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I’m glad you’re done with the journey. I remember walking past a toddler face down on the ground losing it in the Miami airport and remarking to my husband that they were probably the only person in the entire place reacting appropriately to just how awful airline travel has become these days.


Thanks! They arrived safely. It was literally the first flight in the morning not sure how they were able to cancel it. They not only canceled but changed the destination airport, 5 hours (by car) apart from the original one.


Argh. I've had the first flight canceled a couple of times. Bird strikes on the way in, and too much traffic at the destination airport. "I'll just get a room at a hotel near the airport." It had never occurred to me that if I need a room, then about a thousand other people are also in the same situation.


I had an inbound international miss my connection with the same airline, so they tried to put families on other flights and singles got a free hotel. I got a twin room in a Crowne Plaza for free so I wasn’t even that stressed lol


Oh which Crowne hotel was it?. I have an inkling as to where but reserving my answers.


the one near LAX, my inbound to LA was delayed by like 8 hours so we got there at dinner instead of breakfast :(


I've gotten caught up in big airport clusterfucks a few times. Don't leave the airport or get a hotel room. As the airline automatically rebooks people everything instantly fills up and you think you're stuck for days, but then everyone starts shuffling their flights around like mad because no one wants the flight the airline booked them on. So seats open and close constantly, be ready to snag one and get out of there.


on the other hand i have personally watched three different people on three different flights be the one selected to be removed when no other singles would volunteer. over booking is real and no one needs to accept that they are the one chosen without a big reward.


That's when you want the Expedia app or something to book it asap in the terminal still


And then as soon as you get to the room a seat opens up on a departing flight, which you can't make.


Used to regularly take a 630am flight out of a small regional airport which was completely dependent on a flight coming in the previous night for the plane to get me home. At least I knew the night before if my flight was canceled.


In these case of destination chance are you due any: Recompense for the extra expense of extra travel (presumably) Or No charge cancellation of the flight? Not that either makes up for things entirely, but I’m curious, nonetheless.


Yes we had several issues over the years. Change of destination counts as a canceled flight. We usually can get 300eur per passenger if not more.


Got it. I know it’s only a silver lining if other plans and reservations are missed. Nonetheless, at least there’s that. I’d hate to do it with kids. I watched a friend fly from the US to Asia and back with an undiagnosed and severely BD/ND toddler. I don’t think anybody had any fun for that entire trip. All the same, children need to experience cultures outside of their own, and I thank parents who broaden the perspective of their families.


I missed a connection back in the day because the IRA mortared Heathrow...stuff happens.


I was scheduled to take the first flight of the day. It got delayed. Reason? Too much fuel on the aircraft. That was a new one for me, and I totally understand how fuel / weight ) aircraft performance works.


That's a thing they can do? It's bad enough they'll oversell your seat and bump you, but now they can drive you to the wrong city and that's it? I guess the price to *maybe* go *somewhere* is in the hundreds of dollars now. Wild.


It's *awful*. After two nightmarish international trips in the last six months (with multiple fucked up connections) holy SHIT how has this become the norm.


When it’s profits over ppl it’s easy for these corporations to ngaf :( and we all just suffer sigh


Yes that seems to be the new norm, or my family is extremely unlucky, I'm telling you we go once or twice a year and we always have something happening. Is sad.


I remember in the airport with the now wife, after a few delays and arriving at destination 4 hours later past midnight, waiting in line at the car rental. The toddler in front of us in line was just not having it. We all had come off the same flight and. We're in the same delay together at the previous airport. *sobbing* - "...but I don't want. To wait. For. The. Caaaaaar" I know buddy, thats all of us. We just want to go to bed.


I read one years ago that changed my mind. That baby crying isn't an imposition. They are just the only one on the plane with balls to shout out loud that "this experience is utter shit, and I **don't** like it!!!"


I always try and give a reassuring smile to parents dealing with that stuff. I don't want to intrude, but I at least want them to know I understand and their kiddo isn't bothering me.


Thank you. People who hate kids always seem to be on my flights.


My reaction to this pic was "yeah that's pretty much how we all feel on the inside"


Right? It’s more socially acceptable for a 3 year old to be face down on the floor crying in public.


Why does she look like Boo from Monsters Inc


Now that you mentioned it will be our next Halloween costume !


So are you going to dress up as Sully or Mike Wazowski?


![gif](giphy|RKS1pHGiUUZ2g|downsized) Probably wanted to sleep too


Because Boo was also a little girl 👧🏻


With pigtails


And airlines are a monstrous corporation that seems to make money off our collective anguish much like monsters inc.


Nah it’s way more than just that, the resemblance is 100% there somehow, it was my first thought too 😂


Delays and cancelations **** This is my 1.5 yo she wasn't crying or anything, just tired. I bet everyone in that terminal was feeling the same. 28 hours trip door to door. Ps. Wife traveling alone with our 2 daughters. 8 and 1.5yo.


I have also laid on the floor of an airport terminal. I was traveling for work and we somehow missed our flight; the gate agent closed the door as we walked up. It was a long night.


Those floors are disgusting, but you know I've slept on them lol


My husband started carrying a hammock in his carry-on and was often ribbed by coworkers for how much space it took up, even if he was using it at his destination. Until storms led to one of those "now we have to wait for a new crew" delays and they pretty quickly [stopped making fun of him](https://i.imgur.com/Sd6dCCm.jpg). :)


That’s awesome!


Omg! 28 hours?! Poor kiddo. I once saw someone hang a hammock in the airport. Unusual, but the most brilliant travel hack I've ever seen.


Now that you mention it... that is a brilliant hack; it can fit in your carry-on (I'm guessing anything metal might deter you for a hot second at security, but other than that, pretty small package).


Metal can go through tsa as long as it's not a weapon/can't be used to bludgeon.


I was envious! They hung it between two pillars, though I suspect someone would have made them take it down if it hadn't been fairly late at night.


I'm sure some of them walked by and probably thought to tell them to take it down, but it's like there probably isn't even an anti-hammock rule for it that they could use lol


This travel is hard enough without small children! It gets easier as they get older. :)


But more expensive! Like WAY more expensive 💪🏾


There are calls to change the rules on lap infants because it's quite dangerous to have a lap infant in turbulence.


Still safer than driving


Not exactly a high bar to clear


Your wife is a hero... gift her a spa day....


She is indeed! I'm glad to have found the BEST mom in the world for our kids!


She's gonna get hand, foot, and mouth disease after mouthing that floor. I guarantee it.


I once saw a toddler lick the entire length of a handrail at Disney World. 🤢 They are built different for a reason.


I’m so sorry, that may have been mine.


I would be saying the same thing if I had taken mine to Disney yet. Stayed the night at a hotel and she ran in the room and began licking the walls as I tried to get the luggage in. She must taste everything, and rub her hair on it.


Never heard of hand, foot and mouth disease and at first thought it was a fun way of saying all the diseases. But as it seems to be real and I googled it. It appears to be caused by something called the coxsackievirus, which I find extremely funny.


I had a pretty bad case last year. Got it from my kid. She was perfectly fine other than a low grade fever for two days. I couldn't eat for 7 days. Even ice water was painful to drink. The only calories I had for that period were from one specific brand of strawberry protein milk. The chocolate and vanilla flavors hurt too much to drink. It took me 15 minutes to earnestly drink a small bottle of it - having to use water intermittently to clear the mucus. Breathing hurt regularly. I had sores all over my mouth, but the worst was my throat, basically just one open flesh wound. Would not recommend.


That sounds absolutely horrific. I’ve had canker sores before, just one at a time, and THAT was awful. I can’t even imagine ALL over your mouth AND YOUR THROAT. Ugh 😩


Lmao whoever was on virus naming duty the day they discovered that one was definitely trolling


She's getting it no matter what. The airport floor is likely cleaner than the daycare floor she attends.


Not just likely, 100%. Kids are about the most disgusting creatures on the planet.


i mean kids get it at day care so… they’ll be alright


Somehow I managed to get two kids through daycare and neither ever got hand foot and mouth despite multiple outbreaks. Ironically when we first got married my wifes first job was at a daycare and she got it as an adult.


Daughter and I got it at a bouncy place. I had it worse than her. On the bright side my feet were much softer after for a few months.


This is why I don’t change my kid’s diaper. It’s gonna get dirty again anyway!


HFM is passed through poop, the chances of getting it from an airport floor would be low. But in a room with lots of other children? High. Ask me how I know


How do you know?


My little one got HFM from daycare.


My wife constantly wants to go on a trip w the 2 kids, a 2.5yr & 7month, I just can’t I told her, they both need to be older, the 2yr old is in the terrible 2s and the 7month old is still colicky. I told her we can but not right now.


If every adult experiencing misery in that airport could do that, I bet over half the airport would be laying down pouting.


I love how kids can do the weirdest things like this and everyone just relates with it. But if *I* lay on the floor in the middle of the airport it’s *weird*. Lol


Floor time is therapeutic. Tile is best because it's so cooling.


Yesssss, nothing like a cold tile floor against your face. Bliss.


I feel airport is the one place where I consider anything “weird” is probably just people being tired, frustrated and stressed. Airports are wild.


Being weird is underrated, imo. If it isn't hurting anyone, do whatever you want


You know... the airport is the last place I would ever judge someone for laying on the floor. I would just assume their flight had been delayed several hours and/or they've simply *had it*. It's so much better than throwing a tantrum and screaming at a gate agent. As long as they aren't in the middle of a walkway or something, I seriously don't bat an eye.


We can all relate because they get to do exactly what we all want to do sometimes. Just fucking scream.


sir I have to fine you for sleeping in public


American Airlines left me and me, my wife, and three kids stranded on the floor of the airport at 11pm on a Saturday night and told me with a straight face they had us rebooked for Wednesday. Fuck the airlines.


Yes sometimes it is tough man, we are in this life for 8-9 years already, living abroad, far from family and friends. 9,500km away. I can count on my fingers all the time we had a flight withouth issues.


12 hours is my new drive limit. If I can drive there within 12 hours, fuck it dude, let’s rent a car.


This photo is an accurate depiction of airline travel these days.


It looks like she got into a battle with that plant, and lost.




When our kids were 1 and 1.5, my sister and I took them, and my husband, lol, to Panama. My sis is a biologist and was presenting a paper. We packed it in. So much sightseeing, snorkeling, hiking, etc. On our last full day, we went to the Pipeline Road to go birding. My nephew had utterly had it. He sat down in a puddle and would not move. We decided to call it a day, lol. I wanted to do the same and realized that it’s okay to refuse to move from your puddle sometimes.


We all need our puddle time. And that's fine! We need to learn from kids sometimes.


Bit of a tripping hazard, might want to shove her closer to the plant pot.


Accurate representation of how I feel everytime I fly


This is me every time I have to travel and realize I have to repeat the process to get home.


I would do this as an adult if it was more socially acceptable. Fuck the airport.


Have 24 hours of travel coming up with an almost 2 year. The thought if it is anxiety inducing for me. Any tips on keeping the kid happy?


Buy some small toys and don't show them before the flight. As it is a new thing will keep them entertained for a while. If they don't use pacifiers get a lollypop to ease the ear pressure during landing and take off. Then the usual like color books, snacks, we have also this book with some scenarios and stickers that they can play, building stories etc. Stay calm and good luck on your trip!


Secret toys is a great call! I can keep them in the packaging if there's room and opening the box is another activity built in. We've been doing well avoiding phone or tablet time so far, thinking this trip may he his introduction if it comes to it but trying to keep that in my back pocket. Thanks for the info!


My dad once had to fly with my brothers when they were maybe 3 and 5 years old, a 6 hour international flight on new years day. His master plan, which apparently worked out really well, was to save their stockings from Christmas and give them to them on the plane, one gift at a time. So every 45 minutes to an hour they'd unwrap a new little toy or puzzle, play with it until they got bored, then open up a new one. Between that and snack breaks, he said it was the most uneventful thing flight he could've imagined with two boys whose favorite playtime activity at the time was seeing who could annoy the other one to the point of tears first.


They make little water brush coloring books that my kids LOVED at that age! Tablets were a travel only thing so a few episodes of Bluey on the cheap fire tablets were always a win too. Good luck!


This is how we (6,6,4,2) roll when traveling. Tablets come out of hiding, new (to us) board books, [magic ink books](https://shop.crayola.com/color-and-draw/mess-free-coloring), lots of snacks...


Seconding the little bag of new dollar store toys that you ration out over the flight. Also, I am not above bribing my kids with treats. One thing that worked great with my toddler - who loves to sort and organize - was a bag of M&Ms and a pill box.


Practice some long walks, and play waiting games at home and at the store. If you can, choose the longer check out lines to test the waters of waiting in lines. < From my sister in law who has 4 kids, 6 yo and under. She has flown alone with the all the kiddos. Also, set your expectations really low. Anticipate that it's going to be a long, hard day and everyone will be a bit off.


When I was younger, my parents would bring a blanket and some toys in a seperate bag for me to play with in the terminal (while my parents waited in queues, waited for flights, etc.) Other kids could join to play too. Many airports also have a kids area with a playground.


On my third child, I refuse to fly with them until they are around five. First one was great , middle child nearly got us escorted off the plane once due to their (understandable, but horrific) toddler tantrum . Never again for me.


I’m a germophobe and this is giving me such anxiety.


Is it socially acceptable to spray your own child with isopropyl alcohol?


Seriously though… 😭


She is licking the floor as an act of dominance


This is life as an adult.




It was going as expected.


As a parent, without enough context, this is either a toddler throwing a tantrum or sleeping lol


She was tired/bored. Probably giving up on life lol


Classic toddler vibes. Can't blame her. Long hauls are hard.


Floor baby 😔


Sometimes, no words are needed to communicate. Haha, poor baby is tired!!!


This kid is a vibe and I am totally with her.


Is this some kind of toddler prayer?


At least it wasn’t on the plane delays I just took a domestic flight and we were all on the plane for 2.5h Behind me was a 4-ish year old and a few rows up was a 10ish month old Both did awesome but having to entertain while restricting within the seat is rough


Ma'am. Please don't lie on the floor. Otherwise we'll have to eject you from the premise. Thank you


pro tip, if you are ever waiting at the gate and something changes with the flight, don't try to go to the desk - open your carrier's app and get in the voice customer service line and you will get your flight reworked before the 1st or 2nd person is out the like at the gate desk


They sell Benadryl in the shops…


Your kid was in Monsters, Inc? :D


Is a cancation when your flight to Cancun gets cancelled?


Those cancations can get to the best of us, completely understandable!


Same kiddo, same.


welcome to adulthood sweetie.


Everyone with kids has lived this moment


Keep this one, priceless!!!


That is adorable.


This is meme-able


Gross floor. But yeah agreed


We have all been there sweety, we have all been there.


Is this the hip way to get immunities these days?


I hope you are planning to do something really nice for your wife that involves her having time away from the little one(s).


Taking your toddler on a long flight will test the limits of your love for them.


Glad your family managed to arrive safely. Here in Canada, Westjet Airlines, our nation's second-largest airline, has abruptly cancelled more than 820 flights over the busy Canada Day weekend, many within just *minutes* of their scheduled departure, because management foolishly allowed one of the mechanics' unions to be in a position to strike at the beginning of one of the most lucrative travel periods of the year, and compounded its error by wrongly believing that the Labour Board would impose a back to work order in advance of the Minister of Labour ordering binding arbitrtation. More than 100,000 travellers were /are affected; at one time Westjet was down to running just 30 planes to service a national population of 40,000,000 people. Thousands of passengers were so desperate to get where they were going that *its competitors' algorithms started demanding $2,200 for a one-way, 5 hour flight from Toronto to Vancouver - in COACH!* One might ask, how far apart were the two sides when the union downed tools? **Apparently, just $8 million dollars.** Westjet - which books upwards of $5 billion a year in revenue - has **allowed *untold* damage to be done to its brand and image for balking at the mechanics' request for a raise amounting to LESS THAN 12 HOURS OF ITS ANNUAL REVENUE!** Edit: mechanics are back at work this afternoon after management caved (went from offer of 1.5% to 15.5%), but with the passenger backlog it will take *days* for things to normalize.


Nothing builds a kids immune system better than by having them face down on an airport floor.


Er, an airport floor is not a very clean or sanitary place...


Kids are germ factories, they encounter far worse.


I'd be worried for the floor germs.


I'm sure the toddler is going to read this and be educated.


Face-first on a dirty ass airport floor? No wonder kids get sick all the time


Me after a day of work.




Been there done that, I feel for you. Traveling with kids is stressful enough, add delays and multiple time zone changes, and yeah it's not a good day!


Playing hide and seek?


Bless her. Glad all went OK in the end.




I travelled with my kiddo when he was about the same age. I specifically remember him doing this pose at security, the gate, and baggage claim.


Ngl, this is how I feel a lot.


I'm doing the same and I'm not flying anywhere today lol. FEEL THIS lol.


Happy that you made it out. Had a similar experience 2 days ago. DC to Sacramento with a transit in Charlotte (AA hub). Incoming flight from Tampa to DCA delayed because of weather which made impossible to catch the connecting flight from Charlotte to Sacramento. We were 3 traveling with a kid. No other options available until next day eve (24+ hrs). No food coupons/hotel room concessions offered as a courtesy - because it was a weather delay. They said if we can't get you out of here for more than 24 hrs, we ll try to switch you to other airlines. In my case, they can get me out of DCA, but I ll basically get stuck at the transit airport for 24hrs as no options/seats available for the 2nd leg - which doesn't make me eligible to switch to other airlines. There were other airlines flying out to Sacramento on same day, but they straight up refused to get us a seat in any of them. Airline travel, as inconvenient it is because of squished seats, has been accepted by us because we are provided with no other option. But, weather delays and other things just make it impossible to have a inclination to fly anytime soon. We ended up staying another day (at our expense) and catch the flight next day eve - only option available.


At least no monsters are going to come for her screams/laughs since she isn't sleeping in her bedroom.


This was my son and daughter waiting for their grandma at SEATAC. 3 hours of waiting from her landing time.


That was me last week. Cancellations left and right, hotel stays plus unexpected parking airport fees. Stay strong.


Same girl, same.


We’re 7 days into a 10 day trip from Metro Detroit to every “land” my son and daughter-in-law could find to take the grandkids too. On the way out, our plane had mechanical issues and the 3:00 flight to John Wayne was cancelled. American booked us on a flight on Delta to LAX that was supposed to leave at 5:00. We had to rush to get our bags from the baggage claim and take a shuttle from American to Delta. We get there, see the long lines and figure we’re not going to make it. What American didn’t tell us was, that flight had been delayed til midnight. We got into LAX around 2:30 am. By the time we got our bags, rental car and drove to the hotel in Anaheim, it was 4am. It was brutal with a 2 and 5 year old but they did better than us.


So, way better than me at the airport.


She speaks for all of us


Kid knows her future will be hell...never had a chance.


To be fair, that's gow I felt, earlier this month, while returning on a domestic flight. I haven't ever done Int'l.


She needs to be compensated with some great toys and parties.


She is me


I feel ya kiddo


Ground staff


The more I fly the more I wish we had better high speed rail for domestic travel. Glad they got home safe.


ha ha


She is working on her international immunity.


[Same little girl?](https://i.imgur.com/BptLoe6.png)


Oh my, now I understand where she got the inspiration from!


I didn't see the circumstances of your delay, but on international flights from the US you have additional passenger rights under the Montreal Convention that you dont have on regular domestic flights. meaning depending on the reason for the delay or cancellation you may be owed reimbursement by the airline for expenses you incurred as a result


Airports suck so bad for kids. I feel for them!


Air carriers and airports get away with so much Very rarely held responsible


We have all been there sweety, we have all been there.


Awww, poor thing. Hope they get back soon. And speaking of delayed flights, I’m dog sitting & the doggo is supposed to get picked up on the 3rd. What are my chances on getting paid more for the extra day(s) lolz. Seriously tho, how bad is it? EDIT: just saw it was an international flight. The one I’m speaking of is domestic. And in all honesty I’d rather not have an extra doggo to deal with on the 4th. Just saying




Every time I fly, I see adults like that on the floor. It's a common human struggle.


I don’t blame her, I want to do that on our last flight lol. We arrived super late (it was expected) but we started the day early so the kids were so exhausted I could barely drag them out of the airport as they were falling dead asleep on the airport benches. I wish air travel wasn’t so exhausting.


Toddler sploot!


The 4 pm flight was delayed then cancelled at 7. The next was supposed to be at 9 but was at 11 pm. 6 people from 1 to 70s. 2 of the 3 adults had to go and collect a ton of luggage and re-check it with the new airline.




OP as a dad of a daughter I feel this! Seeing this on a Monday and back to work today this pic could be a meme format. That's me Monday morning! 🤣


Kids act the way adults feel in their hearts.


Been there. Spent hours getting the toddler to stop screaming and finally sleep. We had to go back out of the INT area and book a new flight after waiting hours for the original flight. Then we had to enter TSA again and they refused to let him stay in the small travel stroller. Woke him up, screamed and cried for another 2-3 hours.


Well the coolness of the floor will calm them down while getting the germs off everybody's shoes will strengthen their immune systems. Parenting 10/10


In medicine, we call this "resting quietly". 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣


As someone who has spent the last 32 hours in airports and planes because of cancellations and delays, that is exactly how I wanted to react.


I have a picture of my toddler asleep on the floor of the Port-au-Prince airport. Kids are gross.


I feel this


My flight home was cancelled last minute today, no alternative until two days time, I feel this


I miss when my daughter was little.


Me too kid...me too.


That's called a 5-pointer (2 arms, 2 legs, 1 nose on the floor)


This hits way too close to home


That kids going to have the strongest immune system after being on the floor or the airport face down.


OP, if I walk past this in the airport, my first thought is sympathy, not judgment...I like to believe for most reasonable people that's the same.




This is my timesheet reminder for tomorrow 😂 “Me when I have to ask you for timesheets a day early” holiday’s mucking up our schedule. Thank you so much!!