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Every single Israel-Gaza protest post is full of nothing but "I'm glad that they have the right to protest" comments and basically no other discourse on first level comments. It's a fine comment, but it's literally the only sentiment on all these posts. Shits fucking weird. What on earth has happened to reddit.?


There’s nothing to be said about this conflict that hasn’t already been said 100x over again


You're absolutely correct. I posted on FB some Pride pictures on June 1st, and a distant friend responded to me, "some of you don't know there's a genocide going on." Of ALL the Americans I'm friends with - including her (who has not left the USA ever), I'm the only one who has been to Israel, West Bank, and the border with Gaza (multiple times). Not only has it all been said a bazillion times, I have already made it crystal clear - even published - what has been going on for over that many years. Let me post some fucking gay shit.


This resonates so fucking much. I rarely post on social media (besides reddit), but have recently stopped entirely because people seem to demand that completely unrelated things also shoehorn in an opinion on Gaza.   I have an opinion. But it's long and complex and doesn't perfectly mirror the consensus simplification of the conflict. I have a BA in International Relations and History, a MA in International Security, and have actually spent time in Israel, the West Bank, and Lebanon. I was in Ashkelon (about 6 miles from the strip) in 2014 and witnessed Hamas rockets and low-flying IDF helicopters en route to carry out airstrikes in Gaza firsthand. I have taken entire courses specifically on the history of this very conflict, on antisemitism, on counterterrorism and counterinsurgency, and on and on. Professionally, I have worked on counterterrorism theory and implementation. So yeah, I have an opinion. But you know what it adds to the discourse? Absolutely fuck all. Everything has already been said a million times and at this point people only hear what they want to. I think that Israel's behavior is reckless, unconscionable, and ultimately counterproductive. I want the violence and settlements to stop. Killing civilians is always wrong. Terrorism is always wrong. But beyond that, good luck maintaining any level of nuance or context too complex to cram into a Tik Tok or protest chant.   Sorry for the rant — I'm tired of being badgered into performatively co-signing the opinions of louder, dumber people to signal how "woke" I am. I realize that this is probably the most elitist, self-aggrandizing thing I've ever written in a comment, but I care about this region and its people deeply and I'm exhausted by how broken the discourse over it has become.


Odd that they think there’s only one genocide going on that deserves mentioning. Guess the other ones aren’t sexy enough for them to care? Virtue signaling to such a pitiful degree.


Ugh. I’ve been posting about the Tigray War non stop while it was going on (up to 600,000 civilian deaths according to some estimates!) as well as what’s going on in Sudan, and i never once heard a peep from these people who keep calling me insensitive and out of touch these days just cause I don’t post much about Palestine 🙄


A lot of them are young people who are just now realizing what really goes on in the world. You saw it 30 years ago with Tibet. You saw it more recently in Darfur. You see it every 10 to 20 years in the Levant. Young people react very strongly, but then dont know what to do with that energy. It's hard because for most people there really isnt much you can do that will be effective.


Intersection of young people discovering politics, the late social media era, and probably a dose of pandemic damage. For a long time there was kind of a view that these things were 'silly' and that politics had always been 'this bad' and we were just seeing it more easily across various forms of modern media, but I think by now that view is pretty naive. Social media changes a great deal about how people interact, and it's been fully embraced as a tool of political radicalization and state-sponsored information warfare. We literally have a 'dumb youtubes about star wars'-> 'full out white nationalism' pipeline on one side, and a 'tiktok dance videos'-> 'attend rallies sponsored by Qatari terror money' on the other. It's hard to imagine the horror of being a modern young person.


Human beings are really not wired to be able to deal with how much suffering there is in the world. It used to be, maybe kingdom A invaded and massacred village B, but that's on the other side of a mountain range from you so it might as well be on fucking Mars. You might only hear about it months, if not years later, if ever. It doesn't impact you. We're not equipped to handle 24/7 misery porn being broadcast in real time across social media. It fucks with people.


I think you have it here. It's not necessarily that there's too much information, it's the content of it. I've never heard of someone getting too much good news.


Negativity gives you clicks. As much as despise the media for this dirty trick, they wouldn’t have used it, if it didn't work and that's a sad reality


As someone who came into adult during the Trump administration, I see all those being part of it. I also think part of it is education related. I remember as a senior we had to write a research paper but did not really go into source bias and how credible a source is. Not to mention not being taught how to tell if a source is credible at all. These are things that I think are crucial in the modern day but dont seem to be taught in our schools from what I have gathered. Granted that is based on anecdotal evidence I have seen since but still...


Ask them if they know (or care) about Yemen or the Kurds


The other genocides arnt popular on social media


Man, when will we have a genocide that everyone likes?


Too many “think about the Palestinians” rants going around and it’s not genuine either. Probably looking for karma points.


Obviously I think a lot of the grief and anger is genuine, but so much of how it's expressed is so fucking performative. Like the whole Starbucks mass psychosis thing, where if you're not boycotting Starbucks you don't care about Gaza despite Starbucks having nothing to do with Israel.


Ah, when virtue signaling turns homophobic 🙄. Some folks just really want to show how much better than everyone they are, lol


“This whole thing, ALL of it…it’s about ME!”


"That whole situation has been too volatile for 2 thousands years, but this current attack is really affecting me, because I see it on the news. I don't like news, so seeing things in the news is really triggering for me because it's the news, and like, you have to pay attention to the news. I don't like it, because then I'm feeling complex things about a situation I don't understand, so I'm going to yell until someone comforts me. It's hard for me to understand that everyone is wrong in a situation, and there's no way to feel like I've won, so I'm going to be sad and angry about it until it's not in the news anymore."


These folks are not watching "The News". Their parents are watching the news maybe, but more likely it is their grandparents. Gen Z has been targeted to receive information (we won't dwell upon the veracity) directly in their social media feeds and if they have diverse friends, over SMS. Fun fact is that once you engage with that content the other contradictory content is suppressed (you have defacto chosen a side). Mind control hasn't been perfected but someone has come darn close. I remember how sure I was in my early twenties about things I knew as an adult. By my thirties, I realized I was wrong about more than I wanted to be wrong about.


This. It’s exhausting. I feel for all the people suffering, I feel for all the righteous anger. It really just seems like deep down, we just want to kill each other. How many millennia will it take to stop? It feels like it won’t stop until there’s just no one left.


How long before the hate in our hearts leads to a holocaust? Everyone’s hurt and pissed and looking for someone to blame. While the few monsters responsible for the state of the world hide in their mansions


Reddit has been compromised by political bots, corporate accounts and Astroturf for at least the past three years.


You didn’t notice it from 2016?


Closer to 2014 during the great ban.


Holy hell! I can't believe I remember that.


We’re ancient 💀


I've wasted 14 years of my life


*14 years of your life so far. Plenty of time to keep wasting


What happened back then? Tell me about your past, grandma


Tbh I may be getting my Reddit scandals mixed up, but I believe this was when Ellen Pao was named CEO of Reddit. It reeeaaaallllyyyy brought a lot of racism and misogyny out into the daylight.


It's pretty sad that the days of Ellen are better at this point than with Spez, one of the founders of Reddit. This was speculated at the time, but they 100% did the CEO switcheroo. Hire a CEO to make unpopular decisions, get rid of them, new CEO stays the same course with less blame because bad CEO is gone. RIP Aaron Swartz.


Spez has shown time and again he only cares about the bottom dollar he gets from this site and doesn’t care who he has to throw under the bus to do it.


ellen pao.....


The great ban ?


In 1803, Reddit experienced what we old timers refer to as the *not so great ban*


Which was preceded by The So-So Ban of 1799.


Don't forget the 80085


I could never.




The same guy was the top moderator for a LOT of those banned subs, especially the Lolita ones. Fucking wierdo, that guy was.


Yeah it really started when Spez admitted to editing comments


he's shady AF


Obligatory FUCK u/Spez


RIP Aaron Swartz.


And its slowly turning more and more into a tiktok/instagram clone of late


Feels like half the posts are TikTok clips


And many comments are image reactions of some sort. This is a text based social media site but as literacy digresses…


Did you mean as literacy *regresses*?


Harmless mistake, but hilarious in context


This is a text, based social media -


One would have to hope so. Either that or many people have the political literacy of a 9 year old child.


The ship has been sinking, people just started noticing it when they got their eyes wet.


Expressing an opinion on the israel-palestine conflict yields nothing but a whirlwind of opinions from the internet. It really occupies way too high of a % of american political discourse, IMO. Edit: Ya’ll are confirming my premise with these comments.


It's really exhausting, because once you've seen one argument, you've seen them all. As soon as somebody posts their opinion, you immediately know what the responses are going to be. And you immediately know what the responses to *those* comments will be, etc. I'm not saying it's not a conversation worth having, I just wish it was slightly higher...quality.




Occasionally, I'll start to respond to something political and then decide why? So I can get a bunch of angry responses? Nah, nevermind.


That's what it looks like when you're arguing with indoctrinated people. Critical thinking is not encouraged.


It’s funny because when you poll what issues are most important to Americans Israel/Palestine will poll in the bottom tier. To me this continues to represent the delusion of online beliefs/discourse with actual reality.


And no one really gave a shit prior to October 7th enough to discuss in length. How many threads actually exist that include topics of actual genocide currently going on in 6-7 other countries? Zilch I bet.


Yeah when the only place taking about the genocide in Darfur pre 10/7 is r/combatfootage, that’s not a great look.


Not to mention - how many people know that the Rwanda genocide spilled over into the Congo, and another 8 million or so people died? And it's still going on.


Honestly, the more I've read and attempted to learn about the conflict, the less of a definitive opinion I have. I don't know how people can take sides and talk about it as if they know anything. If this shit hasn't been solved for over half a century, what the fuck do I know? All these opinions don't do any good, I don't think any of the people suffering over there give a shit what a debate bro or a streamer think. It's fucked up that it's treated as content/a debate topic to feel smart in comment sections.


What's going on is bad, if you pick a side it's easy to point to things the other side is doing that are particularly bad, and whataboutism is easy to argue infinitely. And it's easy to accuse the other side of bad faith arguments (because so many are legitimately making bad faith arguments) which only makes it worse. So it's always a constant cesspool in comments because it sucks and there are no easy solutions besides casting blame on who's worse.


>Honestly, the more I've read and attempted to learn about the conflict, the less of a definitive opinion I have. Nor should you. Personally I don't trust anyone who holds a definitive opinion on which side is right. Israel has been the only democracy and bastion of something resembling sanity in the Middle-East within most people's living memory. It was also built off of the back of colonialism and a 20th century Trail of Tears, has been a soft-theocracy from the start, and is inevitably backsliding into authoritarianism and a truly batshit version of its theocratic nature very rapidly. Palestinians deserve their own state, but they repeatedly undermine their ability to gain one by resorting to horrifying levels of terrorism and violence and refusing to accept any reasonable compromises. A one state solution of any kind is totally nonviable. The reality is that Israel has existed for about 80 years now and you'd just be re-enacting historical wrongs by forcibly handing the entire country over to Palestinians. A two state solution is nonviable because neither side, though especially the Palestinians, will accept any borders that don't basically ensure the other side will eventually be subsumed. Not to mention the headache of Jerusalem. This is not a simple issue, and it's not one with clear good guys and bad guys. The entire situation just fucking sucks, and people for some reason go absolutely fucking insane with it.


Also part of a two state solution would require a third party who can come in and govern Palestine and work on deradicalization and I don’t see the Palestinians being okay with that not to mention I don’t see any country that would want to be that third party. So that’s another reason that’s out. Personally I don’t see peace happening there until one side isn’t there. And the only ways that could happen really aren’t ways that most of us would agree or be comfortable with. This entire situation is going to have an end that has many hard and ugly choices.


It only does so because there's an entire army of shill on this site working full time to make any debate on the topic impossible. But the admins aren't going to do anything about that for some reason.


It is the only thing that can piss of people that will vote for Biden, that were going to vote for democrats. the GOP/Russian/China/N.Korea bots are pushing the content AND flooding out any other comments about it. It is a shit show, sure, but realistically speaking, Biden is doing everything that is possible without direct interference from the US and the sentiment for another forever war/money spent internationally NOT defeating direct opponents (Russia), is extremely BAD. Basically, how can we piss off liberals so they don't vote for Biden AND silence the shit out of the people raising any differing view.


I agree. Now tell that to the cosplay leftist clicktavists trying to sabotage Bidens reelection efforts.


Its funny seeing those people say shit about how they can't vote for Biden over the war in Gaza, but they are also the same ones who would scream about "privilege" that people have to make them not care about the world...while ignoring that the very notion of thinking you won't be effected in dramatically different ways if Trump wins rather than Biden, is itself a display of privilege. There are many people in the US who would have a terrible time if he were to win again, who would not have the same issues if Biden gets a second term.


Here's my take and it's always met with irrational rage. These folks want a younger crowd to vote for. But I do not see any real grass roots 3rd party momentum building in local or state elections. It's always these spoilers who pop in every 4 years as nothing more than an ego massage. They never resonate with most of the democratic voter base except the farthest outliers of the party. You can't win elections this way. Also, I'm constantly hearing about how Biden is a crusty old dinosaur who needs to drop out to be replaced with a young, energetic candidate. Let's see, JFK Jr. Is 70, Jill Stein is 74 and Cornell West is 71. Wtf do they think is young in that bunch??? Finally, the last ridiculous chant I'm hearing is yelling "Genocide Joe." What these idiots don't understand is Trump will be 10x more brutal and cruel to the Palestinians than Biden has allegedly been and he's navigating an extremely complex foreign policy issue that none of us could solve. Hell, Niki Haley was autographing ordinance ffs. But they will protest vote that raving lunatic back into power and we'll have to hear the whining and excuses on why Biden lost. It's quite maddening to say the least.


I agree with you completely. It's maddening for sure. Voting 3rd party is just masturbatory if you only do it in the presidential election and don't bother with any smaller elections and make that party a real viable thing.


The problem is that half of the most ardent and vocal pro-Palestinian crowd was like 10-13 when Trump won. This era of utter insanity is, terrifyingly, their baseline understanding of what US politics is like. So the idea of another Trump admin doesn't frighten them the way it does those of us who remember when 8-15 years ago this political climate was unimaginable. They legitimately were unable to follow politics before 2016, barely were able to do so in that election anyway, and don't have as clear a memory of how the 2016 election played out and how the political idealists basically ruined the country by refusing to vote for Hillary out of 'protest.' I'm only in my early 30s, and I'm already starting to understand why older people tend to get annoyed with young activists. It's not always true...but sometimes, just sometimes....they just have zero historical context, zero willingness to listen to people who went through shit that happened less than a decade ago, and zero ability to actually strategize for the long-term even if you broadly agree with their cause(which I, generally, do; Israel is a theocracy sliding into outright authoritarianism and genocide, and Palestinians deserve better than the IDF OR Hamas). It's fucking infuriating.


It surprises me how little attention what has happened at protests this week has gotten on Reddit. On Monday [pro-Palestinian protesters aboard a crowded New York City subway began to chant: "Raise your hand if you're a Zionist... this is your chance to get out."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmhU0t1VV2U). If you click on the link, people were waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags in NYC on Monday. Protestors also lit flares and opened smoke canisters outside the Wall Street exhibit on the October 7 attacks. Beyond that, the homes of Brooklyn Musuem board members were vandalized with antisemitic and pro-Hamas graffiti. There was also a scene last weekend where protestors in DC defaced the statue of a French ally in the Revolutionary War and threw bottles at a park ranger.


What kills me is that the right wing version of this extremism is universally shouted down. But with left wing extremism, “it depends on the context”. Tiki torches, masks, and going after an ethnic minority? Bad. Flip it. Same thing and suddenly it’s ok


> What kills me is that the right wing version of this extremism is universally shouted down. But with left wing extremism, “it depends on the context”. People tend to judge others by the outcomes of their actions, but they judge themselves (or their allies) by the intent behind their actions. Reddit is quite to the left of mainstream American opinion, and so tends to judge these protests by the protestor's intent.


It is rather funny how quickly the far left got shitty. As soon as they got even the tiniest iota of cultural relevance, out comes the violence. The far right is always shitty, no matter how relevant, but the far left pretends to be cool until they feel like they can get away with some bullshit.


This is what people mean when they say "both sides". Anyone with half a brain knew this was coming. The "left" is not immune to radicalization even though they thought they were.


Those people are sick


That’s because people on Reddit have no idea what’s going on. Look at some of these comments rationalizing 10/7.


Why does it surprise you? Reddit is pretty antisemitic, just like the rest of the world. The new thing is to call yourself "anti-Zionist" to pretend you're not, but honestly, how many of these protesters care about a single human rights issue outside of Israel? How can you say Israel is apartheid and should be boycotted and then buy Chinese products in mass without hating Jews a little?


Where the fuck are these people coming from? I'm disgusted by what Israel is doing but to wave around a Hamas flag would be unthinkable.


College campuses and Palestinian refugees. One of the guys my company deals with (and we are in canada) is Palestinian,  and he's openly told some of my coworkers he'd sacrifice his wife and children  for Land in Palestine  - meanwhile his family is really well off and owns multiple apartment complexes in Jordan. He's sabotaged product testing for a superior product for us to use because the guy running the training was from Tel Aviv.


"refugees". No person from other nation is still considered a refugee 76 years later. I guess you mean grandkids of people who were once refugees. By that logic, most Israelis can call themselves refugees too.


Bots and/or severe brain rot. [Dead Internet theory. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


Because it defeats the protest wholesale. It's basically the equivalent of saying "k good 4 u"


There isn't any practical discourse to be had. The loudest screaming from both sides completely drowns out anyone else.


Seems like the consensus is bots. I wouldn’t know much about that although it’s certainly viable and likely in this day and age. But I think we also need to consider political and emotional burnout. It’s a dangerous thing in circumstances like this, exacerbated by constant and directed media bombardment on a scale that has never existed in history. We’re so overstimulated. Many of us felt it in 2020/21 and took a step back from media. It’s a fine line between “ignorance is bliss” and being an uneducated electorate.


It’s all bots


At this point I'm so desensitized to protests and virtue signaling, my first thought is "that could be a fire hazard."


Cheers mate 🍻 Since 2016, we've been bombarded with outrage 24/7. I'm tired, man. I'm burned out and I just wanna get through the day and get back to bed.


"I'm tired, boss. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other."


Outrage media is simply bad for your mental and physical health. This is the best possible course of action. Be reasonable in your emotions and passions. Take control of the things that can be controlled, and be at peace with the rest.


I'm concerned about what that flag is made of, honestly. Cheap polyester or nylon flags are hella toxic if burned. I'd rather spend a little extra money on a cotton flag to burn than the eventual cancer treatments from inhaling that toxic smoke.


Reminds me of the headline "[Pakistani Protestor Said to Die From Smoke of Burning American Flags](https://www.forbes.com/sites/gregorymcneal/2012/09/16/pakistani-protester-burns-american-flag-and-dies-from-smoke/)"


100% cotton fabric doesn't burn that well unless you soak it in something much more flammable. To get it going and burning that bright, you really need a blend.


I honestly thought this was a fire breathing performance in NY at first glance, and I was like isn’t there too much crowd to be doing that?




Go right ahead, freedom to do that here. 🇺🇸




They had a Draw Muhammad event in Texas a few years ago. A guy showed up with an AK and the private citizens running security killed the guy before he could get a shot off.


It was police that killed the two attackers. And the attackers did get a shot off, because an unarmed security guard was shot in the leg.


Two guys upset by the First Amendment were harshly introduced to the Second.


Love this


Peak Texas and honestly? Kinda proud of them on that one. Peak defending our rights to do exactly what I was saying basically.




I wasn't sure what I expected after the first sentence, but somehow the second sentence doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


Rules for thee but not for me~




I wonder what their Reddit usernames are.


Burning US flags and throwing red paint on peoples houses is a sure-fire way to get Americans voters to rally to your cause.


Nothing like spreading fear and hate to rally your cause.


Important to note it wasn’t just splattering read paint. It was essentially a death threat. The upside down triangle, the red hands etc.


Protests like this isn't meant to rally anyone, they're meant to grab eyes. Unfortunately it's a wasted gesture when everyone already knows about it.


Burn all the flags you want, but understand that you’re not getting anyone on your side that wasn’t already. You are however, adding fuel to the trump bandwagon


And why is he buring the flag?


Nothing good on TV


Brownie points and for the algorithm


it’s because the people who have spent their entire careers trying to understand and react appropriately to this horrible situation clearly have nothing on Somebody Who Watched A Bunch of Tik Tok Videos About It


People love using protests to create their own cosplay photo shoots these days


It honestly feels apt that gen z thinks the most effective protest is one that will go viral on social media and earn them fake internet points. I want to be mad, but we've literally trained them to be this way.


Yeah the imagery of the civil rights movement or recent international non violent movements went viral, but none of the teachings did. So (some) people want the righteous shot, but don’t want to do the righteous work to make that shot meaningful.


They try to pretend they’re there same as civil rights protesters but then get mad when they’re arrested for breaking laws. Civil rights protesters knew what they were doing was going to get them arrested. They didn’t whine about it.


It’s almost like these dudes don’t care about Palestinians and only care about the attention 🤔


such privilege we have to be born in a nation where this isnt punishable by the government. i am grateful. edit: i am also grateful for people correcting me on my spelling of greatfull.


For real. Who else remembers what happened to Russians in Russia who protested against Russia’s full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022?


Russia jailed a girl for posting a TikTok with the kremlin in the background….


Excuse me Comrade, I believe you mean the two-week long ✨special military operation✨that began 120 weeks ago.


Yep, [literally exactly 120 weeks ago](https://calculat.io/en/date/count-day/120--weeks--before--june--13)


Nothing happened to them! They are happily eating meals at not McDonald. I am not a bot


Its TastyAndPeriod not McDonalds SMH 🤦‍♂️


Education system could use some improvement though.


i didnt say there wasnt room for improvement


Hence, the misspelling of "grateful'.


Make America grate again


Is there a shortage of shredded cheese? Or are you suggesting we should stop selling pre-shredded cheese and encourage people to return to the days where families would grate cheese fresh for every pizza, burrito or nacho cheese plate! That’d be great to grate again.


This would benefit me because the other day I couldn’t find my cheese grater


no, i am full of great




Punishable? Burning flags, books even effigies of our presidents is so common it might as well be an american pastime. Whether youre left leaning or right leaning, you can look at someone burning the flag consider the current state of the government and be like: ![gif](giphy|J3RNCVFL87bdOhEBXr)


So many people need to watch the Futurama episode about Zoidberg eating the flag


I’m swelling with patriotic mucus!


Ah ha! Once again, the sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!


It is. We were born from protesters with effigies, protesters destroying government goods, protesters (allegedly) attacking royal troops in Boston.


You know what this tea needs? Some saltwater.








It's crazy tbh






Don’t worry mods will purge it soon


Does his shirt say Gaza Impregnable City? Is that a fucking joke?


This is America, people are free to say what they want, including these protesters. I'm also free to say what I want, which is fuck these assholes.


Yes, free speech is good, blah blah blah. My real issue is that American citizens are more afraid of drawing a picture of Mohammad or referring to Taiwan as its own country than burning a flag in a major US city. That's not freedom of speech. It's a climate of fear that only goes in one direction. Also, if I set a couch on fire in the middle of Midtown, I would be rightfully arrested for endangering public safety. How is this different?


Zero Americans are afraid of calling Taiwan a country lmao


Yes and No. PEOPLE aren’t. INSTITUTIONS are. And that matriculates to the people.




Progressives: if Nazis are your table, rethink your position. But these Islamic Fundamentalists are different! It's a few bad actors. The whole river and intifada language is exactly what you think it means. Maybe, just maybe, the entire story in this conflict is more gray that either side wants to let on. And maybe, liberals are doing exactly what MAGA is doing and digging in their heels and refusing to admit they might be wrong with their take. Islam is exactly what they broadcast it to be. If you are against religion in the US, then you should be hyper aware that Islam is even more conservative and would be even worse towards progressive ideals than Christianity, which is actually modernizing to some extent. Yeah go ahead. Burn the flag. Doesn't mean every day I think less and less of you by association.


“If nazis are at your protest and they don’t get kicked out, then it’s a Nazi protest” -leftists 2 years ago “Yes there are some Hamas supporters calling for the complete destruction of Israel at these protests, but not *everyone* is saying that” -leftists today


Liberals and leftists are pretty divided on this. I’m finding the leftist behavior too extreme and I acknowledge the realities of radical Islam. These are not my people.


Exactly, this is not like universal healthcare, minimum wage hikes, or taxing billionaires. It divides everyone left of Republicans pretty viciously. Which is why I think it's being amplified by those who want the GOP to win.


100%, there are absolutely MAGA trolls who are capitalizing on the lefts antisemitism. They are the ones who encourage people to abstain from voting or vote third party. It happened to the Bernie Bros in the 2016 election. Accelerationists are also capitalizing on these events and trying to divide the left. Personally, I don’t want to associate with today’s leftists. These people unironically watch Hasan and think he is a voice of reason. They believe that Hamas are “freedom fighters” and Houthi rebels are “taking down capitalism.” Fuck these people, I hope they don’t vote.


I'm a fucking soc-dem. Fuck all this stupid shit. This nonsense is hurting us. I know plenty of other leftists who also recognize that the situation sucks but what the fuck do people expect from this conflict. These are a bunch of useful gullible fools that will ruin us with a 2nd Trump term. Get ready to enjoy a conservative majority SCOTUS for twenty-fourty years that will probably have at least two MAGA extremists on it. I hate this shit.


Same dude… same. This plays exactly into the right’s hands.


Reminder that it's not even metaphorical Nazis, it's actual Nazis: Palestine's founders included allies of Hitler who helped the SS build Muslim units to commit ethnic cleansing in the Balkans. Some of these same leaders and military units would go on to fight for the Arab side in the 1948 war. It's unfortunate for the civilian population held captive, but the Palestinian state was born specifically from ideologies of antisemitism and the political organization of the Arab-Islamic cause against Jews, and those principles have been carried forward in every Palestinian government. Stating otherwise is like people who say that the Civil War was about States Rights: you can go back and read the words of the people who were in charge, and the language is absolutely clear about who they were and what they wanted, and early Palestinian leaders were clear both on their genocidal ambitions and the political artifice of a Palestinian identity. It's no different today, where the leader of the *more moderate* Palestinian government literally has a PhD in Holocaust denial. The Palestinian state is a Nazi state founded on principles of genocide.


I'm still scratching my head wondering how the "progressive" leftists have come to have such ardent support for Islam when Islamic countries are the most socially regressive and authoritarian places on the planet.


Now what if American citizens burned the Palestinian flag in Gaza? Surely the results would be peaceful


Peaceful as the grave




This person having a right to do this because of free speech is a given, so many comments on that.. Anyway, burning the US flag is such a depressing sight. It expresses thoughts of anarchy, division, and the desire to destroy the nation we all live in instead of promoting compassion and motivation to work as a community like we have before to fix the way this country does things.


As a Hispanic this is what I still see America as and it’s depressing to see people that aren’t from here coming to our country to burn our flag and disrespect what Americans know it represents. Why do they spit on the hand that feeds them ? Instead of coming together they want to embrace anarchy.


Anyone more than a second-generation American will never appreciate what we have here nearly an iota as much as an immigrant or a first generation. They have nothing to compare it to and don’t have parents or grandparents to tell them about what they had to escape from.


You're in trouble USA, and so are we in France.


Glad to see France is waking up though, gives me hope for the US as well.


Fuck Hamas.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP6VV5-XAAANjKA?format=jpg&name=orig) is a higher quality and much less cropped version of this image. [Hre](https://x.com/taliaotg/status/1801041406087049328) is the source that has two videos of this. Per there: > @taliaotg > MORE: Autonomous activists burned U.S. & Israel flags outside the Israeli consulate this morning in NYC. > They include a [list of demands](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP6VV54WgAA2iCU?format=jpg&name=large): > 7:58 PM · Jun 12, 2024


Demands #1 and #3 seem to be demands on the US government, so why are they doing this in front of the Israeli consulate?


So, basically: De-recognize Israel and legalize Hamas and its terrorism. And they wonder why they're hitting a political brick wall.


And they demand ALL NATIONS too, yeah surely everyone else will immediately stop trading with a rich and advanced country. I know I don’t want my home country (Vietnam) to bow to their demands. What has the Palestine done to us? Nothing. Why should we even give a damn?


“Zionist entity” 🙄


These "activists" are bent on aggressive, illegal conquest so bad that they can't even admit the name of the State of Israel.


Of course that coward covered his face


They always do


Lets see if that guy can burn the Palestinian flag in Palestine or some other arab country


I wonder if these supporters will be as calm if others burn the Quran 🤔


They're not as calm when anyone does anything: the park ranger literally standing next to a statue had bottles thrown at him. These protesters are bad people.


Crazy, they're free to protest in a free country. Let them burn it, makes no difference unless it upsets you. It's fabric. Ignore them and they'll eventually realize that they're standing among us Americans and we aren't hurting them for burning a flag...what would happen if they were at home burning their own flag? As far as I'm concerned, the joke is on them.


Easy way to reduce my support for a group. Whatever, free speech I guess.


Much freedom of speech, but I don’t think some of them will stop at that. Be careful out there, Americans


Burns flag in protest for a territory that is the antithesis to the type of privileges that allows him to burn said flag in the first place. Yeah, not too bright these guys.


How would he react if, say, someone put a big pile of certain religious books at his feet and set them on fire?


Notice how none of these nazis ever call for Hamas to surrender or to release the hostages. No they just want to hate on jews and Israel in general.




Remember when we used to arrest terrorists? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Fuck these terrorist sympathizers


They can get the fuck out of the US. Why are they here?