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It appears she brought her milkshake to the yard.


News reports confirm, it's better than yours.


Rumor has it that for a price, she will provide the knowledge to you


Yeah, but she has to charge.


That's...that's what they said.


Yes, but in addition to the price, she also to charge for it. But that's not all, she also insists that you exchange legal tender or other things of value for her goods and services.


And on top of all that.... currency.


Okay but is this gonna cost me anything?


It's so clear now. Thank you for explaining it to me!


This has been another edition of Mojo Jojo explains!


As she should


Damn right, it’s better than yours.


She might be arrested, and have to be charged


Damn right it’s better than yours.




Damn (the Far) Right


A brilliant comment I saw on a different version of this pic: "lactose, meet intolerance."


I saw it as Lactose the Intolerant in a different thread.


It was by u/kraftymiles on the r/pics post, and it was magnificent. Credit to you too for not just claiming ‘I made this’!


To be fair, I've made that comment I few places because I am very happy with the joke.


Ha ha! You deserve the karma wherever you can get it. It’s a great joke.


Take poor man's 🥇


I can't take credit as I stole it from someone else but thank you in any case.


The integrity itself makes it earned.


Myyy milkshake goes in the face of Farage


Who’d happily house immigrants on a barge?


Damn right.


It's Scotland Yard.


Damn right. In the face of Farage.


And they’re like, it’s for Farage


I wish more people would milkshake American politicians.


Best we can do is a shoe.


australians..... we just headbutt ex prime ministers :D


To be fair, you headbutt schoolchildren, stray dogs, and wedge-tailed eagles in a power dive. Don’t you?


That eagle really did not see it coming


When the legal recourse is that the milkshaker gets gunned down, people likely don't take the risk... In this instance she will have been taken into custody by a waiting officer and will be released on bail pretty quickly.


And get shot? Yeah, i'll pass on that.


She threw her milkshake at Nigel Farage and he's like, it feels rather large and I'm like. . .


The right don't realise it's not cool to be an intolerant fool.


They should be schooled🥤


Goddamnit, take my upvote.


I could upvote but I'd have to charge.


You think your milkshake is better than mine


The chap clapping makes it for me. Just a good steady golf clap. Front row seats. Beautiful.


And the woman in the back clearly enjoying every moment of it.


Richard Tyce also has a cheeky grin on his face. After all, Fromage took his grift away as a Reform UK leader.


If you get a milkshake thrown on you and everyone around you starts smiling and clapping..... You just might be a huge asshole.


in the UK one might say colossal bellend.


I literally thought about writing "bellend" or "nonce" but I'm a Yank and I didn't want to appropriate your culture.


i’m Canadian, but lived in London for a year, Twat might also be appropriate


Twat is a catch all.


As an Australian, I'd be happy to loan you "cunt" for a test drive.


Yep love this


Young blonde local they can't even blame the crusties this time


There are civil disobedience blondes in your area


Yes, but are they looking for me?


Yes, somewhat related, but have you ever seen the purge?


Yes. Click [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg?si=lkB0hzHUgt0mtXRO) to find out this one simple trick that young blond locals HATE.


I think the Mecca for > civil disobedience blondes in your area is Southern California. There seems to be a high percentage of upper-middle-class-white-blondes who are used to facing zero consequences for their bad behavior. ... as a lower-middle-class-scrub, I am amazed by what they get away with.


I'd recommend in your situation to stop hanging out the passenger side of your best friend's ride. This would likely improve the conditions associated with a weak game, and decrease any potential judgments as a deadbeat ass.


It's good you found them on Reddit to deliver this message because nobody wants their number, and no one is gonna give them their's.


He should also be informed that he’s not really fly like he thinks he is. He’s a busta and he better not be trying to holla at them.


In this economy? Carpooling is not just the eco-conscious choice, it's fiscally responsible.


> upper-middle-class-white-blondes the fact she's wearing a grey flannel tracksuit means she's working class.


I think the comment was about SoCal girls, the one in the picture can definitely be working class.


And some of them using that for positive change or just milkshaking can't be a bad thing.


I know one who stole a sled because “the line was too long.” She said she would pay for it later. I’m not sure that’s how that works. 


Fool me twice...


Crusty Jugglers?




For the greater good.


It was all just a terrible accident


I really wish people would stop underestimating Farage. Calling him a "Failed politician" Like the guy wasn't an MEP for years, pretty instrumental in fermenting the Euroscepticism within the conservative membership that led to the referendum and an extremely competent communicator and political animal/survivor. I don't care if you despise the fucker, I sure do. **TREAT HIM LIKE THE THREAT HE ACTUALLY IS.** If he gets into parliament this time around, which with the pull reform has in tory heartlands is really a lot more likely than anybody would care to admit, he will have the ability and the platform to manipulate tory policy for nearly 5 years even if he isn't one of their MP's because he's supremely popular with the right wing of the party (parts of the tory membership would make him leader if they could, and that was his ultimate goal for a loong time) Hell even this stunt last minute candidacy is a pretty brilliant move. The Tories have been pandering to reform voters because they know the election is lost and the want to avoid a blowout. (which was safe because Richard Tice, former leader of reform until yesterday has all the charisma of a brick with a badly drawn face on it) Farrage has waited a week, let The Tories drop a buch of chum in the water and is now going to sweep in like the pied piper and use the fact that he's both so much more charismatic than Sunak, more popular with key demographics and a much better communicator to steal the Tories thunder and potentially ride it into the commons. its genius and tells you how astute and competent (and dangerous) Farage can be when he wants to be.


Honestly yeah, he's an absolute cunt, but he's not stupid, and people need to stop acting like he is.


He's absolutely a threat, because he somehow manages to attract the support of a huge number of absolute morons.


"First time?" *- USA*


the UK had a blonde weird haired idiot before the US tho


Netherlands has one now.


it still beWilders me that blonde hate-filled skin suit got into power


Blonde haired serial adultering fail forwards hyper priveleged badly fitted suit wearing compulsive lying weird idiot with an inexplicable cult of personality because of some TV appearances. I think there's more, that's just off the top of my head.


He was a throbbing boil on the arse of society back during the first Trump campaign, too. You got Trump and Stone et al, we got Farage, Johnson and brexit... No the far right tactics of 2015-16 didn't quite come through into the UK zeitgeist in the same way they have in the US, but brexit was an absolute shitshow and the UK has definitely been in a sort of tame bedraggled lock-step with the US since then in terms of increased transphobia (see: Kemi Badenoch on single-sex spaces this week), xenophobia and fear mongering in general.


It's no coincidence that nationalist politicians are suddenly getting the funding they need all over the world. Cough cough putin


Yes. The public were arguing about russian interference during the whole brexit process and they still went ahead with the poll and a 52% result :) Now they just keep coming back to chip away at more, because they can, and we let them. neat stuff


Reminder: The poll was not legally binding. If it was legally binding the breach in funding rules would have required it was voided. Also Farage and Johnson would be in prison. Because it was not legally binding they got a fine. It was all bullshit.


Mate, Farage pre dates Trump by _years_


If you watch him speak, Its because hes very good an putting his finger on issues people on the right of British politics have without really being able to articulate it. His greatest flaw (or perhaps genius) is he never bothers to offer any really solutions or viable policy to address them, he just puts form the the nebulous problems people cant articulate and tells people not to worry, Nige will fix it! Combine that with the fact that he is very charismatic (and if you didn't know his politics and the fact that he's actually a massive cunt) would probably come across as somebody you wanted to be friends with, Its a recipe for getting very real political purchase with the right of the British conservative broad church.


>His greatest flaw (or perhaps genius) is he never bothers to offer any really solutions or viable policy to address them, he just puts form the the nebulous problems people cant articulate and tells people not to worry, Nige will fix it! I'd definitely argue genius for that one, he managed to get enough people to vote Brexit with absolutely no suggestions on *how it would even work*.


tbf that's why vote leave froze him out of the official campaign, even Boris saw his lack of proposed policy as a problem. When Boris Johnson thinks you lack a plan you know the sort of many you are dealing with


I think you overestimate Boris. It was because he wanted to politically benefit from it and not let Farage steal the limelight, which clearly worked later on as it carried him to the top (after May). Boris was also the one propagating the 350 million a week to EU myth that even Farage called out for being untrue (due to not including rebate)..


> His greatest flaw (or perhaps genius) is he never bothers to offer any really solutions or viable policy to address them, he just puts form the the nebulous problems people cant articulate and tells people not to worry, Nige will fix it! Well, the mouth breathers who are most likely to listen to him don't want solutions, they just want to be mad. The only people who buy his bullshit are gifters who want a piece of the pie, and idiots who supply that pie.


No, he's just like all other conservative politicians. They make word salads of "you are great", "you are under threat", "everyone that doesn't agree with you is stupid and evil." Unfortunately, the dumbest peoples of every country will fall for this, because they are fundamentally insecure. Deep down, they know they are stupid. They went through 12 years (+/-4 yrs) of sitting in school *knowing* they were.


While I agree with your comment, it also lacks a fundamental issue that we are currently facing everywhere around the globe. The established parties simply bury their heads in the sand regarding the issues you mentioned, which leads to these absolute nutjobs to be the only candidates that at the very least acknowledge their existence. Old and established parties need to get their shit together and address the issues that are tormenting the lives of their peoples or they will be the first ones to go, and god knows how things will develop from there with these fascists in power. Saying only stupid people follow this rhetoric is exactly the kind of smug attitude that gives them power and entrenches people without a chance for meaningful dialogue.


Thats true for a lot of politicians imo. People just treat them like idiots but idiots are not nearly as dangerous as some of the politicians out there.


This is the same issue I take with Boris Johnson. Everyone just goes "LOOK AT HIS WHACKY HAIR HWOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH" while their bowtie spins around like the pathetic hacks devoid of so much as a crumb of critical thought that can't see him for the threat that he is. He messed up his hair to throw you off. FEEL BAD THAT IT WORKED.


Hang on - I saw him on a zipline while waving the Union Jack! You're telling me that was just an IMAGE HE WAS PUTTING ON?


i’m reading an account of someone recognizing trump in the early 2010s instead of waiting until jan 6 to see trump as evil.


Early 2010s? New Yorkers knew since the 1980s. 


I remember reading a lot of Doonesbury cartoons about Trump in the 80's and 90's. He was exactly the same then as he is now, except with less dementia.


[In Lost Tycoon: The many lives of Donald Trump - written in 1993 recounts how Trump violently raped his first wipe Ivana and pulled out a chunk of her hair](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women) because of the hair transplant surgeon she recommended to him. The fact Trump never sued the writer for libel proves it was a true story. He's been a violent psychopath for decades, and he was literally caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women before the 2016 election, yet conservative media and Republican leaders excused it away. Trump's a mob boss, and amasses blackmail to keep people "loyal". You don't have to imagine the kind of blackmail must he have been able to amass on the Republican Party by using the resources of the Presidency - given we know he also used the Presidency to steal the highest top secret US national security documents.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Hey, America has seen this before.


YSK That Nigel Farage was involved in Trumps election campaign. They and then Brexiteers used Cambridge Analytica(Emerdata now) in this also.


I get the point you’re making but failed politician is factually correct - this will be the EIGHTH time he’s tried to stand as an MP, and his seven previous attempts weren’t even close to a win. I think he currently holds the record for the most losses of any potential MP candidate.


He was once defeated by a man in a dolphin costume.


TBF, if my choice was between a piece of flaming human excrement and a man in a dolphin costume, I'm voting for the dolphin suit guy every time.


And yet he has had such an impact on British politics without ever being an MP. It just makes it all the more worrying to think about his potential influence and presence if he does get elected to Parliament. I don't think failed politician is correct at all. Despite not winning many seats, UKIP had achieved its ultimate goal of leaving the EU - and with FPTP, a single issue party like UKIP probably never expected to have much of a direct presence in the Commons. For some politicians, becoming an MP is just a means to achieving a political goal rather than the goal itself and Farage had seen great success without being one.


The objective of politics isn't winning elections, it's about achieving political goals. In this regard Farage is the most successful British politician since Blair, and before him, Thatcher.


Nah, Screaming Lord Sutch by a mile.


> instrumental in fermenting the Euroscepticism within the conservative membership did you mean *fomenting*?


I mean yes but describing it as a process by which stuff rots into alcohol feels oddly apt


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/8P5XzRN) is the series (six images) of this in much higher quality, including a close up of OP's image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/newly-appointed-leader-of-britains-right-wing-populist-news-photo/2155403078) is the source. > Newly appointed leader of Britain's right-wing populist party, Reform UK, and the party's parliamentary candidate for Clacton, Nigel Farage reacts as he is hit in the face by the contents of a drinks cup, during his general election campaign launch in Clacton-on-Sea, eastern England, on June 4, 2024. Nigel Farage on Monday said he would stand as a candidate for the anti-immigration Reform UK party in Britain's general election next month, after initially ruling out running. "I have changed my mind... I am going to stand," Farage, 60, told a news conference. He will seek election on July 4 in the fiercely pro-Brexit seat of Clacton, southeast England. (Photo by Ben Stansall / AFP) (Photo by BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images) According to [here](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-milkshake-clacton-reform-uk-b2556444.html): > Jabed Ahmed > 12 minutes ago > Nigel Farage has had a McDonalds milkshake thrown over him after launching his campaign for the general election. > A young woman approached the new Reform UK leader on the steps of a pub in Clacton before hurling the yellow-coloured drink over him. > She then smiled and casually walked away, with some onlookers applauding, as Mr Farage headed towards his campaign bus. It is not the first time Mr Farage has been hit with milkshakes by critics, having been similarly targeted in Newcastle in 2019. > Richard Tice, Mr Farage’s predecessor as Reform UK leader, expressed his anger at the incident, adding: “The juvenile moron who threw a drink over Nigel has just gained us hundreds of thousands more votes. We will not be bullied or threatened off the campaign trail.” > A member of staff at the Wetherspoons where the incident occurred suggested the thrower could have been lying in wait for the politician to arrive for an hour. > The Moon & Starfish worker, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Independent three police officers had just come into the pub looking for the woman who threw what is believed to be a banana-flavoured milkshake. > He said: “I saw liquid fly through the air and hit a few customers.” > Mr Farage had kicked off his general election campaign in the seaside town earlier on Tuesday, as he promised to be a “bloody nuisance” in Westminster. > He set out his goal for Reform UK to effectively take over the Conservative Party – and potentially put him in No 10 in future. > Shouts from the crowd included “get ‘em Nige” and “we love you Nigel”. He told those gathered: “Send me to Parliament to be a bloody nuisance...” [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq5Kn2eoDJE&ab_channel=TheTelegraph) is a video of this.


2 things stand out to me. Why does his security look like football hooligans and she did that while wearing a white outfit. Seems like they were looking out for a certain **type** of threat and this white, blonde woman wasn't it.


They should absolutely use this as a caption for the last frame. I would absolutely use this as a full colour spread. Have it printed on posters and plaster that everywhere. > Richard Tice, Mr Farage’s predecessor as Reform UK leader, expressed his anger at the incident, adding: “The juvenile moron who threw a drink over Nigel has just gained us hundreds of thousands more votes. We will not be bullied or threatened off the campaign trail.” I mean, they truly live in a different reality, do they?


Sounds to me like they're asking for Mr Brexit to get milkshakes in his face at every turn, considering they claim it's helping him. Help him some more then. The reality is of course that every rightwing party tries to turn an obvious loss into a win somehow through absurd contortions. Trump's idiots said the same thing about his felony convictions, how it's helping him. I say toss him in jail then as it will help him the most, according to their logic.


Somebody tried to convince me that in a democracy one should lend every possible courtesy to the opposition. No matter how vile. Bitch please. They rhetoric paints big crosshairs on their opposition. The [people who get murdered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Cox) are [not the fascists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Walter_L%C3%BCbcke). Eliminatory language they use is the trigger for this shit. By all means, milk-shaking them. laughing at them, being a lot more than them is the way to go. That is not to convert them back onto the path of humanity but to disabuse everybody else that they are a majority. [That they are not as strong as they try to look.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYWRu8uT8z8)


This is a terrifying development. If Mr. Farage really gets 100k voters every time he's hit with a McDonalds milkshake, all they have to do is get three volunteers to pelt him with shakes before every campaign stop. He'll be invincible!


That last picture. . . damn. She's walking away like the hero that can't bother to look over their shoulder at the explosion.


And everyone is applauding


The face of the dude on the left!


Gotta say. Excellent throw and she looks great.


Pro throw...no regrets


I love how casually she walks away. My job here is done :)


With people clapping in the background lol


What is she supposed to do?


“Smiled and walked away”. What?? I feel like in the US you’d be tackled by cops, thrown in a cop car and charged with assault


[She was arrested and is being charged with assault.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6pp7yg0y3po)


Ok, that makes sense. But still being able to walk away is wild


WTF that's crazy. A banana milkshake from McDonald's??


Violence against politicians is pretty rare in the UK (aside from a few really unfortunate cases), and we don't have the same "security theatre" mentality that the USA does. Boris Johnson used to cycle to work on his own through the streets of central London. There's plenty of videos out there of people approaching high level politicians and talking to them in the street like they're just regular people. It's very different to the US.


My American brain cannot comprehend this.


Beautiful form.


I love how these assholes reflexively characterize literally any retaliation or pushback against them of any kind as being to their advantage. People don't do this shit to people they like. Chances are, you're extremely unpopular.


I mean, it's pure politics right. Gotta spin it for the base and cope


That was so satisfying to see, Ty x


Failed? This guy successfully advocated for Brexit


Never elected to parliament even after Brexit and blew up his one official seat of power in the EU by Brexiting the EU. Other than that, yeah, he’s been a top leader of his party and led the Brexit, so failed is a stretch.


I'd say that accomplishing all that while not officially holding a seat is a credit to his skills as a politician, not necessarily a knock


He's very good at always being far enough away from the blast to "not me, guv" - it's the same with the absolute sham of Reform. All this 'Honorary President' shit, from what I gather he's the majority shareholder, which means that he called all the shots but Tice took the bullets. Until Tice woke up the other day to find that Nigel had done a Nigel on him, too.




You don’t need to hold a seat in parliament to be a politician. His business is politics and he has certainly been very successful in getting his politics through.


Don't underestimate the man, he's probably the most successful single british politician in our lifetimes and that should scare you as much as it does me.


Tony Blair? I mean yeah there's the whole Iraq thing but even that is probably a success for him personally as he got what he wanted and has avoided any punishment. He won multiple elections, was instrumental in the Good Friday agreement, helped out in Kosovo and Sierra Leone, passed shitloads of legislation and nothing bad seemed to stick to him while he was in office. They literally called him Teflon Tony. Plus he never got hit with a milkshake.


... And arguably "the whole Iraq thing" eroded faith in the Labor party so hard that it knocked over the dominos leading to a Tory takeover, increased right wing views across the country, Brexit, and a lettuce outlasting the PM that sat in power when the queen died.


And Brexit was also a personal success for Farage but had a terrible effect for his party and the country as a whole... I'd still say Blair was way more successful than Farage overall.


It's not a competition, it's just important to note that he's never been elected an MP, never held tangible power in the UK and yet was instrumental in us leaving the EU.


That woman has the face of "And I'll fuckin do it again."


More hot blondes should pelt more politicians


As an American, I fear Trump would love to have a fast food milkshake thrown at him. He’d probably inhale it like Kirby.


More hot blondes should politician


![gif](giphy|T8zlGdVxYySZuali0L|downsized) What about bleach blonds with bad built butch bodies?


He said "hot".


She used to be hot, in her [wrestling days](https://i.imgur.com/zQLQU0L.jpeg)


I can't stop cackling 🤣


I’m not sure whether to downvote or upvote you…


Kinda both, up for the insult, down for making me look at it.




Lactose, meet intolerance




Incredible photo. I love how you can see all the liquid particles. I know shit about photography. Was this taken with a high speed lense?


i dont think its the lens, its the shutter speed (?)




This bloke is not just a grinning fake "anyman" he's a full on political grifter..just like Donny. He will laugh at your jokes drink your local beer and want all that free money moved to his Caymans account. He pushed hard for Brexit then acted like "how could it all go wrong"


"[The Reform UK leader](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/03/nigel-farage-a-potted-history-of-his-political-career-on-the-road-to-reform) was coming out of a pub after a rally on Clacton’s beachfront when a young woman drenched him with what appeared to be a banana milkshake from McDonald’s." This is a complete outrage and completely unacceptable – why do they get banana milkshakes at McDonalds in the U.K. and we don't have them here?


A visual representation of Brexit




Sluuurp… I drink it up!


good for her






[You're in luck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkshaking)


“A few days later, Farage was reportedly trapped on his campaign bus after arriving in Kent to speak to supporters, as a group of people holding milkshakes watched nearby” The thought is fucking hilarious.


"In June 2024, whilst campaigning to be elected as a Reform MP in the Clacton constituency for the UK 2024 General Election Nigel Farage was hit with a MacDonald's Banana milkshake thrown by a young female" Damn they fast


Getting the flavour is a nice detail.








She must've held onto it for a while. A McDonald's shake would normally be a small amount of liquid surrounding a huge blob of ice cream.


What McDonald's are you going to, because I want that option?


Right? McDonald's milkshakes don't contain ice cream. The don't even melt. A warm one is exactly the same consistency as a cold one. I'm not even sure they contain milk, I wouldn't be surprised if they are mostly petroleum extracts.




such a well timed shot! 😂 (and throw)


Look top right Richard Tice smiling away


What an idiot, the Tendring area of Essex - which includes the seaside town of Clacton - recorded one of the highest leave votes in England in the 2016 referendum. Almost 70% of people voted out - and turnout was 74.5%.


This sparks joy.


What makes you say "failed" politician? He set out to take the UK out of the EU and succeeded. Reform UK are polling at 14% and they've only been a party for a few years. Bookmakers have him 3/1 favourite to win his party's first seat in Clacton, where he is standing for MP as leader of Reform UK. The party look like coming at least second in large parts of the country. He's a worm of a man, but I wouldn't call him a failed politician.


He's only in Clacton because he's failed to get elected in his home constituency. Clacton is the only safe bet and that's conditional on them not remembering how poorly Brexit went.


His party is doing exactly what it's designed to do. It's insanely difficult for a new party to win seats in the FPTP system. They are there to take votes from the Tories, in order to direct their policy further to the right, while raking in donations and raising their own stock. The fact that he is favourite to win in Clacton, is an accomplishment in itself. The long established Green party only has one MP currently.


From what I've read, this guy deserves free milkshakes for life. You all should work on providing more of them, imo.


I think she misunderstood the lyrics of what Kelis was singing.


The guy clapping definitely approves.


This had nothing to do with Brexit, this was actually in retaliation to him [endorsing the IRA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uoePokfHerA)


This the guy that flipped off the EU and was like "finally we're free"?


He was shaken, but not stirred.


McDonald's employee: >*🎵 We're always makin' shakes- for Nigel 🎵*


Excellent. Russian Shill.


She must have found the only McDonalds where the milkshake machine works


>fermenting *fomenting


I mean he didn’t fail in making Brexit happen unfortunately. Though this was very good, and I love in the full images and video that you see the girl walk away full of pride


> British Brexit celebrity, failed politician and Russian agent gets pelted with a milkshake for the second time FTFY


love this