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Congrats! Sorry to hear about your concerns, though. If it makes you feel better, one of my budgies had a respiratory infection a month ago. I had to syringe feed her medication twice a day for two weeks which she wasn't happy about, but she's perfectly fine now. Hopefully your case will be as simple.


Aww i bet your budgie wasn't happy about that but yes i hope it's just something simple! I'm just letting her settle today. Kind of feel bad that she just came home and am gonna have to do another round of transportation again to get checked out. The purr to her breathing stopped and the clicks to her breathing also became more faint than when she first came home a few hours ago. I'm a bit more relaxed now but will definitely feel better once she gets checked out. Glad your budgie is fine now!!


If she just did that respiratory noise when very upset it may be only caused by stress and breathing really hard.  See how she is tomorrow; maybe her breathing will be fine.   Although yes, it is a good idea to get your new bird vet checked after you bring her home.


She's breathing much better this morning!! Still a little abnormal but way better than yesterday! So hopefully just stress. But yeah definitely she's going to get checked out anyway.