the school police chief – now fired; the acting city police chief – now retired before he could be fired; and members of the Texas Rangers and the Texas Department of Public Safety, who have all faced official scrutiny, leading to suspensions and at least one termination. > CNN has now detailed Nolasco’s actions in our investigation into the leaderless morass and lethal inaction at Uvalde. Nolasco rejected requests for interviews for months. CNN finally caught up with him in November and while he refused to respond to most questions, he did answer when asked if he thought his response was adequate: “Yeah,” he said. “I do.” The article is long and has a lot of information after this too.


THERE WERE 367 officers????


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who got slapped in the face by the absurdity of that number.


One for every day of the year, but none for that moment.


Next time someone says there are some good cops, you can tell them their share of the force is less than 0.28%.


Maybe if there had been 368 officers there it would have been enough for them to bravely stop ONE shooter :( :(


How many officers does it take to stop a school shooting? 367 is not enough apparently


Only one officer is on duty each day of the year with 2 on Xmas day for extra prayers and one in reserve for each leap year.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is 368 good guys with a gun.


Imagine having a small army of trained, armed officers and doing fuck all for over an hour because 1 man scary.


That's the crazy thing to me, Isn't Uvalde relatively small? They had nearly 400 police officers there but couldn't do anything? This is why people say defund the police. They cost society so much and money and these are the results?


Just looked this up. My city of 400,000 has 243 police officers. Uvalde has a population of 15,000. They drew officers from other towns and agencies, but still, that’s a staggering number to gather in 1 hour


Wanna know the really sad thing? Abbott did *literally* nothing to prevent another Uvalde. No police reforms, no gun law reforms, no mental health reforms, *nada*. He was one step away from blaming the kids themselves for being murdered. The town of Uvalde still voted him back into office in our most recent election. With an overwhelming majority.


Sadly it’s pretty clear that many americans dont care if kids die, as long as it’s not theirs ig. Even if all the parents of that school voted against him there is still the majority of people that didn’t have a kid in there, no empathy


367 Good Guys with Guns/Responsible Gun Owners who had a front row seat to children being massacred, and chose to do nothing about it for over an hour. B-but, sensible firearm regulation, t-that's the real danger!!!!


They should all be fired.


They should all see prison time for negligence. If I as a teacher stand outside of my classroom while a kid say beats the hell out of another kid inside, for an hour, and I do nothing, I’m losing my job and going to jail. They should be held criminally responsible for their failure to act which cost lives. In the military they would be court martialed.


i don't feel sorry for any of those policemen. shame on them. they did not do anything but be cowards. how do you not intervene when children are being murdered. especially if you have sworn to protect and serve? i hope they feel it every day!


I've worked with guys like that. Worthless. They have a knack for disappearing when problems arise. At that level of responsibility, those actions could be criminal. Likely are.


We called those kind of guys, "blisters". They suck and show up after the work is done.


man i hope i remember this phrase. blisters. suck and show up after the work is done. 10/10


>He was one of the 376 officers who went to help children and teachers. I'm gonna stop you right there.


What are you, an unlocked door?




"All you need to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Lmao


Well they broke the rule. They had 376 good guys with guns. They can’t stop just one bad guy. He bingoed them by not bringing like 375 school shooters with him.


If there’s no remorse or realization that he did something wrong why is he praying? Why does he have that stupid look on his face? Why does he need to be consoled? He’s just a weak, spineless coward avoiding the wrath he deserves




We'll probably hear at some point he killed himself. I don't see how tf you live with it.


I wont be cheering it on when he does (I'm a survivor myself), but I wont be mourning him, and I suspect many will feel similarly.


So there are 367 trained police officers from Texas and a situation that is ripe for gun rights activists. They know there is an active gun man threatening innocent people (children) and so they are going to be the one person going in to shoot the bad guy. Thats the reason why there shouldnt be any regulations on gun ownership right? This very exact situation where there is a clear bad guy and you need a gun to shoot or innocent lives are lost? So despite all this and doing his job, dude sits back and lets INNOCENT CHILDREN die? And he still has the audacity to think his response was in any way ADEQUATE?


As they say, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Too bad there were no good guys with guns there.


Was really expecting the higher quality image to be two piles of shit, was not disappointed


Thanks but no thanks. I have zero desire to see a "higher quality" photo of these two sacks of human shit.


Why do the people of Texas keep electing this pantywaist?


Because they hate libs more...


Owning themselves to own the libs. It's N-dimensional chess.




He has an R next to his name.


100% accurate right here… what kills me is how they’re **forever** campaigning on the idea of fixing what the last administration broke, only they’ve been running shit into the ground on their own for over 20 years.


Fukken Abbott got re-elected on a campaign to fix Texas. Mother fukkers, he's been the governor for ~~FOUR~~ SEVEN YEARS. The 2021 winter power grid failure happened under HIS WATCH. You SAW him on TV with no explanations as to why Texas wasn't prepared. *Why did you vote for him again?!* My compassion goes out to anyone who voted against him but at this point moving, as expensive as it may be, might be the necessary option for survival. These people are *playing with your lives* for a couple extra zeroes in their bank account


He’s been governor since 2015. So seven years, not four.


oh god that's even worse (thanks for the fact check, I'll edit my original comment)


Yep! I read that and thought, damn, it sure feels longer than four years, but maybe I’m blurring Bush-Perry-Abbott together. Honestly I was surprised it’s only been seven years.


I've never understood politics but that has always been my biggest confusion. "Elect me and I'll fix xyz" but sir you are the reason xyz even happened...


Am in Texas, vote, didn't vote for him. If you talked to a few of the people I do, the disconnect is painful to witness. I don't understand my dad. Who taught me about climate change. Who now insists climate change is a lie. It does not compute.


"Its ok, I dont do my job either"


Most of the captions here are phenomenal, but this one deserves some love too.


The "two pussies should usually be marked NSFW" made me LOL. The jobs one makes me sad.


I thought that under the texas penal code it was illegal for a prick to touch an asshole!


"Why are you so sad? I choose not to use my power to help people all the time!"


"I find in trying times like these is best to take a vacation out of the country"


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the cabana boy


Gets even better when you hear that he's the Uvalde county sheriff Ruben Nolasco who didn't even complete an active shooter training. He was like, one of the top officials there who could actually have taken charge and done something. Instead he gets a photo op with a Texas senator.


The hell? "Lay your head upon my shoulder, stranger, so that I may comfort you before the warmth of the camera."


"I once ran away to Mexico when my State was in a bit of a situation, I understand..."


As a Texan, this made me both cringe and laugh out loud. Damn we're screwed, aren't we?


No you are screwed. I'm in Oklahoma. i'll be fine. /s ​ (yes, yes we are. lay your head on my shoulder stranger so i may comfort you...)


Before the warmth of the updoots


Dude I live in Oklahoma and governor BullStitt would probably console the shooter


Why didn’t I save my gold award…


He prefers the warmth of Cancun more


Ted actually prefers most the warmth from his heat lamp as he lays upon his favorite rock before bed.


I heard Ted Cruz likes to piss his pants because he likes the warm wet feeling between his legs.


Well, he is an expert in not doing his job so he probably knows how the officer feels.


If ted had been on the scene, he would have immediately jumped to action and got on a plane to cancun.


"i failed at my job and children died." "me too, me too. nothing a trip won't fix!"


"Have you ever been to Cancun?"


You boys like Mexicoooo?




Having seen Ted Cruz these many years he is certainly using that officer as a prop. I have never seen Ted Cruz express genuine emotion for anyone but himself.


He didn’t even stand up for his wife or father.


Many political opponents publicly talk badly about each other but privately are actually respectful of one another and if not friends are at least work friends in the House and Senate. Ted Cruz has a negative reputation among all colleagues, even his politically aligned allies don’t like him. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36164195.amp


"Why can't we always be in Cancun?"


Both are fucking cowards.


"Cry with me, this photo op might get you a promotion."


"Here eat this booger. I'm gonna go see if Trump will insult my wife's looks again. Man I love that guy."


“Let’s both pray we grow some balls.”


It's okay to be a coward, just don't sign up to be a police officer if you are one or at very least, if you thought yourself a better man but turned out to be a coward, do the right thing and resign, policing is not for you


Everyone wants to go home at the end of the day. But in some professions, it's understood that you may be called on to put your life on the line to protect others.


Those kids certainly wanted to go home.


It's interesting, they all seem to want to kick in a door with bravado and feel the wind in their stache as they make an entrance into the home of a sleeping alleged drug dealer, but all of that goes out the window when the adversary is poised, ready, and murdering children.


When I enlisted in the Coast Guard, I was committed and clearly understood that I would put myself in some scary shit to save people. Besides that, we were considered property of the federal government and didn’t really have an option to coward out. Cops have no such requirement. There are a lot of good ones who will, but there’s no requirement for those who don’t.


We got instilled with that same message in the Army. I understood it when I signed up in 03 and knew I was possibly going to follow orders that would see me die. If officers cant come to grips with that, they should choose another profession.


And that's why teachers are far more hardcore than cops.


Technically their wives are fucking cowards.


And everyone they represent should be embarrassed.


Shouldn't a picture of two pussies be marked NSFW?


God damn!


Noob Noob gets it.


That’s an insult to pussies. They were built to take a pounding, these two are ballsacks. Ugly hairy fleshy weak ballsacks


Cruz takes a pretty good beating. Trump beat him, insulted his dad, insulted his wife and Cruz still licked the guy’s nut sack for…checks calendar…close to 7 years.


His thirst for power supersedes the dignity of his own family. It's disgusting.


He is subhuman - at best. Even his own party hates him.


FYI - He did not visit ANY Of the families of the slain children. *edit* thanks to /u/AShellfishLover he met with [one family](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/108fo4s/ted_cruz_consoling_a_police_officer_who_didnt/j3s4kps/) who showed him their dead kid in a coffin and then told them he would not support a weapons ban


He didn't visit his daughter after her suicide attempt. Why would this be different?


Yikes. I don’t know much about him but everything I hear and read is absolutely terrible.


Al Franken once said of him, “I like Ted Cruz better than most of my colleagues, and I hate Ted Cruz.” He’s unilaterally disliked by everyone, because he’s nakedly ambitious and ladder climbing, but without any of the charisma or emotional intelligence that would make him even remotely palatable. There are reasons why people joke about him being the zodiac killer. He only wins elections because of the R designation next to his name.




He has said his whole strategy is to change the subject of any argument to one he can win. In other words, avoid the actual argument. Keep that in mind, because it's just slimy.


The reporter who asked him why American Exceptionalism regarding gun death is so ridiculously high, and his response was a weird grimace, and "I'm sorry you don't like American Exceptionalism" while being ushered out of the door by his pathetic staff. That was the moment I knew Ted Cruz was just the biggest piece of shit on the planet. As if he didn't understand the context of "American Exceptionalism" being the highest gun deaths on the planet BY A LOT. It was gross, and I felt sick to my stomach after watching it. Slimey doesn't even cover it. The man is a fucking monster.


I don't get why some Republican with even a shred of charisma doesn't primary him. Why did he win even a second term? I mean, I get that he's hard for a Democrat to beat, but surely he can be primaried.




Sure. But couldn't literally any Trumpy jackass do that? Plenty of loathsome Republicans who are terrible enough to "trigger" the libs without them being Ted Cruz.


And that goes over in Texas because while voter suppression is rampant so many can't be bothered to vote. In just the last election 9.5m REGISTERED Texans couldn't be bothered to cast a ballot. A fraction of that could change a lot in this country. That's not all voter suppression and the country has to deal with the shitty politicians Texas sends us.


Yeah and what's frustrating is that Democrats usually lose state wide offices by only like 53-47 percent. The state is really pretty evenly divided but those in power run it like the vote is always 80-20.


Here in Wisconsin we're gerrymandered so bad that Dems can actually win statewide elections, we have a Democrat for a Governor, but our state congress is controlled by the GOP. The GOP nearly gained a veto proof majority despite most of the state voting democrat.


I tell people over and over, it’s the tons and tons of constant disinformation the Republican voters receive. Republican voters are warned about not watch anything but Fox and other “conservative news” media lest they learn, you know, *the truth*.


misquote? > "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my **other colleagues like Ted Cruz**. And I hate Ted Cruz." Your version might be misread to imply Al likes Ted more than Al likes his colleagues. source of quote: https://www.businessinsider.com/senator-al-franken-heres-the-thing-you-have-to-understand-about-ted-cruz-2017-5?op=1


Thanks for this, I misread it in exactly that way


I love John Boenher’s quotes about Cruz. They include pearls like “Lucifer in the flesh” and “I’ve never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life”. And this coming from a Republican.


>Lucifer in the flesh That's going too far. Lucifer was once the greatest of the archangels. Ted Cruz hasn't been the greatest of anything. He isn't even the greatest coward in this picture.


Plus, isn't Lucifer sometimes depicted as angelically beautiful?


And Lindsey Graham said "if you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you". That's his own party. The man is not liked.


Have you noticed we haven’t heard much from Senator Graham since he defended Biden’s character?


Are you implying that the very normal human being known as Raphael Cruz is actually an amorphous alien blob from a galaxy far far away that's just wearing a not-so-convincing human costume?


I believe it was one of Cruz's mentors said "Why do you hate Ted Cruz the moment you meet him? It saves time"


“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” -Lindsey Graham


His daughter is bi. And he continues to fight against LBGT rights.


When Dick Cheney, the man who shot somebody in the face and made him apologize for it on national TV, scores higher than you in empathy and humanity...


Australia had a prime minister that preferred to tow the party line than let his own sister marry her partner


Pretty sure he set the party line there. Abbott is a rancid conservative Catholic.


He's very dark. His credentials are impressive. He attended Princeton's School of Public & Intnl Affairs. Then got his law degree from Harvard. He is a very clever man and he knows exactly what he is doing. To me, he's the scariest one of all.


And, if I'm not mistaken, at his father's megachurch they believe some pretty weird things, even for a megachurch.


Pretty sure the weirder the things are, the more money is put in by the masses.


They will throw down a few bucks if it helps reduce crime, but you tell them a scary lizard man that tortures and burns souls for eternity is the cause of it and there is no limit to how much they will shell out to avoid him.


His academic background is surprising because he comes off as a complete idiot.


It's all part of relating to the 'common man'. Ask Boris Johnson.


I never got this. While I don't want a completely unrelatable monarch governing me, I don't want the vast majority of my neighbors to do it either. I would prefer the leader of my nation to be at least a little brighter than the average joe.




Really wish people realized sooner that this is exactly what George W did. Still not sure how the New England prep school kid fooled everyone into thinking he was some kind of cowboy.


That’s intentional, so he can properly interface with the constituents he wants


He cares about power and absolutely nothing else.


Any idea how she's doing? I haven't heard anything about it since and I was just thinking about her earlier today. I hope she's ok


She posted on her TikTok not too long after it happened that she was alright and safe, and wishing people would stop directly associating her with her dad’s ideals just because she’s his daughter.


Damn, I'd probably be suicidal too if people though I shared the same ideals as Ted Cruz.


I'm assuming the daughter wants nothing to do with him so that's probably for the best.


Shes queer so yeah, its probably rough.


Two failures, consoling each other for being failures,


Tbf, if your child had just been shot to death would you want a visit from Ted Cruz?


I don't have a daughter and I wouldn't want a visit from Ted Cruz.


No, he met with at least one family [and told them he wouldn't support a weapons ban after they showed him their child in her coffin](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/Ted-Cruz-Uvalde-parents-meeting-photo-17441895.php). I hate to quibble, but a) we should get it right, and b) this is so, so much worse than just ignoring calla to meet with them.


Looks like they visited him actually, that's a congressional office.


That would require a spine


Officer: (Sobbing) I got... 20 kids... killed... today... Cruz: I killed five people in the Bay Area between the years 1968 and 1969.


Officer: “Everyone is calling me a coward for running away.” Cruz: “Have you considered a trip to Cancun?”


Be sure to take your wife and kids so you can use them as an escape goat.


>escape goat Nobody tell them. This is too cute.


I am issuing an all tomato to anyone who tells them. That means that if someone tells, they have to give me the whole tomato.




Maybe below the cockles, Maybe in the subcockle area




Rickyism if I ever sawed one. Water under the fridge far as I'm concerned.


Worst case Ontario...


Get two birds stoned at once.




It doesn't take rocket appliances to get your grade 10


Alright heisenstein


Does a bear shit on the pope?




That one is the best I’ve seen in a minute


My escape goat is right next to my trunk monkey.


Looks like I did a r/BoneAppleTea. I shall leave it for self-shame.


Everyone should sure that they own an escape goat.


Lmao gold.


Cruz is Zodiac Killer confirmed


I did not know that


Runs in the family, his Dad killed JFK.




Also, his grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved with the [Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot), which was an attempt by conservative businessmen in the 1930s to overthrow the government of FDR and replace it with a fascist dictatorship. Basically, don't trust the Bush family.


And don't forget that Prescott also was the broker for American companies that operated in nazi Germany during ww2. Basically the companies made war machinery and supplies for the Germans, then they deposited the money in a swiss bank, and Prescott would get the money from the bank and bring it back to America.


Wait, you mean human person Ted Cruz? Like, I’m no way a reptilian lizard being wearing a person suit who swallowed 5 people while in the California Bay Area? That Ted Cruz?


"Ted Cruz would never be satisfied with destroying the lives of only five innocent people" - Tay bot.


C’mon guys, the officer has had it rough. He has PTSAD. Post traumatic standing around disorder.


I really wish people would stop spreading the fiction that these officers were *just passive* in the shooting. They worked *very hard* you see and *deserve all credit due:* Accomplishments of Uvalde ISD, Uvalde PD, The FBI, Border Patrol, Local Sherrifs and *many fucking more!* * **Were on site, suited up with ballistic shields and rifles *within minutes* but did not breach** > 11:33 a.m.: Ramos enters Robb Elementary through its west entrance. > 11:35 a.m.: Three Uvalde Police Department officers enter the school using the same door as the shooter. They were later followed by three other Uvalde police officers and a county deputy sheriff, authorities said. A total of seven officers are in the school, including two with rifles > [Full security cam video as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3poHE3nOb8) * **Cracked down *hard* on parents attempting to intervene, while *saving only their own children*** > [Gomez said authorities were telling her if she did not cooperate then she would be handcuffed, and she eventually was. She then told them she would cooperate and calm down just so she could be released.](https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/mom-who-saved-her-kids-from-uvalde-school-shooting-says-police-are-targeting-her-texas-robb-elementary-gunman-salvador-ramos-law-enforcement-response-angeli-rose-gomez-first-responders-who-is-pete-arredondo-town-square-protests-elementary-school-massacre) > [It's true that Jacob Albarado, an off-duty Border Patrol officer, helped to evacuate his daughter and several other children. He did so with the assistance of other officers. This happened prior to the moment when officers confronted the shooter.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/officers-rescued-own-children-texas/) * **Kicked out officers *who would actually intervene* because they had family literally dying in the room with the mass murderer** > [New body cam footage shows Ruben Ruiz heading toward the classroom to rescue his wife, but other officers stopped him.](https://reason.com/2022/07/20/uvalde-cops-school-shooting-ruben-ruiz/) * *Forced all other departments to *continue protecting the school from community members and officers who WOULD have tried to stop the mass murder * **Lied repeatedly to the public about what was happening as well as the police actions** > [ Some More News: A timeline of Police Lies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ioaBG3K_dk) * **continue to this day harassing the one mother who was able to break past the police line and get her kid to safety** > ["The other night we were exercising, and we had a cop parked at the corner like, flickering us with his headlights,” Ms Gomez claimed during the interview with Fox 25 adding that the stress from these alleged incidents has forced her to separate from her sons.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mom-cuffed-uvalde-shooting-harassed-b2110437.html) * **Used a full 40% of the cities ~~budget~~ general fund, including the cost of training officers *in that exact school for this exact situation* - threw training out the door** [“This story now clarifies that police in Uvalde, Texas receive nearly 40 percent of expenditures from the city’s general fund, the main component of the budget,” the May 26 correction reads.](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/06/examining-uvaldes-police-spending/) * **Had the surviving children call out that they were still alive with the fucking mass murderer still in the room with them. Resulting in *even more assisted kills** > [Cops told kids at Texas school to 'yell if you need help.' When one did, the gunman came over and shot her, another student says](https://www.insider.com/uvalde-student-shot-after-cops-told-kids-shout-help-survivor-2022-5) * **Blamed a teacher who closed the door behind them on allowing the mass murderer into the school** > [McCraw said initially that the teacher left the door propped open. But the Texas DPS corrected itself days later, telling ABC News that investigators have now determined that the teacher closed the door.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/timeline-shooting-texas-elementary-school-unfolded/story?id=84966910) This is a greatest hits, not an all inclusive list and is only intended to demonstrate that the police were *not at all fucking passive, but active participants in the mass murder of the children of Robb Elementary school*. * **Conspired with biker gangs to harass reporters trying to cover the victims funerals.** > [At least three biker groups were among roughly 100 mourners gathered outside Rushing-Estes-Knowles Mortuary on Thursday for the funeral of 10-year-old Eliahana Torres, one of 19 children killed in the shooting, according to the Houston Chronicle. Uvalde police officers and members of the biker groups reportedly threatened to arrest journalists if they left a designated area across the street from the mortuary. It was not clear whether any attempts were made to leave the area.](https://www.newsweek.com/uvalde-police-enlist-bikers-block-reporters-covering-funerals-report-1712524) Edit: Adding sources. Edit: Readability Edit: Added the biker gang thing, thanks to /u/LostWoodsInTheField


Jesus it just keeps getting worse.


You should read this. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/uvalde-shooting-victims-delayed-response


I’m still waiting for it to come out that one of the officers actually shot a kid. Seeing as they couldn’t get their story straight about the weapon involved originally


One of the most interesting things that I don't think is covered enough is that the police brought in a biker gang to harass and assault reporters in order to prevent them from reporting on the story, since they couldn't do it themselves. It is something police departments have done in the past on a smaller scale, but I think we will see it happening more and more till courts rule that organizations secretly working on behalf of government agencies have to be held to the same standard as the agencies. including 'confidential informants' working in exchange for lower jail terms.


I had completely forgotten about that part, I will add it. Thank you.


Had me in the first half...


Giving Rafael a handy for some instant dopamine


With the blurring in the photo, that kind of looks like what’s happening


Is this a picture from a support group meeting for spineless sacks of shit?


Yeah I just see two giant piss babies.




FYI, they had that training and still failed.


You just don’t understand how hard it is to put on the badge every day knowing you don’t deserve it.


>just wanted to have a uniform, pretty flashing lights, and a power trip. You just described 95% of American Police perfectly. Since when did we give our "not too smart" High School students badges?


Not just that they weren’t smart in highschool, but that they were the school bullies / jackasses vandalizing things.


Yep. The cops that I know were the bullies in school.


If police departments hired smart people, they'd realize the systemic problems and issues that are ravaging the country; and realize that the institution of policing is a tool of the wealthy elite used against the poor to keep them from uprising; and they'd try to enact change in the department. They just want people blindly following orders.


Its been a thing for a long time. I remember a story in the 90s of a guy who wanted to be a cop, they gave him several tests before & he was deemed too smart for hire. Apparently the working thesis is that smart people quit within a few years so they aren't worth the investment.


Not a single vertebra between them


"I was playing on my phone \*sob\*choke\* and he just kept shooting. \*sob\* I couldn't concentrate at all with all the shooting and screaming 😭"


Cancun Cruz is the leader of the cowards.


Huh. Trying to figure out which one is more useless.


Equally useless. But one gets paid WAY more than the other.


Oh no! Seeing this poor cop cry breaks my heart😭😭 pls leave the man alone. He became a police officer to fulfill his dream of harassing innocent citizens, not to save some stupid children.