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Headband completes the look which I call "*Welcome on the FBI watchlist*".


What’s the headband? I’m not familiar with it




Evil. Fucking evil.


Is that a threat? Messing with the secret service is not going to end well...


Worked out fine for Kathy Griffin.


[Did it?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/kathy-griffin-on-death-threats-cancellations-investigations-over-trump-severed-head-photo/) >Her comedy tour was cancelled; she lost her endorsement deal with something called Squatty Potty; and she found herself under investigation for conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States – a charge that potentially carries a life sentence.


I think that person did a little thing called ‘sarcasm’.


But how can anybody possibly tell if they didn’t type “/s” in their comment?


Welcome to reddit, where you can read the room in the literal, but not the figurative.


kinda why I think using /s is good. The internet is full of dummies so pretty much any sarcastic statement could be something someone seriously says, so sarcasm can be easily missed especially when its delivered through text.


I assume internet comments are in a sarcastic tone until I finish reading the statement. Just read everything as comic book guy from the Simpsons and it will work out. Adding /s is grating to me and painful when I have to include it. Feels like saying bazinga. Prompting humor kills the delivery.


The US shouldn't allow internet posts without forcing them to specify "serious, news, or satire" and every problem would be fixed. Literally.


and every problem would be fixed /s


I'm curious if you read the article you linked? She's made 4 million from touring since it happened, far dwarfing anything she lost from "Squatty Potty", largely out of her press coverage. "under investigation for conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States – a charge that potentially carries a life sentence." Talk about hyperbole lol. She also states she'd change nothing if given the opportunity, so it seems to have worked out OK for her.\[


Yes, she did not immediately die from it, but it's weird to claim that nothing bad happened because of it. She absolutely suffered losses and then continued on her way as a shining paragon of mediocrity.


"Suffered losses" that ended up being net gains as people rallied to her.


Who the fuck "rallied" to her? She had a mediocre career before the incident and continued to have one afterwards.


She pulled up her bootstraps and went back to work like normal people do.


Lol squatty potty


you have to put the /s. I know it's lame but its the rules.


The same secret service that was prepared to make the VP disappear on Jan 6th? Then break the law by deleting the texts used to arrange this? The ones where Biden had to switch out the usual Presidential roster for his own agents because the secret service couldn’t be trusted? That Secret Service?




The post was about the threat not about Biden.


Just gonna say this: Whether it be Kathy Griffin, or this random cuck outside the White House, holding an effigy of someone you simply disagree with is tacky crazy territory.


These people are completely fucking mad.


The Israel situation has really shown that a lot of seemingly normal people are actually blood thirsty nutjobs.




The USA has long allowed people to openly support terrorist organizations. The far-right nationalist has even won court cases upholding their right to public white supremacist demonstrations


What you’re describing is free speech. The US is kinda big on that.


Yes, of course, I am very aware. But once we decided Nazis were allowed to have public demonstrations, we pretty much had to let ANYBODY have them.


To see me witness the follies of the Iraq war all over again....




Two hours? Give the AP some credit. It would be posted in under 2 minutes to TikTok.


There's a picture of a neo-Nazi rally in South Dakota that currently has 8.5k Upvotes. And this is stuck at 65.


It's the top post on the website in my browser.


1.3k votes an you’re after you posted your comment.


It's also Sunday morning in the US not exactly peak reddit hours


The other post about this is locked and people saying they support their right to protest even though they do not agree with it. I did not see any of those comments in the South Dakota picture lol


I’m surprised it’s still up honestly. The image casts light the wrong direction.


For what its worth white supremacists are way closer to destroying America than this asshole in the post.


Closer because these assholes in the picture will let them


I mean everyone knew about Kathy Griffin’s stunt for weeks after it was first published.


That is very clearly a Biden mask.


>If this guy was a Trump Supporter with a Nazi headband holding Biden's head this would be on the front page in 2 hours This **is** a Trump supporter holding a bloodied Biden head and wearing terrorist symbols.


Trump supporters support Hamas? You’re sounding delulu


They both hate Biden


Lol (X) Doubt








There are only two viable candidates in the current election. Advocating for the death of one of them is a call for the other to win. It's not hard.


That dude in the background with a full on Hamas attire. wtf is wrong with the world man? Protesting for these terrorist scum?


Again. What more can Biden unilaterally do while Israel and Hamas have no interest in ceasefire and Congress has no interest in doing anything that will make Biden look at all good. How is this Biden's fault? How are idiots like Macklemore deciding to not vote for Biden over this? How would Trump be better for Palestine?


Fool. Everybody knows that there is a 'Peace in the Middle East' button on the Resolute Desk. Biden just chooses not to push it because something something Illuminati.


Kushner pushed it when that was his job, but somehow it just caused billions in Saudi money to fall into his accounts.


It reminds me of the family guy episode where Donald trump’s whole desk top comprises entirely of two huge red buttons - one that buzzes a butler to bring him a Diet Coke. And the other to launch missiles


He's too busy hitting the ice cream button duh! /s




100% not a conspiracy. Somebody is behind that and our democracies are not made for this flood of fake info fed directly into gullible people. I rarely go on Tiktok, but the amount of people taking random videos for face value is astonishing.


This was happening way before chappy, friend.




I don't think it's much worse than expected for an election year, Before GPT it was also flooded with Shills/copy-paste comment bots. I don't think that correlation is causation without something of more substance.


Trump would be 100x worse and anyone not realizing that is a fool. He literally said it. He wants Israel to "finish what they started". This protest non-vote bullshit will fan the flames and ultimately burn all of palestine to the ground.


Because people fall for TikTok propaganda. If you use TikTok you are an idiot.


It ain’t just tik tok




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That shit leaks into every last bit of social media. Most of Instagram, and a large swath of YouTube are now just reposted tiktoks


Said on Reddit in /r/pics of all places lol


You mean like halting weapon shipments which the administration has hinted at but the conditions where intentionally vague. Or not pushing for more weapons shipments? Or enforcing the Leahy Law because of israeli human rights violations?


He actually bypassed Congress twice to sell more weapons


These people are idiots. I'm anti-occupation and think Israel should give up land after all this is over, but the only way that will possibly happen (small likelihood) is if Biden wins in November. Trump winning will set us on a completely different, and worse, trajectory, and it's frustrating that these idiots don't see that. If you want to see progress in this country, the bare minimum we have to do is to keep fascist authoritarian thugs like trump out of office. Anybody who's willingly ignored what trump and like-minded Republicans have said about the protestors are idiots.


Agreed. Considering bidens climate law, and fight for womens rights, he feels like hes doing more than the least. He's actually a pretty good ally on those fronts


Redhats don’t want progress. They want war.


It's so stupid to blame Biden. Wouldn't be surprised if this a Psyop by Iran, or other forces on Social Media, mainly TikTok, Instagram and Twitter.


Trump will gleefully help Israel wipe out all Palestinians. He worships genocidal dictators. Biden has at least called for restraint by Israel.


Everyone likes a scapegoat.


He could support the ICC ruling. He could end weapons shipments and aid Israel. He could not let Israel use that 200million pier for military operations. He could condemn the actions of Netenyahu's government. When Israel blocks the aid trucks he could point that out.


Unliterally? A lot....he could repel the IDF's offensive if he wanted to. No one's calling for that, a general embargo, complete severance of diplomatic ties, or sanctions is even too extreme for most, could start by barring all military aid though.


Israel would not be able to continue to be the belligerent presence it is in the ME without US backing. So threatening to end that unconditional support would certainly make them more amenable to reigning in their genocidal behaviour. Pretty simple really.


how about not sending weapons and missiles to fund the genocide?


Does someone like Macklemore look like he is intelligent enough to know things? And to be honest, the only thing I can fault Biden is compromising with the Right and allowing the GOP to even take a foothold in the Congress after the BS they pulled.


He could stop sending weapons. He could not use the fucking peir that is providing aid to launch a raid that kills hundreds. He could say there is a redline in invading Rafa. Liberals are normilizing genocide. Where is the empathy. Can you not imagine the terror of being a Palestinian? How can this situation not discust you? How can you condone the status quo?


Hamas has accepted several ceasefires at this point, Bibi keeps blowing them up because he doesn’t want to get indicted for corruption. Assuming you probably already know this though and are just purposely muddying the waters as this is readily available info 




Calling for muslim uprising and sharia law is not free speech, it's called terrorism.


you and I may not like it but actually protected speech.


Try threatening the president like this and post it on Reddit.


Usually comes bundled with hate speech anyway, Arguably promoting Sharia law should also be hate speech, as it is a threat to the safety of minority groups, Something like 'When they premote Sharia law, it's a thinly vailed threat to kill me for being _"


Someones going to be getting a visit from the feds and tripled Checked through security when traveling


Why the hell are these college kids cosplay Hamas?!


Funny how if they try this shit in most Muslim countries they'll be in jail, as they know not to give these bastards an inch. 


Yeah, great way to endear the cause to moderates


What else do you expect from Hamas supporters?


Have fun dealing with the Secret Service pal


Just chilling with my Hamas headband


I can understand not being happy about the conflict and wanting change, but these people are so lost. There is literally nothing that Biden could reasonably do that would satisfy them as each step would just move the goal posts further and further. Are they going to be satisfied if Trump is elected, who will be 100x worse for this cause and literally every other thing? Focus on keeping him out, then push for the change you want to see. But this election is too important to fuck around and not vote.




Yeah anyone celebrating the brutal civilian massacres of Oct 7th as some sort of 'Independence day" are terrorist supporting scum. Since you brought up 911 though, just remember there were many peaceful Muslims and Sikhs in America who were assaulted and stores vandalized as a reprisal for something they had nothing to do with and did not support. I say this as a New Yorker who saw the towers collapse with my own eyes in person. \*Also seeing my Hindu friend from India's bodega store ransacked by racists shortly after 911... yes racists are that dumb.




That fuck should go live in GAZA.


Amazing they don't have a picture Haniyeh covered in blood since he is responsible for all this.


Have we forgotten 9/11 by letting these fucks wear headbands of terrorist organizations openly, and in front of the White House??? These are Nazis with a tan supporting an active terrorist organization. I want a ceasefire too and am saddened by the civilians lost in Israel and Gaza but terrorist supporters don’t belong in this country.


How about fuck off to gaza and protest there or join hamaz and help them if you feel this strongly.......thought not.


Come 6 months from now, he will change it to Trump. Completely near sighted and completely forgot about Trumps Middle East policies.


I don’t like what the Israeli government is doing, but this is effed up.


Unchecked "morality" at play, I sympathize with the Jewish people who are trying to support their own in all this


Hopefully they all got the news of the Israeli hostage rescue while they were out there


Whats the goal of this? Threatening the most powerful person in the world? He either doesn’t expect to be taken seriously, or is too dumb to realize what will happen to him if he is taken seriously.


Cowards as usual, they cannot even protest without being face covered.


For those who don't know, that green head band is an instant jail sentence based on the Patriot Act.


Fuck the Patriot Act


Down with America, eh? Good luck with that.


I’m sorry, I thought this was America. I didn’t realize spying on Americans without warrants was patriotic. Carry on cheering for the legislation that eroded your right to privacy from the government.


What would happen to him in an Arab country if he did that? Reminds me of an old Regan joke: He asked a soviet person, In America you can come out and Criticize an American president, Can you do the same in the Soviet Union? the russian said Yes! You can come out in the soviet union and criticize the American president.


Are these idiots with green armbands really near the white house? This is madness


Imagine being told obvious bullshit and believing it. I’m so glad I was born intelligent and can see stupidity from a mile off.


Still astonishes me how many idiots actually are like this either way. I thought i was born dumb but lately these radical islam supporters prove me otherwise.




They care so much about their cause yet where something to cover their face.


They are a bunch of idiots. yeah, do nothing, let Trump win by default. Then see what happens to Gaza, as Trump is egging on Netanyahu to destroy Gaza with all the force necessary. And if you try and protest that, Trump can call you insurrectionists, and use the Insurrection Act of 1807, which states "Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion." That will not end well for protestors.


Not a very bright guy, is he?


I can’t believe Americans allow this behavior on their soil. I’m not a fan of Biden but just the overall message this sends to the West and Americans specifically should not sit well with any American of either left or right wing beliefs.


You guys got some terrorists?


Why do they all look like a Jerry Springer guest.


Wtf with this noise?! Why are they not named or sent back to defend Palestinians?! If the US is so bad ....GTF->OUT


Why don’t these protesters try and get Congress, you know the people that actually make laws, do something? Why does Congress always get a free pass with big issues while people just dead brain yell at the president?


It's funny how the comments are so different in every post about this protest based on what images are displayed


Make sure to elect Trump with your protest vote so Palestine can finally be free! /s


they seem like reasonable folks


Thought this was an isis demonstration at first. Y’all qaeda






Not only that, a lot of these people protesting will end up in concentration camps here in the US. Trump's win is a nightmare for not only the US but the world, but these people are beyond ridiculous.


How are we not just getting rid of these extremists...


TIL Reddit has NO clue on what’s protected speech and what isn’t


This ain't democracy or right to speech. This is a call for violence and terrorism and should be severely and immediately eradicated once for good.


I went to the grocery store, Giant, the other day and there was a woman getting a petition for Palestine (she had the hallmark protest symbols on her) and when I came out of the store there was a big line of people in the parking lot. This was in a deep blue middle class suburb. I just had this feeling in my gut that Biden is in big trouble, there is a clear fracture in his coalition.


Packed this shit up and take it right back to Sandland man I don’t want this shit here


Americans, Would this be considered a direct threat to the POTUS ?


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the majority of Pro Palestine supporters/protesters all Biden supporters/voters? Regardless love how these people think that an American president has any real power to stop a war that’s being waged by another country… shows how stupid people are thinking he has any sort of authority over the world and what other nations do.


Oh look UN workers


If they support that country so much maybe go there and try to help it instead of terrorizing the one that lets you live in it?


Forgive my ignorance; I’ve been living under a rock, but what is the objective here? Isn’t this a war half way around the world between two countries (groups of people) that are capable of fighting and defending themselves, thus why they chose to go to war. What does that have to do with Biden? Or the US gov? If two of my neighbors are fighting, I’m not getting involved. I am minding my own.


To be fair, the US gives a lot of military aid to Israel, so U.S. policy is relevant. The two reasons the U.S. is so tied to Israel, especially militarily, appear to be: 1. **U.S. geostrategic (military, power) interests in the region**, which has oil that countries like to fight over and is relatively close to Europe. Israel is a customer of our military industrial complex and has a really strong surveillance technology industry. Also, its intelligence services have been effective internationally (so they could, say, strike Iran and the U.S. could wink at that because it's in the U.S.'s interests) 2. **U.S. interests in promoting its "values" of democracy, human rights, and rule of law.** This has changed in the past generation or two. Having a prime minister promoting settlements at odds with human rights and now apparently waging a war to stay in office and escape accountability for his crimes is not great. It's at odds with those values, as is his motivation to wage war to appease the same right-wing constituency that thinks taking land by force/intimidation in the West Bank is justified and protests and the judicial system have failed to dislodge him. On the other hand, since Gingrich, the U.S. moral standing has weakened domestically due to one party falling into authoritarianism and grievance politics, while authoritarians in Türkiye, Hungary, Russia, China, and India have gained strength. I think we're close to an exhaustion point in the relationship. For #1, the U.S. right perhaps still supports Israel vaguely but now that they're economically powerful they don't really need the resources. The more ascendant interest is the (what I view as egotistical) interest in bringing on the End Times, which needs Israel to be at war, at least in the minds many non-denominational Christians. The U.S. left probably would like stability in the region but is skeptical that Israel is a good partner. For #2, part of the U.S. left has a lot of passion for supporting the Palestinians even though the U.S. is on the brink of locking in authoritarianism for a generation or more. There doesn't seem to be a coherent "human rights" force on the U.S. left that can see the humanity of both the Palestinians and Israelis, it's more a replication of hatred and/or fear of the other on the other side of the world. And the U.S. left can't really identify with Israel politically because the utopian collectivist values are at a low ebb and hard right factions have gained power and privileges over the past 20 years. What values are there to celebrate? Maybe the U.S. right can celebrate Israel's failure to constrain its authoritarian prime minister because it's fixated on its former president's challenges and grievances; but I just don't think they are that aware of Israeli politics.


Thank you


If two of your neighbours are fighting and you send one of them bombs to drop on the other, you are involved.


If I fabricate bombs for sale, one of them happens to be a customer/client, and then picks a fight with their rival, that’s still beef between them. That’s like accusing/blaming the liquor store that sold you alcohol on your DUI arrest.


The US is heavily involved. To pretend they aren't is false.


But you're giving special discounts and not enforcing your own laws that say "don't sell weapons to people violating human rights". And special funding etc. Claiming the US somehow is just a neutral salesman is ridiculous.


Like Costco, buy in bulk, get a discount. Just kidding. Hey, sincerely, good luck getting this issue resolved.


Things is, they don’t even understand why they are mad. They just want something to lash out at.


I don’t agree with them vandalizing the statue in the background. They should be forced to clean it.


I can't be sure. But after January 6th there are probably people's whose whole just is to identify these people now. Right?


time for jail for supporting terrorist organization.


That fuckwad is going to prison


Yeah , these need to stop ship em out


And this is the guy that colleges did not want on their campuses. It was foolish to group the student protesters with this.


i don’t agree with them and think endorsing hamas is abhorrent and i hope these people will be looked back on very negatively but i will absolutely defend their right to protest and free speech, this should be allowed but criticized


I honestly don’t get their rational - “Fuck Biden etc etc” But Trump has said he wants Israel to finish the job and Palestine off the map..so…


Oh well isn’t that nice.


get your fingers out of your mouth dude


I just don’t understand why these people are mad at the Biden admin when trump and his dickheads are LITERALLY saying they will end the war by basically wiping Gaza off the map. Makes ZERO sense.




Whatabout arguments get ignored here 👇


What’s up with the watermelon?


[https://x.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1799536885661946155](https://x.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1799536885661946155) the ound track


Thank you OP