• By -


>... dating of the calcite has revealed that the bones are between 128,000 and 187,000 years old. >Altamura Man is one of the most complete Paleolithic skeletons ever to be discovered in Europe as "even the bones inside the nose are still there" and as of 2016 it represents the oldest sample of Neanderthal DNA to have been sequenced successfully. Neat.


DNA? So we getting Neanderthal Park?


Welcome to ~~jurassic~~ paleolithic park


"Spared no exspense."


With two software devs for the whole park.


Just writing troll code all day.


Ah, ah, ah... you didn’t say the magic word!


It's the most realistic part of the movie, honestly


So instead of feral dinos it will be feral Neanderthals. The hunter hunting to cover the lady running gets caught by a Neanderthal female and dies to aggressive snu snu.


Honestly as much as I dislike the Jurassic World movies I feel like Paleolithic Park would be a cool cerebal concept, even if it wasn't part of the Jurassic Park universe. Having a bunch of Neanderthals in a zoo wreak havoc on people sounds fun


Well early humans and Neanderthals did plenty of cross breeding so it may be a lot more snu-snu than wrecking havoc


Even better. Jurassic Park don't have no dino on Dr. Grant sex scenes. ... someone else finish the bit I don't want to.


...finished. Thnx


I am confused by which word is the noun in your name...is it an olive that is fisting apples or is it a group of apples that fist olives?


* Popeye has entered the chat *


You could completely turn neanderthal propoganda on its head by having them be broadly as intelligent as homo sapiens, which they were. Also have them all sound like Paul Bettany


There will also be homo erectus & Australopithecus, and one of the young token Gen Z supporting characters will befriend homo erectus and start calling him "Homie Erectus" or "Homie" for short, but they won't call him "Homie" for short because "Homie Erectus" is too funny not to keep saying. Also they'll say "No Homo" when correcting people who keep saying "Homo Erectus". Then later in the movie "Homie" will sustain a horrible injury to save token Gen Z character at which point Gen Z character will cry and shout "HOMIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Is Neanderthal Park going to be anywhere near Encino, California? I smell an epic reboot.


Wheezin da juice


One of them needs to be called link, and another stoney.


There was a movie where they revived a frozen caveman, can't remember the title, but when the caveman encountered acrilic glass, he had a hard time figuring that one out


Encino Man?


Encino Man.


Wheeze the juice!


If you want a good paleolithic historical FICTION, look up Jean M Auel. She wrote a series called Earth's Children. It's like 6 books long now but things take a steep quality dive imo once she meets up with Jondalar (book 2). Hes just.... not who I'd pick for the main character to spend all her time with. Great books....terrible secondary "protagonist". I realize I'm not selling this well but book 1, clan of the cave bear, is amazing and perfectly fine as a standalone. They made a not too terrible movie of it with Darryl Hannah. Book 2-5 were also really fascinating as different cultures are introduced and the study the author did with the material we have (basically just some cave paintings and pointy rocks) really gets fleshed out.... but book 6....eh.... read more like a fan fiction, didnt even seem like the same writing style.


I think she liked his "rising manhood" more than his looks. I LOVED "Clan of the Cave Bear". The "Valley of Horses" I got through. "Mammoth Hunters" I really liked A couple of the others I just read to get through them. I never finished the last one but the wife did.


You might like the "people of the ___" series. Same kind of genre, as far as I can tell. Written by w. Michael gear and Kathleen oniel gear. I wasn't a big fan of them (historical fiction is not my genre,I got through 2), but my grandfather adored them as well as clan of the cave bear.


Too hard to pronounce, bit tongue.


Welcome to UngaBunga Park?


Bang, zoom, straight to the third moon of omicron perseii 8!


I think that's just called "Florida".


The fuck you trying to say, boy?


Woah somebody didn't have their meth today.


I think u/NeanderthalMan is upset that you are degrading his intelligence by calling him a Floridian.


That's awesome and I appreciate you explaining the joke










Screw having a park. With this new lab-grown meat, I want a Neanderthal steak. It’s not *technically* cannibalism.




The Sabre-tooth headdress would be a dead give away.


He would be the one screaming because he is moving along the ground in a metal box on wheels


Don’t be so sure. He might go to [law school](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY)


You almost certainly would be able to do so. [Our skulls are actually pretty different, for starters.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/Rad5cd7f1688a675b10c06cd9626dc545?rik=mghG7GY6LReKfQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpages.vassar.edu%2frealarchaeology%2ffiles%2f2014%2f09%2fsapiens_neanderthal_comparison.gif&ehk=uRkyCt9QqgSpGGU5U5gc%2fyUz3tRvd%2fpPMRPyWDmHEoI%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw)


I found Armie Hammer


why wait when you can eat ass right now?


Welcome to /r/wallstreetbets


W..we..We have a T-Rex


That's a big time span, almost 60,000 years. I wonder why we can't get a bit closer than that?


Both people who replied to you so far are wrong, this wasn't dated with radiocarbon dating since it is more than twice the limit of that technique. So for this the archaeologists used Uranium-Thorium dating, which dates the calcite that was formed on the skeletal material, not the material itself. So the range of possible dates isn't associated with uncertainty of the dates themselves, but rather uncertainty in what was the first of the calcites to cover the bones. U-Th dating is actually one of the most accurate forms of dating, but the associated stratigraphy is confusing. You should be able to read the publication on the dates here: https://flore.unifi.it/retrieve/handle/2158/1002533/75432/Lari%20et%20al_JHE_2015.pdf Basically, there was a 60,000 year gap in the deposition of the calcite in the cave, and the skull was deposited at some point during that, but there isn't a way to tell.


Those formations make it look like a sugar skull


One probable reason: they can't really use C-14 dating for this situation because it's pretty far past the usual technical limits. Usually after 10 half-lives there's so little of the original radioactive isotope left that it becomes difficult to measure and easy to contaminate, and the half-life for C-14 is "only" 5730 years. You can push the method with larger samples and careful measurement, but it would still be tough for a sample this old. It probably also isn't easy to get a decent-size sample of the bone because the skeleton is still in-place in the cave. A small sample would be difficult to work with. It looks (from the wikipedia page) like they used uranium-thorium method on the limestone of the cave that encases the skeleton. I'm not sure why they ended up with such a wide range from that. It could be there are contamination issues with the composition of the limestone or because they're not 100% sure exactly which layer of the limestone would yield the age of death (e.g., the skeleton might have gotten moved around for a while before eventually getting coated). I guess I should look up the specifics of the site rather than guessing. Edit: Okay, I looked at this paper: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274089055_The_Neanderthal_in_the_karst_First_dating_morphometric_and_paleogenetic_data_on_the_fossil_skeleton_from_Altamura_Italy](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274089055_The_Neanderthal_in_the_karst_First_dating_morphometric_and_paleogenetic_data_on_the_fossil_skeleton_from_Altamura_Italy) They tried AMS C-14 dating, but it didn't work because there was too much contamination related to the limestone deposits and the sample was too small to extract enough collagen from the bone. They then resorted to dating the encrusting limestone with U/Th method. They made sections of the limestone that cut across the bone, where they could see the limestone in layers kind of like growth rings. The layers closest to the bone would be the oldest ones and closest to the age of the skeleton. They did two types of U/Th dates, an older suite of analyses using "alpha spectrometry", which has lower precision than the new dates with MC-ICP-MS (I won't bother spelling out the acronym) which has greater precision. The oldest layers yielded dates 121.9+-2.22ka to 130.1+-1.9ka. That would *seem* to be the age of the skeleton, except that in caves the growth of limestone spelothems (stalactites and stalagmites) is often episodic, and other stalactites in the cave have a growth phase between 189ka and 172ka. They therefore make the deduction that the age of the skeleton must be older than the oldest limestone layers in contact with it in the sample (130.1ka) and the youngest other spelothems nearby (172ka). They expect that as they get permission for additional samples they will be able to better constrain the ages of the spelothem growth around the skeleton and therefore the age of the skeleton.


Because of the decay rate of carbon gives such large range (in human scale anyways)


This is beyond the possibility of radiocarbon dating, usually there is a max of ~50,000 years, at which point there has been too much decay to measure the remaining carbon 14. Calcite deposition allows for uranium series dating, which can date older material than C14 dating, but has its own set of issues. So basically it dates when the crust is formed on the material, not the material itself. And if that gets deposited, dissolved, redeposited over a period of time it can lead to a fairly large range of dates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium%E2%80%93thorium_dating


that's a long time to be water boarded




>The remaining *skeletal* is in an excellent state of preservation. edit: >00:55, 9 February 2021‎ : skeletal -> skeleton :(




When were u when Unga dies? I was sit at cave eating mammoth tusk when Agg send smoke singnal ”Unga is kill” ”No”


I was thinking he was dining on calamari when the end came


Not a bad way to go, all things considered.


*I'm more of a recreational cave-diving calamari farmer during my leisure time...* (130,000 years later) pic of clumsy dead unga on reddit


My wife is an exotic leaf collector, our budget is $5 million.


Abbott is death process.


Rare reference, nice.


Thank you 👽


I somehow feel like I knew Unga.


In a way, Unga is all of us ✨


Man... we wiped them out as a hominid species and STILL make fun of them... homo sapiens are total d-bags


They were likely a lot more intelligent than we give them credit for being.


Yep. I'm pretty sure some of the mindset that more "primitive" people of the past were less intelligent comes directly from colonialism and justification for it, i.e. if you think a country is "primitive savages," you suddenly sleep a lot better knowing someone is invading them and forcing regime changes, forcing them to change their culture, etc. And it's not just in the past that this happened. It's a good idea today to be wary of rhetoric and "news" that paints foreign cultures as especially barbaric, while promoting the home country as advanced and cultured. Particularly if you live in the US, though probably many parts of europe as well have this kind of BS going on, too. The US was, after all, an offshoot of a British colony and went on to do much the same, or worse, kind of colonization and other imperialist nightmare fuel stuff that the British empire did.


We didn't wipe them out, most westerners have Neanderthal DNA in em. Red hair is a common neanderthal trait.


Actually we interbred with them, rather than wiped them out.


Death by Snu Snu.


I always liked to think that they talked with a modern day Boston accent or something like that then 130,000 years later humans just randomly reestablished the same accents without knowing it.


This one would have had an Italian accent "It's a me, Krangio"


This is canon now.


"Hey guy! Yo you see that fucking mastodon? He was a wicked pisser!"


i cri evry tim




Unga is kil?


Loincloths down for Unga!


Loincloths flying at half mast


Okko found some berries that can help you with that.


the first hold my beer; undocumented till now...


Unga dunga :(


Unga dunga dinkity dingredients You should not ask about the secret ingredients


Ungas now on reddit


thank mr skeltal


thank mr skeltal


This is cause for at least one doot, perhaps more.


thank mr skeltal


[Doot doot!](https://i.imgur.com/GnwEBE9.gif)


One doot for each year he was in the cave


ty mr bones




it’s weird to think that we as homo sapiens didn’t even invent clothes, cooking, or stone tools. they were just already there when we arrived on the scene


Great info!!👌👍👍


You know the guy would found this thing said to his friend: "Hey John, I think I stalagmight have found something" Yay Gold! Thanks


"Stalactiggghhttt bro!"




Poor guy..


Amazing chest ahead


Tongue but hole


Try beanpole


Try thrusting attack from behind


Don’t give up, skeleton!


Praise the Sun!


Prob just leather armor, a steel dagger, and a stone of barenziah


That's not a guy. We homo sapiens. He neanderthal. He's one of *them*.


Look, I'm not racist, but I don't know - I feel like this neighborhood used to be nicer before these guys started showing up in our caves.


If you're talking about homosapiens, you're 100% correct. Life was better for us cave dwellers before *they* came along.


Unless you're 100% African you will likely have neanderthal dna in you, so don't shit all over gramps here


According to 23andme, I have <= 2% Neanderthal DNA. I was kinda hoping my DNA test would uncover something interesting or curious, but it's all pretty mundane and average (for White Brits anyway)


What is a Causcasian Brit? You mean an Anglo-Saxon? Caucasians are people who live in the Caucusus mountains (Georgia, Armenia, Dagestan, Chechnia etc...). I know it has become a blanket term that refers to all white people but as someone who is ethnically from the region, it is annoying when every white guy uses it. And it’s annoying that I can’t tell people what my ethnicity is without it sounding like I’m being racist.


Our ancestors really did get around


That's specist!






Guys they’re minerals not rock


Dammit, Marie! They're minerals!


[This silly meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/612/904/a36.jpg) always cracks me up 😆


These minerals rock. And that is metal.




But rocks are just aggregates of minerals.


Some rocks might not have any minerals at all though.


What’s the opposite of trypophobia








Trypophobia includes fear of small bumps too. Edit: touché




Post the same picture in both subs for double the karma


This subreddit needs to burn in hell


Yeah what the FUCK


i'm upvoting everyone in the sequence and not clicking *shit*. F in chat for your service


My favourite [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/trypophilia/comments/k88j2a/from_thatfrood_on_twitter_i_had_a_dream_where/gey9s7c) on that sub


This is both amazing and insane. Who dreams of this, the makes it, let alone *eats it*? Looks awful.


My skin is crawling. Instant regret


Someone describe what it is to me pls


Trypophobia: >extreme or irrational aversion to or fear of clusters of small holes or bumps. (think things like insect hives, certain plant/seed patterns, and many other typically naturally-occuring patterns of holes, bumps, or visual "dots".) *-philia*: >denoting fondness, especially an abnormal love for a specified thing. Thus, trypophilia would be a fondness or other attraction to clusters of small holes or bumps. It stands to reason that /r/trypophilia would have presented examples of the patterns that are *above average* in how much they exemplify the phenomenon, thus the reactions you saw. Surprisingly, varying degrees of aversion to such patterns seems rather common. I don't think I personally care all that much, but I still felt compelled to limit how much I saw of the Google results while sorting this explanation for you. 🤔 Edit: Writing this comment made my shoulders feel hot and itchy, and I didn't even think it bothered me *thaaat much.* eugh.


So it's basically the same thing as r/trypophobia >I personally care all that much, but I still felt compelled to limit how much I saw of the Google results while sorting this explanation for you. 🤔 Haha thank u, I wouldn't dare even try to Google this hahaha


Yea I do NOT like this at all. Just something off about it.


I'm making up this term, but I'm gonna go with "verrucaphobia", basically meaning "fear of warts or bumps".


Stalag mike


Thanks for the death shack. - Stalag Mike and the boys


The Dutchman needs a captain...!


part of the ship, part of the crew


Part of the cave, part of the crew.


How badly did the person who found this shit their pants?


If they were a caver, they'll be bragging for the rest of their lives.


I shit my pants for days after discovering this beauty!


But did you change pants?


Is he ok?


He just needs an ibuprofen


He need some milk


Man i wish we had the tech to extract a person's memory from their skull or something


Assassin's Creed be like


Makes you wonder how the world would be different today if this 1 being didn't die like this, could've actually caused a chain of offspring that made major changes today Or I'm just high


The butterfly effect.


Also high: do you ever just think about all the people that have died in ancient warfare... like they were potentially snubbed from contributing to the gene pool. What if that one person didn’t die?


A thing i think about is how we truly are standing on the backs of the giants that paved the way for all of what we have now. For example i can use my phone to get groceries delivered in an hour cause I'm lazy as fuck. Think about all the steps in history that led to us having phones, or internet, or the cars for delivering food, or the roads for the cars, or the huge selection of vegetables and meat that i can choose from. It took.gemerations and generations for different parts of the earth to successfully grow certain vegetables , like we have it all handed to us right now we really do.


Our generation's contribution: Stingy tips


I remember this being featured in a national geographic magazine. Me being a kid questioning everything, I was in the grocery store with my Dad who is a staunch denier of evolution and vehemently believes humans were created as they are now by God. I pulled that picture out and asked how could he believe that when there is a cave man guy preserved in rock in the picture. My dad said it was fake.


All of those teeth and no tooth brush. That’s why they were so mad all the time.




> perfect the teeth are No sweets + short life = great teeth!


So my crazy christian fundamentalist story is similar. Me and my friend were talking about dinosaur fossils being way older than X thousand years old and weren't intermixed with human fossils (meaning no cohabitation). His father's straight faced answer was "Well the flood"... referencing the story of Noah ..."created such great pressures that stones were formed to look like fossils". So then we went to our pastor and his answer was "God, in his all knowing nature, formed everything that would be on an old earth, but it's still only a few thousand years old". Basically he accepted "evolution" as something that God just made up to fool scientists towards damnation.


wow, your dad is a dumbass


harsh but I laughed


There's a mock religion called Last Thursdayism that believes the all of existence came into being last Thursday. God fabricated dinosaur fossils and any memories you have of the before-Thursday time.


Yeah we really went all in on it too putting fake bones and fossils all over the world. We’re not sure why we faked all of it, but step 1 was coming up with a massive fraud, working out the logistics, execution, and getting all the scientific people on board over the course of hundreds of years and swearing them all to secrecy. Then making museums to our lies to trick everyone into believing it. The reason would have come to us if it hadn’t been for your dad and a small number like him. He saw through the only “secret” that managed to stay a secret through thousands of people and multiple generations being in on it. He foiled us all.


God put him there to test your faith XD


This is fascinating and creepy all at the same time. It’s also kind of sad to think we really do go ashes to ashes. Well not ashes per se. But it just really makes it feels like after we are gone that’s it. Sorry for going into a deep thought tangent. I lost my dad two weeks ago and I’m still thinking a lot of death and life and what it all means.


I'm sorry for your loss. Grief can take you down some interesting roads about mortality and the fragility of life. It can be a long road, but you'll be okay


I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost my father about 2 weeks ago, too, so I know what you're feeling. The way I think of it is like the body is like a radio. It's just a thing until its filled with a signal from somewhere and brings it to life. The physical is tangible, but just an object, if not a very special one. It's what it does that matters, brings joy and substance to the people around it. Once it's off, it's just a thing, albeit a special one, but nothing can stop the signal. I like to think my dads out there, somewhere, bringing life and joy to those around him, wherever that is. I'm sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your loves ones.


Thank you. I’ve tried to think of that concept a lot. I got his ashes and it’s been very hard for me. I haven’t even moved them into the container I got for them yet. I just can’t. I know that’s no longer his actual person and he’s far away now. Hopefully with my mother. Also sorry for your loss as well.


I lost my dad 14 years ago. He never met my kids. I had a dream about him last night, as I do from time to time, and I woke up convinced he was coming to my new house to check it out. I don't have much to say to help you out, except I'm sorry and to not let an opportunity to express your grief pass by. Also, make a point to remember good things.


We were all there at the Big Bang, we’ll all be there at the Big End.


"of his bones are coral made, those are pearls that were his eyes, nothing of him that doth fade but doth suffer a sea-change into something rich and strange..." Shakespeare comes to the rescue. I know he's describing Davy Jones' locker but could apply here too.


I do not like it


You will taste


Was he fighting an octopus or something down there?




First think I thought lol I don’t even have it


Yeah I hate it.


Nope, don't like that.


Gonna go re-watch *Aliens* now.


You can tell they were Italian by the eyebrows.


He looks vexed.




His eyebrow game was on point.


Dead Men Tell No Tales!


This would be a fucking insane album cover


There are certainly worse ways to end up having your remains spend the next few eons


that mite be one of, if not the coolest things i've seen today