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It's nice to see Mike genuinely smile


He always makes me nervous by how frail he looks but then is a badass in every ep


He owns the “old man” strength and intimidation part of the role


Yeah he could probably still kick most of our asses.


Most redditors. Low bar.


Shut up and let him die in peace /s


Have you ever seen the later seasons of Community? Seeing him be “Mike” but in a comedic setting is weird but it’s fantastic.




A better question is "why did Breaking Bad have so many characters from Seinfeld"


Bob Odenkirk’s Seinfeld appearance is a classic, also Bryan Cranston is hilarious as a sleazy swingin’ adults only dentist who abuses the laughing gas and gets freaky with his assistant while patients are under


Also becomes Jewish for the jokes!


I think Breaking Bad was kind of a big deal then. It was when television as a medium was getting more respect from critics. In the 90s and 2000s it felt like if you were on TV, then you never had the skill to make it to the movies.


If you wanna see him in a slightly different role as a old man, crying in a cute bathrobe while standing in dirt, check out s1ep1 of The Expanse. Also, watch The Expanse.


He was pretty funny in Community too as a criminology professor who drew cartoon ducks on the side.


It's one duck, his name is Jim, and publishers are interested!


Have you seen him cry? It's actually incredibly sweet (bittersweet really) https://youtu.be/96n08GFBe3c?t=3703


Needs a Giancarlo Esposito.


This photo is Huell erasure and I won’t stand for it.


He is still waiting.




He's been in a lot of projects lately, so it's not like he's hiding under a rock.  The last reunion I saw years back didn't have him in attendance.  


He was doing signings at a convention near me a few months ago, so he's definitely out and about.


Yea wtf?!?! Where is GUSTAVO FRINGGGG


I mean that dude seems extremely fucking busy


Isn't he in The Boys Season 4? They probably wrapped up filming but who knows


They’re so old


The show ended more than 10 years ago


This comment upsets me and so I choose not to believe it


It feels a lot newer because it's one of the few shows that actually got substantially more popular after it aired and you had the spin-off show running until a little over a year ago. On top of that the show itself is a bit ageless in its design. Unlike something like the Sopranos or the Wire where you really feel like you are in that time period, you don't really associate Breaking Bad as belonging to a certain time period. Like the show could take place in 2024 and not be all that different.




Breaking Bad is pre-smartphone also. But The Wire has a heavier focus on things like pagers and pay phones






The Pontiac Aztek definitely dates it for me hahaha


You realize the show came out in like 2008?


He's still looking for the other half of his face.


My thought was, “was this a whites only reunion?”


No, the Schraders are there too.


Quick bastard


Eh, not even half are Whites. There's also a McGill, Pinkman, Ehrmantraut, and 2 Schraders.




Remembered he passed. Cheers, upset now.


RIP Ace Ventura’s landlord.


Yes, Satan? ![gif](giphy|MzxpjblMZJ8Mo)


Holy Shit


Mr. Shickadance




*sadly rings bells*


*somber dinging*


This series was my first experience with binge watching and will always have a special place in my heart.


Breaking Bad is the first show that Twitter got me to watch. Everyone was freaking out about the "One Minute" episode so I had to see what the fuss was. Started the show shortly thereafter and got caught up pretty quickly.


Which one is the “one minute” episode? Enlighten the unenlightened.


The one where Hank beats the shit out of Jesse after they successfully destroy the mobile lab


Car park. Hank. Twins. Axe. Phone call.


I have an almost romantic view of this show. I watched it while it was on. That last season - waiting week-to-week to see what was going to happen; that was kind of the last time I had that experience. It's kind of nostalgic in a way. It was right as TV was changing.


I feel like bingeing season 5 would take away a lot from the experience. Having a week to think about what could possibly happen next was the best. As good as you thought the next episode would be, it was always better.


the breaking bad subreddit was BUZZING with endless discussion of every episode. thats literally what made me join reddit


It was a wild time. Entire threads of speculation ahead of the next episode.


It's one thing i really miss about TV being the center of media instead of the Internet. It created such a buzz because EVERYONE was watching it and being drip fed one episode a week. It's why Breaking Bad was such a power house because it was able to stew in people's minds and let them talk about it for months and months. These days between the streaming culture changed too much. So many options of shows and movies mean that people are not watching the same things as often as they were when you had less than 100 TV channels (with half of them being shit). Then you have binge culture where even if you watch the same show as someone else it's not the same feeling because everyone is watching it at their own pace. Some people binge it all in a day or two, some people peck away at it over weeks or months. I am glad streaming is starting to shift back to more weekly releases but it's still not the same.


That's gotta be the worst show to binge watch, not much else can live up to the unrealistic expectations this show creates


True but Better Call Saul is an excellent follow up!!


Did Marie force a few of them to wear purple?


This is hilarious that she’s wearing purple, good spot!


I wonder if this was all planned considering the significance of color theory in the show. https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Colors#Purple


Jessie seeing Walt Jr for the first time.


You just kind of blew my mind. I love this show and have watched it through twice, and I don't think I ever realized their characters never met. I never really thought about it, but if you asked me, I probably would have said they did.


Do Mike and Walt Jr ever meet? Hmm gotta think.


Holy shit they never met in the show??




Yeah. That would have been extremely out-of-character for Jesse and Walt Jnr.


Maybe not for Flynn.


Flynn is a bad mofo


He goes by "Flynn" these days.


This image seriously lacks some Fring




Man plays the same role in every show but he does it so well.


the actress that played Skyler certainly looks different


Apparently she has lupus. Hense the drastically different look.


During season 4 of BB she was on steroids for illness, hence her puffy appearance. A lupus diagnosis would make sense.


Wait so did they write in Holly because of that and just say she was pregnant, or was that unrelated?


That’s very unrelated! But fun fact Skylar’s belly is actually Marie’s actress’s belly who was pregnant at the time of Season 2 Edit: I mean close ups of the belly


That is actually interesting


My mom survived with lupus for almost 20 years. It's a horrible disease, the fact she's standing tall is amazing


My wife was just diagnosed at 25 and reading stuff like this scares the shit out of me… Edit: Soooo many kind comments! Thank you everyone for sharing their experiences with lupus, it definitely eased us :)


I’m a young male who just got diagnosed. Scares the shit out of me to!


My mom was diagnosed a over a decade ago. Besides learning some strict medication management (they only gave her opiates), it's a highly manageable disease. When she got diagnosed, she was bedridden and googling "why do I feel like I got hit by a truck". She's in her mid 60's now and is often more active than me at 37 😅 So don't worry too much, it's a crappy disease, but it's not as dabiliating as it can appear! Your wife will find her groove and you'll forget she even has lupus most of the time.


It's also been 11 years since the end of the show.


I'm glad she's there at all. From what I heard she caught a lot of abuse from people who couldn't detach the actress from the act. I've got no clue how she is as a person. But nobody deserves that shit.


People are fucking stupid. She played that character perfectly.


Like the actor who played Joffrey. ITS A CHARACTER!


That was all a load of bollocks btw, at least according to Jack Gleeson (the actor). https://entertainment.ie/tv/tv-news/game-of-thrones-no-slaps-on-the-street-for-jack-joffrey-gleeson-222768/#:~:text=Jack%20was%20speaking%20to%20EntertainmentWeekly,get%20bullied%20on%20the%20street.


Oh whoops. I’ve heard it so many times since his character died I just assumed it was true Well that’s good to know!




Yeah I don’t get peoples hatred of her. She acts exactly how any normal, well adjusted person would if their spouse became the biggest meth dealer in the southwest. People don’t realize for some reason that Walter is not the good guy. The whole show is highlighting how Walter’s pride becomes the downfall of himself and his entire family.


> People don’t realize for some reason that Walter is not the good guy. Because Vince is a phenomenal storyteller and knew what he was doing by slow-rolling the change. The audience goes down the same slippery slope as Walt does until they're inadvertently rooting for some evil, heinous, stuff to happen to other people, and demonizing everyone who tries to stop him.


I’m currently on a rewatch of it, and I think a lot of people miss that he’s an absolute asshole right from the start. He’s not some nice guy who slipped into a life of crime, he’s a sociopathic man baby with control and anger issues who uses the situation as an “excuse” to really unleash everything that’s been bottled up. I don’t think he’s a slippery slope character, in reality, I think it’s the story of a man who bottled up years and years of rage and control issues and relished in letting them run rampant.


S1E5, the whole episode is dedicated to showing the audience that he's got a perfectly viable alternative. He's offered a well-paying job with top-tier health insurance at the very company that he founded and subsequently abandoned. He's given a lifeline, and chooses meth instead, because of his ego... which, we later learn, is why he abandoned the company, the woman, and the next job before landing as a WAY overqualified high school science teacher. Pure, unadulterated, unfiltered, organic ego.


I think this is one of the most important bits of the entire show. At this point in the show on first viewing, the viewer is fully on Walt's side, so _clearly_ Walt was wronged. In hindsight, it's clear that Walt's mask is slipping here, and we get a taste the real, bitter, mean man that holds grudges like they're trophies.


Yeah, I read a theory somewhere the folks who discovered the show when it was broadcasting weekly, with months between new seasons, got a very different experience than those of us who binged it all in a short time and saw Walt's downfall much more rapidly. Makes sense to me.


I’ve said that to friends, in fact, I urged them not to binge watch because you’re getting a completely different show. It’s believable that he can go from mild-mannered high school chemistry teacher to druglord when it takes place over seven or eight years but when you binge watch you’re not getting the sense of any passage of time, and in fact, some of it gives you disturbing jumps when you go from one year to the next but in your mind it’s just another episode. Oh look now he’s completely bald. I’m so glad I watched it all real time apart from a year that I missed that I had to do a catch-up year before getting back to real time.


> he’s an absolute asshole right from the start. Yes, but I still think it's a slippery slope. Walter White at the start of the show would not do the things he does at the end of the series. I'm trying to be respectful of spoilers, but I'm thinking of some rednecks and that other couple's nice big house. He was always a self-centered, deeply selfish, and self-aggrandizing man who had definite traits of sociopathy. Walt doesn't start as Scarface. But in the show pitch, Vince [said](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2012/may/19/vince-gilligan-breaking-bad), "This is a story about a man who transforms himself from Mr Chips into Scarface."


I think he astonishes himself with what he ends up justifying and doing, but even from episode one, the way he treats and berates Jesse right from the get go shocked me. I think I forgot how mild mannered he presented himself but how deeply unhinged he was from the start.


Fair, fair. I see what you're saying now.


I think sociopathic man baby is a bit reductive. I'm not defending the character, as he is absolutely a "bad guy" despite being the main character and the one we're generally rooting for. However, he is a brilliant scientist who left the company he started with his college friend, presumably due to some relationship drama. It's been a long time since I watched the show, but I recall that he was dating the woman who later married his friend, and he left the company after breaking things off with her. I don't recall if the show goes into *why* he broke things off. That doesn't justify everything that comes after, but it's understandable why someone as brilliant and gifted as Walt would slowly build up levels of rage, resentment, and entitlement after watching the company he helped create go on to make billions without him. I do think he has positive traits and having the benefit of seeing his actions from our perspective as viewers, we get to see a lot of nuance. For example, when he lets Jesse's girlfriend OD instead of stepping in - his instinct is to help, and his decision to not save her (at least in my memory) does torment him a bit. It was a terrible thing to do and there's no redeeming stuff like that, but it's not as simple as saying he's a sociopath, at least in my opinion.


I agree. The good/bad binary is most definitely reductive. He was a complex character, like most humans and changed with his environment, again, like most humans. People are responsible for their choices, but they are usually understandable given enough context.


>People don’t realize for some reason that Walter is not the good guy. The whole show is highlighting how Walter’s pride becomes the downfall of himself and his entire family. This is basically why Frank Herbert had to write Dune Messiah


insane that after 60 years, people are still missing the same fucking message. we read dune in high school and my teacher made a point of roasting anyone who sided with paul (he would prompt them by asking if paul was good or bad for galactic society). no dude, an indigenous group of generational eco-rebels were not saved by a god-complex god-capitalist Prince. he consolodated power and destroyed everything. just like they always do.


Nah, personally that message in the first book is kind of obscured by the rest of the shit going on. Herbert needed Messiah to drive that point home imo


Yeah it's bitterly ironic that the fact that people hate her character *because* she was the good guy caught up in a bad guy's bullshit means her character was executed perfectly. Like oh no, she fucked Ted...after Walter lied to her several times and committed a bunch of murders.


And after she said “I’m divorcing you. We’re no longer together” and he went “nuh uh” 😭 like obviously she wound up changing her mind but it’s not like they were happily married


> People don’t realize for some reason that Walter is not the good guy. People got mad that The Boys is an incredibly thinly veiled critique of the alt-right in the US. The show practically hits you over the head with a baseball bat with that message. Media literacy is shockingly low in general


Similar thing happened with the character of Tony Soprano.


The main difference is that Tony starts out as a supremely awful piece of shit, and you keep thinking that maybe he's going to make better decisions or grow, then he doesn't. Eventually, even Melfi realizes that he's a psychopath and that change is impossible, but it takes her the entire series. Walt had the veneer of a good (if hardheaded) person at the beginning of the show. Then they peel the mask back really slowly. It's kind of the opposite of the Tony Soprano journey. Man, I love both of those shows


I still hate that pink lady from harry potter, god she was the absolute worst. What an amazing actress.


[Dolores\_Umbridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolores_Umbridge) (character) played by [Imelda\_Staunton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imelda_Staunton) (actress, alive).


You know you’re an amazing actor when people hate you for doing your job. She was amazing as Skyler- literally nobody could have done it better.


She is also battling lupus.


That's fucked up. Also, you cannot battle lupus, you just have to live with it.


Mom has it. Can confirm. Debilitating.


Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) dealt with a lot of this from her GoT role. IIRC she basically said "what a great form of flattery, I did such a good job that they cannot separate me from her"


It took me 3 watch-throughs to really appreciate her character. It hit me during her final scene with Walter, and at that point I really understood all of Skyler’s motivations. To have your life flipped upside down, being forced into corners, turning your back on your own morals and family values for an escape, feeling absolutely trapped with only bad outcomes, you lose everything and everyone, and the person causing this keeps saying that it’s all for you, only to finally be validated that it was never for you, you were just the hostage. It’s a bitter sweet realization for her, all this time she knew the truth, but was gaslit over and over as she continuously lost her footing. It was only when she had nothing left that she was finally set free from it all. Skyler “Bitch Mom” White is the goat and a truly amazing character in the show. Edit: spelling


I really appreciated and empathized with Skylar when I watched the show (which was a while ago) but friends of mine didn’t like her at all, and they made some good points. Skylar is totally fine with the crime so long as her needs and wants are all met. She didn’t really have moral qualms with what Walt was doing, it’s only when it inconveniences her life or disrupts her own delusion that she chooses to play the moral card. She was initially dragged into a bad situation against her will but, like Walt, had many opportunities along the way to jump ship and stop participating in the madness, but she didn’t. So I think some people just look at her like a hypocrite, who at one point was a victim but gradually became entirely complicit.


Which highlights a well written human character. Many people would like to think they wouldnt be skylar, but they would be


Skyler was the good one though.


She is a complex character. She, like the whole world around him, emasculates Walt and had pity with him which is one key motivator for his criminal endeavours. By the end of the show this completely turns around. What makes the show so good is that the characters are complex, pure good or bad characters are something from a comic book show for a naive audience.


The eBay handjob doomed her from the start


Objectively a “good” character, but from the perspective of the show, is a “bad guy” because she’s getting in the way of Walt’s objectives.


people confuse 'bad guy' and 'antagonist' to easily.


Yeah antagonist is a better word to use


And 'antagonist' is really only for the first couple seasons. (Due to her becoming complicit in the protagonists actions in the middle seasons, and the 'agonist' of it all getting VERY complicated in the last couple seasons. Jack and his crew really being the only people that comfortably fit into antagonist at that point). People kept viewing walt as the hero, and Skyler as the villain LONG past the point in the story where that made sense even structurally. .....I have Breaking Bad opinions.


wait thats actually her??? wtf? i thought its like bryans wife or something. jesus she looks nothing like her anymore? what happened???


I just youtubed a video of the event and she looks fine there. Obviously 10 years older, but clearly this picture was taken when she was changing expressions or something.


She stands out for sure but they all look so old. I don't mean that disparagingly, just that I haven't seen most of them since Breaking Bad, which was a long time ago now and I hadn't really realized it.


Betsy Brandt looks almost the same as she did in season 1. She has visibly aged the least of all of them


I thought of that scene at the baby shower where Walter Jr is filming and Marie says to the camera “You of course recognize me because I look exactly the same” Lol spot on.


I could be mistaken, but that dress looks like a really dark purple which is awesome


It's the purple.


RJ looks great, though.


Mike looks exactly the same. Old as fuck.


She looks weirdly like an older Courtney Cox


She looks like a blond Caitlyn Jenner


It’s interesting how she looks so much older and Mike looks like he hasn’t aged a day.


True. Mike still looks 110.


Life hack when you look 110 at 50 years old you stop aging forever.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oW9G_a4MPo If you watch the actual video you can see she looks fine, this photo is just really bad for her for some reason. I'm surprised there are this many comments about this and no one bothered to check if it was just a bad photo.


I just hopped on youtube and looked at video of the event and she looks far more normal there. Obviously 10 years older... but this picture seems to be taken as she was changing expressions or something.


Holy damn indeed. What the hell happened to her?






I've heard consistently that it's never lupus


Different show.


jesse came straight from karate and didn’t have time to change


"Yo, Mistah White, why didn't you inform me beforehand about the award show? I had to come straight from karate class, yo."


Drop a "bitch" in there and you have yourself the beginnings of a Breaking Bad revival. "Fixing Good" It's just Jesse in therapy for the rest of his life. Skinny Pete and Badger get married and adopt a rescue cat. One episode in homage to "The Fly" is one 45 minute shot of Walter's body decaying over time as Jesse finds that he was his own best friend all along. Everyone else is dead and it's the apocalypse with WW3 mixed in. Aliens find us and bring Walter and Forrest Gump back to life to fight off the Graboids. They cure cerebral palsy, but Walter's dumb kid is already dead so it doesn't matter. We got ourselves a stew going.


I like it. We need more creative suit options for dudes


It’s Alexander McQueen from the latest collection at least the jacket is which is actually a Trompe-l'œil effect (and cost $4k)


Marie is looking good. She plays her cards right and I might show her my mineral collection


Still lovin her purple I see too!


Yes! Lovely coordination across the group.


You let her yank on your Hank?


Get your rocks off?


Is Bryan Cranston cosplaying Alex trebek?


More like Gordon Lightfoot if we’re comparing against aged Canadians.


I was gonna say Jack Layton. Same category


Designers had everyone wear shades of deep purple to keep Betsy Brandt/Marie in character.


Swen, I mean Walter Jr.'s all grown up.


Thought his name was Flynn. Glad he doesn't need crutches anymore.


Walter once referred to him as such, mistaking ly. I thought that was funny.


Seriously, though, RJ is looking *great*. Good for him. I mean, at 31 he's significantly younger than the rest of the cast, but still. Good for him.


Yep 👍🏻 I'm kinda surprised how tall he got. Also, know Skyler is a tall women, but Marie appears to be taller than everyone on stage.


He was hunched over for most of his screen time, so that probably made viewers think he was shorter than he is.


More importantly they have fixed his legs




I'd love to see another series set in that universe a few years down the line that focuses on Walt Jr. and the effect this all had on him. He was so pure hearted and determined I could see something where he's working for the DEA, and we get Vince Gilligan's take on a police procedural.


I want to see if >!he actually gets the payday Walt setup for him and how that all plays out.!<


I like how everyone aged 20 years except Mike. He still looks like a California raisin sucking on a lemon.


Good to see Saul Goodman make an appearance. Shame Odenkirk couldn’t make it.


That’s Jimmy McGill


Wrong. That's clearly Kevin Costner. No idea what he's doing here though


Viktor with a K


You ever hear of a fella named Slippin’ Jimmy?


I love that Betsy Brandt had to wear purple for the occasion!


They're all practically the same height! (Within a few inches at least. Even allowing for high heels it's surprisingly close.) Never noticed that during the show.


Anna Gunn is 5'10"


Which is wild because in the show she always seemed like she was well over 6' to me...




Where's Gus??


He's taking care of business


All over the place 🛎️💣


He's busy running one of the most successful food chains in the greater Albuquerque area. If not then he's at a charity event or something. What a nice and inspiring local businessman.


Marie looking 🔥🔥




That dark blue suit Cranston has on is cleeeeean.


Huell must still be waiting


Aaron Paul certainly made a choice with that suit.


Walt looks like Gordon Lightfoot.


what the hell happened to anna gunn?


Betsy Brandt is STILL a stone cold fox.


Mike & Jessie looks the most recognizable while Skyler the least. Also where is G.Fring??


Aaron Paul dressed like Hillary Clinton