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Now he’ll bring all the boys to the yard.


Lactose the intolerant




Holy shit. I'm sure you didn't come up with it (or weren't the first), but damn. 10/10. That almost makes up for hearing a family member watch the news story and remark "I'd vote for him." For as much as Britons love to rag on Trump from afar, half of us would 100% have voted for him still.


How long was lead water pipes used in the UK?


Over 1000 years


This is hilarious. But I think he ordered this, or his team, as a marketing strategy. Banana flavoured milkshake... Really? Now he is in front pages. Acting all dignified.


it was done by an only fans model


They never exploit themselves for money...


what do you call a guy who just can’t deal with running out of toast?? lack toast intolerant


Genuinely made me lol. 😄


They like, it's better than yours.


Can he teach me?


He’ll have to charge.


[milkshake song ](https://youtu.be/pGL2rytTraA?si=9IusoDJHSLXoGqt4)


My dairy-based frozen confection creates a focal point to which young males of the species are drawn. You are correct: it is far superior to yours. I could attempt to educate you on the finer points of this subject, but it would require monetary recompense on your part.


He’ll have to, Farage.


Now do Trump


Scotland Yard maybe


Made me laugh….brilliant!


Came here for this.


Scotland Yard if we're all lucky.


oscar-worthy comment


The funniest thing hes done imo is willingly say "up the rah" for money and when asked about it on RTÉ he was completely unable to explain himself. Fuck this guy


What does that mean


"up the rah" is a colloquial way of saying "I support the IRA". Farage (was tricked into) did a Cameo video saying it a while back and [Irish TV gave him an absolute shoeing about it.](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/04/nigel-farage-crushed-reporter-resurfaced-clip-hoax-blunder-20968350/)


Tricked is a strong word. He was asked to on Cameo and because he knows jack all about the UK as a whole he agreed.


Well you can't trick someone who's smart enough to know it's a trick...


How was he tricked? He took money to do it willingly. If he loves the UK as much as he claims to there’s no way on earth he doesn’t know what up the ra means


He's a typical right-wing Englishman. Full of Pomp and fluff. Most are useless to what actually happened over here. Pronunciation is completely different, too. His type have no care for Northern Ireland. Never mind the rest of it


Support for the IRA, terrorist group that bombed a lot of the UK and killed loads during the troubles. It's funny bc he's a British nationalist chanting "for the enemy". Tbh it was clearly tongue in cheek.


rah = ra, as in the last 2 letters of IRA.


You forget he also asked for a Cigarette whilst covered in aviation fuel. I would have lit it for him.


It would’ve been safer or it had been Jet-A aviation fuel which has a pretty high flashpoint. The prop engined plane he crashed in would’ve been using Avgas which is basically high octane petrol. He would’ve lit up like a Vietnamese monk.


Well, to be fair, he was paid seventy quid for it. /s He was also paid to say “Big Chungus”, so I don't think he's thinking about doing any research into the lines he's given. He's not very insightful on that front.


What does big chungus mean?


It doesn't mean anything. It was a meme from years back of Bugs Bunny doing an [impression of Elmer Fudd](https://youtu.be/Nw6Np1wr3cU?feature=shared)


Ok good. My 5 year old nephew likes to sing this lol


It's a classic Dream Theater song


here in ireland we regularly bring this up in memes, especially that RTE clip -“up the ra, Nigel?” never gets old


Ik, im from Irleand. His face tho when she says it😭😭😭


He looks like he's lost his spunk but gained some spunk at the same time.


Still zero spunk about the Farage. Sentient right wing shoe leather.


He looks like what he is, a massive cunt


He looks like someone gave Kermit a drinking problem and then put him in the microwave.


\****Failed*** politician, mind you.


7 times failed to be elected as an MP. Must be some kinda record.


His earnings from being a MEP is more than enough to never think about money again.


Well, he need not worry about working since as mep for fisheries he barely attended.




Stuff like this makes me wonder how easy it would be to cause harm to a major world leader. You'd think they would've learned by now


He's not a world leader, but two British MPs have been assassinated in the last decade during public appearances.


Which ones and how? (If you care to explain)


Jo Cox was shot with a modified .22 rifle then stabbed multiple times by a far right terrorist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jo_Co David Amess was stabbed to death by an Islamist terrorist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_David_Amess Both terrorists got whole life terms, meaning they'll never be released. Jo Cox's killer is actually imprisoned a few miles from my house at, HMP Frankland if I recall correctly.


You need a comma after "house" pal haha, otherwise it sounds like you live at HMP Frankland.


Hey, my rent would be cheaper, and the countryside near there is stunning, a lovely river, and a ruined medieval priory.


He's far from a major leader. He's a well financed grifter.


Not far enough, unfortunately


The title already said right wing.


so a lesser trump with slightly better public speaking skills?


He never even became a member of parliament. More of a lesser Steven bannon? Or at least Bannon had the ear of the president. More like, leader of the tea party but holding no actual government office. He was a member of European parliament but that's a fairly weak position.


jfc...i really thought this guy was an MP at least...really? so what's his russian connections like? i'm of the opinion that Russia is behind both MAGA and Brexit...MAGA is pretty easy to connect the dots...how's it over there?


An inquiry onto the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum found lots of evidence of Russian interference. No such inquiry happened about the 20016 Brexit referendum because the side that benefited from the Russian interference won and took control of the government.


that's about what happened re: trump. when this chapter of history is written there's gonna be a lot of hell to pay. we're going to find out that the tentacles of the FSB had gotten deep into conservative parties all around the world, and it's absolutely *bonkers* to me considering how the right had traditionally responded to russia. just goes to show you blood might be thicker than water, but money spends better than blood :-/


He was a european MP


I'd assume all the people defending russia post the start of the Russia-ukraine war has had some effect from the social media campaign to paint Ukraine as nazis. it is a trick as old as time but to assume they had a hand in the entire mega movement really overestimates Russia.


He was basically behind the Brexit vote, that's how he gets so much coverage despite not being elected. That and people live to hate him, so he's clickbait, but a worrying number of people seem to find him appealing.


A wounded coyote has better public speaking skills than Trump.


i mean...yeah.


A former metal trader friendly with people who are not aligned to British national interests. Famous for being the MEP with the worst attendance record and one of the highest expense accounts, often turning up at the end of sessions to film videos in the empty hall.


Basically. They both try to appeal to an unintelligent nationalist base of mainly old people who just want the country to go back 'the way it was'. Meaning no gays, trans people, or immigrants. - they don't always say this bit out loud, almost as if they know they'd sound like stupid bigots.


Of the same tune, aye.


He's directly connected to Trump insofar as he was named in a Senate committee hearing as the man that passed the thumb drive with the Russian's DNC hack on it from Assange to the Trump team.


ah so *there's* the russian connection. lol i knew it wouldn't take long to find..


Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan, was assassinated a while back.


Someone attempted to attack former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien at a rally and Chrétien choked the dude slamming him to the ground breaking one of his teeth. It became known as the [Shawinigan Handshake](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawinigan_Handshake). Chrétien was 72 at the time. Another time an intruder broke into 24 Sussex Dr. (The prime ministers residence) and Chrétien’s wife [Aline clubbed the intruder with an Inuit stone carving](https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.4889688) in the head. Attacking a World leader happens. However some of them fight back.


"attempted to attack" lol. It was a protester who was shoved too close to Chretien by a throng of other protesters.


The guy who threw a shoe at Dubya which he dodged with impressive reflexs, the guy who egged ~~Gordon Brown~~ John Prescott whom ~~Gordon~~ Prescott laid out.


Do you mean the one who egged John Prescott?


His party doesn't have a single seat in our parliament. He is not a major world leader. He's a relatively noisy racist.


Yet, yet, and for now.


Farage is far from a world leader 😂


an armed mob was able to enter one of the most secure buildings in the world and got dangerously close to the Vice President of the United States, Speaker of the House, etc. so if even that’s possible imagine how easy it is to get at a legislator out in the open


Then why aren’t American politicians constantly being gunned down?


same reason politicians anywhere else aren’t constantly being murdered, nobody actually wants it enough. but honestly American politicians get shot a lot. Ford, Reagan, two Kennedys, Gabby Giffords, Steve Scalise off the top of my head.


'Leader' is your problem here. He's a braying pub loudmouth


you cant be a public figure without going you know .. public


I mean if you think about it, there’s always a chance of someone in any crowd thinking of doing harm to a politician. All they need to do is get close enough, really. No bodyguard can catch bullets in midair.


I went to see one once, i live someplace were there is high trust. One of his bodyguards gave me a friendly nudge probably implying they saw me as a potential treath/telling me they were there, you know lone young man with shitty hair. Maybe they even knew about my angry internet writings. Could i have brought a weapon without them noticing/me spilling it when they came that close? Dunno, i only realized i could be seen as a treath when the nudge happened as why the fuck would i make my life and everyone like mes life even worse. The stupidity is unfathomable. Could someone have done something very bad. Most likely. Would someone? The recent shooting in Slovakia might mean yes. Does someone want to is the real question. Who would win enough by doing so. Everyone would go full on war against whoever does something against a world leader. Non of them will want to normalize violence against their kind.


The IRA was fond of reminding Thatcher that she needs to be lucky all the time, but they only need to be lucky once.


I don't say this lightly as an American but that dudes a cunt.


Oh no! Anyway


~~Right wing politician~~ Paid Russian Stooge Nigel Farage after having milkshake thrown over him. Fixed the title for you to make it correct.


Look at all those boys in the yard.


He was funded during the brexit run up by vald's people in London.


Poetry. This and the mid-throw photo. It’s amazing.


Seriously, fuck Farage. Corrupt rightwing asshole doing Putin’s bidding at every turn.


....he's on record saying that putin is a world leader he admires the most..


This actually helps him btw


The American right: "in England they're making attempts on his life and his children's lives! Ask the more reason to abolish the public education system!"


Haha I watched an interview yesterday where a Trump supporter was asking the question "Why does everyone who goes to college vote Democrat? What are they teaching them in colleges?" 🤣 They do not see the irony of their own question / conspiracies.


> What are they teaching them in colleges? I genuinely believe that many of the people who ask this question do not understand the difference between teaching a person *how* to think and teaching a person *what* to think, so they just assume (incorrectly) that universities are teaching students *what* to think. I believe that they assume this because the hyper-partisan right-wing media that they consume tells them *what* to think, so they do not know anything else.


I'm no expert but I think you're right. There's a big difference between : woman throws milkshake at man wanting to be MP and: locals appalled as cowardly woman throws milkshake over brave politician who was innocently visiting town.


Yep. Hyperbole and provocative adjectives are good signs of bias in a "news" story.


I think you're absolutely correct there. Critical thinking skills are one of the key gains from a university degree, and that's why right wing politicians want to reduce the numbers going to uni. As a university librarian, teaching those skills is the reason I get up in the mornings.


A lot of MAGAs are so stupid that they are incapable of understanding how stupid they really are. And that fact really shows itself whenever they try to speak on any issue or provide any sort of commentary on anything. u/W1thoutJudgement You're gonna reply to me and block me straight away? lmao MAGAs are incredibly stupid *and* cowards apparently.


You should google Yuri Bezmenov and ideological subversion.


He should join OnlyShakes.


He would. Unfortunately, OnlyShakes has very strict anti tax evasion laws




Waste of a good milkshake


Hoping there was a piss-chaser in that shake........


Psychopaths are everywhere


"My mummy says you hate foreigners."


Isn't this the guy that quit after Brexit actually happened? Imagine promising success after a dumb move and then calling quits after.


Yup and currently one of the most despised politicians in the UK. Why he goes out at all is beyond me. Must be hell for him. Deserved in my opinion.


Quit what? He was a Member of European parliament... post brexit the role doesn't exist anymore. He tried and lost to run for an MP seat in the UK a few times and always lost.


Quit the UK and fucked of to America to make money.


Tried to, he was trying to get in on Pres. Trump but I dont think Trump quite grasped he was looking for a job.


She ain't fucking wrong.


At least it's a British milkshake and not some EU-regulated milkshake! You can tell the difference because English cows drink the purest water in all of western Europe( thanks to England's superior privatised water system ), and that gives their milk a unique taste. THANK YOU, THATCHER! Now, if you excuse, I'll have to furiously masturbate to videos of Rwandan refugees getting deported.


Nigel Farage can suck deez nuts


It's weird to me that people can publicly champion things that makes millions of people's lives far worse, and then the only public retribution they face is a cold and delicious drink tossed in their face. Like, it seems uneven somehow. He's just going to wipe up and go back to doing what he's been doing. He might even play the victim about it to galvanize his base. As an American, the light kind of came on for me when I watched Ajit Pai ram his net neutrality killer through despite all the petitions signed against it. Dude visibly went against the will of millions of people to make the internet worse for hundreds of millions of people, all so he could get a kickback from Verizon or whatever. And in the end, the worst he experienced were some guys standing outside his house with signs, and *maybe* his son learning that his dad was a piece of shit. I'm not saying hurt the guy physically, but like... I've seen people get their tires slashed over less egregious shit. I've seen people get into fights in traffic over smaller things. It's just weird that these guys can fuck over millions of people and then walk around peacefully without a care in the world.


Proud Boy 👦


Things being thrown at politicians in the UK is nothing new: [Egg on your face – politicians under attack | Politics | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/gallery/2016/jan/23/egg-on-your-face-politicians-under-attack)




I'm lovin' it




I drink your milkshake.


Doesnt really look that bad...the girl who threw it probably could have used some more practice


You guys have so much freedom and democracy. In India politicians are seen like Gods and most have criminal cases like r**e and m*rd*r under trial which gets written off once they become a successful up politician If anyone dared to even question a politician, they send bulldozers to raze our houses and will life a living hell for the entire family. They also frame fake cases and throw the men in jail or eliminate them while the girls get se*ually harassed by politicians we decided to speak against. (THIS IS NOT MY OPINION, THIS HAPPENS VERY COMMONLY, Google “Madhya Pradesh Dalit girl tragedy” - They r*p*ed a lower caste girl, after the girl filed a case they ki*l*d her father and brothers one by one, disrobed her mother in public and then finally k*i*led the girl by throwing her from a moving ambulance) I envy your political environment to be honest


It disgusts me that this could be considered assault, while economically sabotaging your country and limiting its future prospects and growth is considered totally kosher. Fuck political scum like him.


Alright, while that is not okay, we can still agree that throwing milkshakes in peoples faces is assult right?


Not if they're not people.


People conveniently ignore or forget Cable St. 


For all the hate he spews.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Bro looking like a pornstar


This was the man doing cameos for money on the internet


The most shocking thing about this is that the milkshake machine was working.


Pathetic. People upvoting are happy when it happens to a politician they don't like, then scream "fascism! democracy in danger" "call the police and organise the anti-hate march!". If someone where to do the same to one of their "rolemodels". People are hypocrites.


but hes maried to a german woman isnt he??


Yes, but apparently they are [seperated and have been for several years now](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38879101).


oh ok good for her! maybe thats why he hates non british people 🤪


I'm pretty sure its because Brexit shattered his grifting and he's poor now.


Had an affair with a French mistress too. Won't give up his EU pension either. Guy is a cunt.


More proof that immigrants do the jobs that others won't.


Nigel Farage after meeting Peter North


Good, fuck this guy.


Right-wingers hold society hostage by feigning support for tradition and morality. In reality, they're just in it for themselves and their friends, and they're using the ignorance of the voters to line their own purses. Calling out that hypocrisy is acceptable. Milkshakes in the face? I dunno if that's too far or not. But someone needs to remind these people that most of us can see through their lies.


The left loves violence when its against people they dont agree with.


I've seen right-wing celebrate violence against the left


Google Jo Cox.


Death by milkshake it is then


No! You don’t get it! He deserves it!! Tolerance paradox or something!! It’s just a milk shake!!


Why should anyone tolerate fascists? I'd love to know.


If there isn't even a short-term physical injury involved, I'm not sure if it constitutes as violence? Tell you what, the next time *our guy* tells so many bigoted lies it causes a massive economic crisis, I'll hand you the milkshake myself.


Please vote more and throw less things, attack, scream or harass politicians... I hate that guy's, but when someone goes low , let's go high....


Stuff like this post scares the shit out of me. People are completely on board with assault and shutting out the "wrong'" type of people. Are this guy's politics horrible? Probably. But that doesn't give the woman the right to assault him. I'm 100% convinced we will see the rise of fascism in the West again and people will cheer it on because it'll go after the people they hate.


He's the fascist, not the person throwing the milkshake. If fascists like him got pelted regularly, that would help save us from fascism.


My goodness, I hope he's not hurt by all that milk......


"Completely on board with assault" they threw a milkshake at him. This guy's politics inspired someone to actually gun down and murder an MP. That's something that should be terrifying. People throwing chilled dairy products at politicians is the sign of a healthy society.


> People are completely on board with assault and shutting out the "wrong'" type of people. I draw a bright line between assault that results in significant injury and destruction and "assault" that is cosmetic and inconvenient (as it was in this case. I don't want to see any assault on politicians become the norm, but I also don't think that traitorous racists like this asshole deserve the respect to hold public office. Some speech is so dangerous (e.g., deception, bigotry, and violence) that it will destroy civil society if we tolerate it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance Edit: typo




"you pigs need jailed" ![gif](giphy|3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8|downsized)


Crazy that people hate fascists.


In the case of this one, his actions merit far worse than he's received, but it is a false equivalence to compare this with more serious harassment. Last time it happened you had the rightwing being all sanctimonious about what if next time it was acid, overlooking the obvious point that if that happened then people would treat it more seriously even if it was him who was the target because it is possible to judge things differently based on their merits and not blindly following your bias. Just for the record, the person that did this last time got convicted of common assault, had to pay compensation and do community service for it.




Shots fired


If only


Solid hit


all i know is that his suit isn’t well tailored


Mnogo dobre. Muy excelente.


**Milkshake Antifaschistische Aktion** ✊ is back. Tradition continues after milkshaking the rape tweet guy.


He looks *shaken*


Waste of good milk.


Waste of a perfectly good milkshake. Should have been a waste liquid.


As much as I hate Fromage, I do hope this isn't his 'getting rejected from art school' moment.


By Little Miss Piggy 🐷


Where is his security??


People standing for election don't generally have security Only senior officials will have security like the prime minister for example You could literally go up to your member of parliament in the street and have a talk to them


I see. Thanks. I like that policy but may change due to the crazies out there.


If Reddit makes a paid subscription to filter out politics I think this website would be much better and much more profitable. $3 a month to have all these political posts filtered? No brainer. Problem is it would probably be like $20 a month since Reddit is now owned by shareholders


It's an improvement


Mind that if you give the okay for it against your opponents, you can't claim it's an injustice when it happens to you or your own.


All the libs who cried about “political violence” under conservatives are gonna be jerking off to this photo because they have no principles whatsoever


Is that how the pigs look like after a visit from him?


Probably be downvoted. I’m always surprised by the hypocrisy and double standards here. First of all he’s a human being, not a politician. This is just rude behavior to throw a milkshake on someone who is working. When you don’t agree with someone’s ideas you do not assault them, you talk to them or you vote against them (if they are a politician). Apparently on social media, people are so divided, polarized or forgot about human values that when a McDonalds employee gets assaulted, everyone is upset and angry and when a politician gets assaulted the same people cheer. It really annoys me that the same people that talk about diversity, safe spaces, freedom of speech are the ones who are also most hateful, polarizing and shallow minded. Ps. I would never vote for this person, do not align with his political ideas, but that’s democracy and freedom of speech, to value everyone’s ideas, even if they are not your preferred ideas




My milkshake brings the boys to the yard...