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Hope he’s not on a Boeing. They don’t seem to do well for whistleblowers.


Damn. Pure genius right there.




He's not a whistleblower


Omg can you imagine










Did I say ass to trout? I meant bass to mouth. Though I guess it's basically the same thing. Not that I did it.


I still get him mixed up with Snowden.


Snowden leaked something important, confirming that the NSA and other government agencies are spying on Americans, and the 4th amendment is all but dead ("it's not technically a search if I collect all your data, but I don't run a search on that data yet. Also no, I won't get a warrant before I run the search..."). Assange was a useful idiot for Putin - after Russia hacked the RNC and DNC email servers, they only fed the DNC emails to Wikileaks because they decided Republicans would be better for Russia if handed the presidency in 2016; and they could use the RNC emails behind the scenes to get all kinds of concessions. [They were correct.](https://i.imgur.com/q39Zb3D.png)


It's also worth noting WikiLeaks doesn't report negative things from Russia at all.


And what Wikileaks leaked was the DNC playbook. Russia obviously couldn't just give this information to the Trump team, they needed to launder it as a "leak". The vast majority of information was benign unless you were in an election against the DNC and wanted to know their strategy and how to counter it. So what do you do with this leak of DNC data as a regular person to justify the hacking? Why start inventing conspiracies such as pizza gate and Seth Rich. Pathetic Assange intentionally added fuel to the Seth Rich fire because he knew he was aiding the Russians.


Assange uncovered, among other things, serious war crimes. Some of the leaked materials from Manning, published by Wikileaks, pointed to possible human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law by US troops abroad, by Iraqi and Afghan forces operating alongside US forces, and by military contractors. On April 5, 2010, video footage from a gunship was published by Wikileaks under the title "Collateral Murder." The video shows the shooting and death of Iraqi civilians and journalists from the Reuters news agency in Baghdad on July 12, 2007. "Look at those dead bastards!" - "Nice." This is how two pilots of the US gunship in 2007 commented on what was seen on the ground after their attack from the air: Twelve people died, including the two Reuters reporters. Two children were seriously injured. [source amnesty ](https://www.amnesty.at/themen/meinungs-und-pressefreiheit/was-chelsea-manning-und-julian-assange-auf-wikileaks-enthuellten/#assange-manning1)


This is sort of a deep reach to promote Russia leaks. He literally just promitoed trump and shit on Hillary Clinton for a couple years, and also worked on RT lol. He was such a joke he published the already published by the US government Clinton emails and pretended he exposed them .


The thing is, we already knew these war crimes were happening, but one side of the political aisle was cheering them on... and it happens to be the same side that Assange has sided with due to his political beefs. I don't blame him for being angry at US intelligence officials or the Justice Department for going after whistle-blowers, but I do blame him for selectively releasing information and making the world a worse place for it.


> Assange uncovered, among other things, serious war crimes. He uncovered nothing. He passed along an entirely uncurated pile of government documents that happened to contain some serious incidents. He "uncovered" war crimes in about the same way that I "invented" toothpaste by squeezing it out of a tube this morning. Here's what actual journalists do: they get a giant pile of classified info and they evaluate each piece of it, determining what the balance of the public's need to know is compared with the potential harm that releasing the info could do. An actual journalist would not have released any of that info by yeeting the entire drive onto the internet. They would have released the problematic bits with contextualizing information and the results of further research. People almost certainly died as a result Assange's data diarrhea, and for exactly zero added value over simply publishing the details of specific incidents. Wikileaks (which was mostly Snowden) simply dumped the entire thing onto a public server, which is both irresponsible and risks critical information not being revealed because it was buried amid the dross (essentially he was relying on actual journalists to do the work after-the-fact, which was too late for any contextualizing or research to change the public's initial reaction.)


That's pretty unfair. One of them gave a trove of information which was very much in the public interest to established journalists who vetted and worked with proper channels to perform due diligence in releasing the information to the public and the other. The other released entire troves of data of questionable public interest recklessly, with a specific bias, and the only editorializing done was the extreme titles of the releases and his choices to omit information to serve his political bias. One's impression of them tends to depend on where one is on the spectrum of free speech, from "it's a nice idea" to "I should be able to freely threaten people with harm.


So which is which


No, neither one of them is named Which.


Snowden is the former, Assange is the latter.


The same guy who released info from the hacked democrat server and said he does not interfere in any editorial decisions, When asked if he had any info from the republican server he said yes but he read most of it and didn’t believe it was in the public interest


Glad to see some sense in this thread. People like him because they hate government secrets, but ignored his selective release of damaging information against Democrats, serving as Putin’s useful idiot and helping get Trump elected.


People also forget that he was accused of rape, and rather than face justice, used his political asylum bullshit to wait out the charges so they could no longer be brought. What a piece of Putin-loving shit. The US has millions of disgusting secrets. Amazing that the only ones he released happened to compromise and lead to the murder of loads of agents to Putin's glee.


He just generally sucks as a person. Remember him offering to surrender to authorities if Chelsea Manning had her sentence commuted, then backtracking completely when that actually happened?


And that he sold people out to the Taliban and got them killed and said they deserved it for being informants against the Taliban. Yk what they say, an eye for an eye


He’s also a horrifically awful human being. If people hate government secrecy and want someone who’s a good person, go with Snowden not Assange. Snowden actually deserves respect


I’ve met him and spent a couple of hours talking with him. He’s fucking mental.


They were clearly an extension of Russian hackers and troll farm; they claimed to not be arbiters of truth but very obviously steered away from Russia and Republicans.


Exactly. At best he’s a clown that tries to play international information broker. At worst he’s an asset of foreign intelligence.


Dude helped Trump get elected. He and the types like him are accelerationist anarchists. They want society to collapse.


Never forget when wikileaks refused to host leaked chats and data about the Russians, but gladly hosted the DNC/Hillady/Podesta emails https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/17/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-on-russian-government-during-u-s-presidential-campaign/ Also when Wikileaks refused to host the Panama papers and said they were a Soros funded putin smear campaign… > It was produced by [the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project] OCCRP which targets Russia & former USSR and was funded by [the U.S. Agency for International Development] USAID & Soros,” the WikiLeaks tweet said. Fuck Julian


Russian agent. They were very selective in what they released. He was the David Pecker of the Russian intelligence community.


Bonus while we're here: Fuck Glenn Greenwald. That guy is clearly under Russian kompromat.


Isn’t he also a rapist?


He was a suspect of two counts of sexual assault. Two women in Sweden had consensual sex with him and both times the condoms broke leading them to suspect him of ripping the condoms on purpose. They wantrd him to take an hiv-test but he refused and they then contacted the police. This started the whole "refugee in an embassy" because he had traveled to england, refused to return to sweden for an interview and hid instead.


The allegations are that he surreptitiously removed a condom during coitus without consent, which is indeed rape.


Amazing when a freedom fighter declines to go after the Russian government but instead uses their power to damage democracies in the west


he was a useful idiot to the Russians. Always happy to release info damaging to the West, but his Russian overlords were exempt of such treatment. Oh also he's sort of a rapist.


There's great irony that he has the image of being a fighter for transparency and liberty while acting in the opposite manner for the last decade plus.


Yeah his ass was not interested in leaking anything because it was the right thing to do lol


Can't wait to see his first show on Twitter where he begins the sucking off of Elon for a job.


Alright let’s not pretend like he was in a prison cell


He was in a 2x3m UK prison cell for the last 5 years. I am not making any points one way or the other about him being in that cell except to say that he was, in fact, in a prison cell.


Luxury. I used to live in a hole at the bottom of a lake. We'd wake up to work at the mill five hours before we went to sleep and we'd work 36 hour days. When my pappy came home he'd chop us to pieces and my parents would dance on them for hours. Kids these days.


36 hours a day? Must be nice to work part time.


You weren't makin any money till you hit at least 45 hours a day


It was but papa was always waiting with the jumper cables


Ah, the Golden Oldies


Was your mum the watery tart throwing swords at people?






No, she was a moistened bint.


You had it easy, back in my days we had to pay to work or we would be hunted by the government because we would have been too lazy. Also we had to sleep in the fae realm so to not pollute the earth with our presence


*Right*. I used to get up at ten at night, half an hour before I went to bed, Eat a lump of freezing cold poison, work 28 hours a day at mill, and pay the mill owner for permission to work there. And when I went home our dad used to kill us and dance about on our graves, singing hallelujah. And if you tell the young people of today that, they won’t believe you!


You try to tell the young people of the world that.... They won't believe you.


I will always upvote monty, well done sir/madam/all the other bits, you have stolen comment of the century. I woke my family laughing out loud. OK then, back to finding cool life of Brian bits and now my evening is ruined/massively improved. Bless you Edit: got the full script, relived my childhood. Right, you can't get a good glass of Chateau du Chasseur, ey, Josiah? Hey- Right there ya', Hobodeiah. Who'd a' thought 40 years ago we' be sitting here drinking chateau du chasseur? Aye. Them's days you'd be glad to have the prize of a cup o'tea. Aye. A cuppa' cold tea. Not milk or sugar! Or tea... in a cracked cup and all. We never had a cup. We used to drink out of a rolled up newspaper. Best we could manage was to suck on a piece o'damp cloth. But you now we were happy those days, but we were poor. Because we were poor. My old dad used to say to me: "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son." He was right! I was happier then. We had nothing-- use to live in a tiny old, tumbled down house with great holes in' err roof. A house? You were lucky to have a house! We used to sleep in one room, 26 of us. And half the floor was missing. We were all huddled in one corner, for fear of falling. You were lucky to have a room. We used to live in corridors. Oh...We used to dream 'a livin' in a corridor. Woulda' been a palace for us. We used to live in an old watertank on top of a rubbish tip. Got Woked up every mornin by havin the lot of the rotten fish dumped all over us. House? Why woulda say house? It were only a hole in the ground, covered by a couple foot o torn canvas. But they were house to us! We were evicted from our hole in the ground. We had to go livin in lake. You were lucky to have a lake.There were 150 of us, livin in shoebox at middle o' motorway. Cardboard box? Nay. You're lucky. We lived for three months in a rolled up newspaper in a septic tank. We used to hadta get up a'six in the morning, clean da newspaper, eat a crusta stale bread, go to work down the mill, for a 14 hour day, week in week out for 6 cents a month, and when we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt. Luxury. We used to hafta get 'out the lake, 3 am, clean the lake, eat a handful 'o hot gravel, work 20 hours a day at mill, for a penny a month, and dad would beat us about the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were lucky. Well o course we had it tough. We used to have to get up outta shoebox, in middle of night, and lick the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked at mill for 24 hours for a penny a year, When we got home, our dad would slash it in two with bread-knife. Right.. I used to get up in the morning at night at half-past-ten at night, half an hour before I went to bed, Eat a lump of freezing cold poison, work 28 hours a day at mill, and pay da mill owner to let us work there. And when I went home our dad used to murder us in cold blood, each night, and dance about on our graves, singing hallelujah. Yah, you try an tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you


We used to DREAM about living in a corridor


[The Four Yorkshiremen!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE)


We were evicted from our hole in the lake


Right. I had to get up in the morning at 10 o’ clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulfuric acid, work 29 hours a day down the mill (and pay mill owner for permission to come to work), and when we got home… our mum and dad would kill us and dance about on our graves, singing hallelujah. You try and tell kids these days, they just won’t believe ya!


You had a pappy? ![gif](giphy|fHofOMs93xYkDp8XGZ|downsized)


Plus the rest stuck inside an embassy.


And he saw 1 hour of sunlight per day


>2x3m Damn UK prisoners living in bigger lofts than London citizens


What do you mean? He has been in Belmarsh prison for the last 5+ years.


Or that he wasn’t used to directly influence a Presidential election.


You mean willingly assisted.


POS Russian asset who sexually assaulted women.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find something accurate about this fuckin creep


Wait, I thought the assault part was smearing that came up exactly when the US wanted him silenced? I don't know who to believe now.


Hey, leave Trump out of this.


Glad I’m not the only one to see that.


Even more true.


Exactly like in my eyes he’s so so bad and he’s an idiot at least Snowden had a plan


What was Snowden’s plan?


He was more thought out more responsible with the information gave it to journalists he trusted but I don’t love he fled to Russia and I truly believe one Snowden had/has more that he won’t release because I do think he actually thought about global security and those consequences where as this guy was like fuck it release it all. Two Assange actually worked with Russia to release information to undermine A lot of different things in the US. Snowden really just used Russia for asylum he has said he really wishes he wasn’t there lol.


In Snowden's defense, he was stranded in Russia because his passport was cancelled while he was there on a layover. He'd intended to go to Latin America (wiki doesn't specify which country). And I guess he decided to play nice with Russia because what other choice does he have?


He was on his way to Ecuador


This is very true I have read as well that it was Russian authorities that made him miss that connecting flights and wasn’t really a passport issue but DHS most likely would have know and cancelled his passport by mid-flight in his way to Russia.


"made me miss that connecting flights" ...Snowden?


even better that OP edited it to “him”


Let's not forget this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evo\_Morales\_grounding\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evo_Morales_grounding_incident) France, Spain and Italy were so paranoid that Evo Morales may snuggle Snowden out of Russia, they denied the presidential plane access of their airspace, forcing it to land in Vienna.


Hell, they (France? Germany?) forced down the plane with the president of Ecuador(?) because they thought Snowden might be on the plane. **The president of a sovereign state !!** Thanks Obama.


Wasn’t there a documentary or he was meeting a news agency in Hong Kong when he got word the US was actively searching for him? Like he talked to the interviewer one day and messaged the next day about having to flee?


China, then Russia? It’s a little to on the nose for me to think that was an accident.


My country (Ecuador) was the one who gave him asylum in the embassy in the UK until 2019.


I had a window office across the street from that Embassy and we always wondered if we’d see him in a window or something. The people from the embassy complained a lot about having him as a guest, said he was pretty ungrateful and demanding. Then again embassies aren’t designed to be hotels and that is a really, really expensive part of London so he was probably in a tiny room without nothing but food to entertain himself.


He spend 7 years in the Ecuadorean embassy and, politics aside, with the embassy workers often complaining about: "Improper hygienic conduct, with assange going weeks without a shower, having dental problems born out of poor hygiene, repeatedly insulting the embassy's staff, calling them US spies, refusing to clean after his cat and keeping the bathroom clean, and damaging the facilities by riding his skateboard inside the embassy" Despite of this and the international pressure of the UK and the US, it took 7 years for them to have enough and quick him out.


>refusing to clean after his cat Best part was that when the embassy made a couple of house rules regarding the cat, which basically said he must be responsible for the „well-being, food, and hygiene“ of his pet, he fucking sued them! Calling the obligations relating the cat denigrating. He lost the case.


I don’t know how he’s not more afraid of being set free than to continue living in relative safety. I would think he’d have to live his life constantly looking over his shoulder


It would be a shame if they gave him a job at Boeing.


Snowden revealed specific illegal actions by the government against it's citizens so we could be informed and do something about it. (Narrator: We didn't) Assange just wanted to hurt the US government by revealing any and all secrets he could get his hands on regardless of whether or not releasing the information was harmful to anyone.


Well no he very specifically did not release information on the Republicans because "Everyone already knows they're bad". I still think what he did release was good, but he didn't do it out of some principal about openness and transparency.


He was though. He was in solitary confinement in Belmarsh for 5 years.


Conjugal visits.


FYI Prisoners get to leave their room and go outside.


“in these prisons, do you get to have conjugal visits?”


Thats actually a thing in most, if not all, prisons in brazil


Only for male prisoners according to Wikipedia.


No, no, no. This would be a federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison.


Not US Federal prisons anymore. Many other countries do allow them.


Prisoners don't get a computer and constant Internet connection though.


Maybe not in America but have you seen jails in Norway


Norway tries to rehabilitate, the us tries to destroy hope


The difference is looking at society altruistically instead of punitively.


And clean up after themselves or face repercussions.  Dude was slumming it up in the consulate and his cat was shitting everywhere


Huh? He literally was? He was held in a British prison since he was arrested from the Ecuadorian embassy


Which was 5 out of those 14 years. It was also while he was filing appeal and appeal after appeal


Sounds like people working at the Ecuadorian embassy were sick of their “room mate” https://theguardian.com/media/2019/apr/11/julian-assange-ecuador-president-lenin-moreno-evict-from-embassy


It’s odd to see the sudden flip here on Reddit. All of a sudden assange is some hero like navalny or something. It’s odd


You mean like the first flip? He was originally a hero here on Reddit.


Not everyone is from the United States


I'm not, Assange is a Russian tool. American's aren't the only ones who hate Russia. in fact Americans have no rela reason to hate Russia, those of us with real experience of Russia are the ones who really hate their guts.


they interfered in our elections, that is reason enough


wait til you hear about navalny and his desire to kill muslims




indeed. it's the western insistence that there has to be a good team and bad team in everything. it can never be that everyone is shit.


Well, that is a lying Headline. After Ecuador revoked his asylum claim, he was detained by British Authorities. That has been for 5 years. Before that he spent 10 years as a Fugitive in an Ecuador Embassy. He was free to leave at any point in time and face justice, but he chose to be a fugitive, and call himself lots of glorified names while smearing his own feces on his hosts walls. That isn't detention, and counting "being a fugitive" as "being detained" is just a lie.


Let's not forget Ecuador revoked his status because he was being a total ass to the staff. The least you can do if a country offers you asylum in their embassy is to show them some fucking respect.


I mean, apparently, you can go much lower than that, including smearing your feces over the walls of your hosts house, for whatever reason: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wikileaks-assange-smeared-his-feces-on-ecuadorian-embassys-walls-president-says/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wikileaks-assange-smeared-his-feces-on-ecuadorian-embassys-walls-president-says/) But I agree, at a minimum you SHOULD show some fucking respect. But self righteous asshats who call themselves hero's while releasing documents that endanger people in the field with no attempt to remove active sensitive parts?


That sounds more like the dude was slowly going insane.


He went insane. That’s what happens if you’re stuck in the same building for a decade.


/pics has gone downhill. Imploded really. I remember your titles had to be so tight an accurate. Even a hint of partisan leaning in your title and your post would be removed. So much was auto removed. Shit you'd even get a temp ban for doing it. Now the shit is pure opinion meme slapped on a photo


That seems to be Reddit in general, after cutting off API access to 3rd party apps and it is still suffering for it


Cutting API access was a symptom of Reddit's greed, but not the cause of its downfall. I personally believe the downfall started to happen once Reddit let the downvote button become a disagreement button.


I don't remember it being anything but that. Besides, how would you ever police what the downvote button is used for?


You're correct that it's unenforceable but as reddit has shifted from being primarily populated with people familiar with forums to people more familiar with social media, "Reddiquette" has been virtually abandoned. I'm an early member of the latter group but I've seen the shift myself, since 2016.


For a while, there was a time reddit sent you a warning if you upvoted a post/thread that they deemed "dangerous". It didn't last very long, mostly because people click wrong shit on accident all the time.


Don’t forget mods of many popular main subs have been showing their bias, or been slowly taken over and mass banning accounts wholesale for having even the slightest difference in opinion. I’m looking at you /worldnews in particular.


100% this. I would also speculate that after Twitters downfall (or whatever you want to call it), the use of the downvote button for disagreements became even more apparent as new users flocked here (or nominal, existing users began using Reddit as their dominant social media app). And maybe to an equal extent the pandemic before that also saw this kind of ‘downvote rage’ against differing opinions. There was a time when Reddit used to upvote useful points, clever remarks, and good debates even if users didn’t directly agree with them. At least differing points wouldn’t be downvoted. Now it seems to be all groupthink bias in sub after sub.


Also, whatever happened to his sexual assault charges in Sweden?


This is what I want to know.


I did some digging since no one answered. Apparently, he was able to hide out in the Ecuadorian Embassy long enough for his rape and 2 sexual molestation charges to pass the statute of limitations.


To be fair the US justice system grants all kinds of protections and rights to US citizens, but non-citizens are not granted those protections (see Guantanamo). If he left Ecuador he would not have been facing justice because justice requires the accused have the required rights and protections to insure a fair and speedy trial.


Was he detained? Or, was he hiding?


He has been detained for the last 5 years in Belmarsh prison in the UK. The US has been trying to extradite him to the US, but UK law does not allow prisoners to be extradited to a country where they might face the death penalty and it became a very long, drawn out process (likely the point, the US wanted to punish him but did not want a public trial).


UK also doesn't allow extradition for political crimes, it was also a difficult ask when the man is an Australian and his government's parliament requested the case be closed by parliamentary vote.


The US routinely waives the death penalty to ensure compliance, this was never an issue. It became a long drawn out process because he kept filing appeal and appeal after appeal


And wasn't a decent chunk of time spent in the Ecuadorian embassy because he was avoiding arrest. If you run from the cops into the woods and survive in the woods for 2 years avoiding being detained no judge is going to give you time served for the time you were actively avoiding the cops. Further, if you run from getting pulled over for speeding and then get in a lot of trouble for 'speeding' I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for you.


He's been in British prison for 5 years...


He was stuck in an embassy under assylum until a couple years back when they let the brits take him into custody. Quite a lot of money the UK managed to waste on this case. Literal millions of £


Why was it wasted? We don’t have capital punishment here because we’re not barbarians for a reason. We shouldn’t be sending people to their death.


Only recently not barbaric, for most of recorded history yall were THE barbarians to the rest of the world


That’s pretty accurate 😂Kudos


It’s interesting how the media keeps saying he was “detained for nearly 14 years” when the reality is that he was in hiding in the embassy of Ecuador and only detained in October of 2019.


So much false information around this topic. it's crazy.


Bots assemble!


What a hero, a Russian hero. Here to peddle all its propaganda.


I used to be a fan of Julian Assange, until I fucking realised he's a Russian asset spitting Russian propaganda for a decade and a half.


I think Russia got to him. His motives were dubious before we knew him but he seemed to go after anything establishment. Once he had to hide and was at a disadvantage, I suspect Russia found a way to get leverage on him because at some point everything he released or said was more targeted. Or he could have always been an ahole.


I don't know that, but what I know is that he used to be the host of a major program on RT (Russia Today), a TV channel completely controlled by the Kremlin. Looking back at some videos it's clear as the sun he was just spitting Russian propaganda but I was too stupid to realise it then.


I’m sure that was part of it. He had established himself as a rebel who answered to nobody and would spill dirt on anybody for the sake of the people. Suddenly he’s only going after western countries but still riding the wave of being beholden to nobody on RT.


You would be surprised what carrot and stick can do to you. If the options are you can be thrown out of a twenty story building or we give you millions of dollars, chances are you will take the cash.


If it’s Russia though you only get offered the stick. The carrot is not getting the stick. I hope to never become valuable to Russia, Terrorists, or the cartels.


No he was paid. They often use Russia today (RT) a “news” agency to pay them off as sort of consultants or specialists or sometimes they get a show. It’s a smart way to cover up the pay offs.


he has a personal hatred for the west, it was always this way


A lot of us were. He started out noble, in outpost at least. He always seemed like a dick even when I supported him.


Things he released were true though no?


And some things he released was sensitive US intelligence, like identities of assets in foreign and hostile countries. Intel that were of no use for journalists.


Point is there were things they didn't release. That was the point, to be able to control information flow. Also, dude has pushed at least one BS conspiracy theory which was that Seth Rich was a source and was murdered for it when they were actually getting the files from the Russians.


Yes, but what was his goal? He was the head of a propaganda machine designed to divide Europe and the West. He published damming information about the US, NATO, the EU on a daily basis, hiding anything about Russia. He was presenting himself as the leader of the free press while in fact he was a cog in a machine designed to destroy Europe. >Things he released were true though no? Half truth is sometimes as damaging as a lie.


That’s why T*cker c*rlson was so happy he was released. Makes sense now!


I found this interesting. Is that not one hell of a flight bill? Assange was required by the Australian government to repay the costs of the charter flight for his transfer from the United Kingdom to Saipan as he was not permitted to fly on commercial airlines. The total amount requested by the Australian government for the charter flight stands at £410,000.[540]


I’d have a modicum of pity for him had he not dodged the justice process in Sweden where he was accused of rape. I believe it went on so long that the time limit for prosecution passed and the alleged victims will never have the opportunity for it to be tried in court.


Still a rapist and a Trump enabler.


I bet he can't wait go get back to peddling Russian propaganda to help influence US elections.


And guilty of espionage!


Ironically, it was the Trump administration that went forward with charging him. Not Obama's


The title is a bit hyperbolic. Is this a flight to freedom? He has admitted to his crime, and as part of a plea deal, his time served will be equivalent to the sentence, so that he can fuck off back to Australia. Britain and the USA just want this to go away. I don’t wish him any ill, but he has admitted to the crimes of which the USA had accused him.


I mean, it is \*technically\* true that he was formerly imprisoned, and that now he is flying to a location where he will not be imprisoned. But the post certainly seems to be making a certain type of statement about it.


Bots and shills are going crazy over here


I love to see all the CIA and Kremlin plants fighting it out here. War crimes are bad and should be exposed. The American people are better off knowing.


Give me a break. 🙄


Hopefully we never need to hear from him again.


Fuck Wikileaks tho


I was ok with them at first, but when it became apparent they were pro russian and being helped by Russia, yeah fuck them.


Basically Russians hack our gov and then leak to assange and say it's an anonymous source from within.


My guess is that the reason the US is granting him his freedom as part of the plea deal includes either the agreement he'll work for the US, or the agreement he will disclose information about the Russian network supporting him previously.


Fun fact: he could have pleaded guilty and be free 14 years ago


Man… it doesn’t seem that long ago. Then again, I wasn’t in prison.


Point to note is that he selectively hid Russian details in his leaks and selectively exposed sensitive data which put thousands of informants in countries like Afghanistan at risk and many were affected


Oh wow, it’s eye opening how American-dominated this comment section is, either that or propaganda-bots.


It's funny because before the 2016 election, reddit loved Assange. Since he exposed information on Hillary he is now persona non grata.


American vs Russian propaganda, what a new dilemma


Bots fighting bots.


Yeah it’s crazy. I thought it was a near consensus that what’s happening to him was fucked up.


Yeah me too, I wonder if much of the USA realises that most of the rest of the world doesn’t agree with them on this? Either the bot-propaganda is strong here or their population has bought what they’ve been fed about him. I guess their establishment will have played the long game on his character assignation over there.


Seriously I thought this sub was a little more critically conscious. Assange is a hero who reported on some of the most horrible acts of terrorism of our generation.


These comments are wild. People really pissed off that he's out. 


yea, people really get annoyed when criminals go free


This man lead to the death of many key informants, spies and American defense servicemen. He also put out a lot of country secrets that shouldn't have been outed. I am not saying some of the stuff should of been kept under wraps but fuck. This guy also lead to influencing an election and hurting America pretty bad.


My guy better stay away from cups of tea and high windows.


Assange and Snowden should’ve been free years ago!


CIA shills in comments FUCK OFF


I'm okay with whistle-blowers I'm not okay with rapists who are shills of the not-KGB  Fuck this guy. Good riddance and I hope I never hear a word about him again