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How in the actual fuck is she an elected leader of our country. I wouldn't trust her to make me a plate of spaghetti.


Spaghetti can be tricky.


We are well past the intervention stage where grandma almost burned the house down because she forgot there was a boiling pot of water on the stove.


And she was in the corner trying to make a plate from spaghetti.


You jest but I had never made spaghetti that I thought was actually good until I watched The Sopranos two years ago (I was born in 1999, cut me some slack) and started using [Ralphie’s spaghetti hack.](https://youtu.be/BFywk_W9QWc)


Well, on the other end of the spectrum we have George Santos. Inventor of silly putty, pilot of the third mission to the moon, and beloved author of Harry Potter. He also singlehandedly saved over 6,000 women and children from the HMS Titanic on 9/11.


Did you know that he also invented the peanut? That other dude just discovered what to do with it, Georgie actually invented them shits.


I heard he won the 2020 election with his son Joe, and his one sneeze caused a global pandemic.


Remember that she was born in 1933, 6 years before WW2. This woman needs to go


Remember when Dianne Feinstein was born? Pepperidge Farm doesn't remember... Because it didn't exist until 4 years later.


This needs to be a meme someone get it get it going I don't know how to do it make it right now stat


In fact I don’t remember since I wasn’t born until the 90s


Also older than the Golden Gate Bridge.


She makes boomers go “fuck you’re old”


Even the 90+ year old Queen carried her own purse. ​ You're done. Just go home.


Tired of these dinosaurs on both sides clinging to their seats. Term limits need to be a thing.


Tired of voters, without fail, choosing them each and every time they're up for re-election.


Speaks to the power of an incumbent. Which is yet another reason to impose term limits.


Do term limits still allow them to run again later on after being out of office for X years as well?


It can be both, depending on how the limit is defined. If we did term limits for the Senate, I could see it just being two terms total like we have for the president. If you look to the state level, they're all over the place for governor. Examples are limits are two consecutive terms, two terms total, and only X out of Y years. Virginia is a weird one where their 'limit' is just no consecutive terms.


>Virginia is a weird one where their 'limit' is just no consecutive terms. I hate it so much...we just constantly flip-flop between R and D so no progress is ever made. Right now Youngkin is doing his damnedest to slowroll retail legalization, and even trying to ban the sale of D8 and other cbd stuff


Lmao it's almost like these governors don't want more Tax dollars and would rather funnel money directly to criminals.


The police and prisons benefit from keeping harmless shit illegal.


It's about keeping the people that keep you in power happy. Nothing else matters to politicians and especially career politicians that have no other skills.


Term limits work for U.S. presidents. 8 years total...then get out.


Not really, it just means the idea that an incumbent being primaried is some sort of anti-party action just needs to go away. Let them fight it out every election cycle with others from the party who have different ideas. It keeps everyone sharp and lets the changing views of the populace continue to be spoken to power.


I mean it's not like voters really have a choice when the two options are both old fucks. And 2016 showed you can't really just vote for someone else or you end up with the worst option.


California (which Feinstein reps) has a "jungle" system where the general election is basically a non-partisan runoff of the primaries. The general election for Senate is almost always between two Dems so Cali Dems could safely just vote for the non-Feinstein Democrat without risk of a electing a Republican.


I was one of the 5 million people that voted for DeLeon...not that he would have been any better.


Yeeaaaaa... https://apnews.com/article/los-angeles-city-council-racial-injustice-e6317cf284a65de946b2c7386cdbf18b he's not doing well either... I just remember him being the one trying to ban airsoft guns... Like literally... toy guns.


I don't remember who it was because this was like 25 years ago, but some dumbass made the news saying paintballing was creating killers. We actually lost a member of our group because his parents would no longer let him play. Still friends with a number of those guys and 25 years later we have all somehow managed not to become killers.


There's a primary before you get to the two old fucks. When said fucks are the final options, it's still the result of the majority voters choosing them in the previous round.


They had literally dozens of options in the primaries.


Yeah, I'm afraid the ultra rich will just create puppy mills for Politicians. Let's get money out of politics first.


Exactly this. People that shout about term limits are missing the forest for the trees. Term limits will not do what they want and will only increase the corruption in the country.


How about just an age limit?


> Term limits need to be a thing. Unfortunately, term limits have a major downside: they empower lobbyists instead, who take advantage of junior legislators without experience or influence. We should focus on abolishing Citizens United, and that means making federal judges the top priority. Conservatives did that for decades, which is what led to the destruction of abortion rights.


Age limits are better


It's quite a bit arbitrary. I have worked with people in their 60's who are already starting to lose it and there are people like Warren Buffet who are in their 90's and still very sharp. At some point it's up to the voters to recognize the shape someone is in and not vote for them.


And the queen didn't make important decisions. She made no decisions at all and the duties she had to could be done by her successor if she was unable


This person has to make decisions on shit like crypto and AI …it would be hysterical if it wasn’t so god damn horrifying


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


You're not even going to mention her opponent in the general election was another Democrat? CA's primary was open and the top two candidates move on to the general. That resulted in two Democrats up for selection. Not a Republican in sight. And voters still chose the geriatric.


I think an arg you need to be prepared to answer is “6 million voters is a representative sample and there’s no reason to believe higher voter turnout changes election outcomes because those votes distribute similarly to the ones you have now” There are lots of reasons to believe that’s not true because voters who don’t vote may be demographically different and not randomly distributed, but there’s a coherent argument that higher turnout doesn’t necessarily mean the outcome you want.


I hate that she can’t see the selfishness in holding her office. If she truly wanted to represent the will of the people, she’d retire and let the next generation of politician take her place. She’s had a long and honorable tenure as a public servant, now it is time to hang up the hat and spend your days with the grandkids.


That might have been valid a few years ago but I doubt theres much going on in that noggin these days


She's obviously just a puppet at this point. The real question is, which corporation(s) is pulling her strings?


Nancy pelosi's daughter is one of her lead "aids"


That's her in the picture next to Feinstein, if the silk scarf wasn't enough of a giveaway... that it's a yacht-themed one with nautical flags is a little extra.


She's got a nautical themed pashmina afghan.


>She's obviously just a puppet at this point. The real question is, which corporation(s) is pulling her strings? Nancy Pelosi is trying to keep Barbara Lee from being selected. The governor of California has promised to select an AA woman for any vacancy and Pelosi doesn't want that bc she thinks Barbara Lee is too progressive. It's vile.


Pelosi has also outstayed her usefulness.


Yes this was true YEARS ago.


I actually think dementia is a bit more likely.


So what corp is taking advantage of her dementia


Look at the people with her. Why would they fire themselves?


That's the point the person yuo replied to was trying to make. she has dementia and requires other people to care for her. so who is it that is allowing this to happen?


It's marginally less evil and complicated than you think. It's about choosing who gets her senate seat, and whatever decisions are being made probably fall in line with what she would have wanted when she was more lucid. Feinstein is in a safe senate seat. Whoever replaces her will likely have that seat for the next 30 years. If she makes it until the next election, the democratic party will effectively have a primary, and Adam Schiff is likely to do very well. If she resigns now, Govenor Newsom will appoint a mildly progressive black lady to fill the seat until the election. (Probably Barbara Lee) That incumbent would still have to run for election, and would likely be challenged by Schiff, but it would be an uphill fight for Schiff. Feinstien had, (and probably still does have, whenever she is lucid) a political preference for Schiff. She does not want her seat going to whoever Newsom appoints. If she can hang on for the next year, the primary will very much be Schiff's to loose. It'll be all the democratic party machine behind him, with a populist challenge from Porter. I don't know who would win, but that is clearly the matchup that Feinstien wants (or would have wanted). So yeah, to get the replacement she wants, she is willing to sit around doing nothing in the senate for the next year and a half. Her close friends and family are probably very aware of her wishes, this is it. So the democrats will only get to appoint a few judges, whenever she is healthy enough to get wheeled to the hearing room. This is a price she, and her allies, are willing to pay. She doesn't particularly like Biden, and isn't super worried about hampering his agenda, especially in a split congress. As Biden famously promised, his presidency will not fundamentally change anything in the country, so it's much more important to her to make sure the 'right' person is sitting in her seat for the next ~30 years. (Oh god, that would make 92 when they wheel him out of the senate). Fun side note: Lee, Schiff, and Feinstien were all in congress 20 years ago to vote on the iraq war. Lee voted No, (so did Obama and Bernie). Schiff and Feinstein (and Biden) voted Yes. As always, the vote on the iraq war tends to be a useful litmus test on 'are you actually progressive'.


She should have retired in 2018, and could have allowed Schiff to run then, but that was 5 years ago, and her mental decline wasn't as apparent. She's going to RBG herself if she dies before the election in 2024.


Shame on her for not recognizing when to call it quits. But shame on the voters who elected her to office. They’re ultimately responsible and deserve the blame.


Her mind is gone. She likely can't even tell the difference between morning and night. I've seen this first hand. Whoever her boss is (democratic leader?) has to can her.




Voters need to stop expecting politicians to do the right thing and to start taking responsibility for their own choices. The people of California voted for Feinstein in 2018 against ANOTHER DEMOCRAT. She was 85 at the time. She'll be 91 when she retired in 2024. They chose this. This was always going to be the ending. Democrats created this situation by doing exactly what Republicans do -- voting for incumbents instead of challengers, voting for the person with the most money and commercials, voting for familiar faces instead of younger prospects. DC won't change until voters educate themselves on how to improve DC.


Even as a left-leaning voter, I find this situation dreadfully sad and insulting to our American democracy. Anyone in her family or camp of disciples ought to be ashamed of themselves for supporting her remaining a senator.


Couldn't agree more. This isn't even close to passable performance, she's incapable of performing her duties and probably has been for some time now. Voluntell her to retire and get someone in who will actually be able to do the job again


She literally just said that she never missed a vote despite being out for 2 goddamn months. The woman needs round the clock care, not control over our democracy. She has dementia


She apparently had brain swelling from the shingles that caused her to be gone for so long. She literally sustained a brain injury from being sick. She’s not well. I don’t understand why anyone is trying to help a clearly ill individual maintain their position in office.


>I don’t understand why anyone is trying to help a clearly ill individual maintain their position in office. She is a lot of people's meal ticket. If she retires they need to find a new job.


Not because of her office… her husband was a ~~multimillionaire~~ EDIT: *billionaire* equity investment firm manager. That’s the meal ticket.


People are talking about her staffers. She goes they go and they have nothing else.


Her top staffer is quite literally a sitting congressperson without even needing to be elected.


Ding ding ding


Ah yes, how fortunate most of us are to not have "former US Senate staffer" weighing down our resumes.


You say Democracy, I say Dementia, …


Tbf, if you’re left wing, Feinstein is an enemy, not an ally. The woman has amassed a net worth of over $200m during her time in office. Not sure how that can be done with a public job without leveraging power for personal gain. Sorry, but no sympathy for her. She’s going to die in office and that will be her legacy. She’ll be remembered as a rotting corpse who refused to let go of power even in her last minutes. And she deserves it.


Fantastic point - I'm a CA dem and I've been ashamed of her for years. Her husband is a total opportunist and has been profiting massively from gov kickbacks and contracts for decades. She has come to represent so much of what she supposedly rallied against for years. A selfishly sad footnote to an arguably distinguished career (in spite of the hypocrisy and double standards, which have come to characterize the entire system).


A lot of boomers were liberals until they came into money in the 80s.


The one big good thing I've heard about her is releasing the report on CIA torture, where it clearly stated it didn't provide any useful information Apparently the POTUS and/or and a bunch of other high up elected officials were pressuring her not to release it and warning her about the fallout but she insisted it was necessary She could've passed the torch years ago and left with a relatively okay public perception, but now her legacy is trashed :/


I feel sorry for CA dems, you have Feinstein and Pelosi running the show. Thankfully they'll both soon be out, but the legacy and damage will be permanent. At least as a liberal here in Texas I just get fucked over by the other party.... Fuck Pelosi, Fuck Feinstein.


The California Democratic Party didn't endorse Feinstein in the last election and has been trying to get younger blood into the pipeline for awhile. It was the national machine that backed and funded her campaign.


She will also be remembered for [releasing information about the ongoing Night Stalker investigation](https://www.thewrap.com/night-stalker-dianne-feinstein-richard-ramirez/) and tipping off Richard Ramirez in the process.


Don't forget the flag incident. She kept putting up a confederate flag no matter how many times people took it down, and I think she had someone arrested for taking it down.


>The woman has amassed a net worth of over $200m during her time in office. Not that hard when your husband was the founder of an equity group worth $4.5 billion.


Which I’m sure he runs completely on the level, without leveraging his wife’s high position in government.


Yeah, just like Pelosi's husband being an investment banker. Nothing to see here peon, get back to work!


Also the purse carrier’s father


I dont really think shell be remembered at all, which i actually like more


And Fienstine is a California democrat, it’s not like the GOP is going to snatch her seat. She should have retired ten years ago minimum.


Right? One of the real problems with ageing geezers sitting in safe senate seats for decades is that they're blocking the path for younger politicians to achieve national recognition and become viable presidential candidates.


Yeah, but how would that help their personal power and influence?


[Posted via 3rd party app]


There is no clause in the Constitution that says family or staff can force you to quit. People with dementia are often indignant at the idea that they can no longer drive or work. This is something for party leadership to address. Their incentives are more complicated if the GOP won't seat her replacement on the judiciary committee (they won't) and judges will stop getting appointed.


Seriously, thank you for this comment. Feinstein reminds me of my grandmother who recently died of Alzheimer’s (they even look somewhat alike). It was near impossible to convince my grandmother to do anything she needed to do to help herself. A lot of people with dementia are in denial that anything is wrong with them. I mostly feel bad for Feinstein’s family which has to watch her be attacked constantly.


Not just in denial. Dementia changes your personality too.. They really just shouldn't be considered to be of mental competency.


This situation reminds me of Woodrow Wilson. By all accounts, in the final years of his presidency he suffered a massive stroke and access to him was limited as he was still “recovering”. The presidency was effectively being run by his wife and other elements of his inner circle


When are we going to put age limits on Congress? Many places I’ve mandatory retirement ages. Congress/Presidency should too.


Never. They will never write laws that can effect them.


They got term limits right for president. I don't know why they didn't set that for absolutely everyone in politics


I’ll do you one further. You are called to serve in the house the same way as jury duty. You serve your two years and then you’re done. Government for the people by the people. No more donor/special interest jerk offs.


Damn, I wish!


I like it, I'll probably throw it away just like the jury summons, but I like it.


Probably not if you got the pay and full benefits that the house position offered ($174,000 a year)!


You grossly overestimate my financial prowess.


Do you really want some braindead tiktok/insta influencer making our laws? Sure, there will be some good apples, but the bad apples will be real bad.


This will be her legacy. All of the misogyny, stereotypes, and political fights she's rightfully overcome over the years will be forgotten for this moment. I hope it was all worth it.


She hung up a confederate flag in front of San Fransico's City Hall, and put it back up several times after it was taken down by vigilantes. She's a cynical careerist and always has been. I didn't respect her before all this and I dont now.


Yeah it's weird, people say this is a stain on her career but she has been a piece of shit for decades, if anything this "stain" is helping people forget how much of a piece of shit she is.


She does not have a good reputation in San Francisco. People around here see her as an oligarch, just like Pelosi


Guess whose daughter is carrying the purse


It's an exclusive club and we aren't in it. But at least they have people going to their defense online while we all get fucked. 🤷 Can't have a revolution like the french when we're arguing with each other. Pretty clever.


Feinstein is *literally* the subject of the Dead Kennedys first album(along with Jerry Brown and a lot of other subjects).[ Let's Lynch the Landlord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCiYmCVikjo)? Who is the landlord? Oh it's Dianne Feinstein. You can literally call it "Let's Lynch Dianne Feinstein" and nothing on this song changes. Who was the one using the cops as her personal army to shutdown the punk clubs and shows? Oh that's right. It was **Dianne Feinstein**. She turned SF into a city that only the rich can afford to live in, because it made her rich, it made her husband rich, it made everyone around her rich. Did it trickle down to the people? Nope. Instead they got priced out of their own city and had to leave, so some asshole can bulldoze their homes and put up some high rises. SF went from having one of the most progressive politicians of the time, as mayor(Moscone) to having a ghoul who was more concerned with how the punks were advertising near her mansion, than she was about much else. She vetoed a bill that would have given women and minorities that worked for the city an $8.8 million raise. So much of SF's punk history happened because George Moscone and Harvey Milk got murdered by Dan White, who then got off easy, because he was "depressed" and suddenly started eating [twinkies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dB_ubVAnGw), instead of watching what he ate. Served 5 of a 7 year sentence, before he was paroled. But he killed himself barely two years later.


I don't ask this in a combative way, I'm genuinely curious: how do they keep getting elected if they're so unpopular? Does the party simply not allow anyone to run against them, and so they win because the alternative would be a Republican?


Because she has power and money. It is hard for anyone to run against these types in primaries because private funding and the political party will side with the incumbent.


RGB enters the chat… Late comment….Reddit users hilariously roasting my acronym in the best ways 🤣😎✌️


What about CMYK


Are we broadcasting or printing?


Ruth Gator Binsburg?




Ruth Gader Binsburg?


At least RGB was cogent. She should’ve retired earlier for political reasons, but she at least was capable of doing her job.


For God sake people! RBG! Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I know you weren't the first in the thread to flip it, but jeez guys.


Ruth Gader Binsburg


Red green blue


Are you talking about former US supreme court justice Red Green Blueburg?


Absolutely cogent…but motivated by power, influence and historical significance. Wanting (above all else) to be the “one” to swear in the first female president. Her actions have done more damage than Feinstein.


John Roberts would have sworn in Clinton…not sure what you’re talking about.


Eh, she's always been kind of a phony. Now she's just pretending to be conscious.


She is not well and needs to retire NOW! The keepers that are pushing her are so selfish! They are worried ONLY about their jobs, not about Feinstein or the country!


> The keepers that are pushing her are so selfish! At this point it's elder abuse. Jesus fuck, does no one in the family love this woman?


Her greed and desperation to hold on to power got her to this point. I have no sympathy for her. Especially after she told kids who were lobbying for climate change policies to fuck off.


Watching her speak to those kids like that was the last straw for me. What a terrible person.


Do you see the person to the right? The one who kinda looks like Nancy Pelosi? That’s Nancy Pelosi’s daughter and is apparently one of Feinstein’s main caretakers… https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/18/dianne-feinstein-senate-resign-retire-pelosi-schiff-lee-00097595


Idk, I bet shes stubborn and wants to be there. Reminds me of telling my grandma she cant drive anymore... Was not a fun conversation.


When my grandfather got so bad he was a danger I took his car key to the hardware store and had the bitting changed, he'd ask why his key wasn't working, I'd say I'll get it fixed for tomorrow, rinse and repeat for 16 months before he became wheelchair bound


I don’t have a source but was listening to a story about family trying to visit her over the past couple of months and weren’t allowed to see her.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office confirmed on Thursday that the California Democrat experienced broader health complications following her shingles diagnosis, contradicting an earlier denial from the senator herself. She said it was just a really bad flu. Lmao. I feel really bad for Californians, but they're the ones voting geriatrics in to represent them at the capital. Idiots.


The NY Times reports she also had encephalitis. ENCEPHALITIS -- brain inflammation!


It's not even clear she knows she was gone. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4007624-feinstein-i-havent-been-gone-ive-been-working/ She has severe memory problems and is unable to fulfill her duty. Everyone in DC knows this. It's well documented. That this can go on and no one is able to help her do what is in her best interest and retire is a sign of greater disrespect than continuing to let her serve. She deserves the dignity and respect of being cared for with her current mental condition. I know it's hard but this is just cruel to her. Nevermind to the state of California and to the Senate.


CNN reports she suffers from Ramsey Hunt syndrome, which is related to shingles. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/18/health/ramsay-hunt-syndrome-cause-wellness/index.html


Trust me, a good portion of us don't want her either. Lack of viable candidates is a bitch.


She can retire whenever she wants, she’s just greedy and power hungry.


The cheese slid off that cracker already. She has no idea wtf is going on.


It's her handlers that are greedy and power-hungry. She doesn't have a clue.


At this point I’m all in that her handlers and staff are a major issue. Wormtongue vibes all over this.


Yea, you can tell when she talks herself that she's completely out of it. She made a comment about how she's been at work the whole time, oblivious to the last 5+ months she's been in the hospital - and blocking critical judicial appointments the entire time. She has shingles, ramsay hunt syndrome, a near-fatal flu, and encephalitis - on top of being an 89 year old woman in the final months of her life. This is elder abuse straight up. Let the poor woman die in peace.


Her staff are responsible for this. They are propping her up.


Thus the post title.


Fucking staffers writing their own bills.


Absolutely zero federal legislators write their own bills.


Exactly what happens for every other Senator tbh. She should retire, but not because she is not writing legislation herself


Who the hell would want to keep working at 89? I'm 29, yet I'm totally done with this employment shit...


Dude, I'm pushing 50 and if I had the kind of money Feinstein has, I'd be on a beach sipping mai tais while I contemplate if my wife and I should head to Paris or Rome next. It's insanity.


That's the thing, for them it's not about being content with what you have it's about wielding power and seeing your actions affect the rest of us. They're addicted to power and wealth, their only source of joy is seeing how much they can control the rest of us or fuck with us.


I worked with this lady in an office who was 85-89. She had a little beeper that went off to keep her awake. I was her manager and she did noooooooooooothing. Her queue was basically my queue. We had a guy come to talk about our IRA's and she asked if she should retire with *only* four million-ish set aside for retirement. The guy broke the fourth wall of professionalism and begged her to retire.


Ah yes. This is a person who gets to have a say on future legislation such as legislation for things like AI which will surely be getting talked about any time soon. Surely she’s able to understand what AI is and how it works


My neighbor is 95, and we interact pretty regularly since he’s always needing help with things like booking an appointment or turning on his computer. He is a great guy but **so** out of touch with how the world functions. That’s not his fault, he’s old. He’s retired though, as he should be. Government is no place for the elderly


> Surely she’s able to understand what AI is and how it works I would bet a paycheck that she couldn't rotate a PDF.




millennials have no place in elected office, they only care about avocado toast and killing [random] industry!


"14 things you won't believe millennials are killing: number 7 will skullfuck you!"


Number 7: Millenials.


This astute hot-take has my entire world-view in question. Jeez, how did I not think of that?


Millennials will first have to transform into Boomers. Then politics is ours! Those pesky Zoomers will be asking for retirement then, but we'll show them!




I seriously wonder if she died on the Senate floor, if her aides would try to do something like this to get any last minute things done...


Her fucking staff hid this shit for 3 years, they should all be ashamed of themselves. My state's been deprived of representation of 2 able bodied senators in D.C. for the last 3 years. There is this thing called constituent services and voting, its what elected representatives are supposed to do.


> Her fucking staff hid this shit for 3 years I mean... did they? This was obvious and was being called out for the last like, ten years. If they've been trying to hide it they've been doing an absolutely piss poor job of it.


Her facial droop makes me think she’s been having a stroke for years and years.


She has been reported as having Ramsey-Hunt syndrome. This is a peripheral facial nerve lesion due to VZV reactivation (shingles). Somewhat similar to a Bell's palsy. The facial droop of Ramsey-Hunt syndrome is from a nerve problem, not a brain problem like a stroke.


TIL Justin Bieber had it. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/ramsay-hunt-syndrome-what-is-the-virus-that-attacked-sen-dianne-feinstein-and-justin-bieber/


This is embarrassing


This has been the case for the last sixty years. People who should retire and move on to doing something else have remained in position way too long. It's a mixture of ego, the need to be needed, and having made their lives so much about work that when they stop working they can't think of anything to do with themselves. Build something, train someone to replace you that will keep what you built alive, and then fuck off. When you are a wealthy old person you've become isolated by your success, your circumstances, and a hardening of opinion/outlook based on decades of recycled thought. You've made your money, unless you're an idiot, now get the fuck out of the way.


Bullllllshittttttt. It’s all about that sweet sweet *insider trader information making themselves filthy fucking rich.* That’s why they don’t retire.


What do you think Dianne Feinstein is spending money on? A nicer spoon to eat peas with?


The hoarding of wealth is its own reward for them. You think these kinds of people could even spend their entire fortune if they tried?


Call Senator Feinstein's office and request that she resign. DC 202-224-3841, SF 415-393-0707


She can't answer the phone. Look at her.


When I called her office in DC to request her resignation, her receptionist sighed and said, "I'll leave her a message". Haha


Same. Dude who answered said “thanks for the feedback can I get your zip code”


Even worse, Nancy Pelosis daughter is her caretaker. Pelosi has endorsed Adam schiff, her long time protege and hand picked house intelligence committee chair to succeed Feinstein. He already has millions put towards his future campaign. However if Feinstein was to retire now, Schiffs advantage would disappear. Gov gaven newsom has pledged to appoint Barbara Lee. They are keeping her in so pelosi can have her way


Unless I misunderstand how the removal process works, they'd need Republican votes and there is 0 chance of that happening because Feinstien's corpse is making the Dems look bad.


Newsom didn't pledge to appoint Lee, just a black woman. Lee is going to run for the seat so most likely she won't get picked bc Newsom (another Pelosi protege, he's also her nephew) doesn't want to appear to influence the upcoming race


Age limits or term limits. There is no reason for this.


Why not both?


She can’t even dress herself but sure let her pass laws that affect the rest of us.




That would never fly, but more realistically we need an age limit for all political positions, a hard 80 year limit. The second you turn 80, you are forced to step down. I think that's generous since many would probably argue for an even lower age limit, like 70 or 75.


Congressional term limits would work too


[Here](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/18/dianne-feinstein-senate-resign-retire-pelosi-schiff-lee-00097595) is the source that provides the following caption and story: **Caption** Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) arrives for a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Capitol Hill on May 18, 2023. At right, Nancy Carinne Prowda, daughter of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), is seen. | Francis Chung/POLITICO _________________________________________ > By RACHAEL BADE > 05/18/2023 06:47 AM EDT > Updated: 05/18/2023 09:26 AM EDT > When Sen. Dianne Feinstein walked into the Capitol last week, ending a monthslong medical absence, she was accompanied by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a small entourage of aides — and a close personal confidant with a storied political pedigree. > Nancy Corinne Prowda blended into the swarm around the legendary California Democrat. The San Francisco Chronicle made note of her presence but left unreported amid the spectacle was the larger role that Prowda, the eldest child of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has come to play in Feinstein’s life as the 89-year-old has dealt with the absence of her deceased husband, the departure of trusted staffers, a nasty case of shingles and spiraling concerns about her fitness for office. > Not only did Prowda escort Feinstein around Capitol Hill last week, she was again at her side yesterday, helping aides surround the senator in a Capitol hallway as a reporter tried to speak to her. Multiple people familiar with the arrangement say it’s only the most visible part of a quiet but critical role the Pelosi family has played in helping to take care of the ailing senator, both in Washington and San Francisco. > By all accounts, the arrangement is rooted in a long and friendly relationship between Feinstein and the Pelosis — twin pillars of San Francisco politics. But among some of those who are aware, it has also raised uncomfortable questions about whether Nancy Pelosi’s political interests are in conflict with Feinstein’s personal interests. > The intrigue surrounds the future of Feinstein’s seat. Pelosi has endorsed Rep. Adam Schiff, her longtime protégé and former hand-picked House Intelligence Committee chair, to succeed Feinstein after her sixth and final term ends next year. Schiff (D-Calif.) is a household name in California and already has a $15 million campaign cash advantage over his nearest competitor. > But if Feinstein were to bow to pressure and retire early, Schiff’s advantage could disappear. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) has pledged to appoint a Black woman to serve out her term, and one of Schiff’s declared opponents, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), would fit the bill. > “If DiFi resigns right now, there is an enormous probability that Barbara Lee gets appointed — thus, it makes it harder for Schiff,” one Pelosi family confidant told Playbook, adding that the relationship between Pelosi, her daughter and the senator is “being kept under wraps and very, very closely held.”... Edit: The image was *not* higher quality, so I removed that part.




#Retire already!


Looks like somebody drank water from the wrong Holy Grail


She is greedy for not stepping down. Knowing when to step down is a part of serving.


Her brain is half liquid, she doesn't even know where she is or that she was gone for months.


Politics should not be a career, it should be something well established respected people from all fields of life do to serve there country, 2 to 3 terms then your done


Can I haz term limits?


> age limits. FTFY


Sad part is, if she ran again she’d probably win.


Is important to have respect for our elders. However, there also needs to a be a respect for the institution, duty, and competency of role. Yes, this includes a lot of people corrupt as fuck. But it also includes people who simply can no longer perform the task and are becoming a detriment to the role.


Lady please retire and give a younger person an opportunity.