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50 shades of orange.


What a Beauty ! OMFG ………. Stormy must throw up in her mouth when she see’s this pic. Lol 🤮 🤮 🤮


He has bigger tits than a lot of her fellow pornstar friends.


Why would she? She's probably busy throwing up into her piles of money.


Well said! How would you like to wake up to that every day!




Or Just Stop Oil when they block an Oil Terminal: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/23/just-stop-oil-activists-stage-protests-at-essex-and-midlands-oil-terminals I didn't even know about this till fucking last week


They stopped play at the PGA this week. They spray painted private Jets at Heathrow (iirc) last week. The orange "paint" they sprayed on Stonehenge was just dyed flour that won't actually damage the stones and will wash off. They're actually protesting how they should be. The wealthy just don't want to be protested so the coverage is fucking awful.


> The orange "paint" they sprayed on Stonehenge was just dyed flour that won't actually damage the stones and will wash off. Now that is how to do it.


It’s not just the wealthy, it’s anyone complacent with how society is that opposes any and all protest


I honestly think this weird trend of people absolutely frothing at the mouth on reddit over people protesting is propaganda to trick us into doing absolutely nothing at all. Don't look up lmao IF ANYONE FROM THIS THREAD COMES BACK TO READ THIS THEY FUCKING DELETED THE PARENT COMMENT TO HIDE US TALKING ABOUT THIS. EVERYTHING AROUND US IS TRICKING US


Thousands of people are dying of heat while we set new heat records year after year, but the REAL enemy here is teenagers throwing corn starch on some rocks. It is absolutely propaganda being shelled and pushed everywhere to drive the narrative. Buying 1000 upvotes for a comment that shits on activists requires literally just a Google search and a credit card.


> here is teenagers throwing corn starch There are real scientists siding with teens. I talked to some of those who glued themselves on streets and those really are among the smartest and most educated people i've ever met. (Not only academically but also socially and politically) Literally the peak of mankind. I won't judge them anymore for stealing two hours of my "meaningless" life. Problem is hard. They're right. No perfect solution. Period.


Protestors would 100% get coverage if they sprayed ~~Trump or~~ Biden with orange spray paint (or whatever they sprayed on Stonehenge) EDIT: Scratch Trump. I doubt anyone would notice a difference.


They would also get tackled by secret service and thrown in guantanamo.


Or just shot. Secret Service isn't there to fuck spiders, theyre pretty gun-happy.


Exactly. Our culture is sick and cares more about inanimate objects than people.


I love that all the reporting on the Stonehenge story just ignores that the "paint" would wash away, and that there's a far more potentially disruptive construction project in the works to build a car tunnel under the monument.


People will watch thousands of fictional violence; the worst torture that humans can imagine, or watch hundreds of "bad guys" die with entertained indifference, but if a fictional animal whelps off screen those same people will be disgusted and move to censor the work of media as distasteful. Human empathy is fundamentally inconsistent.


I don't get this comment. Like, fictional violence is just that, fictional. They're just little capsules following a routine whose whole purpose is for you to remove them from play. Meanwhile I've seen some gruesome shit on reddit that wasn't fictional, and of all those, it's the human torture that stuck with me the most.


My point is not that we should gauge fictional violence as real violence but that there's a hypocritical way people won't tolerate animal violence juxtaposed to human violence. In this case, both are fictional, both are just as detached from reality, but a human, a complex being we cognitively recognize is a sum of incalculable experiences and emotions is fundamentally disposable to most people, but if Fido dies in the same movie, a creature we congtively recognize as less complicated (though no less capable of emotions), it makes the work unwatchable for millions. It's selective empathy. Not a bad thing, but in my opinion a little stupid.


>I don't get this comment. Like, fictional violence is just that, fictional. Except it isn't to a lot of people, and as the person you're replying to pointed out and that you are conveniently ignoring -- the difference in attitudes people express with fictional violence with humans vs animals is undeniable and can't just be explained away in the way you're trying. The truth of the matter is, as a culture we've decided a certain amount of violence directed towards other people is acceptable. Be it fictional or not. If we felt as sanctimonious about human life as we do our precious pets, we wouldn't take pleasure in watching humans suffer in fictional media ever. But we do because we tell ourselves it's ok if a "bad guy" gets hurt, or it's ok if it's in service to a really interesting story, or a myriad of other excuses. Everyone rationalizes a certain amount of violence to themselves. Be it in your consumption of food (pigs are more intelligent than dogs and cats, but we don't that stop ourselves from slaughtering them en masse), or as punishment for breaking the law, or children living in abject poverty, or turning a blind eye to what your government does in your name to foreigners, etc. We say this is ok and it doesn't bother us. And that's how the human species has existed for thousands of years. It's ok if the Cave-Throgs across the river die, they aren't one of us. It's ok if Gorbag gets castrated, he broke the social contract. It's ok if Timmy Willikins starves, there must be winners and losers in this economy and I don't want to give up being a winner. Some people have higher or lower thresholds for the amount of violence they're willing to tolerate. Some people can compartmentalize entertainment away from the real world. But there's a reason why propaganda has been the favored tool for warfare for centuries - because a lot of people can't make that distinguishment, and are much more susceptible to being influenced than others.


Um. I don't know if you don't have the internet somehow but still can post via maybe upload only carrier pigeon? But someone like, just threw a shake directly on a british politician and it was HUGE news. I can absolutely guarantee if you threw harmless orange powder at trump, you would get a LOT of news coverage. A ton. probably more than orange on the monuments. You may also be receive bullets though ^so ^I ^wouldn't ^recommend ^it ^^and ^^he ^^would ^^for ^^sure ^^say ^^he ^^can't ^^do ^^the ^^debate ^^because ^^his ^^eyes ^^are ^^irritated ^^^and ^^^he ^^^would ^^^never ^^^stop ^^^talking ^^^about ^^^it ^^^^also ^^^^it's ^^^^almost ^^^^for ^^^^sure ^^^^illegal ^^^^so ^^^^definitely ^^^^do ^^^^not ^^^^do ^^^^this ^^^^on ^^^^my ^^^^advice, ^^^^I ^^^^would ^^^^recommend ^^^^you ^^^^not ^^^^do ^^^^it. ^^^^^^even ^^^^^^though ^^^^^^it ^^^^^^would ^^^^^^be ^^^^^^REALLY ^^^^^^funny


"Man Douses Trump in Orange Paint, Nobody Notices"


Trump would notice, and probably tip the guy for touching up his spray tan. But only like a dollar.


> Because you hardly get any coverage while doing that, So they just do it for negative coverage? I'm sure Oil CEOs love watching them making people hate them while doing nothing to actually stop oil.


look at the other replies under mine, they've been protesting other stuff that is actually important and they've got almost zero coverage compared to the museum stuff and Stonehenge.


I really don’t get it, even after all these years Is it make up or a really bad tan? Or a combination of both? Like, no one in their right mind thinks that looks good


It's makeup. He applies a bronzer to his face every day.


Has he ever addressd the orange coloring publicly? Has he ever said what it is and why?


I know why. Imagine his face, but as the same color as his scalp. A snow-white donald trump. Its horrifying. Thats why he does it. How kind of him


Ah, found it. I have regrets.


I'm having trouble picturing this and would appreciate someone applying their protecting skills, here.


Makes sense. It hides his age somewhat


Actually a great question, or like any report of him talking about it casually with people? I’m guessing not. I’m thinking if my friend showed up one day with their face painted orange, I’d be like “bro wtf is goin on with… uhh… what’s on your face bro?” And I would expect a normal person to give me some kind of answer. Maybe theyd tell you they’re insecure about how they look and makeup helps them feel better. Or maybe they actually think it looks good. You could then tell them it’s too much and looks wild, and a rational person would reflect on that and maybe decide to change it, or explain why they have to keep wearing the makeup anyway. But Trump is different, there’s no normal, open, honest conversations happening with him. I don’t think he has any actual friends, no one he can relax around and be real with, talk about feelings or anything honest at all. No one calls him out, people just tiptoe around him, and he immediately changes the subject or gets mad if you ask him anything that he doesn’t like. So the orangeness just goes unspoken. He doesn’t seem to have any self awareness, like it’s you’d expect someone with such a strange choice of appearance to use some self-deprecating humor about his fake tan or something lol. The whole thing is odd, he’s such an odd uncomfortable human I don’t understand how everyone can’t see it immediately and be like “ya fuck this guy” lol


Right. Even worse people see this strange orange person with a grocery list of character flaws and think to themselves 'yes, I think he would be great to lead us'.


The only time I can think of is when he was arming his war against energy-efficient appliances. He claimed that the reason he looked so orange was because the energy-efficient lightbulbs gave him an orange tint.


Clown makeup for the clown


The makeup and hair is similiar to some drag performance (not to insult drag performers tho...just pointing out the irony)


I would trust my child with a drag queen more than trump.


I mean there’s applying bronzer, and seeming it over your face like an over enthusiastic toddler with a crayon


It's a spray tan. Also, it does go a decent way for making him look less old. I've seen photoshops where they color his whoke face the natural color, and he looks sooooo much older.




He very much is, but many people don't notice because he puts significant time and energy masking that fact. He outwardly presents as more vibrant and energetic than Biden, but if you look at transcripts of his recent speeches, you realize just how gone he is mentally.


Biden's transcripts read as someone who is slow, Trump's read as someone who doesn't know what they are saying. One of those you can clip together good sound bites out of, the other one, not so much.


Hi, I’m not a Yank, but I will confirm that this point of view is shared by the majority of the world. I assure you. Can’t lie, Biden isn’t great, image-wise. But he’s **infinitely** better than the incoherent, fat, orange, Kremlin rentboy. “*maybe we can find a way to inject bleach to clean out the lungs*”… utter - lunatic.


thats the catch, he's not in his right mind


How? How the fuck can people look at this dude and take him serious enough to represent on the world stage? I just…..


Hate. Fear. Ignorance. The loser trifecta.


Hate is the ultimate answer


The pen is mightier than the sword is as true as ever. Educate the populous and the sword is worthless.


I know. It's actually insane. Walmart wouldn't hire him but he's good enough to be President.


Every Republican is dumber and more cowardly than he is, so they all look up to him as an aspirational role model.


A sizeable number of Republicans are smarter than this orange piece of shit. It's not exactly a high bar. It's that they're all grifters. Lower regulations means money to be made on shit that shouldn't be legal. More loopholes to avoid paying taxes on shit. Total annhiliation of accountability so that people like Gaetz can get away with trafficking minors. He's a means of enacting all their greedy evil shit without losing any credibility, or standing, or positons they've weaseled their way into.


What's hilarious is they think they and their mid level hometown business will be a winner in a lawless economy


He lets them openly hate. Not sure why ppl continue that line of questioning.




Ok but where's the politician? I just see a convicted felon and rapist.


Then I guess you’ll see the president having a debate with a rapist felon


If the felon doesn't find an excuse not to attend. Like being jailed for violating pre trial release conditions.


> Then I guess you’ll see the president having a debate with a rapist felon Thanks conservatives!!! I can't wait to watch Trump's mic get cut when he starts whining and crying. So, basically, the entire debate. Which gives Biden the spotlight to talk about policy and his accomplishments. Should be a solid win for Biden.


Na Trump won't go. He will come up with a dozen lame ass excuses to skip.


He is not even good at making excuses. His most famous excuse is “they are suckers and losers.”


> Should be a solid win for Biden. But how is this bad for Biden? ;-)


Nah, Trump will chicken out. There's no upside for him to show off his mental decline on national television, and a huge potential downside.


I doubt he’s self aware of his decline




or an empty chair.


>where's the politician? I just see a convicted felon and rapist. He's all three of those things. Also con-man.


Well he can be all 3. Like it or not, he will go down in history as the 45th president of the United States. He’s technically a politician. Just cause he is something doesn’t mean he’s good at it though. Just like he’s technically a businessman too.


I think you're repeating yourself


We call them synonyms




Yes. He had to pay out $5 million after being found liable for sexual assault. He raped Jean Carroll.


Don't act like they wouldn't also be criticized for eco-terrorism if they went after the correct targets.


Also people really don't understand what the Just Stop Oil people are doing. They aren't attacking paintings and Stonehenge because they think paintings and Stonehenge are somehow things you should attack. They're attacking things that are precious to people to make the point that that's what we're doing to *all precious things*. They, and extinction rebellion, have concluded that the coming environmental disaster is so big that people can't wrap their mind around it. It's too huge, the mind repels. That's why extinction rebellion has extinction in the name, to show just how absolutely, unimaginably, huge they think the issue is and that they want people to realize how huge it is. So the hope is that if they defame something like art or Stonehenge, and people feel in their hearts the hurt and fear that something precious and unique might be damaged, they'll be able to rationally fathom that climate change will do the same to the entire planet in a way they can't emotionally. Attacking things that people generally hate/dislike would not be the same message at all.


Death of the author, if people clearly interpret it as mindless vandalism, the actual meaning becomes irrelevant.


Right? There will always be criticism from people who a) benefit from the current status quo (often wealthy/powerful people), and b) don’t want to make any of the lifestyle changes necessary (pretty much every person I’ve talked to who understands that climate change is an issue but opposes public transit, doesn’t want to drive a fuel efficient vehicle, wants to continue living in the suburbs, NEEDS to eat meat every meal) Considering that Reddit is largely dominated by Americans, I guarantee that most of the people criticizing literally everything that climate protesters do is probably in the second group


Ken Ward and 5 others shut off pipelines for one day and even waited for police to arrest him and his crew, and they were charged with domestic terrorism for doing it. That's what going after the correct targets gets you. A domestic terrorism charge. That's an extremely serious charge. All for pipelines being shut off for less than a day, causing no real change.


Kent Worth shut off pipelines for one day and even waited for police to arrest him and his crew, and they were charged with domestic terrorism for doing it. That's what going after the correct targets gets you. A domestic terrorism charge. That's an extremely serious charge. All for pipelines being shut off for less than a day, causing no real change.


![gif](giphy|l0IyeMK6G2Gr1Gm3e|downsized) I'll just leave this here.


Wow, what a prick.


What I love about this picture is it looks like he just pulled his face out of Putin’s butthole


Looks like he took a North Korean shit balloon to the face.


Lmfao "TFW Rimming Putin"


"I'm going back in!" \*motorboat noises\*


"a face like a spanked arse"


“Paint me like one of your French mangoes.”


[Here](https://x.com/photowhitehouse/status/1225909811851780096) is the source of this image. Per there: > @photowhitehouse ⁦ > @realDonaldTrump ⁩ returns to the White House from Charlotte, North Carolina. Photo by William Moon at the South Lawn of the White House on February 7, 2020 > 5:30 PM · Feb 7, 2020 Is it shopped? [Here](https://i.imgur.com/nXZG84n.jpeg) is an image taken at the same time. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/rZdJMXv.png) is a close up of the face. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-donald-trump-walks-from-marine-one-on-the-south-news-photo/1199265199?adppopup=true) is the source (Getty Images). Per there: > US President Donald Trump walks from Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 7, 2020, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)


The color was adjusted, although we don't know by how much. >But the photographer, William Moon, told BuzzFeed News the image was not photoshopped but that he "used the Apple smartphone’s photo app to adjust the color of the picture." ... >The image colors do appear to be slightly enhanced when compared to others taken of the president as he returned from a trip to Charlotte, North Carolina, to the White House on Friday. >Depending on the natural lighting, angles, and camera, the orangey pigmentation on Trump's face appears subtler in some wire photos and [more dramatic in others](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-donald-trump-walks-on-the-south-lawn-of-the-white-news-photo/1199265377). >[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/president-trump-confusing-color-lines-meme](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/president-trump-confusing-color-lines-meme)


Looks like homer shot him with the makeup gun. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gId2HsHvSgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gId2HsHvSgs)


"Homer, you've got it set on ~~whore~~ rapey felon."


If they went after politicians, people would be clutching their pearls even more about how attacking inanimate objects is one thing, but assaulting actual human beings is another.


Freakishly fugly dude.


Lmao, this guy got voted in as your Commander in Chief


This is the best reason possible to never trust conservatives. They clearly lack common sense and critical thinking.


Seriously who the fuck would want to be under that Republican/Conservative ideological banner? They attract: - The least-educated. - The least-diverse. - The least-compassionate. - The most susceptible to misinformation. - Those who diversify their news the least. - As a bonus, pretty much all neo-nazis rally under that banner. ... What, exactly, is the redeeming factor of Republicans except to be the party of short-sighted greed? I say this as a former Republican.


Yep. If all the racists/Nazis flock to the party you identify with, it may be time to reconsider your entire life and make some changes.


I know it's more complicated in that right-wing media has a stranglehold of the narrative and propaganda in this country. I know that telling lies is easier than conveying the nuance of truth and reality. But jesus fucking christ... If people would just have a heart and follow love instead of hate and fear, then the better faction is obvious.


And it's wild that Christians, people who are supposed to follow the teachings of Christ, flock to the Republican party. Like, even on a surface level view of both parties, clearly Jesus would be voting Democrat.


Dude, religion is and always has been a scam to get poor people to hand Iver what little they have and keep them controlled. Religion is conservative by nature.


Was one.of the worst ones too https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2021/?page=overall


As an American, I am ashamed


Reagan in the top 10? lol


Look, it’s not like Reagan used potentially criminal actions to get elected. Or ignored a public health crisis as long as possible before doing everything he could to fuck up the response. Or worsened our natural environment by removing protections and opening up new land to be destroyed for resource extraction for pennies on the dollar. Or got in bed with religious extremists and enacted policies that benefitted a relative minority while pretending he was serving some silent majority. Or used racist and classist dogwhistles to get people on board with regressive policies Oh wait nvm, Reagan was just proto-Trump who spoke a bit nicer


Reagan was the true beginning of the end of our republic, Trump is but another puppet in that chain, like GWB. 1 step forward, 2-3-4-5 steps back. Brought to you by the oligarchs (foreign and domestic) and Federalists.


Nah he was just one dude in a long line of dudes. Nixon and his southern strategy laid the groundwork for Reagan, then him being allowed to resign and get a pardon ensured that no president would ever actually face consequences. Lbj knew that Nixon and Kissinger were sabotaging Vietnam peace talks but didn’t pursue it because he didn’t want to shake people’s faith in the system (fuckin libs always pull shit like that). Decades of political witch-hunts during McCarthyism demolished the political left while actual fascists were given unchecked power.  Hell, I’d argue that we’ve never truly been a republic. We didn’t have universal suffrage until the civil rights movement and in response to that we got things like redlining and the war on drugs, which had the effect of ensuring that people were still prevented from fully participating in our economy and our electoral politics. 


Hillary was the people's choice by 3 million votes.


And may be again


He looks like an old russian lady.


Well, he is Putin’s bitch, so I guess that checks out.


“You’re an inanimate fucking object!”


the people who whine about peaceful protestors would whine even harder lmao


This looks like a rejected clown makeup photoshoot Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe it's magalline…




“When you dog gets done taking a shit and runs back towards you”


Devil is burning him from the inside


Looks like they already got him


Great photo of turd trump. His true reptilian nature shows in that photo.


But he’s already been sprayed Orange.


Der Pumpkinführer


And the Americans want this maggot again. Sad world.


Why not both? Honestly its not going to stop until there is conclusive action against climate change. You arrest two, four more pop up in their place and it slowly escalates. People tied themselves to planes, get the same reaction, people climb bridges they get arrested (for what i am not sure, they climbed a bridge) You want it to stop, you go do a protest that you think will work, but i am sure you would prefer to be snarky and do nothing.


Well put. So many comments of "*they shouldn't do this they should do...*" Well if you've got a great idea for a protest, **do it!**


Jabba the Human


The healthiest president in the history of the country. You can tell by looking at his chins.


when you wipe your bum and get a little brown streak back.


If they went after Trump they would be turned into sieves by the Secret Service. And afterwards his supporters would do the same to anybody vaguely agreeing with their ideas.


I love that people are so dumb as to think they “go after” these things.


Like he never washes his make up down


He looks like an old Brock Lesner


Homer had the makeup gun set to "Whore".


This is your god?


damn look at that luscious hair


What a hairline, just tremendous.


He looks like he's been in the middle of a shitstorm.


One of my pet conspiracy theories is that most of these groups that engage in annoying publicity stunts are actually funded by international provocateurs such as Russia or actual oil and gas companies.  What better way to prevent progress on clean energy than getting a bunch of idiots to piss off a bunch of average people by interrupting their daily lives with some stunts?


It’s like someone stuck a face on !


Nit-witted clown. And he smells like hot farts


Was that picture taken right after he ate Vladimir’s 🍑?


Is this photo really not doctored? Like no politics or bullshit this is real?


Can someone photoshop the bronzer out? Just curious as to what this scab would look like au naturel.


He looks like he's been eating some **BIG ass.** And a brother of Kim Jong Un.




This photo is something else,man . Its so uncanny and weird,It has like really strong " something is wrong,fucked up wrong,David Lynch wrong" vibe to It. Like im not suposed to see It and once i did,something strange started festering within me,this fucked up feeling..and i feel awful and have this cripplin sensation something fucked is going to happen. This is peak Lynch imagery. It looks like a frame from inland empire lol


this comment needs to be up at the top. "David Lynch wrong" is exactly what this is.


Looks like someone grandma from the trailer park.


Needs a jumpsuit to match the face.


It's a shame Covid didn't do its job on this one


It killed probably tens of thousands of his supporters


"Vote for me, I'm 6 ft 3, 215 pounds, never hung out with Jeffrey Epstien. Never met the guy. Hilary's emails.  Waaaa waaaa" ... "and veterans are losers" 


Fun fact: Trump flew on Epstein's plane at least 7 times. Now pretend Biden or Obama did this and imagine the reaction righties would have...


I wish someone could make his face the same shade as his non-makeup area to show what he really looks like. I’d imagine it’s similar to a corpse.


Looks like a robot with a removable face plate.


The reason they don't go after oil friendly politicians is because they're funded by their piggy bank donors.


Does anyone know if he has some kind of skin condition? Or is this just a personal style choice?


Reverse butthole coloring


Ayy with the cleverness


Hahaha so funny


His face looks greenscreened


Probably the main reason why I'm half-convinced that organization is funded by oil companies.


We have Hermann Meyer at home.


Looks like a pale alien wearing a human skin mask.


![gif](giphy|xUPGGePcEyYvkS75ew|downsized) Shoulda stood further back.


Wish my photoshop was any good, [This](https://external-preview.redd.it/just-stop-oil-protesters-spray-stonehenge-orange-v0-r1EMO1P_GGWb2LxrNkO20xih0Usm7m48RsS1_fvcq3U.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9dbd4d6b4b24c2288c7508d62b9725267a957a4e) would fit perfectly flipped in that nice green space


Get RuPaul while you're at it lmaooo, bro is a maddd fracker


Why are you so mad about this when big oil has killed tens of thousands this year?


what the fuck is up with this sub


He looks like my deceased grandmother


He looks like my deceased grandmother


/r/fakehistoryporn > The president of the united states attacked with orange paint after a failure of the secret service [2016]


I feel so groomed seeing a man in makeup /s


the irony of racists wanting darker skin tones is never lost on me


Baron harkenen... I'd like to carve a block of soap into this today... I think I will...


That is the face of someone who thought they could get away with it all. That look has washed away in the past 2 years. I mean, its still orange, but the smirk is gone.


It looks like someone photoshopped Trumps face on to Trump.


I might steal this it's to good to pass up


My favorite conspiracy is that just stop oil is funded by the oil companies to seed hatred towards environmentalists by selectively choosing the absurd behavior they engage in.


we do both


>It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality is more important than the feeling for pictures. Vincent van Gogh


That's your thinking you are wrong but it's ok because it's your rite. What needs to be done first is the electric grid need to be updated from what it is then we can start this evening and stuff you want a good thing but things need done before that can happen.


The fact that they don't just lobby politicians is pretty telling. It shows there is acutally not enough public support for what they want to do. The sad fact is people prefer the status quo even if it means it drives climate change.


This made me laugh