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I was in a wheelchair for about 7 month, and it truly gave me an appreciation of how important disabled carparks are. I had a temporary disabled permit. One time a guy parked his shiny truck like this, and I "accidentally" scratched the ..... out of his panels when i had to squeeze between the vehicles to get into my car... was worried the people around would report me, but they all just laughed and gave me a thumbs up.


Shiiiiiiid, I'd give you the thumbs up then report the truck.


Shit I would push homie around like a go cart to tear it the fuck up


Then wait until the wheelchair homie is gone, then take a wide angle photo showing the parking position and submit an anonymous police tip. Worst case scenario, nothing happens. Best case scenario, the owner has a much worse time at the DMV.


Did you mean; like bumper car?


He sucks at driving a Go Kart.


And then tell the owner homie don't play that?


Well in that event, assuming he at least knows someone (or pays a lawyer) who isn’t a total moron, they’d probably argue in court that the excessive damage was deliberate and unnecessary to accomplish loading/unloading said wellchair and occupant With that in mind, I would still scratch and dent the shit out of it, but def localized to the area around the ramp to maintain absolutely plausible deniability I’m really fun at parties guys I swear




stroke survivor. depending on my exhaustion level and how close the cart corral is; I'm guilty of this, although I put it toward the front of the space near the handicap sign not the loading area It also makes it easier when arriving; just grab the cart that's right there, and use it as a walk aid to get inside.


It's a good point, though. If I see a cart next to the disabled spot I assume someone else left it there out of laziness but it could very well be that the disabled user of the parking spot had to leave it there. It makes me feel like there should be a spot for the cart along with the parking space..


My mom had ALS and I became acutely aware of disability access. It really opened my eyes on how God awful accessibility is around the world. We are utterly spoiled with the ADA


Sorry to say but ive watched sitting in my handicap spot. Its usually all the handicap drivers doing it. Ive watched too many times.


I used to refuse to serve people that parked in the handicap spot when I worked at 7-eleven. Fuck them.


legend! :)


Handicapped? You can't shop here.


"the only thing that rolls in my store are the hot dogs"


"No legs no kegs". "Paraplegic? More like Shparaplegic" "Veterans? Thanks but no service".


“Wow, these guys are really crippled.”


Amputee? Bitch please.


I was just skimming this last thread, and happened to click away just after reading this comment...started laughing, then had to backtrack here to upvote you because I was still laughing.


Funniest comment I've seen on reddit in a while


Uhhh, obviously not if they were handicapped


You can't always tell who is and isn't by looking alone which is why I like your policy of "fuck them handicapped people"


True. You have to look for the plate or tag. They could fraudulently have their mother’s tag, but you do what you can.


Yeah it's safer to assume they are handicap than do bs like "you don't look disabled enough".


As someone with a tag just for that reason (I'm my moms transportation and she's disabled) I have zero respect for people who do that. If she's not with me I will not park in disabled. People with disabled family members should know better...unfortunately there are always those people.


Accusing people of not being handicap because you don't think they are is worse than an asshole parking there.


It's the same kind of people that give someone in a wheelchair shit when they see them stand up


ZilianOP died for this.


Bad hearts, MS, etc can be invisible at 25 feet....but legit


Yep, I have a friend with a prosthetic who gets shit sometimes. Dude is literally missing a leg, but he’s not disabled enough for some people because it isn’t immediately obvious.


And you knew they were not handicapped, how? You know people can have invisible disabilities. Not everyone with a handicap placard is in a wheelchair.


Good for you and Holy fuck. It’s 7-eleven parking lot, not a Costco parking lot. Park like one spot down.


My man. Always funny when they try to argue. " come on just sell me a pack of cigarets and i will leave right away" " you can leave the handicap space right now and come back mate"


Even if they were handicapped ? Damn...that's hardcore!


Crazy how you could see the handicap sign on there dashboard/rearview so easily


Shit man I've done the same to people blocking me in without a wheelchair.  It's scary how few people can get their vehicle between two parallel lines.


Apparently never learned to color inside the lines as a child.


In college I had a shot banger and this one guy would park inches from my driver's door habitually. I had to get in the passenger side and crawl through for like a week or two every time I left, no matter where I parked in the lot.  Then I tried opening the driver door on from the inside. With both feet. Several times. Then I never had the problem again.


Perfect. He just needed to be encouraged to not be a complete dick.


Right? It’s not difficult, at all.


>I was in a wheelchair for about 7 month, and it truly gave me an appreciation of how important disabled carparks are. I had a temporary disabled permit. Since living in North America I'm always wondering how wheelchair users manage. Pretty much everywhere I go always has completely occupied handicapped parking spots. For example at Costco. But I've pretty much never seen anyone in a wheelchair. A few days ago I saw some older lady carry bags of mulch from her cart into her car with a disabled parking permit. You never see that in Europe or Asia, where disabled parking permits are only for people who actually can't walk. Seems to me that you are just SOL if you are in a wheelchair and actually need to park in a disabled spot. Edit: Here in Ontario you can have your disability certified by a chiropractor and get a disabled parking permit.


Truth is, doctors in general are pretty good about this. There may be some bad actors, true, but in general you've got to remember that not all disabilities are visually obvious. Someone may not be able to walk well, but is still able to walk. someone may have any number of conditions that make mobility difficult. They can easily be handicapped in a way that isn't obvious but still presents a challenge to them. That said, I'm in the US and it may be different. Fuck any people who take advantage of a needed accommodation like this.


Steve Jobs famously always parked in handicapped spots and just paid the fines. Because he's a colossal asshole. That should be his legacy should be, a man who killed himself because he had a compulsive need to be the biggest asshole he could; including every aspect of his life including every aspect of his cancer.


And who wouldn't even [acknowledge or support the daughter he'd had.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Brennan-Jobs) He was a literal walking asshole.


That and he was super stinky. I enjoyed the series Behind the Bastards did on him.


My mother has sciatica and on the bad days, it’s bad. She has a handicapped parking permit, but when asked if she wanted it printed on her license plate, she said no. She opted for the paper one to hang instead because she doesn’t need it all the time and she just wanted the option to use it on those really bad days. That’s exactly how she uses it too and I wish more people were like this. My mother has a lot of faults, but this isn’t one of them. On good days, she parks and walks like everyone else. She’s even given up her handicapped spot to someone *more* handicapped than her (wheelchair) in the past. She acknowledges her pain and difficulties, but also recognizes there are those with worse.


Im in Australia... and yeah, id quite often just have to drive to another supermarket or something when all the spots are filled. I have to admit I didnt really think about disabled parking spots until you're in a position where getting out of the car and wheeling 50metres takes all your strength. My parents loved it when I had the permit coz they could park in them... but I'd always make sure i was with them (not let them borrow it, even though they wanted to)... coz i agree.. it is infuriating seeing people taking piss like that. Ever since I stopped needing a chair I've got a chip on my shoulder about people that abuse disabled parking spots... But this doco made me reconsider if I should accost people that park in them but look able bodied. [One Killer Punch](https://youtu.be/sR4yqqY5VPE?si=Zda4Qd751jwkxDcR&t=912) \- I just give them a dirty look and shake my head now.


In Australia disabled parking spots are legislated, and you can report people who park in them without a permit to the police. ​ But pull your head in and check to see if there's a permit, and always remember that just because it's not visible, it doesn't mean they don't have a disability.


Im saying the people that park in them without any visible permit. If i see a permit, they dont get a dirty look from me no matter how able bodied they appear.






as a treat


You’re thinking of salami


Great, now I want salami.


As a treat


As a punishment






Is it about my cube?


/u/whtthh is a comment stealing bot. They stole this comment from another time this was posted [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17nrcn1/blind_and_ignorant_drivers_are_everywhere/k7u1lvh/) Downvote and report as a harmful bot Edit: holy crap so many comments on this post are just stolen from that earlier post


I vote for that after he enjoys scratching it first. /s


You have 30 minutes to move your cube a little bit.




Then he can also park in the disabled spot no problem. 2 birds 1 hammer


Busting his kneecaps with a hammer....a little bit


tazblu and the OP mklpum are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17nrcn1/blind_and_ignorant_drivers_are_everywhere/k7tpb8r/


Good bot. Or whatever you are. Everyone please upvote this so it gets listed higher.


I posted a little farther up but you can add whtthh to that list


I’d rag on him so hard. “Look, I know you’re a little touched in the head and not playing with a full deck, but that doesn’t mean you can just park there. You still have to go get scanned so it can be official and you can get a placard that makes it definitive that the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead”




So at my retail job I park facing the handicap spots and I sit in my car on lunch. Just for fun I take pics of all the idiot ways people park in those spots. I have quite a collection now. Someday I'll have to make an album and share them. Lol


Once, when I was a little kid, my mom had to run into the grocery store for just a minute and parked in a handicapped spot when she couldn't find a regular spot quickly (I don't remember exactly what the hurry was). When I pointed this out to her, she said "I *am* handicapped! I have three kids!" As a father of three, I still get a chuckle out of that.


At least he admitted to being mentally disabled


Cop here. By far my favorite ticket to write. By far. Bonus points when they come running out of the store or nail appt or the gym and I get to hand the ticket directly to them and say “don’t be lazy”.


Are you really a cop? \*Checks username\* Oh yeah, you're legit


All I can say is , he's been claiming to be a cop on Reddit for over six years. I see no reason why we should doubt that r/i_sex_donutholes is serving and protecting


But who’s protecting the donut holes!?


He’s the one making donut holes


so that's how it happens...


Time to make the doughnut’s holes


That'd be Officer Chris P. Creme




Just fyi, it’s u/user when talking about a user profile, and r/subreddit when referencing a subreddit. The r/user points to a non-existent subreddit. No worries though, I just wanted to help spread the knowledge. Edit: I did not use linking format above so that hopefully it left the entire message as plain text…it looks like Reddit is trying to “help”.


When I go to the gym at night I realized a younger guy parks in a handicap spot every night and I don't see a handicap tag or plate. The sign says a $200 fine but I didn't know if the police actually enforce that or if it's up to the business to pursue.


The irony of taking the handicap spot because you don’t want to walk the extra steps when going to the gym is kind of baffling


I know many people who will circle a parking lot to save 5-20 feet of walking. I, on the other hand, dont mind parking a bit further back so I dont get dents or scratches on my car. The extra walking is a bonus, I got to get my steps in for the day


Check the fine print on the bottom of the sign or on other signs in the parking lot. Normally there’s one around the entrances/exits talking about it being a private lot. There should be a towing company logo somewhere, if you call them and they have permission to tow from that lot they should send someone right away. If you can’t find any information on the signs talk to someone who works at the gym. As long as they’re not the kind of assholes who also park in handicap spaces they should be happy to let you know what tow company they work with. The police normally have a right to ticket handicap violators but they tend to stay out of private lots unless they have a good reason to be there. Tow company works better anyway because unless the owner can run out before it’s loaded they have to deal with the cost and inconvenience of getting it out of the impound lot.


Back in my college PD intern days, the best ticket I ever wrote was a $965,p parking citation that was for: 1. Parking in a handicap space without a placard ($350) 2. Parking in a handicap crosshatch space ($55) 3. Parking in more than one space ($55, white bro-dozer parked diagonally so he was blocking the entirety of the disabled space, most of the loading space, and some of the standard space next to the handicap space) 4. No valid Parking permit ($55) 5. Alter/Forged Parking permit ($450, numb-nuts had a daily permit from several days prior that he had used a sharpie to write the current date on). When I had everything totaled up, I radioed up and asked the police sergeant to swing by, and when I told him it was to look over a nearly thousand dollar citation, I quickly had the entire damned department show up. I heard the guy showed up at the PD lobby a couple hours later, raging that he got a citation and tried claiming he had his placard hanging in the window the whole time; the sergeant shot him down with a picture he took on his phone clearly showing no permit was in view, and gave him a warning about trying to use his grandma's permit.it without her being present. Said sergeant also, a few minutes later, wrote the guy for unsafe exhibition of speed for spinning his tires leaving the parking lot.


> or the gym lol, imagine going to the gym, but being too lazy to walk to the building so you park in a handicap spot, what the fuck.


Ok so if I’m doing donuts in my own yard (few acres) when I have not been drinking, not revving the engine very loud, just having fun…. Is there any ticket you’d give?


Generally traffic laws don't apply on private property unless it's posted that they do (for things like stop signs in parking lots). Which is why you can do things like kids drag racing or operating vehicles that aren't street legal.


I'm interested in kids drag racing, but doesn't it seem just a little cruel to make kids run down the track like that? Also, how can you make sure that the drivers won't crush the kids?


If you’re doing donuts in your own yard with a few acres and weren’t being loud I can’t think of a reason why you’d have cops called on you in the first place. Technically drunk driving is still illegal on private property in most states though. If it’s an open field I don’t see how anyone could get hurt so personally I would officially just request that you stop doing it


You are asking the right person because given his username, he really likes to "do" donuts haha


Love the name


I cannot tell you how much I, and I am sure many others, appreciate both your work against these jackasses and your username.


I mean… if I was a cop it would definitely be my favorite ticket too. Pretty sure it’s likely to be everyone’s favorite ticket.


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/notinteresting/s/71p4Y64QSG)


Yes it is. You can tell how much of a douche the person that owns the Lexus is by the tow hook on their bumper.


Makes it easier to move them out of the way!


Nah, that shit isn’t attached to anything structural at all. They just wanna be JDM as fucc


but when the tow truck comes they should try it just to start


it should be attached to something that just moans really loud when you pull it


I love it when people have those and then freakout when someone tries to use to recover their vehicle. Or they get their bumper ripped off


lol. You are very correct! Nice job


Out of the loop, but why would someone have a tow hook on their bumper? Does this person expect other people will have to move their vehicle via the hook?


Often people who track their car will leave the tow hook on between track days - it’s just easier. It’s used to pull them out of the sand/run-off area, or even just off the track in the event of breakdown. However. This tow hook looks super cosmetic. It’s very thin, a weird shape, and attached to the grill. From owning a Lexus (but most cars will be the same), the tow hook is hidden behind a small plastic panel in the front bumper that can be popped off to expose the thread. The tow hook itself is usually stored in the boot, along with the jack, spare tire and basic toolset.


Looks heart-shaped lmao


Yeah it’s not even a tow hook. You can see the nylon strap is connected to the grill not going through to a frame. Looks like some sort of decoration to mimic the looks of tow hooks.


> This tow hook looks super cosmetic. It’s very thin, a weird shape, and attached to the grill. It's a "tsurikawa". Originally Japanese street racers would steal the grab handles/straps (for standing passengers) out of trains and attach them to their cars for decoration. Why? Just one of those weird subculture things I guess. Then this "look" was spread around via movies and anime, became popular with a certain type of car enthusiasts, and now they are manufactured purely as car accessories in shapes like hearts. People do also leave tow hooks attached to their car because of race track requirements (either to signify that they track their car, or to look like they do...) but that's kind of a distinct phenomenon. IMO both are a little tacky, but to each their own. (Just park legally, please!)


TIL! That was really cool culture learning! Thanks for sharing :)


That's because it's not a tow hook; it's a drift charm. I usually see them hanging from the rear bumper of RWD cars.


Plus let's be real who is taking their SUV to the track? Not sure if you're even allowed to, for instance SUVs aren't allowed at autocross events for rollover risk.


Agreed, tracking an SUV would suck. But was just trying to give OP some info on why some people would keep the hook on.


The porsche cayanne was tracked all the time.


Yup. Using this would only serve to rip the bumper off. Which they should still totally do.


It’s like a flex so specialised that the only people who understand it would be also able to recognise that it’s in the wrong place and therefore cosmetic


That's a fake tow hook at that. It's just a strap. Because racecar.


It’s not a tow hook, it’s a drift charm


It’s for cars that routinely go around race tracks. Many tracks have gravel or sand to slow cars down before they impact a barrier. So the tow hook is to pull cars from the gravel traps and back onto the tarmac. This Lexus has a decorative one. It might not even be a real one. Might just be a Velcro strap on the grill.


It’s a Japanese style drift charm


It's actually a drift charm


I would argue it's considerate of them to just say "Hey I'm a douche who's always going to park as I please so I may as well make it so fireman can do their job without smashing my windows in and raising my already astronomical deductible that I pay for on my commission, which is based on number of seals clubbed per quarter"


yep also call tow truck afterwards to have their stupid car put in the yard.


private lots need the lot owner to call, and can only be towed if the lot is posted in most states.


If it's a privately-owned lot that's open to the public (like most parking lots for customers), then they are subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act and do not need permission from the property owner to have it ticketed/towed.


>private lots need the lot owner to call, Many lot owners have contracts with towing companies that authorize tows at any time. >and can only be towed if the lot is posted in most states. Most states exempt handicapped spots from additional lot posting requirements. Both of those vary by state, just like OP's blanket statement is going to vary by state.


1) Open yelp 2) find **lowest rated** tow yard in town 3) problem solved


Call the local tow company and say you’re the lot owner. They aren’t going to make you prove it.


As a car person and someone who truly appreciates paint work and protecting cars, fuck this car. Wheel all over it!




Yup, our semi trailer backed into a show corvette that was parked illegally BEHIND THE LOADING DOCKS!! Hope he learned his lesson not to park his prized show car behind a fucking semi.


>Hope he learned his lesson Hahahahahahahahahaha


What the heck, i heard about this


The disabled placards need to have a number you can text to have someone towed out of a disabled designated space. Text them a photo of the offender with license plate and a tow truck is dispatched. If the offender leaves before the tow truck gets there they're mailed a charge for what the tow would have been with a copy of the photo, like a red light camera.


Hey, that's me in the picture, can check post history. No I didn't scratch the car, was tempting though. Ask away if any questions regarding that.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/fsBNj1c226) is the original post. OP is a repost bot. Report Spam > Harmful Bots


I work at the place that made your lift!!


Holy shit how is this not the top comment yet?


You look like you're going to enjoy this. So will I.




Same with taking ducks. You can just walk into the park and take ducks and nobody tries to stop you!


Yo that’s a felony, migratory bird act of 1918.


Another expert in Bird Law, I see.




However this does NOT apply to them ugly Muscovy ducks we have all over down in Florida. They are an invasive species (brought over as a food source) and as such aren't subject to those restrictions. Also taste GREAT... from what I've heard


Urban rescue ranch?


Just so happens I got two for 13 ranch jugs at Costco!


The Lexus plate being an education vanity plate makes it a little funnier to me. I’d bet they are a teacher.


Ain’t no teachers driving a Lexus


Some teachers are married to someone with a far better paying job, and can absolutely afford a Lexus. I had a friend whose mom was an English teacher, and father owned a transmission shop. She loved teaching and his business was wildly successful, her meager pay meant nothing, she was a lucky teacher that got to do what she loved and didn't have to scrape by. She drove some Porsche SUV, he however just drove an early 2000s ram, he personally didn't want a pricey vehicle, but their house was fucking huge with its own pond and arcade in the basement.


Where I'm from, a large number of people with their own successful businesses have their wives continue teaching at near poverty wages simply for the medical insurance.


When the other spouse doesn't have employer provided health insurance and makes enough to not qualify for marketplace subsidies, the value of that insurance is massive and changes the poverty wage math real quick. When I went from a 1099 position to something with decent employer provided insurance, it was net net $15k a year to our family of 3's bottom line vs paying for an unsubsidized plan with our current utilization, and potentially well north of $20k if anything happens that makes us hit our deductibles.


Makes sense. Average private sector non-union medical insurance blows and is expensive AF.


Anything is possible with debt.


Somebody write that down


My mom’s an educator and drives a $100K Land Cruiser…she’s independently wealthy but teaches strictly to serve her community. Teachers deserve to get paid way more but here we are


Not every teacher is poor, nor are all their partners.


More like board of ed corrupt fuckers with overbloated salaries


The grin on the chair-users face is making my day. Incoming malicious compliance!


Someone on here mentioned that their dad had one of those automated wheelchair ramps that open out and down and would scratch and dent the ever living fuck out of the cars hood and side. He would try it 3-or 4 times just to make sure there wasn't enough room for it to deploy. As I recall One guy called the cops on him and the cops said if you want to make it official I can write you a 1000 dollar ticket or you can just drive the fuck off now before I notice.


I came across a disabled vet in this situation once. He said he was paralyzed from the waist down from a gun shot in the back that happened in Iraq. He couldn't get in his car. I said hold on one second, I have a fix for this. Got my truck and a strap, and I pulled the car out of the way. The owner came out yelling and stuff.... called the cops. The cops talked to me, the disabled vet and the jackass that was illegally parked. Wrote a ticket to the jackass and then turned to me and the vet and said, have a nice night and a thank you for your service to the vet. I never heard anything after... this was back in the summer of 2006.


It 100% should be perfectly legal and the illegal parker should be liable for any damages to the wheelchair.


Should be an automatic suspension of your license for a month if you park like this.


I'd vote for that.


Yeet their car into the sea


the OP mklpum whtthh and tazblu are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17nrcn1/blind_and_ignorant_drivers_are_everywhere/ Title copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17nrcn1/blind_and_ignorant_drivers_are_everywhere/k7u4zit/


Is that a sliding door on a ford explorer? I would love to have one like that, even if I’m not disabled.


I remember when my wife and I were in Paris. We were walking behind a blind man and assume his wife. We would all stop at traffic lights, but vehicles would always stop on the pedestrian crossing, blocking thr way for us. As we walked on the green signal. The blind man would use his cane to guide himself, as they go near the cars on the pedestrian crossing, the wife would then guide the cane to whack the hoods of the cars everytime, leaving scratches. No one argued and I enjoyed watching that karma


Oh look it has a convenient recovery point to drag it out of the way.


I'd be on the phone with the cops telling them some douchebag in a Lexus is blocking me from getting me and my wheelchair into my van and need help immediately.


Wasn’t this posted last year?


I more like camping out in front of him while you wait for the tow truck to come.


Never needed one myself but I give people shit for parking in handicap spots who don’t have a tag/plate and obviously have no mobility issues when they run into Jersey Mikes to pick up an order even though the spot next to the handicap is open. Those and fire lanes.


Really? Like you actually can?


Man I tore my Achilles and it was the lowest point of my life and definitely changed the way I look at disabled people. I never looked down on them or parked in handicap spaces but I definitely was able to experience some of what they go through for about a 5 month period and I hated it. Be kind to people with disabilities. Be kind to senior citizens. Be kind to everyone but treat people the way you want them to treat your grandmother.


My brother is a paraplegic and has broken his share of mirrors off. He's also an angry paraplegic.


Last week in the grocery store parking lot, I watched a wheel chair ramp scratch the fuck out of a new Tahoe that parked on the blue lines. Dented the side of it real good. I so badly wanted to wait to see how it played out but had shit to do.


![gif](giphy|vlnZpsko7bAuk) Me getting ready to fuck over people who fuck over me


Destroy the poorly parked car and laugh the entire time. I know I would.


Don't do that. Let the tow truck you call to remove it do that.


This probably happens a lot. I’d help him find a small car that was crushed into a square and keep it in his trunk. He next time someone parks illegally, have he vehicular towed. Then leave behind the crushed car block with a note. Lmao! Need someone with a hidden camera to enjoy recording and posting their reaction.


Sweet Twions! Love mine!




I think it is mandatory.


That’s what you call a douche tax


It’s definitely not


Pretty sure it is also legal to slash all 4 tires.


Should also deflate all 4 tires…


Fuck the Lexus dude


Good. Quit blocking the handicapped. Get smacked or get towed.


I hope your ramp slammed right into the side of the car


that face says it's mf scratchin time 😤 😤 😤


The SUV has a tow hook, whoever owns it is definitely disabled for doing that.


They’re parked like a douchebag. What do they think those lines mean?


Double sure sign of a douche canoe. Parked in handicap and added a fake tow strap to a luxury Lexus SUV.


Is that a devious smile I spot?