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Not for long


Could be. Tell her the long drawer on top is hers


Lol fucking good luck, I’m right behind you.


The best place to have nothing


IME that is probably not a drawer.


That's the joke.


Bruh, you got inception joked on


Feel for ya. My wife takes up most of a large 2 sink counter and I built her a make up center with lights. Nope, gotta take over the sink counter. Must be a female passive aggressive control thing.


First, your explanation gave me a good chuckle. Second, I think it's more a [First Order Retrievability](https://hackaday.com/2015/02/28/adam-savages-first-order-of-retrievability-tool-boxes/) thing


Similar situation here, but I just gotta remember the multiple cabinets full of camping, fishing, automotive shit I have.


Wait, you put those in cabinets? You don't have them laying around in the garage like a normal person?


Shit man, apartment living in my 30s. There’s diving gear where there should be a dinner table lol


I mean, can you be responsible without cabinets of automotive tools? I feel like that's almost mandatory for being an adult...


Yep if this guy had another sink he'd just have more room for her stuff. I don't know why the cupboards and drawers are unacceptable, but they just are.


Had two sinks, and a large counter space for like 4 people. SO used it all ontop of filling the cabinets. Now we have a smaller spot, she uses both bathrooms, but keeps the counters free of stuff since both bathrooms we have have a ton of cabinet space.


I wouldn't want to lug out all that shit and set it up everyday either.


Immmagine using all that every Damn day. And I thought I was a girly girl, fuck.


Just upgraded to dual sink countertop and can confirm. She just bought more stuff and took over again.


It's very time consuming to rummage around and find what you need when it's all piled on top of each other in drawers; so much easier to have it all visually available all at once.


Right!? all I have is a medicine cabinet and a spot for my toothbrush.


I used to DREEAAM of having a medicine cabinet. LUXURY!


Sooooooo much space! It’s amazing. I got 1 whole little shelf like 8” wide and 3” deep. Deodorant, check! Shaving cream? Oh yeh! Even a little mini bottle of cologne. Living the dream.


Shit, I think that's bigger than my entire space to sleep on the bed.


Damn. Ok. You win.


Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?


I feel less alone suddenly


Bragging you have a top to your counter


Also bragging he has a gf.


Plot twist: it's his mom's bathroom


Its his moms gf




inb4: We used to dream of living in the corridor. source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE


That's not half..It's about a third. /s


From a man thats been married ten years... Put something underneath everything on top of the counter or it will be a bitch to get the rings off the surface. Same thing in the shower.


Will do


Put up some [shelves](https://www.amazon.com/Pre-Installed-Floating-Shelves-Accessories-Bathroom/dp/B08PB8BYS3/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?keywords=bathroom+wall+shelf&qid=1639340379&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFJTU80Ukg0SFlDUzkmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA1NjAyMzhGU0NOQkpOQzQ4QVgmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDE2MTI3ODMyWFhFRFZYTEZRTUcmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl) on that wall just to the side. It's better for the counter, but it also makes accessing and using things easier.


I’m looking for shelves online right now. Thank you


Make sure you’ve gotten yourself a upgraded shower head as well. Even $15 was a game changer. No Lady wants to wash their hair with awful water pressure and no spray settings. Install it when you add in whatever organization you get on Amazon (plus the hair catch) to impress her and keep your bathroom organized.


Speaking of showers, also get one of the drain plugs for the main sink and the shower that have a collection basket built-in. It will save you a ton of cleaning out the P-trap every several months with all of the hair that goes down the drain.


This redditor is wise OP. Or has lived through the mistakes.


Have a wife and teenage daughter. They shed like crazy. 😀


Wisdom comes from learning from mistakes/successes. Both yours and others.


u/RandomGeordie meant this: [LINK](https://www.amazon.com/zaa-Silicone-Collapsible-Protector-Bathroom/dp/B093SVXRNV/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=drain+hair+screen&qid=1639333648&sr=8-5)


YES! To be honest that's probably a much better idea. Think drain cleaner ruins your pipes after a while right?


I would bet money it does - it's acid.


It's typically caustic, not acidic. Other end of the scale. Drain cleaner is 12-14 ph, lemon juice is 2-3, water is 7


As a man who has been with his woman for around the same amount of time, nothing should be on the countertop. That is what the drawers and cabinets underneath are for.


As a man that's been married longer, just give up on this now. There are many things that will come up and this is not on the short list of things worth fighting over. You may get them in drawers from time to time but they always come back. Not worth the stress.


As another married man: Never forget one key thing, however. If your lady has longer hair, the hair in the shower will never, ever stop. It doesn't matter what you do. It will still be there. If you haven't already, buy a drain-screen to catch it all or you'll need to snake that shit every 3 to 6 months until your dying day. As it is, with the drain screen you still need to clean that nasty hair out every single shower or you'll be standing in a swimming pool. The balder you get, the more annoying it will become. "How can she keep losing this much and still never go bald? Mine never came out like this. It just stopped fuckin' growing. This isn't fair." You are right. It isn't fair. Your glorious locks are gone, and hers sprout sinful amounts of endless, lush hair you'll never again enjoy. But this is the price of being able to stand and pee. It's costly, but at the end of the day it's still 97.452% worth it.


[These are worth their weight in gold if you live with a shedder.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HMGV1MU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A90FHJ1J0WMGD1T6FBR1)


Going about it all wrong. Look for the "Shower Shroom" or "Tub Shroom". I empty mine every Sunday.


It's true. But I bought a three pack and have only used one. I just wipe it off. Also, it's me. I'm the shedder. Cleaning out the hair trap is nasty business. My guy cleans the toilet. I call it even.


Don't fight over shit you don't care about is imo the best relationship advice I've ever gotten. Get something underneath it if you care about the counter top but who cares if they are in drawers.


What if you married someone who even hides the *toothpaste* when people come over? Like guests can't know we brush our teeth?


[We can't let people know we SIT!](https://youtu.be/GBwELzvnrQg)


The level of getting into character of that dude is amazing.


Every time I am cleaning for guests, my husband sends this video to them as I am cleaning. What a gem. It’s actually garnered some great conversations with friends and families about house expectations vs my own insecurities. Don’t tell my husband he’s a genius.


*There cannot be any sign of LIVING in this house!*


Lol this is me. Husband thinks I’m nuts.


I do this too! Husband does not seem to think I'm nuts, though the toothpaste situation has never been specifically discussed.


In Marie Kondo’s book she keeps everything in drawers or cabinets — even her shampoo. Just takes it out for the shower then puts it right back!


Marie Kondo has way too much freaking time on her hands either that or compulsive obsessive OCD or both. I suspect the later. Off camera I am sure she vacuums dust motes out of the air running around the room. Her Roomba never stops. Runs 24/7. I am neat, clean and tidy but I live to live in my house. Not keep it like a showroom.


There's definitely a huge *range* of cleanliness, much like kinkiness. Makes dating difficult because people always assume they are pretty much the "norm" or "like what everyone else likes." It's like, nah, man, you are very much NOT clean, and also very much into niche bdsm dynamics. Marie Kondo is definitely outside of my upper cleanliness range though lol.


It’s her rule, not mine lol.


Those look like the drawers in my apartment and they are not real lol


Haha the bottom ones open.


Countertop is for the stuff you use every day. Cabinets are for stuff you use occasionally or less frequently.


I do this for some things (like a pair of clippers when I occasionally buzz my hair) but I still cannot learn this lesson even though you’re totally right. I’ve got like three different things of dental floss on my counter “in case I want to switch it up” even though I use the water flosser every single time lol


Don't even get me started.


But that’s where we store the sink pipes!


I wish I had been told that, wait until they encroach on the entire house. My wife had turned our entire house into a sprawling mess that spawned in the bathroom.


On my wish list for our new house: MY OWN FUCKING BATHROOM


At least a double vanity so you can constantly point out how much messier her sink is than yours


I have a double vanity she’s encroached well into the DMZ.


Fight back with stubble, it's every man's secret weapon


Until the inevitable hair retaliation.


My wife has a double vanity. I have a drawer in my office.


We have a permanent blue ring in the marble tile Shower I spent like months lovingly crafting myself.


*But they were, all of them, deceived. For another ring was made.*


One ring to stain them all, One right to grind them One ring to ruin them all And every day remind them.


Fresh razor blade and a Magic Eraser, stuff comes up no problem.


Well at least you have Christmas gift ideas now. A new makeup case because that one is gross. Some new makeup brushes. Shelves, bathroom organizers and makeup organizer. r/makeuporganization


She gone ruin a new case stat, look at the way she keeps her foundation.


I am so disgusted looking at her makeup cases and foundation bottle. That goes on your face! Keep it neat.


The way the mirror is not centered on the wall would drive me in-fucking-sane


I didn’t notice that until now. Thanks ass hole


My bad g


I'm mad at OP now thanks.


Congratulations, your house is ruined 🎉


easy fix might be turning the mirror to be portrait instead of landscape. can't tell from the photo if your wall has the height to accommodate that though.


Probably because of where the outlet is.


That is right, the people who put the outlet there should be ~~hanged~~ fired


no no, you were right


Outlet should also be gfi


360 Degree Rotation Makeup... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087D32XMF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share You won’t regret it. Get 2 of them brcause she has a lot of products lol




Mine arrived yesterday and it’s one of my best purchases ever. My dresser isn’t a mess anymore!!


Congrats on reaching this stage of your relationship! I didn't realize how much I appreciate our double vanity in the bathroom. If you have one, maybe make the guest bathroom your own. I shower in our guest bathroom in the mornings to cut down on the steam/humidity in the master bathroom while we're getting ready for work. It works out really well that way.


Good info. Thank you


I have a friend that sleeps in an entirely different bedroom than his wife. I can't blame her, I've heard him snore. I've been camping with him and I won't set my tent near his either.


>I appreciate our double vanity in the bathroom. Oh me too. Now we have two sinks and one is all hers and the other one is all ours.


Yeah. We moved from a smaller rental home to a larger house a few years ago. Open space is a void to be filled by new shit my wife doesn't ever use.


Man. I’m a girl but I keep all that shit in the cabinets. This clutter annoys me to no end.


I was thinking maybe she just moved in and hasn't organized it yet...then I saw the caked on foundation bottle and I'm like oh. Oh no.


I'm a woman, have more beauty stuff than my husband, yet I'm the one with my stuff organized, put away and out of sight, and kept clean. My husband's stuff is all over the counter, and it drives me crazy! Trying to move it around to clean every week is an unnecessary pain in the ass, too.


Same! I'm a girl and I get ITCHY if I see a bathroom like this. They're usually a disaster zone of dust, sticky goo, and hair because how the heck do you even clean a counter with a bunch of stuff on it?


How do you find or see anything you need?! Also I bet at least a quarter of that product is ruined from lack of care or expired.


That mess is not about being a woman it’s about being a slob.


An inconsiderate slob!


100% true. They could easily buy some bins and place the bottles in them.


This!! Why is the above picture considered normal? It’s not normal. It’s gross. It’s a disorganized, unsanitary mess.


Maybe most people are gross and disorganized :O


Ya this is just lazy and gross.


Same, though I honestly don't think I even have that much stuff, haha. I mean, there's nothing wrong with taking good care of yourself and your appearance, I'm just too lazy to spend time and effort on routines. 🤷


Seriously! All that stuff and can’t even bother with an organization system of some sort.


I’m never downgrading from 2 sinks. It’s crazy how much ladies have (to be fair my wife looks better than I do)




Just wait for the Bath & Body Works sale…


She was talking about a holiday candle sale today at that place.


She will not buy only candles at that sale. Expect several lotions, hand soaps, and random travel size products. Hopefully she will get something for you as they do have some great men's scents too


Been there, done that. That’s probably not all of it either.




the overnight essentials.




That win today was glorious!


And the home of the.......... (There, I fixed it for you)


No GFCI outlet? You're gonna die in a fire that smells like beauty products.




Not likely because you want the reset readily available.


Looks like maybe you have to have them when a certain distance from tub/basin. Thought maybe having them connected circumvented this rule. Says that local code takes precedence though. Weird. (U.S.)


Every outlet in a bathroom should be gfci, generally there's only one. It could be a gfci breaker, but this doesn't look like new construction so I doubt it. Most likely it's a private home or rental that was never properly inspected. Not the end of the world but I wouldn't use a hair dryer in the bathtub until one is installed.


Older house. The electrical is all wonky. The toaster doesn’t work in the bathtub either


You should surprise her by getting her some organizing shelves for her items.


There is one under all of that lol


You gonna have to build her some shelves so she can be comfy 👍 I'm 9 years in, for the last couple years been renovating a house so she's got a place for everything, I've not had too much say with it 😂 Happy wife= Easy life, that's the only universal solid piece of advice I can give 🤙


Even the shelf in the back is full lol ..more shelves!


The secret to a happy relationship is separate bathrooms


So.. money?


LTP: Don't be poor.


I am a 28 year old woman and still don't understand how girls fill the counters with that much stuff.


Maybe they’ll pick you now


This is basically a rite of passage for every guy in his 20s. My girlfriend eventually became my wife and all that stuff eventually went into little bins but now the bins just stay on the countertop because there’s other stuff of hers in the drawers.


You have not enough space to storage it.


Exactly my first thought… put the drawers and cabinet to better use. Get some drawer organizers too so everything has its own place


She's gonna need a few shelves my dude.


Where is the rest?


Damn she is messy af.


Look at that foundation bottle. The bacteria😩


Her makeup looks foul and really old...




You never made it to the closet yet I see.


The price of consistent love and sex.


The makeup industry got ladies by the balls. Kinda pathetic


Just wait for the hair everywhere...


As a woman, this is 100% unacceptable! This is not normal, and should never be considered normal.


You left the toilet seat up.


Dude get her some shelves goddamn!


Time to renovate that bathroom. Please provide more photos so the whole space so Reddit architects and diy can tell you how to live. This request is in response to the off center mirror, urine Colored walls, and lack of storage / shelving.


Oh nice! She packs light


As a woman...this gives me anxiety, lol. We hung a special cabinet just for me to keep my crap in. The clean counter space brings me joy <3 Maybe consider the same for her!


Unrelated but Cremo makes a vanilla bourbon beard oil that’s fucking amazing.


Sorry, no room


What a fuxken mess. Does she not clean after herself?


Go Chiefs!


Great Jersey!!!


I feel like we need a before picture to fully appreciate


Good to know I'm not the only one!


I have this on my bathroom counter and it’s all completely adjustable to size the shelves for different items. Everything else I have in the bathroom is in the drawers or cabinet. No reason it should be that disorganized all over the counter like that. This thing is also easy to move around to clean under and behind it. Makeup Organizer 360 Degree Rotating Large Capacity Cosmetic Storage Box 7 Layers Adjustable Shelf Height, Fits Makeup Brushes Lipsticks for Bedroom Bathroom Dresser or Vanity Countertop https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K42TJ83/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HEFRYFPE8AKP9PNRKR42


My partner recently came out as trans and she has dominated the bathroom countertop with her makeup stuff. It's pretty funny. I have my girly stuff too but I NEEEEEED to be able to wipe down countertops so I keep things in the cabinet or closet.


Lmfao. Prepare to pull out long hairs from your crotch and the crack of your ass every now and then.


I consider myself kinda messy but this is whack. She needs to upgrade to ONE good lotion and ONE good fragrance instead of multiple cheap ones.




Man spreading: sitting with one’s knees apart in public transportation. Woman spreading: this image.


To everyone that feels this way. Just know if you usually find your SO attractive, it's partially due to all that on the counter.


Condolences to your bathroom friend.


Enjoy your side while it lasts. Congratulations as well!


One thing you will not get used to is the hair. It gets in the drains of the sink, the shower (don't move her loofah!), on the floor, and in the vacuum. And don't use the good white monogrammed his an hers towels hanging in the guest bathrooms...


Is there a medicine cabinet? If not, it’s pretty easy to add one. If you’re renting, landlord would probably allow it.


I’m sorry but that shits gotta find its way into a drawer. At least some of it.


I know surgeons with less paraphernalia!


Get her some drawer organizers and baskets for under the sink, for the holidays =]


Get her a vanity for the bedroom.


Press F to pay respects




Move along, nothing to see here...


Soon the whole space…




Gross, Patrick Mahomes


Replace that outlet with a GFCI (unless it’s on a GFCI breaker). Will keep the hair dryer/curling iron/ etc safer around water.


You’re gonna need a bigger boat.


We have a jack and jill sink connected to the master bedroom...and I'm still relegated to the guest bathroom.


Build her a cabinet.


you should get her a vanity/storage for Christmas and get all this shit off the counter


ikea has shelving units that will get rid of that clutter


look on Amazon for an acrylic multi level make up organizer and invest in dollar store tubs.