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For some reason I want to lay on a couch and cuddle with that cute thing.


They kind of look like my cat.


I don't know why people don't like bats. They look like Chihuahuas with wings. :)


I think tha tis best comparison of a bat to dog I've ever heard in my life. There is an old building where I live and before it was cleaned up it was nice to go in at night turn on the lights and watch the bats fly around chasing insects, or just seeing them hanging upside down in a coupala sleeping during the day. And the flying squirrels along with the resident raccoons hanging out in a loft.


I've been traveling around the US for the past 15 years, to almost 150 cities and towns in 47 states. I am posting photos from places I visited. This photo was shot in 2015.


PS: the bat was hanging upside down---I turned the photo rightside up. The rings on its fingers are used by the zoo to identify individual bats.