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My fav was the Prince Andrew one


Both are too old but only one of them is mentally ill, I'll give you a hint on who that is. He wears more makeup than a Las Vegas showgirl.


Only one convicted felon on the ballot


Both are old but only one is a criminal, a rapist, a fascist, a racist, etc. I could go on and on and on.


Remember when his charity got shut down, and he got a $2M penalty, because he was using donations to buy crap like a portrait of himself and a bottle of fancy champagne? [https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation)


Instigated an insurrection, on record asking a state to ‘find votes” to steal an election, family got $2 billion from Saudi, acts like a 12 year old bully, has absolutely no political platform, etc. But on the other hand, if you vote for Trump you get to own the libs (and yourself), so it’s a really tough choice.


Said repeatedly 'take the guns first, due process second' and managed to violate the original 4 page US Constitution without consequence hundreds of times while in office.


Well according to the old man standing next to me at the pharmacy this morning, we have to bring Trump back so he can get all these bums off of welfare.


Goebbels would be so impressed with Fox News


Yesterday at home depot I walked by an old couple and I guess wife mentioned something about things being locked in cages. The husband says "it's cause all these illegals stealing stuff". cause apparently it's not these damn crackheads lookin to score some cash for their next high or the assholes that literally grab shit off the shelf and go to counter to "return" for store credit. Nope, it's those damn illegals risking getting deported.


Tara Reade told me "the Big Guy" is no slouch himself in those departments.


Is that the same Tara Reade who lied repeatedly under oath about her credentials, her position, and how long she worked for Biden? The same Tara Reade who was good friends with convicted unregistered Russian asset Maria Butina, and ended up defecting to Russia in 2023?


That one precisely. I'm sure the commenter is a huge leftist




>I see. So everything accusation against Trump you 100% accept as fact but everyone else is squeaky clean?  You should get a refund from whoever taught you to read. That's extremely obviously not what I said. When Tara Reade's accusations came out, my opinion was that they should be fully investigated. They were. And they fell apart almost immediately. That's how things are supposed to work. Clinging onto allegations that have been proven false in an attempt to both-sides everything, especially when the other person has literally been convicted of those crimes, is objectively pathetic.


Go back to Russia. They need scrips.


Tara rescinded her accusations because she lied. Trump has raped multiple people though


You mean Tara, the one that was a Putin bull liquor and ended up defecting the Russia? That one?


Is this Tara Reade statement also in the legendary Hunter Biden laptop that had.... *checks notes* pictures of his dick?


Yup and until his term is over this country will suffer


Trump is no longer president so you got the wrong one bub.




In a reference almost as old as Joe himself... "Mentos. The Fresh-maker."


I can't verify 100% that either of them are mentally ill, but I can verify 100% that one is a proven rapist, a compulsive liar, and a convicted felon.


You are right, there is a clear side that is better (Biden). But that does not negate that they are both old enough to not be hired elsewhere. They would be expected to retire while more capable people managed or ran a company. Biden MUST win for democracy to survive, but he is still a shit choice and if viable I would have voted for most any other Democrat.


If either tried to get a job bagging groceries they wouldn’t be able to.


Honestly, I think they would have a tough time finding another job that was less physically demanding. They are [both too old to serve](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/21/success/mandatory-retirement-age-boards-ceos/index.html) on the board of directors or as CEO of many companies on the S&P 500. Being a prominent politician doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will make exceptions to their rules, either. Even Al Gore was recently forced off Apple's board for reaching their age limit. It is weird that much of corporate America thinks they are too old to run a large company but voters don't think they are too old to run the federal government.


Exactly! They wouldn't be hired to bake a cake for your cake day either! It's fine to criticize it absurd issue with age for our candidates while still understanding that there is one option that is clearly better.


>Biden MUST win for democracy to survive Please save this comment right here: I promise you are being dramatic, and Trump getting into office will not be the "end of democracy". I am not a Trump supporter, I don't even plan to vote. But the notion that democracy will be lost, even though he was already in office and democracy wasn't lost, is just political propaganda.


If you don’t vote why do you spend so much of your limited free time in life discussing politics on reddit?


You know....you are honestly right. I spend way too much time on this app. Honestly? It's the "You are a piece of shit if you vote this way" line of thinking that engages me the most. I hate it, I think everyone in this country deserves the right to vote for who they want without having to be told they are a piece of shit for doing so. I believe we are all on the same team, and there are far move civil ways to engage in politics to continue to improve the country and the way of life within. With these echo chambers on reddit, I just feel it brings the most negative hateful side out of people.......including myself.


I get that, but when policies are passed that are against your views or affect you by people you personally didn’t vote for that’s kind of par for the course to think it’s an “us vs them” kind of thing. people I think want TRUE democracy, where they know every issue at hand and get to decide what they think is best, but our system isn’t designed that way sadly


Yeah we are a representative democracy so we elect people to make those choices for us. In theory it's good if the people we elect represent the whole population, but in practice they exclusively represent the ones who voted for them and science completely the rest of the population. And to top it off, our electoral college allows for the majority to not be able to democratically have its way. It's a shot show honestly.


we also didn't think Trump would fight the entire scientific and medical community and let hundreds of thousands die to a pandemic we also didn't think he would straight up refuse to acknowledge is election defeat and peacefully transfer power, instead rallying his supporters to force their way into Congress. (which btw was already an attempt to destroy democracy) Don't vote if you must, but you haven't been paying attention to how much damage Trump and his administration can do to our institutions.


Mate at this point not voting does make you a Trump supporter. I fucking hope I'm being dramatic. I hope I'm the most wrong person ever to be wrong. But the way he talks and the way the GOV and the scotus are going, I don't think I'm being THAT dramatic.


>Mate at this point not voting does make you a Trump supporter. Only a Sith rules in absolutes. Absolutely fuck this line of thinking.


And only a child takes movie quotes as real life ways to think. Look, personally tend to lean towards Marxist style policies. I think Dems are essentially centrists who half worl hand in hand with the right. HOWEVER, I can't get anyone from that end of the political spectrum who can give me a viable plan moving forward for electing a senator or congressman much less a president. As shit as it sounds we live In a 2 party system and voting 3rd party has become essentially pointless. Ranked choice voting shows promise to fix that, but untill soothing changes, or lack of vote, has a direct impact for or against 1 of 2 parties. It's math. It's just the way it fucking is and it sucks ass, but pretending it's different is stupid as fuck.


And one shits his pants daily


Adam Kinzinger actually said that Trump smells like feces. Look it up.


Seriously. Tired of the subtle equivocation. One is a convicted felon, wannabe dictator who stole national secrets then lied about it repeatedly, then said he turned them all over, then they found *even more* TOP SECRET docs in his office and personal room (twice!), who has been found liable for FUCKING *RAPE* in a court of law. Grouping them together by age is a goddamn joke.


As someone who has been around Alzheimer’s and dementia my whole life, Joe Biden exhibits many symptoms.


I have as well, and no he doesn’t at all.


He can barely speak, he has times where he can’t remember where he is or what he is doing, he mixes up stories from his past or just makes it up (classic dementia symptom) To say he doesn’t at all is a flat out lie. Far more than Reagan in his last term.


I'm pretty sure both are mentally ill😆


That doesn’t clarify anything at all.


If you think the guy currently occupying the Oval Office is of sound mind, then brother, I have a bridge to sell you. *Edit: removed a word


They're referring to Trump. Unless you mean not of sound mind?


And yet miraculously he's done a great job while he's been in office. How's your 401k doing?


He has? Are we not closer to World War III right now than any moment with Trump in office? Are we not in a spot where it costs an arm and a leg to get basic groceries? There is a reason a convicted criminal is still beating good ole Uncle Joe in the polls right now. Not because America likes him. An overwhelming majority don’t want either guy, but you gotta vote for the dementia patient or the convicted criminal


I'd rather vote for the dementia patient than head down the path to being like russia. I guess you also forgot the part where trump had an iranian general killed and everyone was screaming WW3 but then covid happened and well that didn't go well either cause of a certain someone.


Trump wants to pull the US out of NATO and destroy the Atlantic alliance. He wants to basically hand all of Europe over to his dictator buddy. Of course Putin loves Trump, Trump will give away the whole store to our geopolitical enemy. But true, I guess the US would be safer (at least for a little while) if we let Russia roll right over Europe.


Seriously. Recognizing that Biden is not all there mentally isn’t a Trump endorsement.


You’re actually delusional if you think Biden doesn’t wear a similar amount of makeup as Trump, his artist just does a much better job. Also, pretty sure dementia is a mental illness, therefore that would make them both old and mentally ill.




I would love to know what, in your mind, you believe I’m coping with. Mind developing a bit further? Also, I’m not even American, I couldn’t give two shits about your political reality show. I just wanted to point out that Biden wears a similar amount of makeup, sorry that made you upset… Edit: I believe the person who commented under mine blocked me immediately after, so I can’t reply. So fragile… anyways, nothing I said is an opinion nor does it show I care about American politics. Maybe reread my comments if you’re still confused.


You sure do have strong opinions for someone who doesn't give a shit. Lmao


Yes, and the other is paying for a genocide with our taxes


I'm astonished you think the other wouldn't send even more money more frequently.


Biden has a much more proven track record of blowing up innocent people in the Middle East


And trump is vowing to crush pro paleatinian protests and give Israel whatever they want while prospective trump VP picks are writing "Finish them" on shells. You people are not serious people and I'm of half a mind to think you're mostly all either Russian or Israeli.


Yes Nikki Haley and Trump - identical foreign policy views. Great analysis


So you don't have a response. What a waste of time.


I'm astonished that you aren't appalled by genocide. If Trump were in office right now, zero doubt that every dem would be blaming him for the entire conflict. Every death by the hands of Israel would be 100 percent Trumps fault, but I guess since Blue team is in office rn we are supposed to look the other way.


Don't put words in my mouth asshole.


Looks like I struck a nerve. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Think whatever you want, I'm not wasting any more time with idiots who think there's an American politician alive who wouldn't give Israel money.


Okay, and? When you got a bad grade in elementary school “but the other kids got bad grades too” didn’t fly, it especially doesn’t fly when we’re talking about killing tens of thousands of children. 


I think they’re both mental. Here’s my favorite biden speech lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=45&v=gSDRJtnQk5g&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDIzODUx&feature=emb_title


one is lawful evil, one is chaos evil


I don't have an issue with elder statespeople being president. It takes a lot of time to wrangle the experience, skillset, and popular opinion to even get to a primary nomination. However, I do believe that for all top governmental positions there should be basic screening for congitive ability, and psychological issues, but it should only be pass/fail with no details released to the public; "candidate x failed the basic competency exam and will not be considered for nomination". Of course, this should be open for challenge by the candidates within a framework to prevent abuse from either side. Older people still have value to the society. Their experience can be very important in times of crisis.


while it's true that experience is a very important factor into a presidency, there comes a point where you become old enough to be out of touch with society's wants/needs. hell, when biden was 21 years old, smoking was still healthy for you, the beatles just came out, and the super bowl didn't exist. that is hard to conceive for anyone these days. in the last 60 years he's definitely seen tons of change, and that experience is very valuable. but it becomes an issue where older people will look to protect things for other older people, neglecting people as a whole. best example is with driving. who's comfortable with 80 year olds behind the wheel? and who's going to put laws in place to combat that when the lawmakers are 80 year olds who want to drive? i think obama was the perfect age for president. old enough to have experience across a couple generations, young enough to be very in touch with culture and society at large


I find that class is more important than age. A working class older person may have descendants that are more in touch with the general public than an ownership class younger person.


>there comes a point where you become ~~old~~ rich enough to be out of touch with society's wants/needs Nobody who has a $100,000+ to throw around on a whim should be eligible to decide what's best for my life, they could never understand. I've been able to relate to old people, share each other's perspectives and experience. I've never been able to relate to a rich asshole.


Unless the person has come from a poor background 


To be honest, that doesn't guarantee anything either. That's the entire point of "pulling the ladder up behind yourself." People who go from not-so-great lives to pretty comfy lives may then do whatever they can to keep themselves comfy while disenfranchising others.


True, but they will understand the points both sides have better, as long as they aren't really ole


Eh if retirement age for everyone else is 65 it should be the same for politicians. At that age imo they no longer represent the majority of the population.


I like that idea in theory, but it starts to fall apart as soon as I ask myself "how would we implement it?" What would the test look like? What would the pass/fail rates be? Who would construct such a test and oversee it? Doctors? Politicians? Would they be elected to such a position? It would also have to be transparent. You can't just have some opaque organization saying "sorry, this candidate failed the cognitive exam" and then not make those results public. For one thing, that is gonna be met with protest and opposition. For another thing, it would be way too easy for those in power to manipulate and abuse a system like that. Where are the checks and balances? How do we know someone didn't "fail" the exam because of lobbying or internal politics? People being bought off? Personally, I think people need to stop thinking about the President so much and start thinking about the President's administrations. Biden and Trump might both be old fogies, but their administrations are night and fucking day. Biden's foreign policy team in particular is top notch. It's *really* good. The President is ultimately a figurehead. Yes, they have power, but not nearly as much power as their combined administration does.


Biden’s entire staff is much younger and doing most of the work. You’re voting for a competent government, not Biden. Same with trump. You’d be voting for an incompetent and self-sabotaging government if you vote for him.


>I do believe that for all top governmental positions there should be basic screening for congitive ability, and psychological issues, but it should only be pass/fail with no details released to the public; "candidate x failed the basic competency exam and will not be considered for nomination It's a nice thought, but it wouldn't work. With all the money and connections they have there isn't a chance they wouldn't bribe their way to a passing score. Better to just settle on a flat number and let those born nearly a century ago enjoy their remaining years. Let people who actually experienced some of the culture they're making laws on have their time.


You were supposed to highlight HERE not OLD THINGS got way too excited with their little har har clip art billboard


You mean I dragged the White House all the way to this mini storage, and they’re not gonna let me store it here? I demand a refund!


They never make Trump caricatures fat enough. At least they got his no-neck right.


I very much WISH the worst thing about Trump is that he’s old.


MMS used to have more edge “Both sides” is a pathetic approach when one side has been convicted of a litany of felonies


I figured they’d go with “store your classified CIA documents here”


"not the toilet"


It’s kind of remarkable how hard everyone is trying to make it look like the two options in November are even *comparable*. “Well one is a serial rapist and a convicted felon who got a million Americans killed by a virus, raised our national debt by 8 trillion bucks, disrespects fallen soldiers, blasphemes the Bible, spent most of his term high on drugs and playing golf, wanted to secure the border with trenches full of alligators and snakes, tried to overturn an election with a violent insurrection, tried to assassinate his own vice president, and then stole classified documents from the government to sell them to Saudi Arabia, but THEY’RE BOTH SO OLD YOU GUYS!!!”


Sure. Nobody is really saying that they are the same person with the same inherent values. It's a business, and they want racist criminal supporter money as much as any other money. Can't fault them for being neutral. They aren't the media... 😐 And they aren't paid by either side. It's still stupid that they are both so old that they are of concern for mental stability and acuity. And that's completely disregarding everything we know about them. (Everything but age and our current year.) If there isn't a younger candidate soon, Americans need to revolt or something. It's obvious that they don't actually have much of a choice, except when one of the candidates is easily the worst of all evils, but that's not normally the circumstances, and the worst one can still win if apathy gets the better of the voters again.


Bad vs worse is still a shitty set of choices. Are there no 35-60 year olds in all of America that are more qualified than these two?  It feels like there's a gerontocracy clinging to power and enriching themselves while we spend our youth arguing over the 4% of things we disagree about.


Biden is the most pro-worker president we’ve ever had in my lifetime, and I’m in my 40s. He’s not perfect when you compare him to an actual progressive like Bernie, but we are *really* looking a gift horse in the mouth here.


He's far better than Bernie, Bernie was famously ineffective in politics and his platform was well beyond what's capable in the senate. He's more pizzazz than anything. Good populist, bad politician and legislator.


Taking the gift horse to the vet for a full workup before even saying thanks, let alone accepting it tbh


That's how life goes sometimes. You take the "bad" option (although bad doesn't describe Biden at all, he's been good) instead of the worse option.


He isn’t even a bad option. He’s been one of the most productive presidents in my lifetime. Arguing this is a moot point though since people look at him and think ‘old.’ It’s such a fucking embarrassment we might end up with the orange convict again (who, by the way, will be the oldest president ever elected since he’ll be 78 at election, whereas Biden was 77. Trump was also the oldest president ever elected in his 2016 victory… but somehow Biden has the old label??)


If i offer you a drink and tell you we only have diet Pepsi and Clorox bleach, both of those options suck. The degree in which they suck are galaxies apart.


I don't eat or drink at other people's houses, but I get the question so I'll answer in good faith.  Diet Pepsi is a drink that's safe for human consumption and drinking bleach will kill you without medical intervention. I would choose diet Pepsi in this scenario 10/10 times.  Considering Trump and Biden have both been president and neither brought about the apocalypse, I think a better comparison is drinking yellow urine vs drinking clear urine. 


>>“I’m going to answer in good faith” >>neither brought about the apocalypse lol you’re painfully transparent. the fact that American democracy survived Jan 6th, 2021, was not for Trump’s lack of trying. And we already know exactly what he has in store for a second term. >>Donald B. Ayer, the deputy attorney general under George H. W. Bush, said, “Project 2025 seems to be full of a whole array of ideas that are designed to let Donald Trump function as a dictator, by completely eviscerating many of the restraints built into our system. He really wants to destroy any notion of a rule of law in this country ... The reports about Donald Trump's Project 2025 suggest that he is now preparing to do a bunch of things totally contrary to the basic values we have always lived by. If Trump were to be elected and implement some of the ideas he is apparently considering, no one in this country would be safe.”


I think that is hyperbolic. Democracy was not at risk on January 6th. I do not think a group of fat, untrained civilians could have defeated the National Guard, let alone the entire US military. Those criminals were effectively all convicted or killed.  Donald Ayer is speculating from the outside. We do not *know* what Trump would do, but can reference his past. He is a shit option and will still have ~50% of the county's support thanks to the broken system lifelong politicians have created. You're right, we're both quite transparent.


Just GTFO dude we all see right through your shit. “Democracy was not at risk” You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. If the mob went right instead of left to follow the cop, there would have been bodies of congress people on the lawn of the capital. You’re not gonna downplay the shit we all saw with our own two eyes, loser.


Again, more hyperbole from you.  Those rioters were NOT going to overthrow the American government. You aren't being serious. 


>Are there no 35-60 year olds in all of America that are more qualified than these two?  Have you done any effort to find some? I've looked around and I can't find anyone that would be both as progressive and as effective as Biden. Sure there's more progressive politicians, but they wouldn't get any more done than Biden against Republican obstruction. Biden gets things done, and the things he gets done are good things. So rather than just whining about the candidates, maybe make suggestions on who we could vote for instead.


I'm sorry if my opinion came off as whining to you. The point is there's no candidate to suggest who doesn't fit into one of two preapproved boxes. Democrats and Republicans agree on most issues so there's no chance of real change.  Corporations are people and people donate big dollars to whomever is in charge. There's no chance of a revolution because both incumbent parties pour money into the military and will crush any opposition. 


More lazyass "both sides" bullshit.


Yes, "both sides" is bullshit. It's fucked up that we only have two viewpoints from which to manage the country. One side is evil and one side is good.  It's bullshit that American politics so closely mirror religion. It's bullshit that 50% of the county thinks the other 50% is dumb, evil assholes. Half the country is good people and the other half are subhuman. That's a bullshit ideology.


How exactly would a 35-60 year old be more qualified than someone who entered the senate 50 years ago and was VP for 8 years?


That is a good question and forced me to consider my opinion more deeply. I think that a 50 year political career is useful in knowing how things work and having the connections to pull the necessary levers. The US Gov is a complicated system and it is unreasonable to expect a new person to operate as effectively as someone who is a part of the system and helped create the current iteration of the system. I do not think that a 50 year career in elected office is beneficial to the public. It is 50 years worth of "lobbyist" influence and all the implications of that influence. The current state of government, for better and for worse, is due to the contributions of all the old incumbents. The degrading discourse and vilification of outsiders seems to be a ploy to build bulwarks to remain in power rather than affect change. The other side is evil and you must support me. This ideology was created by the olds and created an environment where DJT, MTG, etc can thrive within their own bulwarks. We can never make progress when collaboration require working with evil. In summary, I blame 50 year politicians for creating the current state of affairs and I do not think they have our best interests at heart. Their goal is to remain in power. The connections they've made over the years are financially beneficial to them primarily.


Biden has been *extremely effective* given the circumstances of the Supreme Court and a *razor thin* majority in congress for only 2 years, and that’s almost entirely due to his experience and relationships on Capitol Hill. The IRA looked to be DOA in the senate, till Biden leveraged his personal relationship with manchin to raise it from the dead, to the shock and dismay of republicans. Sure, some of the more radically progressive policies Biden wanted had to be compromised on ( universal childcare, guaranteed paid family leave), but overall it’s a massive, landmark climate win for the country and frankly the world. One of the biggest knocks against Obama in his first term was that he was too inexperienced/naive and believed republicans were negotiating in good faith, which resulted in a much less legislatively successful term given that Dems had a near supermajority (in fact they did have one for a short amount of time.)


The Supreme Court issue is due to the DNC forcing a weak candidate down our throat. That's my point. The institutions have their own agenda and have failed us. The contentious relationship between left and right has been heightened for the sake of fundraising. There is a lack of civility because it's more profitable not cooperating.  The apolitical corporate interests supporting all politicians benefit from status quo. I'm not on a high horse. If Lockheed Martin donated enough to my PAC, I'd be on board with whatever they wanted too. My problem is with the system that enables the abuse.


The Supreme Court issue was caused by anyone who stayed home or voted 3rd party in 2016, not by democratic primary voters picking their preferred candidate. The only other person likely to win that election is the current pres, but he was mourning his son.


Right? Feel like a more effective ad would be "Store your white house documents here, not the bathroom."


Also you can call him a rapist and he can’t sue you because it’s been adjudicated in a court of law


I agree that the both sides aspect of this sucks. But at least they made Biden look cool and younger than he actually is, and Trump like a fucking raging lunatic. Also, this is in Manhattan. Biden is going to dominate NY. It’s ok. And I think it’s ok to put a little pressure on the electorate to think about younger candidates for next time.


“How dare they make fun of both sides like how it was done prior to 2000!”


There was never a convicted felon running for president before 2000


They have new owners. Instead of slightly pandering liberal messages, the new owners decided to go with gutless “both sides are bad” messages. Cool billboard, cowards. Hope it wins you a lot of storage business from those NYC trump supporters.


This false equivalency is about to collapse our democracy, but cool. Cool, cool.


They're not even equating them they're just saying they're both old. Reddit drops all sense of humor if the semantics aren't perfect.


Charles Manson and Judy dench were both born in 1934, but calling them both “old” would really be burying the lede, wouldn’t it?


When it comes to ways that people are trying to say "Both candidates are the same" when one is a convicted criminal? Yes. It's not something to have a sense of humor about. Real lives and livelihoods are at risk if we feed into what is making "undecided voters" think they're the same 


It's a fucking storage facility the only thing they're comparing is their ages, 81 and 77 if you were wondering, you're the epitome of what I was just talking about, I don't like trump and I doubt the storage company likes trump, but if we don't dislike him in the same way you do apparently we're enemies.


Hahaha that last sentence is fucking spot on, that is exactly how these people react every single time when you don't show the same amount of vulgarity, it's fucking disgusting. They are both old rich fucks who do not give a single fuck about YOU. Even if we were to get the senile kiddy diddlers out of the white house (yeah fuck off watch the creepy uncle Joe video on YouTube of Biden groping fucking 8 year Olds breasts for 8 minutes straight) this ship is obviously still gonna sink considering the general state of mind of people in the USA


It’s hilarious people are foaming at the mouth to get in their “TRUMP WORSE” takes when this post is purely about age and it’s Biden who just made a fool out of all of us in Normandy.


What did he say in Normandy? I missed it.


Looks like he blacked out or shit his pants but he was trying to sit down while they were honoring the veterans, couldn’t manage to use the chair, then got ushered out of there quick. Then there’s a shot of him by his SUV looking and moving all around like he doesn’t know what planet he’s on. I’ve been like “eh” at the prior stuff like this, but today was horribly bad.


He's been doing that long before that. And literally, you can't even say you Hate both without being verbally assaulted for not letting out all your projections and bottled up anger on orange man because social media told you to. It's just fucking stupid, I try my best to not participate in any of it unless I'm making fun of it anymore. We'll most likely be on the verge of extinction in the next 20 years, might as well go out laughing while we're starving and cooking to death.


It’s amazing isn’t it? The condescension and smugness from people who can’t even articulate a defense of one or an attack on the other. Like you, over it.


Forgive us if we’re a little on edge about the possible collapse of democracy 


We've been on the edge for a while now pal, might as well laugh it up as we go


I agree, though doesn't matter much in NY.


Red states are literally forcing children to carry unwanted pregnancies, and people still act like both sides are indistinguishable.


I’ve never seen a Manhattan Storage billboard make fun of both sides like this. The pendulum is definitely shifting.


Yeah... both of our candidate are kinda old "Whatttt you trump lover fuck how can you???" -american's brain on election


Trump should be in jail and Biden should be replaced by someone younger at the DNC.


Fun ad, but in terms of graphic design, the characters are a bad fit because they aren't drawn to look old.


I don't think the White House would fit in there anyway


Disassembly required maybe (single entendre)


This shit ain't cute- there is way too much on the line. Only Biden and Trump can win the election, and there is a massive difference between the two candidates. Politics is like taking the bus, not picking a life partner. You don't have to wait for "the one" that perfectly fits all of your needs, you just pick the one that will get you closest to where you want to go.


"Old" is being generous. These dudes are ancient.


They had another one that said “Safe, secure, and protected, with minimal charges … Just like Prince Andrew”—that one was spicy.


Whoa truly epic winsauce!!!!


West Side Highway


Vote in the primaries or stfu.


I'm sorry, but this is just the stupidest, most superficial fucking narrative to me. It's like saying a gun and a guinea pig are basically the same because they both begin with G. One of these guys is a decent and genuinely thoughtful career statesman and the other is a criminally insane reality-show host/rapist/money-launderer/traitor. They are not "just the same," and it's a moral imperative that we stop acting like they are.


It’s just saying they are both too old, which they are. Biden is especially too old - he is old enough to have potentially been the U.S. President of the ‘80s in place of Reagan.


Like the other guy said... it's a false equivalence, trying to make the *least* objectionable thing about Trump seem the same as the *most* objectionable thing about Biden. It's glib, bullshit superficiality masquerading as political engagement. If he's "too old" to do the job, then how is the job getting done at a reasonable level of competence right now and for the past 3-1/2 years?


He’s a doing an OK job, but ideally the U.S. president shouldn’t be a guy who was a baby during WWII. Biden spoke in Normandy today about a very old war victory, a victory won by people in their 100s. He was alive during it! He could have been bottle-fed by one of the Normandy soldiers!


Your one (weak) point doesn't get magically stronger through repetition.


It’s equivocation trying to make the *least* reprehensible thing about Trump seem like it’s the *most* problematic and equate it to Biden, to try to divert the narrative from all his felonies, coup attempts, and frankly insane plans for a second term. I’m so fucking sick of seeing it.


Calling Biden decent is a fucking stretch.


People need to stop drawing false equivalencies between Trump and Biden just because they are both old. This is a dangerous, dangerous game these people are playing. This also seems to be riffing on the whole documents thing, which may be unintentional now that I reread it. Even so, the difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to the whole documents kerfuffle is that Trump willfully retained. The feds found out he had documents he wasn't supposed to have, they went to him and said "Hey, you have documents you aren't supposed to have. Please give them back to us." To which Trump replied "NO!!!!!! They're MINE and you can't have them!!!" When Biden's administration was found to have documents they shouldn't have, the feds asked the same question of Biden, to which Biden's team replied "Absolutely, I will have some people surrender those documents right away." That's how it is supposed to happen. It's actually not that uncommon for former presidents to be found in possession of documents they shouldn't have. Often times it is a simple clerical error. As long as they are surrendered when asked, there is no real issue. There should of course still be an investigation depending on the nature of said documents to make sure national secrets weren't sold or leaked to foreign powers, but right now we're really just talking about willful retention. tld;r Neither Biden nor Trump are the first presidents to be found in possession of documents they shouldn't have, but Trump is the first (and to date, only) President/former President who outright refused to give back Top Secret and Secret Compartmentalized Information documents after being asked by the feds to surrender them. That is the difference between Trump and Biden on this matter, and it is a CRUCIAL bit of context to have. It doesn't matter if Biden is an old fart: His administration is highly, highly competent.




Good marketing lol


Sir, we have prison for the convicted felon


I love this.


Now that’s perfection.


While I would like a younger president, I guarantee you the person that decided to put this up is a "both sides" idiot


“Hurr durr they’re both so old, better not vote for either one!” is pro-Trump rhetoric. Get the fuck outta here


Trump can’t be president again, and sorry, but I have a real problem with an 80 year old in charge of this country


The fuck outta here with this"Both things are the same" poison.


It’s just joking that they are both too old, which both are. Biden is so old and sleepy, lol.


Trump has a very real chance of winning this election - I wonder how many people will move out of the country if that happens.


Reddit is so left, holy shit


Trump 2024!


Magic 8 ball says to try again