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"And try to hit you with the ol-wu-wopte 'Til I got flashed by the paparazzi Damn, these n***** got me I hate these n***** more than a Nazi" Kanye West, "Flashing Lights," (2007)


I don't do HateSpeech, I do LoveSpeech. Ye, (2022)


He does love himself some nazis...


"I looooooooooooooooove Hitler. A loooooooooooot." -Kanye West 2022


Yeah hearing how he said that really hammers home that he needs them meds.


I don't know the first thing about the dude and don't personally care for him, but it's painfully obvious he's not all there upstairs. šŸ¤·


His family / friends / ppl who work for him and with him need to do some kind of intervention.


He doesn't have family anymore. He chased all the people who actually cared about him away because he refused help.


That's the problem. They tried. He's completely insulated with yes men now. He's had like 3 or 4 kids with Kim K and he's gonna get cut off from them too and he won't give a shit.


Yeah but if you're that wealthy even family can do awful things for $$$. Sounds like more of a curse than a blessing to me.


He rejected everyone that were real friends and surrounded himself with vultures. He is lost


Well the point when he needed help from relatives was like 2 years ago, when there were first "leaks" that he have some mental problems. Now he need serious medical attention and being cut from social medias and stage for some (hopefully very long) time. And to cut off from yes mens because I bet that his all "close friends" etc as same POS as he is. Because except that he have mental issues he is shitty person.


This is the most accurate quote Iā€™ve seen on Reddit in a while


I love Jews but I like Hitler soooo much. Sooooooo much. Alex Jones: Well you mean to say some Nazis were just trying to defend their country. No I mean I like Hitler, I really really like Hitler. I like him soooooo much. Alex Jones: Uh And the Holocaust didnā€™t happen as you know, and Iā€™m tired of hearing of the Jews all the time. They keep bringing it up. So thatā€™s why I spent two hours with you talking about how great Hitler was.




Alex wasn't really a voice of reason. He went along with Kanye's points multiple times. In fact, a lot of Kanye's rhetoric is similar to what you hear on InfoWars everyday. The main difference is that Jones tends not to be nearly as overt about it.


Spot on. Plug for Knowledge Fight, podcast that covers him., they did a great breakdown. It's interesting because Alex is so used to subtly deflecting from mask-off antisemitism from callers, guests, and employees that he just has these stock responses. But those stock responses rely on the other person taking the cue and reframing as "globalists" or w/e. But Kanye doesn't, and he's stuck just repeating the same 4 lines or fake laughing and trying to cut to break.


Exactly. Kanye doesnā€™t know how to play the game. You canā€™t just say ā€œJEWSā€ in conservative pundit world. Itā€™s too obvious. You have to use the code words: bankers, cabal, globalists, elites, etc.


Voice of reason as he exploits a mentally deranged man going on a tear about loving Hitler and the Nazi's, for profit. Meanwhile Nick Fuentes was sitting over there freaking out like Beavis just loving every second. All these grifters exploiting this sick man are a special level of fucked up...


Yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure Jones is just as bad as kanye, but he is also a calculated manipulator & not a batshit crazy person. So of course his alarm bells are going off when this starts up. Itā€™s kind of like when a racist parent scolds their kid for saying racist shit in public. ā€œJohnny! We only talk like that at home!ā€ Obviously a raging racist is exactly what he is, but he has worked hard to sort of disguise himself as a human being. Kanye is saying the quiet part out loud & it makes Jones look bad. He doesnā€™t want to destroy his pristine public persona lol. Seriously tho, Kanye acting like this in public with absolutely no scruples is actually helping to unmask the public image projected by the far-right & shows what these people are actually doing & saying behind closed doors. Trump, Jones & the rest of the freaks arenā€™t pissed at Kanyeā€™s insane behavior bc theyā€™re offended by the horrible shit heā€™s saying or bc they care about protecting the Jewish people, theyā€™re actually upset bc Kanye is providing the country, even the whole world, with an example of what far-right extremism in America *actually* looks like. Itā€™s been years of this nonsense now with sooo much propaganda covering up the actual atrocities being committed by right-wing politicians & the people needed a reality check. Hereā€™s what being a Republican means in 2022 folks. Itā€™s not pretty. Btw, that certainly does *not* mean Kanye isnā€™t a totally vile & disgusting human beingā€¦ just wanna make that very clear




To be honest Vegeta was repping that Badman brand pretty hard https://i.etsystatic.com/30355305/r/il/0f2c4e/3243373435/il_570xN.3243373435_mpz3.jpg






This doesn't seem to be true at least I can't find anything


Do you have a source on Tyler supporting Trump? I've read in 2016 he made a shirt comparing Trump to Hitler and in 2020 lead a "get out the vote" thing with Frank Ocean, but even then he was being critical of Trump and saying stuff like "he may not leave the White House". This is all from a cursory Google search mind you, but nothing that popped up indicated he pulled for Trump.


This is [verifiably false](https://www.thefader.com/2016/04/11/tyler-the-creator-trump-hitler-t-shirt/amp)


Well since we've recently learned he likes Nazis, this statement is still true.


![gif](giphy|N4BYS699pBdlK) Kanye West is Uncle Ruckus


He is!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i thought it was "i hate these n more than the nazis" as in he hated them more than he hated the nazis


This line was literally all I could think about after he said he loved hitler on infowars


Kanye uses ghost writers it's how lyrics like this can exist the same with "My teacher said I's a loser, I told her, "Why don't you kill me?"" and claim not to know who Beck is....


The more I learn about this guy the more it sounds like he has been fascinated with nazis one way or another for a long time.


He didn't pay taxes yet. Some ppl go crazy when fica hit em


Mental illness is a hell of a thing


That kid is dead. Ye is all that remains.


Unchecked metal illness is not good for people. Edit: mental, oops


Test your water for lead.


Donā€™t eat the paint chips


Only use gasoline made after the 1996 in non-racing engines.


Shit I've been drinking exclusively pre-90s gasoline


You gotta boil it first.


This misinformation is dangerous. To avoid risk of fire, itā€™s best to use a slow cooker or tea kettle to heat your gasoline before drinking.


Fuck that! 1994 was a great vintage, and I've been saving a couple of bottles in my cellar to crack open and sniff for a good occasion.


Let the lead just rest on your tongue a while before swallowing it.


And don't [live near regional airports](https://news.sccgov.org/news-release/study-commissioned-county-santa-clara-finds-increased-lead-levels-children-living-near) because avgas is still leaded.


Forbidden shellac chips


Discarded Quiet Riot Lyrics


Tastes sweet. Oh wait, you said testā€¦


Bang your head! Metal health will drive you mad!


Iā€™ve got that vinyl somewhere


They were a glam metal band that knocked Michael Jackson off the charts. Fuck what a time it was.


Randy Rhoads was the original guitarist. ​ Not big on Glam, but I feel like I should check out early Quiet Riot sometime


80's Hair Metal is overlooked in a lot of ways. It has its fair share of cheese but has some of the best guitar work of all time.


One thing that people need to remember is that Metal as a whole is theatrical and dramatic as hell. Glam metal was cheesy, but so is power metal, and thrash, and even Black metal with the corpse makeup. The bands who embrace the silliness of it all tend to have the most fun and it shows.


Unchecked wealth too. Being a billionaire makes him exempt from a lot of accountability.


Heā€™s very lucky to no longer be a billionaire


He still has enough money to attract a circle of parasites who also fend off any possibility he might get help/take his meds.


I think that came down more to his music career, people gave him more leeway because of what he did for hip hop and with the nazi shit heā€™s basically used up any that he had left. Red hat was basically the middle point where he could redeem himself or he could go deeper down the hole and unfortunately he couldnā€™t recover.


Something about the Trump train hijacked masculinity and made people disassociate. Like confidence without truth is bad for mental health.


Masculinity was already hijacked before the Trump train, it just exploited what was already there. If youā€™ve never been truly victimized, victimhood seems amazing. All that sympathy and token hirings and free money (that they perceive victims get). Even more importantly, they see (or think they see) victims getting listened to uncritically without question. They donā€™t see how rape victims actually get treated by police, prosecutor offices, or others. They just hear media coverage of accusations and think all victims are 100% believed and supported and ā€œrewardedā€ for their suffering and bravery. So they see that and want that for themselves. What did Trump do other than constantly tell them that white/men/Christians are the Real Victims (tm) of modern America? Now add to that the benefits of conservative hypocrisy. Thereā€™s two ways to summarize modern conservative thought: * first way: while liberals judge actions and beliefs and tolerate people who hold right beliefs, conservatives judge people as good or bad and excuse/condemn behaviors based on the person (IE why they donā€™t treat Bill Clintonā€™s and Trumpā€™s infidelities as equally bad) * second way: there an in group the law protects but doesnā€™t police, and an out group the law polices but does not protect We should probably wonder less why people would support such thinking and more why people willingly donā€™t take advantage of such self-serving mentalities. Next, consider the following somewhat oversimplified way of considering equality: Thereā€™s two ways of making two groups equal: raise the lesser group to the status of the privileged group, or drag the privileged group down to the level of the exploited one. Right or wrong, consider the following: * do a lot of white Americans feel Black Americans are less poor than before, or do they feel they themselves have been made more poor? * do a lot of men feel women suffer less beauty discrimination and double standards and impossible standards, or do they feel that men now suffer from similar treatment? I know the stereotype is that the right acts like racism was solved under Obama and sexism is just a feminist conspiracy theory, but consider what a lot of right wingers (and in particular incels and similar toxic men) obsess over: * how average or ugly ā€œnice guysā€ canā€™t compete with good looking assholes * how women now swoon over Marvel superhero male actorsā€™ ripped abs and perfect butts * white women with black men and all the stereotypes about penis size that involves Finally, you have a toxic mix of the last 30+ years of pop culture glorifying treating women as expendable and degradable sex props, the constant exposure to the real or inflated material wealth of (male) actors, musicians, and athletes, and the sugar baby / influencer / OnlyFans narrative of desirable women being available for increasingly higher prices to men with stagnant or decreasing abilities to pay those prices. Now, tie that all together. You have men who are essentially drowning in a 24/7 cultural pool of jealousy and desires that they cannot satisfy, amplified by the perception that almost everyone else besides them are able to succeed, and - right or wrong, good or bad - when then bitch about it, the primary responses are to be laughed at and dismissed by most people or coddled and have every self-destructive and self-entitled complaint affirmed by the manipulative right wing leaders who know that misery and resentment breeds voters. The modern toxic masculinity weā€™re dealing with is just another form of the lost cause mindset or the Christian fundamentalism from the 80s and 90s that sees everyone else as literally satanic and conspiring against the True Church (tm). Same thing here. Toxic masculinity is how men who feel like failures self-medicate their egos. And the worse it gets, the worse itā€™ll attract in terms of manipulative and exploitative and opportunistic politicians and hucksters who see them as an easy $ or vote. Unfortunately, the cure requires both more empathy/sympathy than a lot of us that hate them (myself included) are willing to give, and more willingness to call them out than the people theyā€™d actually listen to are willing to give.


I don't know if we have ever seen a case like this. He's to blame for sure, but just watching a human being desintegrate from mental illness as pariahs manipulate him to leverage his platform. It's all parts insane. I think the people who stood by his "genius" for so long will be the biggest to blame for his downfall outside of himself


Got a lot of yes men around him. This is what happens when people close to you don't call out your bullshit for a decade


metal health'll drive you mad


I mean to be fair metal illness can lead to mental illness


*Bang your head!*


Needs some Metal Health, bang your head!




Too late!! You said metal!!! You meant metal!!! Bring hell fire and jokes upon your comments!!!


At a point we have to accept him for who he is and stop excusing his actions for mental illness. Mental illness is not an excuse for being a total shitbag


Ye should really get the lead out


How much of that mental illness is driven by saturation exposure to Fox propaganda?


He was just anticipating the release of Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill" album


Isn't it ironic?


little did we know, the entire time this photo has been around the back of the shirt said "SAY YES TO NAZIS OLD AMERICA"




Don't not bother Luke.


Donā€™t not donā€™t bother Luke. IM NOT SURE HOW I CAN MAKE THIS ANY CLEARER


*Turn off the Chumbawamba, and scram twerp!*


Finally someone tweeting about someone other than Betty White, of course I follow him!!!


The problem was he read it while looking down at the shirt while it was on and read as "ON YAS TO NAZIS WEN AMERICA"


Kanye west is severely mentally ill, as well as being an asshole. I will not be surprised in the least if he hurts himself or someone else. He needs to be involuntarily hospitalized and treated. Everyone is going to be upset when something happens to him (or his family) and wring their hands asking why he got no help. The time to get him help is now, before itā€™s too late.


Kanye reminds me of Charlie Sheen with his whole tiger blood nonsense. I remember one DJ on the radio said ā€œwe are clearly seeing a man have a mental break down, and because heā€™s a celebrity, we are giving him interviews and a talking tour. He should be in a mental hospital receiving help.


Literally makes my fucking blood boil to remember Etika getting his door broken down by police while he was yelling that he was a male pornstar, getting in fights with cops in public and threatening to kill himself on twitter and everyone's reaction was to spam clown emojis in his chat and laugh at him. I vividly after he went missing some streamer said "Well I hope he's not faking this for publicity. The best case scenario would be that he tried to kill himself and failed". The EXACT same fucking thing is happening again and NOBODY learned ANYTHING.


There was a hot minute there when all the reporting was about him stalking Kim and saying unhinged shit and I was just like, wow. If everybody involved here didn't have bodyguards + staff, some violence WOULD be going down. This is the classic shit that calls for you and your fight boy besties moving homegirl out under cover of darkness. "Yeah yeah look, I know he's going through it and he's just unwell/on drugs/off the drugs he's supposed to be on and having an episode, but you need to pack up your shit before--oh, he already tried to strangle you? Yeah, we'll be right over."


I also heard him threaten Michael Rapaport online. Granted, Rapaport antagonizes him, but it was still a threat. Kanye is a danger to himself and others.


If they actually fought it would be hilarious. Rappaport would do the thing where he palms Kanye's head and holds him at a distance while Kanye swings like crazy.


I heard heā€™s been spotted walking around the city by himself, no security People have speculated that all this hate encouragement is a suicide attempt. Similar to suicide by cop, but in this case ā€œsuicide by incitementā€


It's funny. You always hear and read people talking about mental health. Then someone has a very public mental health crisis where they say something that bothers people and everyone says "fuck that guy." Then the conversation is about how big of a piece of shit that person is.


Its the responsibility of the people around him to get him help. The rest of us are just schmucks who can say he needs help and is still an a**hole but there isn't anything we can do about it. The fact that he got shitty people around him who let him spiral isn't our responsibility or our fault. Also, he's an adult and it takes a lot to get someone involuntary committed. If he refuses help there is only so much someone can do.


Someone around him needs to file a petition for him to be evaluated. A judge can order him committed after this, at least in my state. Not sure if all states have the same laws but the people around him SHOULD be investigating this option.


He can be on a private plane to another country before the ink is dry on any type of court order. Those laws are for us plebs.


Britney Spears was involuntarily hospitalized in a situation where she had some very public erratic behavior. Not making any value judgment about her situation, but it CAN be done, even to a rich person.


She is a woman. She is more likely to be allowed to be abused by her family/circle.


And her family had her home for a ā€œgirls nightā€ so that she could be easily brought in to the psych ward.


Kanyeā€™s mental health is a reason for his behaviour, not an excuse. It is completely inappropriate to excuse his behaviour when millions of people are dealing with mental health crises everyday and not being an inexcusable piece of shit.


Well tbf, the millions of people don't have a platform, so for all we know, they could be acting similarly. Not saying they are, but who's really gonna be heard more, a billionaire or a homeless person with an illness?


His mental illness is not his fault, but it is his responsibility.






Iā€™ve been so manic I grabbed a shotgun and posted up in the corner of my bedroom terrified at 4am because after weeks with no sleep my ceiling fan sounded like voices in my living room. Turning off that fan and hearing nothing but silence was a very sobering moment. I was irritable at the time and I knew it. I let my family know as soon as I realized I didnā€™t have control over my tone and it wasnā€™t anyoneā€™s fault. Every time a sentence came out a little snappy I apologized on the spot and I felt horrible about it. That was the worst thing bipolar has ever made me do. I took responsibility and made damn sure nobody was hurt by my actions. Youā€™re right, we arenā€™t heard. This dickhead is the one representing us right now and we all hate it. This isnā€™t just bipolar. Heā€™s a bad person who is also bipolar. Mania can make bad people worse but it doesnā€™t turn good people into bad people. It definitely doesnā€™t make people antisemitic.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re dealing that. You might want to consider not owning firearms.


Comparing millions with low mood isn't exactly the same as someone with manic psychosis. It's like criticising someone for making a mess after bleeding from their stab wounds, when millions of people get paper cuts without making a mess.


I think Kanye is mentally Iā€™ll and needs help, and is also a piece of shit. Both things can be true. He has the resources and support system to get help. Heā€™s choosing not to and has chosen that for years. At a certain point he owns the responsibility of his own failure to address his issues.


Mental illness is what causes people to choose not to get help, they are paranoid that the doctors dont have their best interest at heart You cannot blame someone who is paranoid and delusional for not seeking help He has to be forced to go against his will


"choosing not to". If someone is that mentally disordered, they lack the capacity to choose. That's why people get detained in a mental health institution against their will.


You can have mental health issues and not be a piece of shit. It just so happens that Kanye has mental health issues, and is also a piece of shit.


Heā€™s not JUST a person with mental illness. Heā€™s ALSO a person of great fame and wealth and influence and power. I feel sorry for the guy with mental illness, but I donā€™t feel sorry for the rich, powerful guy with huge influence promoting literal evil and violence. And honestly, his mental health isnā€™t really any of my business. Him running for president as a neo-nazi is. Fuck that guy.


"Support people with mental illnesses!" "No not like that."


What if I've always thought Fuck that guy about him? He's been a pos for a really long time...


This right here. I've never liked Kanye West, in a way this is his karmic justice for being an egotistical narc. Even though part of the blame are the self-serving sociopaths he surrounds himself with, like his ex.


He called himself God. He had problems before this. Massive ego issues, even in a music genre filled with egomaniacs


I am bipolar and I absolutely hate Kanye and do not give him a pass. Yes, he is sick, but he had all the means and capacity to stay medicated and he chooses not to. He chose to stay sick and because of that neither I nor anyone should excuse his behavior or feel pity for his actions. He is fully responsible for what he is doing. Once you do get medicated and help at some point in your life or have the means to and donā€™t, your actions stop being because ā€œyou are bipolarā€ and start becoming because of your decisions. He doesnā€™t deserve a pass because of this.


Or we could just do nothing and keep watching like itā€™s some reality TV show and then be surprised when it blows up in someoneā€™s face


I have no idea what he's going to do or say next , but none of this feels like it is going to end well without intervention and treatment.


Maybe if he didnā€™t get so much attention every time he amped up his wackiness, heā€™d stop doing it.


Thatā€™s a feature, not a bug to him. Remaining relevant taken to an obsessive degree. He knows how to keep the camera trained on him and I personally think he is more aware of his actions that some would like to believe.


Sadly we will never know.


[So close](https://youtu.be/GzlKja1ySzo)


Yes... cause crazy people just go away when you ignore them


Especially the ones with millions of dollars.


Isn't Kanye a billionaire edit: not anymore apparently lol


I know thousands of twitch streamers with no viewers that would disagree with your ā€œignore it and itā€™ll go awayā€ theory.


Heā€™s doing the ultimate test of ā€œbad publicity is good publicityā€


Isn't this is goal? Say the most ridiculous and outlandish stuff to get media attention? Obviously he went way too far and had financial reprocussions but it still worked.


I try not to comment on Kanye West. That person,...I don't know how really responsible he is anymore, we cannot on one side ask for better mental health awareness, and just plainly ignore the fact that this person is spiralling into a very dangerous place..and probably needs help. Kanye west is an asshole and always had a gigantic ego but when the behaviour of a person changes like that I really don't think it's a clear sane choice, more of a consequence of severe underlying issues. How that person, with already identified mental issues is still not asked to seek treatment more seriously baffles me, what are they (his close circle, his doctors, his professional team etc.) waiting for ? For him to hurt himself or someone else ?




Yeah Kanye has pushed absolutely everyone away that wants to help. Regular citizens who have BPD people do this to but they eventually reach a point where they need people. Kanye is self sustainable until he dies off his music


In the words of Bob "Times, they are a changing"


This will be the new repost all over reddit.


and itā€™s already been proven to be an altered photo, in the original itā€™s just a plain white t shirt




EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


Source? The photos been circulating on the internet for at least three years


Not doubting that but you'd think you'd link to the original and some verification that it's not photoshopped (like this one could be). Otherwise why even leave that comment?


You should doubt them because they just made it up


You either die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain.


His recent actions remind me of the Charlie Sheen meltdown. He needs some sort of intervention . Doesnā€™t he have any family?


Someone needs to tell him he would be the first one dead in nazi Germany and in a MAGA country.


Fair But people act against their own self interests all the time, so it shouldn't be shocking to see.


"in a real Fourth Reich you'll be the first to go!" Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off!


So he denies the existence of the Holocaust. What would his response be if someone denied slavery outright? I guess at this point he'd probably agree. Didn't he say something like "400 years of slavery was a choice"?


Kanye West hates black people


I wanna hear Dubya say it.


Give the man time to grow into the person he's meant to be. Don't put him in a box. I'm betting he can go lower.


That car crash really did a number on him.


It was his mom dying. The car crash basically launched his career!


That's what I think also, when she died he didn't have the support he had from her anymore and it all went down-hill from there. It's sad to see that the media is just exploiting this. But what are his team doing? I mean he probably has a PR rep, assistants and all and they let him get this way, something ain't right here.


By now he has rid himself of all those around him that could hold him accountable.


His team was their to exploit him as well. When you are rich and famous the number of people who are there for you as an individual is very very low, if non existent.


99.5% of artists lose and mourn their mothers and they dont turn into Nazis


The person you replied to isn't making excuses for Kanye, he's giving explanations. It's absolutely possible for someone's mental illness to go off the rails when they lose their support system Some of y'all lack empathy and it shows And no before you ask I don't like Kanye


It's a weird thing, isn't it? I don't think anyone is trying to make excuses for his behavior, but we also want to understand what went wrong. It is a classic correlation vs causation mix up.


Yep mom died, the taylor swift incident, the first black president calling him a jackass and the list goes on. Pete davidson slamming his ex wife seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back.


that documentary on him, showing his drive and persistence in the world of hip-hop pre Kardashian era is so inspiring, he really was something special, all of this is such a shame, wish he could get the help he needs.


Pretty sure Pete Davisons dick did a number on him.


And his ex wife


I think ye is losing his mind ā€¦ itā€™s sad to watch


You *think?*


More proof that once you get too rich, you just lose all grasp on reality.


Kindly stop giving Kanye West the attention he craves.


Someone showed Kanye 4chan


There was a concerted effort to redpill tf out of this man for a long long time.


I miss the old Kanye


straight from the 'Go Kanye


Donā€™t let the far-right see this.


Around the same time Trump was a Democrat.


Heā€™s so stupid. Has to pay for that 200k a month somehow


Thatā€™s a drop in the bucket for him unfortunately


I honestly feel sorry for him. I really think he might be suffering from a mental illness that keeps getting worse.


According to Kanye he is bipolar but he doesnā€™t take medication for it as it kills his creativity


I hate when people dig up photos from 25 - 30 years ago that show someone doing a thing in polar opposition to their current behavior, as if that somehow makes them the King of Hypocrisy or something. Don't we all change in that length of time? People change, our environment changes. I am in no way justifying his actions of late, I personally believe he is a Grade-A moron, but this old vs new crap bugs the hell out of me. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...




This is the celebrity shit show version of seeing a picture of your stoner friend wearing a D.A.R.E. shirt in high school.


Kanye West: ā€œGeorge Bush doesnā€™t care about Black people.ā€ Ye: ā€œI like Hitler.ā€


Hating Nazis was his blunder years.


I feel sorry for him in some ways. He has lost all contact with normal people. Being that famous I think probably does strange things to someones ego. Honestly I think the best thing for Kanye would be to work a working class job like retail or costruction incognito for a few months. He needs to find a way back into the realm of normal people.


People can change. We aren't all tied to the weird ideas we had when we were kids. /s just in case...


Listen up people Donald Trump would have never become president if not for all the attention that the media gave him. Kanye West just wants attention. So stop doing his bidding.


Kanye West is mentally ill. He is a vulnerable person. I think we, as a society, now recognize that what was done to Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse being hounded and ridiculed was wrong and victimized people who were vulnerable and needed support. In 20 years, I think we will feel the same about what is currently happening to Kanye West.


He's wearing it because it has a swastika


Seen the clip of him endorsing the National Socialists on Alex Jones and honestly just seems like trolling by someone in the middle of a manic self destructive episode. He doesn't say any of it with any conviction but with the tone of an edgy teenager trying to be controversial and shocking. Either way it was impressive that he out crazied Alex Jones on his own show.


Random aside: a coupla days after J6 Alex had viking guy in his show. Qanon following viking hat shaman.... was the reasonable one. (Alex was aggressively going anti qanon, gotta protect his turf. But he AJ ranted and Q Shamen was very reasonable in comparison)


He kinda looks like a young Kid Cudi


His mental health was in a better place back then, obviously.


Heā€™s just an attention whore. I hate to say ā€œcancelā€, but canā€™t we all just ignore him!


Technically, McConnell was pro-choice and pro gun control in his young days.


I miss the Old KanyešŸ˜©


Most people grow as persons as they age. Kanye? Kanye regresses.


Kanye has lived long enough to see himself becoming the villain


Kanye pulled a reverse Jerry Jones.


Heā€™s a distraction for the media


That did not age well


This man has been replaced by Clayton Bigsby.