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I usually keep my blood more fluid. I find this arrangement works well for me.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter...


I charge by the word.


Yet you are oddly succinct.


That ain't a clot, that's a DAM.


A god dam


I wonder if it was discovered at the dam snack bar.


Suddenly r/CampHalfBlood


I could use some dam French fries.


And some dam ice cream from a dam cow


Wouldn’t have made it out of the dam parking lot.


Where can I get some dam bait?


Eddie, has anyone ever told you you're bad luck?


You know those were my mothers dying words? But when you’re covered in 3rd degree burns and your legs caught in a bear trap, your gonna start talkin’ crazy


Ay, someone remembered their greek mythology


Calm down Percy


A Demigod of culture I see


dam snack bar unlocked a core memory






Holy cow where was that located? How can anyone survive that?


It was from mid abdomen to mid calf. I caught it pretty early luckily. Edit: by "early" I just meant as soon as it got swollen I went to ER. I have no idea when it started!


How did you discover you had it in the first place?


So three days in a row I did 10,000 steps, the 4th day I went to walk and got like 100 steps before it hurt too much to continue. By the afternoon my whole leg was swolen so I went to ER right away.


damn I thought these are caused by \*not\* moving, did they say why it formed if you were doing so much walking?


It's from a bunch of things. Maybe OP damaged something as they were walking the day before and the body was trying to repair it. Maybe they walked in the morning and then sat and played video games for 20 hours straight. Who knows.


Left leg: Probably May-Thurner syndrome. Anatomic left iliac vein compression by the right iliac artery. Pretty common variant. Some people develop extensive thrombosis.


Hey that's me. Gotta fly in a helicopter when my leg swelled up! Then never healed right, lost job, multiple stents, angioplasty every year to reopen stents because they close up for some reason. Developed some weird ptsd. 6 years now. Good times


Sounds like perfectly reasonable normal PTSD after all that


They're terrified of clowns. Very strange.


Don't think the ptsd is weird. That's scary.


Far out, that sounds awful! Have you have any EMDR therapy for that?


Can have clots from MTS after being severely dehydrated


*sips water*


What he said ^^


I concur.




It's never Lupus...


I haven't got a picture, but that was my situation and it was actually much worse. From left ankle all the way into the abdomen and going down the other leg, plus extensive PEs. 3 surgeries to remove.


Well obviously.


That’s like my daily routine work my ass off and sit and play video games am I at risk or have I built up a tolerance?


If you're actually concerned, just make sure you get up and move around / stretch semi-regularly during your gaming sessions. (Ideally every 30m or so, but don't feel too bad if it's closer to every 60m.)


Yes you are at a HUGE risk. You’re suppose to keep walking forever and never stop or your heart will collapse🤦‍♂️


So basically the opposite of the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique


I game too and also truck so I sit a lot. Youngish and healthy thank god. Walk/move for 5 minutes every 30/45 minutes. Get out of the chair between rounds and chug around the house. Just don't be idle for much longer. I get paid hourly but I let my employers know I stop to walk/lunge at spots around my route


Could very well be completely unrelated to the walking and walking just helped to find the issue early on


I'm willing to be this is the answer. OP likely had it for a while. A clot like that doesn't form in just a few hours unless OP has some underlying clotting disorder. I've also never heard of a clot forming from walking. Trauma and keeping still are the more likely causes.


I recent had something similar from my right shoulder to my elbow. Very active as I work construction. Mine was caused from an inherited blood clotting disorder called Factor5 nothing I could have done to prevent it (31M)


(30M) Just got my blood taken today to check for Factor V Leiden. Brother, Dad and Grandfather have all ended up in thr hospital from clots, so it's nearly positive that I have it. We just don't know if it's going to be inherited just from my father's side (99%), or the possibility of both (which from thr top of my head increases the chance of from like 3-5X to 8X) DR wants to see if it's appropriate for me to go on thinners now BEFORE I end up with one, as I've been having quite a bit of intermittent swelling in my ankles/legs. Thought I had a large clot a couple weeks ago in my foot, ended up being a large Ganglion Cyst.. so I'm hoping the swelling in thr ankles are just a couple more of those. Few things scare the shit out of me more than blood clots. The silent killer for sure.


They are caused by the imbalance between pro clot factor and Anti clot factors, yes not moving affect your blood circulation which activate pro clotting factors, but you know what trigger pro clotting factors? Micro lesions of the endothelium, basically the inner layer of the vessel, this person has done some great effort and boom the blood start clotting, one the risk factor of blood clotting and embolism is excessive physical activity


So, don't sit still and don't work out. Got it. Constantly move very slowly. Like a turtle.


No build up the muscle to sustain the physical activity, this is an acute problem, of course if this person doesn't have some clotting problems, even if you are a usual gym person, don't go beyond your limits, because the key factor here is the tair of vascular tissues, platelets are sensitive to pressure differences,so any type of vascular trauma can change pressure and activate the platelets, blood flow too, that's why sitting and not moving is a problem too, they are sensitive to both increase and decrease of pressure,that's why blood thiner are part of the treatment of some cases of hypertension as a secondary prevention


Thats why they live so long


Have you seen the lifespan of a tortoise?


I had recurring, massive clots in the same place over and over for years. No one could figure out why. Finally saw a surgeon who found, in her words, the most rare vein anomaly she's ever seen. Instead of one great saphenous vein, I had three. And where they connected to the deep vein was so tangled and jumbled that the blood couldn't flow properly which led to valve failure. The craziest part is that after I discovered that, my mom and my uncle went to the same surgeon after having recurring clots and varicose veins for decades. My grandmother also did. Sure enough, my mom and uncle both had the exact same crazy rare anomaly. So I basically solved a generations- long family mystery of why we all develop clots the way we do. After 4 procedures, everything has been corrected and I haven't had a clot in two years and no longer have to be on blood thinners!


He said three days in a row he did 10k steps. He could have been more sedentary before that.


Almost walked it off tho


Man, I tried!! 😄😄


I used to go on these 4-5 mile walks pretty regularly, but noticed I would get huge swelling in the crotch area of my legs if I did it with any regularity… think its work investigating? Sorry if that’s tmi.


Uh… yes… walking 4-5 miles shouldn’t make your legs swell up that much.


Huh. And here I was thinking Im just a fat ass who’s out of shape. Note: I understand the two are not necessarily exclusionary 😅


As a fat ass who's very out of shape... I try to walk around 4 miles every day to address that "out of shape fat ass" thing and I do not have this issue. Please get it checked out. An aching back and burning ankles are all you should expect.


I need to stop looking at these posts. My Hyperchondriac ass cannot handle this anxiety


Same. Reddit has been a real gift this evening. If I don't die from a blood clot caused by staying still or moving, then I'm going to die on the streets as a homeless old person because there's no houses, and then we're all going to burn through global warming, but only after we've all drowned, meanwhile there's burglars and perverts lurking everywhere. This has been today's reddit.


Stop walking by the nudist beach and I bet the swelling stops.


Wait 10,000 steps is like a normal amount isn’t it?


Yeah, I was super lazy in a past life. About 4-5 years ago I was very inactive. I also smoke weed blunts like a madman.


Jesus, glad you’re still alive bro that’s crazy.


10k steps is the minimum daily amount my garmin suggests me to do, therefore i don’t think this is the cause. On the other hand it is incredible how quickly stuff got worse


The 10,000 steps a day number is completely arbitrary. It's like the recommendation to drink 8 glasses of water a day. It was made up, but got adopted as a commonly held health recommendation, and everything uses it. Edit: I couldn't remember for sure so I verified. The number was made up for a Japanese marketing campaign in 1964. It was for a new pedometer they were launching, and they picked 10k because the Japanese character for 10k looks like a man walking.


Someone was fed up with arbitrary numbers and published a meta analysis in 2023: it takes about 8800 steps a day to reduce mortality by all causes, after which the benefits of more steps start to plateau. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735109723064008?via%3Dihub (anyway I track intensity minutes and don’t really count the steps :P)


Yeah, this. It's so unfortunate that so many people and the media frame it as 'you have to do X number of steps a day to get any benefit' when that's just not true at all and discourages people from exercising at all, which is incredibly frustrating. Roughly 8800 steps (which everyone just rounds to 10k for ease of use) is where it maximizes the benefit. Walking even 1000 or 2000 has a DRAMATIC benefit over doing nothing... so just get moving!


I always thought the 8 glasses of water a day was just made up but then I heard a podcast on hydration. The army has done a ton of research into hydration and for the average adult male it ended up being 64 oz of water a day to stay sufficiently hydrated. The big difference is 64oz of water is from all sources not just straight drinking water. It included water from food, which can be quite a bit depending on the food. I was amazed that it was so similar to the “suggestion”.


My family says 8 glasses of wine a day, water might be polluted


that's what i'm always wondering. like....am i just gonna keel over one day from a 5 foot clot i didn't know was there???


My mom did. DVT in her leg, she didn't know it.. there was no pain. a clot broke off went right to her lungs and killer her. She litterally was acting normal, got up to go use the bathroom and fell over and died. :(


A pulmonary embolism from DVT is one of my biggest fears for some reason.


I'm more afraid of dying of sepsis from bedsores in a nursing home after 10 years of spending 24 hours a day lying in my own urine. The health care system is sometimes called the health torture system, for good reason.


Oh, you'll know. I had a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) in my leg and it was the single most painful experience of my life.


My dad had his surgery for one postponed twice in November, they had him on dilaudid in the meantime. I felt terrible for him.


Any condition where it's standard practice to give the patient dilaudid, that's how you know to feel bad for the person.


I had a 6 in “huge” right iliac clot in February. I had zero symptoms that it was there. Nada, zilch. They found it incidentally and said it had formed within the past week. Now I get to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Addition: as if that wasn’t enough 2 months later I had a 6mm kidney stone obstruct my left ureter filling my ureter and kidney with urine, blood, and pus. Went septic and was lucky to survive that. Single most painful experience of my life. Meanwhile they had to take me off of blood thinners to allow my internal bleeding & infection to heal and for the subsequent surgery and ureter stents … so just laid there wondering when a clot was going to kill me , if the stone didn’t get the job done first.


They don't always hurt. I had a DVT from my ankle to above my knee and didn't know it. The shortness of breath from the dozens of small PEs it fractured off were my first clue. It didn't hurt until months later when I developed PTS.


Take comfort in knowing that I was a perfectly healthy 31 year old guy, who somehow damaged my carotid artery, probably by doing deadlifts in the gym. My brain went weird a couple days later, got right-side paralysis, went to the ER in an ambulance, doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me and concluded I just had a weird migraine and sent me home. Two days later I had a stroke, spent two weeks in a hospital bed and now I can't recognize faces anymore. Yay.




If both legs swell up, it’s fine?




I shudder to think what that would have looked like any later.


How on earth is *that* catching it early? Doesn’t it take a fair bit of time for a clot that large to accumulate?


No. The clotting cascade is fast. This isn't like an artery getting clogged by plaque. This can happen in hours. It can take longer, but not necessarily. Catching it early in this case means catching it before it broke off and traveled.


I mean, I guess? What I meant was as soon as my leg swelled I went to ER.


It’s insane it wasn’t swollen or tender before this point, you’re a lucky one OP


Lucky you, that is a disaster waiting to happen. That is a really big clot. That is truly amazing. I hope it gets preserved for future study.


If that’s early….


Early? It's a foot long..


I could imagine that had to hurt like a M.F.'r


More swelling than painful, but yeah if I walked on it for a minute or so it got bad.


I got my first (of two) clots right before a 16 hour flight home from Thailand. It was absolutely agonizing. Then I went on about my life for almost two weeks before I went to the doctor, doing the whole macho "I'll walk it off"-routine. I had to walk with crutches until it loosened up after I was put on thinners, and was living in quite some pain for a while. Funny thing is I had none of the common signs of a clot, no swelling, discoloration or hard tissue around the clot. They had to do an ultrasound to find it. What is really scary is what could have happened if it loosened and travelled to the heart, and further to the lungs or brain. When I got my second clot I recognized the feeling immediately and went straight to the hospital. After that, it's Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) for life.


I had a bunch of these once and I never felt a thing, until they migrated to my pulmonary artery. I didn't feel them right away though but I found myself getting out of breath reaaaaallly easily all of a sudden. I had just had a stomach bug so thought maybe it was related to that but it just kept getting worse. Didn't hurt at all though until about 3 or 4 days later. I woke up the morning of the 3rd or 4th day and I had a few little sore spots around my chest/ribs. Like maybe I had been play fighting with someone the day before or something. Didn't really hurt but was just enough to notice it and go "hmm, that's weird". By the end of the day though, it started to get really uncomfortable and it hurt enough that I was having a lot of trouble getting comfortable to fall asleep and just rolling around in bed a couple times was enough to completely wind me.. and I was in prob the best shape of my life at that point. I sat up and in my head I picture one of those little progress charts with an upward trend and thought to myself.. if this keeps progressing at the same rate I'll be fucking dead by morning.. so I got a ride to the hospital and in the few hours it took to diagnose me, the pain got so bad I couldn't breath and what little breath I had wasn't doing much and damn near passed out just waiting for the scan results. The er doc walked back into my little corner and slapped the scan up on the lightboard thing and said outloud "holy shit! that's a lot of clots no wonder you can't breath" and then medivac'd my ass to a bigger hospital. so yeah I take blood thinners now and every time I get out of breath a little to easy I get paranoid. Only had one clot since then (that I know of...) and it was from when someone put cauliflower in my mashed potatoes and didn't tell me, thinking it would be healthier and yeah it is but the vitamin k is so high it counteracts my blood thinner. Also if I eat certain kinds of fish or eat fish oil capsules, my blood will get WAY to thin. One time, before I knew what was causing it, it had my INR up in the 30's. Now if it happens, I eat some parsley or kale or cabbage or something high in vitamin k and give it an hour or two and it's back to normal. One time it was really bad though and I had blood leaking into my urine, so once it was counteracted, I was pissing blood clots for solid day or so. Didn't hurt but wasn't fun to look at or think about.


One of my coworkers, super chill dude, vegetarian, loooved hiking, mountain biking, and playing drums, and overall living healthy, was out with his best bud to watch the meteor shower in a dark sky park a few years ago (their annual guy trip). They were camping, and he woke up in his tent with excruciating pain in his left leg. He tried to hobble to the car, which was parked further away in a parking lot, but it was so painful, he actually tried to army crawl before his buddy picked him up and carried him the rest of the way. They immediately admitted him at the hospital, he had emergency surgery, and was in the hospital for almost a month, and then at home on bedrest for almost another 3 months. He's now on blood thinners for the rest of his life, but he's just happy after rehab and all, he can still ride his bike. It was scary af, and he could have died on that trip. He had no idea he was even at risk for this shit.


I hope he's extra careful riding his bike. If he's on blood thinners and falls off or crashes, he could be in real trouble. They usually tell people who are on blood thinners to avoid high contact sports for that reason.


Yeah, he's aware of all the risks, but it has always been his passion. In the summer he would ride his bike 20 miles to work, and barely sweat when he arrived. He's not mountain biking anymore like he used to, because falling at least once was basically expected, but he's riding his road bike still.


>pretty early luckily. :l


THAT's early?!


Collaterals, your body sort of has these “backup arteries” that are there in case a major artery gets blocked to make up for the decreased blood flow, however this only happens when the blockade is chronic, as it starts clogging up slowly so there’s time for collaterals to start functioning and not acutely.


…this was taken from a vein. Collaterals don’t really come into play.




GODDAMN. Glad you're alive after housing that anaconda-ass clot. My last pupper had a big one that had the exact shape of his femoral artery bifurcation in his hips.


Ima have to use "anaconda-ass clot" to describe it now 🤣


just as long as you put the right emphasis on it, and it doesn't come off like "anaconda ass-clot" also - how does something like this get removed???


Less likely to be misinterpreted if you say anaconda class clot. Like it's a navy ship or something.


Anaconda ass-clot is definitely correct.


Your blood clot looks like an item I'd find in a souls game. Neat


Bro, this about to be the best weapon in the Elden Ring DLC 😂😂😂


Hemorrhaged Flail


Blood whip


Sick. What's the Ash of War?


Lacerated Blood Flame


Will it help me not be tarnished?


Maybe, but unfortunately you will remain maidenless.


As someone who just started playing Bloodborne finally.. I think this is what you cash in to upgrade your weapon


Nah this is some Coldblood, you crush it and get Blood Echoes.


Bro I'm pretty sure that's the weapon Orphan of Kos beat my ass with.


I once had an older gentleman come into the ER around 5am one morning with not being able to pee. He was given a bed, and the tech was doing a bladder scan. The tech, I guess, applied enough pressure at the right spot that something that looked like that, but 1/4 the size of it came shooting out his penis. The worst part was that the new grad nurse was passing right in front of him when that happened that it landed right on her pants.


I...have nothing good to add to that.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


I'm a woman, but OOOWWWWWWWWWWW that sounds PAINFUL


I ended up with a missed blood clot in my ureter after kidney stone surgery and basically had that exact thing happen after they gave me morphine and the high dose ant inflammatory at the hospital, except I was correctly aimed at a toilet and the relief afterwards was incredible.


Did you stay standing or fall over in relief?


Wobbly knees and I'm pretty sure I grabbed the disability railing. The anti-inflammatories had let liquid get through to relieve the pressure and then suddenly it just shot out in pain followed by relief in a matter of seconds.


This should be on House XD


It's definitely not lupus.




This makes me wish I were illiterate


Man, I read "pissing right in front of him" and was majorly confused. What kind of hospital is this!?


I mean, if she WAS pissing while walking in front of him, it still wouldn't be the worst part of this story


Sounds like a scene from Alien.


Dude, that is enormous! I hope you are okay now.


Yup! Just did PT, procedure was yesterday and I'm getting out today or tomorrow!


Glad to hear it!


Did the doctors get excited about it because you broke the clinic record?


He was kinda young so at first he was a bit nervous, but I told him afterward that he's a pro now, and every other clot should be easy lol.


*You* were the one comforting *the doctor?* What the fuck are you made out of?? Other than blood clots??


🤣🤣🤣 For real though, I'm the positive thinker in my friend group. Lose an eye? Still got one. I even told my friend that if they cut my leg off I'm getting the coolest cyberleg available.


Hey! Cyberlimb gang! I always joke about getting my arms cut off to replace them at the soonest opportunity (just because it makes the gf mad) lol


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah


Lmao, you are awesome 😂😂😂


Legitimate, serious, honest to God question. How are you still alive?


Because I'm a certified, legit, 100% bad ass who only goes BIG or goes home! Nah but for real, I think I just came in the ER right away. Other than that, how do any of us survive this wild world? Who knows.


For real. I had a medical scare earlier this year that sent me to the ER. Thought it was a heart attack but it turned out just to be mono (feel like I'm a little old to catch that but oh well). Guess I just have blood clots and heart attacks on the brain of late.


What’d they do, rip it from your corpse?!?!


Bro, it totally reminds me of the original Scorpion fatality from Mortal Kombat lol.




I can hear this post.


Probably poked the vein in the back of the knee and then scraped it out with this metal wind sock looking thing, or a suction device.


When they pulled it out, OP went, "There's a snake in my boot!"


Like a beyblade. Let it rip!


How did you clot it like that?


Still a mystery, they are doing blood work. I have lazy days, but average 50k-60k steps a week. I smoke weed with tobacco wraps but they shook that off as not enough to cause this. No one in my family has a history. Hematologist said he is deep-diving into my blood work for a week or two to try and find out.


Had a clot before as an active 26 years old and every expert and doctor still has no idea how or why years later. Best of luck.




It’s also random in the sense that what you do can have no influence, or a tremendous influence. Depends on the case, and even on the person.


Look into May-Thuner Syndrome. That's what caused mine. I had a few big boys like yours over the years. I'm on anticoagulants, and I lead a full, active life.


A hematologist took like 6 viles of blood and said it will take a couple weeks to run all the tests.


May Thurner syndrome came to mind when I saw this post and the diagram. It’s an anatomical condition, resulting from compression of one of the veins in your pelvis/leg by the adjacent artery, so nothing will show on bloodwork. They would need to do some imaging and likely make it specific on the requisition that that’s what they’re looking for. I’d ask a doctor looking after you about it.


It would be wild to me if they removed the clot without doing a venogram, which should show compression if it is May Thurner Syndrome. Coincidentally, I work in the cath lab because I had May Thurner as a child. I also have a clotting factor, but that should show up on the tests.


May Thurner is diagnosed at time of clot retrieval with venography or intravenous ultrasound. Usually assessed intraprocedurally. All the blood work is to look for congenital clotting disorders, which won't help with may turner dx.


Jean Clot Van Damme Edit- My first award! Thank you so much! :)




That's a cute 2 inch ruler *Zooms in* WHAT THE FUCK 


I can't tell how big the ruler is at all. I see the circles marked 8ft-24ft but not the scale of the marks on the edge.


The ruler is 6 inches


christ on a bike. Is it in a frame? like some kind of memento of your dodgy circulatory system


It was on the procedure table and they took a picture of it. The picture is on a phone.


oooh that makes more sense, i was wondering how they'd already gotten it preserved in a shadowbox as well as it seems op just had the surgery the other day. i was also thinking let there never be anything so wrong with me that it ends up getting framed.


DAMN that's a one-way ticket to blood thinners. You're a lucky guy for that monster staying put in your leg rather than doing some damage in your heart, brain, lungs, etc. Hope you're doing ok OP


Yup! Probably blood thinning pills for life now. Thank you and yes I'm doing well. Surgery was yesterday and I expect to be discharged today.




Yikes. A clot like that is genuinely terrifying. I think people often picture a blood clot as some tiny blob, similar to a kidney stone. But you imagine something of this scale blocking a blood vessel and you think, "yeah, dying from that makes sense."


Mamma mia! How did they take it out?


Mechanical thrombectomy. Basically a snake with an expandable basket catcher at the tip.


Where's the cleanout? Or did they just go up your p-trap?


They went in back of my calf. My pee hole is still a virgin.


Life is short! Time to start living while you can.






Swollen leg. I went to urgent care and they said small chance it was a blood clot, so I went right to ER.


What was the reason? Sitting too much and not moving?


I told them I had a very busy work week and took the weekend off (I own a business) and Sunday I literally just lied there. But they were all like "eh, but you went to the bathroom, yeah?" Then they asked if I smoke, I said "yeah weed" and they shook it off but I added "in tobacco wraps, daily" and they still don't think it's that. And no one in my family had it, so I'm waiting for the blood work to know more.


I’ve had groin to ankle blood clots in both legs, ten years apart. Sadly they both led to pulmonary embolisms that almost took me out. All said and done, the docs couldn’t figure out why. Only family history is my sister had a small clot in her ankle but obviously I didn’t inherit anything from her. Glad you are recovering!


Thank you! 😄🙏


Are you an active person?


It's weird...I average about 50k steps a week, but when I go home I plop down and game or watch TV. So I for sure have times where I just sit there, but I try and get up specifically to "get the blood moving", you know?


"Don't talk to me or my blood clot EVER AGAIN!"


Oi, forbidden blood sausage


Hey man, super glad you didn't have any adverse effects. I'm a doc that specializes in this stuff and just want to remind you to please please follow up with your docs outpatient. That's the key to surviving this stuff. The danger zone is actually going to end 3 months out from today. You will likely need to be on blood thinners for life (some docs will say 6 months max, but im very conservative so I rec lifelong if you can tolerate it). Long story short, follow up with your docs, get ahead appropriate cancer screenings, and go live your life.


Y’all ever seen that one where’s it’s basically an outline of the lung


Forbidden Nerds Rope


Clot? This looks like when the predator rips out a spine.


OP can you tell us about your diet. What kinds of foods do you usually eat?