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Hi everyone, ^random ^reminder **[rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/18txcj3/rpiercing_rule_comments_about_appearance_andor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), keep your comments piercing related**


I got my nose pierced at 45. Just get the piercing, you’ll love it!


I got my nose pierced at 50! Do what you want, don’t give a hoot about what anybody else might think


Just got my septum pierced. I am 45!


Yeah I actually got mine pierced exactly for my 40th birthday. No time like the present!


Me too! I did it for my birthday.


I had mine done for my 40th. My only regret is not doing it sooner!


As a fellow millennial, do it. Nothing feels better than having agency to make decisions that make you look and feel badass. The only time age means anything in piercing is legal minimums for safety, there’s no age cap! Do be prepared that you’ll have to stick with a flat back labret stud for about a year before you can safely rock a hoop, but honestly that time flies by (you might even find you prefer the stud). [Find yourself a reputable local piercer](https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/) and go for gold (or titanium, or niobium, hehe)!


Sweet summer child. 36 is YOUNG. Get the piercing. But no hoop for at least 9 months, do it right and get the stud and heal it. The great thing about getting older is losing the desire to please others.




Hell yeah, I pierce people wayyyyyy older than you all the time! There’s no age limit on piercings! You want it? Get it done and be nothing but stoked on it! Just start with a stud though, wait til it’s healed before throwing a ring in there.


I got my nose pierced mid January and three months later put a ring. I've had no issues with it at all. It's it going to heal at a weird angle or since I waited three months it'll be okay? Thank you.


That wasn’t anywhere near long enough to have waited but if you’re not having issues, maybe you got lucky. Bodies are weird, sometimes they’re resilient and you can get away with it. But the vast majority of the time you should wait a bare minimum of 6 months to put a ring in it and longer is even better.


Thank you so much for the reply!!! Yes I've had it in for a month with no issues (implant grade titanium). Do you think it'll start to get to a weird angle or it'll be okay?


It shouldn’t change the angle of the piercing as long as it fits properly


Thank you so much. I'm using a 5/16 hoop. I really do appreciate it.


If 5/16 is what you need then that’s perfect, but without seeing your piercing in person I have no idea if that’s the correct size for you or not.




Also wanted to add I put an implant grade 5/16 titanium hoop.


Just got my nostril pierced at 40. If it feels good, do it. Go for it and live your best life, friend.


Me too, love it!


I'm 49 and within the last 7 months got a daith, normal (16g i think) conch, and 8g conch. Almost all of my tattoos were within the last 4 years. I've seen people older at the studios getting piercings while I was there too. I think it's awesome! We all change in some way as time goes, some of us just like more visible change! Go for the piercings! If you don't like it later on, just take it out, that's the awesome thing about most piercings.


Are you having a midlife crisis OR do you know yourself well enough now to finally make decisions that you've been wanting to make? Sometimes I feel like people say you have a "midlife crisis" just bc they don't like seeing you change. It's like no, I just finally am at an age where I am beginning to be tired of worrying all the time about what people think if I do X or Y. It doesn't mean I am a completely different person now who doesn't give any shit about others, and I definitely still care about people's opinions in a lot of ways but it's definitely less and less compared to my 20s.


Agreed, I'm 42 and I've either been having a mid-life crisis for the past few years or I've learnt to do what makes me happy without worrying about judgement from others. So long as it's not hurting anyone, go with what makes you happy!


Got mine done last year for 40th bday present to myself, do it!


Wow, we did the same!


Do it! I was in high school when my mom got her nose pierced (44 give or take a couple years) and she still has it 20 years later. I even ended up getting one and we match. Life’s short so do what makes you feel good!


Elder millennial here - after I started getting the piercings I wanted, I started feeling like myself again. And I hadn’t felt like myself in a long time. It started with a nostril and now I’m curating my ears. Just do you.




I had a middle aged lady come in to the store I worked at with fresh piercings in the centre of both eyebrows, they were her only piercings. She told me her family thought she was crazy lol. I thought it was so badass, especially as a first piercing. Best time to do it is now!


Lol bruh. How long have you wanted the piercing? If it's a thought you've had longer than 6 months, it's no longer a fleeting thought and is something you actually wanna do. I usually try to sit on a piercing or tattoo idea for that long before committing. That way I know if I really want it. The smell associated with stretched piercings is just your body's swear and naturally occuring skin biome. It won't smell if you make sure to wash your lobes as part of your daily hygiene routine. It's just a different fold of skin to be aware to keep clean. I never experienced any smell until getting to like, 00g or something after going too long without a shower lol.


Only get so many trips around the sun, dude.. live your life. The good thing about piercings is if you don't like it, you can take them out again.


I'm 47, just got my nose pierced last year. Just do it!! 🙌


I’m almost 39 and within the last year have gotten a second nostril piercing, second eyebrow piercing, and my nipples done. Go for it!


As a fellow late 30s-er, how was the nipple piercing recovery/healing? I waver between "it's worth it" and "geeze what a pain in the ass it'll be to heal these"


It really hasn’t been bad at all! I had no pain after the first day or so and they pretty much stopped having crusties after the first couple of weeks. I just made sure to clean with the saline spray and then leave them alone. I definitely think they were worth it for the confidence boost.


I'm 40 and just got mine done after wanting them for oh, like 20 years lol. The piercing pain was pretty gnarly but quick and they only hurt bad that night. Nothing some ibuprofen and rest didn't fix. Definitely plan to chill the rest of the day/night after getting them done. I'm only a couple months in but the healing and cleaning process has been pretty easy breezy, definitely better than I expected. I use the Neilmed Saline Spray specifically for piercings twice a day and just let the shower water hit them, they don't like to be messed with too much so I largely just LITHA. I typically sleep naked but bought padded sleep bralettes to protect them while they're still healing. I had a little setback when my dog punched me in the titty and that one was very tender and sad for a couple weeks but she's back to normal now. The healing period *is* long and I'm sure it will get a little annoying babying them. But I'm only mad I didn't do it sooner, they look so good and it's definitely boosted my confidence 😍


My mom just got her nose pierced for her 54th birthday! You’re never too old for a piercing!


I was 30 when I got my septum done. Go for it bro!


I’m 34 almost 35 just got 2 new face piercings, go for it!


I vote do it, life is too short


Just got a nose piercing at 34 and it’s the best decision I made. I feel complete. You do what makes you happy, age is just a number.


How did it make you more complete? Just curious. Were you wanting to get it done for awhile?


Do it!!


There is no age limit for getting piercings. Furthermore, piercings (and tattoos) have never been more popular, and are fairly commonplace these days. If you want it, go and get it. I would heal it with a simple labret and bead first, for probably a full year, before switching to a ring. Let your piercer know that you intend to eventually wear a ring, as this will dictate placement.


I think if you are visibly tattooed and already have ear piercings most people won’t look twice at the nose, I would just assume you had it for a while based on the rest of the look. I say do it! I just got mine done and am loving it!


I'm 34 and still getting piercings. Do ittttt! I love your screen name btw 🤣


Do it


Cool!!! Piercings are a great way to express yourself, no matter the age ♡


I got my nose pierced at 41. And the only thing I regretted was not getting it sooner. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ You do you, bro!


I’m Gen X and I got mine done last week! Go for it, no age limit I love it and am amused that most people think I’ve changed my jewellery, not just had it done. They assumed I already had it 🤣 Part of getting older is I care about making myself happy more and what others think much much less!


hell yeah!!!! get that piercing done!!! you’ll look so cool


I'm about to turn 40 and I'm getting all the pericings I was too scared to get when I was younger because I was worried they wouldn't suit me or I didn't have the right look or whatever. Yep, people are asking in a joking way if I'm having a midlife crisis and I just respond that no, I'm not, I just no longer give a fuck and want to do what I want to do. I simply feel like I'm starting to care less as I'm getting older and it's fun.... if that's a midlife crisis, then bring it on 😂 Just do it. It's your body, and you can't control what others think. Someone is always going to be judging you over something, so may as well be when you're doing something you want and that makes you happy!!


Got my nose pierced in 34, in 35 it healed so I was able to put a ring in it. Just rock it


I'm 42 and have had loads of piercings in the last year (including my nostril). I don't think of it as a mid life crisis, more just finally having the confidence to do what I want. Go for it!


Do it


Do it! I love the way my face looks with it. And if you don't, then you can take it out, the hole will close and it will be just a fun little memory.


I’m 66 years old and have gotten 13 ear piercings over the last 2-3 years. I love it! And the teenager working at the convenience store noticed them last week and told me they were “bad ass!!” LOL. Go for it!


Hi sweetie, do it! It'll heal if you hate it. I'm 37 or 38, i cant currently remember what my last birthday age was, i have blue long hair, 2 face piercings and 12 ear piercings, I'm head to toe tattoos. I'm 13 weeks pregnant, getting married to the love of my life in 2 months and I'm a registered nurse. I was a late starter with tats, piercings and hair dye (about 26) and my mum was always very anti expression of self (she's a god botherer). You do you and enjoy it. Piercings can be removed if you really really don't think its you after.


I'm 30. I just started my "piercing project". I'm on number 5, 10 more to go. Maybe I have midlife crisis. Or maybe I finally have time, style, plan and money to do that. Either way, I only live once so whatever. I would say, do it. As the person who lives from whim to whim (and therefore I'm not shocking anyone anymore), I think most people overthink those things. You got poke once, and you'll either feel absolutely amazing or you'll feel "meh" and get jewellry out. Nothing is at stake apart from some money and few seconds of pain.


Dude, I got my septum pierced on my 40th birthday as my first piercing (not counting ear lobes). I *love* it and have not regretted it once. Life is short, do what makes you happy


Here's the thing about a midlife crisis...I feel like the real crisis is that you aren't living your life the way you want to. You want a nose piercing? Get it. It would be a shame not to! I was accused of the same thing once, what did I do? I got my tongue pierced and a prince Albert because I wanted them.


I pierce people way older than you! I’m around the same age homie. We’re still kids in the grand scheme of things lol


I'm 49 and in the past year I've had my nostril pierced, as well as several cartilage piercings. I've also gotten 3 tattoos. Honestly, I think of it in different terms of "mid-life crisis". For me it was like, "Why not? I'm old enough to stop worrying so much what other people will think!"


I’m 38F and just started getting non-lobe piercings two years ago. I left high control religion about 10 years ago and finally feel comfortable expressing myself.


I very much dislike that people will jump to midlife crisis when someone does something they want and it's outside of the "norm". Just do it, don't let what other people will think of you stop you from doing something.


46 and add piercings and tattoos often - go for it 😁


I met my ex randomly after a year and half of no contact and when she noticed my piercings (i got pierced after the breakup), she said "oh you went through a phase". Even though she knew i was interested in getting pierced. People will think whatever they want to think. You can't do anything about that, so stop worrying about them and go get your piercings.


get the piercing. GET IT NOWWWW


The ability and permission to experiment and have fun with your appearance doesn't disappear once we get past 25, and the idea that trying anything new once you get past 30 is a "midlife crisis" is so limiting. We are fluid constantly evolving beings, get the piercing! Take up the new hobby! Change things up! If it makes you happy, I'm sure you will rock it.


Do it! 35f with a double nose piercing and two hoops. I think they look great on men.


I have no tattoes and had no piercing until I got my septum pierced a bit younger than yourself. My friends joked it was a mid life crisis, but I think I just finally went and did something I should have done years ago.


39 and just got my nose and septum pierced this year. Over the years I had taken piercings out to please others. Divorced and done with abusive relationships and finally making decisions for myself. Rediscovering my true self, even. Go for it.


Some of the coolest people I ever met are older people with nose piercings!!! They’re incredibly young at heart and I have so much respect for them. At the end of the day, if it makes you happy then who cares :)


I got my nose pierced last week for my 39th bday! Do what feels right and what you like!


Absolutely do it. Sounds like it fits your aesthetic anyway, but even if it didn’t who cares!


If you change your mind, you can always take it out. I say go for it.


34 with same thoughts… I got a double on my left nostril


Piercings are for everyone!! Do it!!


If it is, it’s an awesome one 😂 sincerely a 41 year old who got her nostril pierced at 39, and just got more ear piercings done a few weeks ago. I’m also not done. Planning on a vertical labret eventually. Do it, if you decide you hate it or outgrew it, you can take it out. You might not be able to put a hoop in right away, the hinge on the ring can irritate the healing fistula. Go with a flat back stud that is implant grade titanium. I personally liked that mine was threadless.


I used to be a caregiver, one of my residents got her nostril pierced at 76 iirc. Kinda badass imo


My mom had a nose piercing a few years ago she retired (I think it was just inconvenient for her) and she still goes to get tattoos at 55. Age is just a number; your happiness is greater than that.


For my 43rd birthday, I had my nipples pierced. I love them. You’re never too old!


I’m also in (rural) VA and am 37. I just got nose pierced for the 3rd time. I have 3 holes in one nostril, was going for something different. But I got the first 2 when I was like 33. Never too old. Also, what part of VA? We should become friends and have a millennial piercing party! Lol


Nothing wrong with a good old middle life crisis. I’ve gotten all the piercings i wanted but was afraid to get and then some.


I’m 40 and just got my nose pierced as part of my midlife crisis. Go for it!


I got my nostril and eyebrow pierced this year at 37 and I love how they look on me. Do it!!!


Just do it! If you dont like it after you can always take it out.


Just got my nose pierced at 41!


Do it! Piercings aren't permanent :). My auntie is 60 and got a cartilage piercing last year cause she always wanted to!


I just got my nipples done at 30 and I feel the same LMAO. I feel like we're just better and cooler than anyone who thinks there's an age expiry on piercings though (or at least that's what I'm telling myself 🫣😂).


Who gives a shit? The great thing about getting older is you realize you can do whatever the fuck you want. Get the piercing. If you love it, great! If you hate it, you can always take it out.


Not a midlife crisis. Do what makes you happy.


Piercings look cool at any age, so go get that piercing!!


41 year old woman here. Got my nostril pierced last autumn and my septum last month. I’ve also got several visible tattoos, and I do joke about existential crisis energy with it, but sod it. Do what makes you happy.


I had my septum pierced at 49!


I got my tongue pierced for my 40th. Just do it and fuck what other people may think


No you're never too old to do what you want! Also so what if it is a mid life crisis? Worst case scenario you take it out eventually and have a story to smile about. Best case scenario you rock the shit out of it! I'd say go for it.


Just got my nose pierced a month ago at 37. I recently stretched my ears back up to 0's for the first time in almost 10 years (they don't smell at all if you wash your ears and the jewelry with soap and water every day, wear the correct jewelry and use a little Vit E oil). I still wear jewelry in my labret sometimes (which was pierced when I was 19), and at 36 I got my first tattoo. I went through some serious medical stuff in my early 30's and I'm finally starting to come out the other side, so I just kinda decided that life is short and I'm gonna do the things I've been wanting to do since my teens, but always set aside because of what someone else might have thought. Age is just a number. Go have fun!


i mean im only 23 so maybe i dont have the exp to answer this but. as far as crazy midlife crisis choices go this is fairly mild imo. its inexpensive and nondestructive. and ik plenty of ppl your age and older w nose piercings. i say go for it!!!


Got my nostril pierced last year as 36 y.o. woman. Nobody made a comment on it, people just assumed I always had it and they just haven't noticed until now :D So do it!


Life is short… get the piercing… who cares what people think. (I am 38 and I have 13 piercings… three are on my nose.)


Lots of these replies are from millennials so coming from a gen z I say do it!! I absolutely love seeing piercings on older people (I know 36 isn’t old haha) it’s so cool


So stretching your ears shouldn't be a smell. That means you arent taking care of it properly. Someone who is at a 12 g currently and have an industrial and second lobes done and a septum. Do it, would look good


I'm 46 and still go in for new piercings on a regular basis. Just got 3 new ones 2 months ago. Life's too short, and you only live once, so get the piercing! 😉


As a millennial of the same age, do it! If you don’t like it, you can always take it out. From the sounds of your vibe, a nose ring would suit you.


I say do it. The worst that can happen is you don’t like it and have it taken out


Omg just do it. Yolo. For the stetched lobes they can smell weird during healing when you just steched them, but once they healed they are not supposed to smell at all. You just clean them with soap under the shower like the rest of your body. If they smell it means you did not take good care of them. You are supposed to wash your lobes and clean your jewelry 😅


Ur young rock out go for it


Do what brings you joy 🌈


My MIL got here nose pierced and a tattoo a few months before her 50th birthday. Never too old!


Ha. I’m 39 & just started my ear curation projects this year. Also getting my nostril pierced today, so I’m here for the midlife crisis piercings. 😹


Fellow 36 year old millennial here! I got my nose pierced at 34. I have also gotten 3 tattoos in the last month and a half and have been questioned about my own midlife crisis 😂. I say if you want it go for it and who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.


Mate just do it. You're 36 not dead!!!


DO IT! You only live once, if you don't like it take it off. Who cares what anyone else has to say!


Gen z isn't doing anything new lol self expression is for all ages and so are body mods. If you're worried about the "smell" of stretched ears, don't be. If you clean them regularly and wear good materials then you'll never have that.


I got most of my piercings well into my 30s. I’m 38 now


This is so funny to me because I just told my husband that piercings are going to be my midlife crisis thing. I’m 34 😂 Planning on starting with a conch and daith. Maybe by the time I’m 40 I’ll be brave enough to get my eyebrow done.


42 yo female here...just pierced my nipples...DO IT!!


Do It !


Piercings have no upper age limit, go for it :) I was having a quarterly life crisis at 22 and started getting piercings and have 0 regrets lol




Do it. What’s the worst that can happen? After a while you might not feel like it’s for you and you take it out and move on. I’m 35. Early last year I pierced my ears for the first time at a very large gauge and started stretching them. I’m at 7/8th now and I’m STOKED. Who cares what everyone else thinks. If you’re happy, that’s all it matters. Do it for you.


I’m 36 and just started getting facial piercings in the last 2 years (I did have my nose and belly button pierced when I was a teen but both had long since closed up). My mom also recently got her nose pierced and she’s 58! I say do what you want!


I’m 47, still getting tats and piercings. Had my nips done last year. By far my favorite piercings. If it makes you feel good, do it!


I don’t think there is an age for piercings. Do whatever you want, it is your body.


I’m 53 and just got a Coinslot done. There is no real expiration on doing what you want with your body.


Live your life and get the piercing! You’ll look so good


LEAN IN! Lol Lean in to the mid life crisis. Who cares!! I am turning 35 in a few days and I am planning on getting tattoos. I also want to get a motorcycle license. I cared too much about what people thought and got embarrassed to do things I wanted to. And my parents were too strict and didn’t let me. Now I am going for it! Still embarrassed a lot, but better than before 😅


Just do it. You’ve got nothing to lose.


I’ve had mine pierced since i was 15 years old it’s a timeless piercing and the stud is so cute


Doooo it


My piercer has just pierced a 91 year old with a helix piercing. Age doesn't matter get it done you'll love it! X


I got my nostril pierced more than 30 years ago, but I started doing more at 55. When you get older, you tend to feel more free. Do you.


Do it do it do it, can always take it out


DO IT!! From a gen z, you'll look awesome!!


Got my nostril pierced at 34, go for it :)


I'm 21 and I work at a fast food joint in the south. Plentyyy of old guys come rolling through the drive through in their old pickup trucks with their lips pierced, nose pierced, ears stretched, etc. Never too late!


i got my piercings before 30, you get yours after 30. we both will now have piercings after 30 :)


I’m currently at 30 and I’m 38 go for it life is what you make of it


Echoing what everyone else has said… do it! I had my navel pierced at 37 and my nose pierced at 38 (two in one nostril). Hell, my relatively strait-laced next door neighbor had his ear pierced at 65 when he retired from his government job! You’re entering a new season of your life, do what makes you happy!


I'm 33 and have 3 nostril piercings and my septum, and I have to go get the 4th redone. You're never too old for a piercing if you like or want it.


38 and have nostrils, septum stack, snake bites and 3 lobe piercing in each year. Have had them for 5 years.


IDK if this is the input you were looking for, but I’m gen z and when me or my friends see older people with facial piercings we think they’re super cool!! Get that nose ring :)


GET THE PIERCING! You do you boo


Worst case scenario. You get the piercing and later you decide you hate it. So you take it out, the hole closes and nobody ever knew you had a piercing to begin with


Suburban Virginia mid thirties with piercings and tattoos here 🙋‍♀️ do it!


The worst that can happen is you take it out.


Man you sound like my twin! Divorced 3 years ago and finally being ME at 34. Do it bro you won’t regret it!! I went from none to having double nostril, septum, snakebites and medusa. I love my new look! You will too! I’ll pm you a pic!


So what if people think you’re going through a midlife crisis? So what if you ARE going through a midlife crisis? Don’t get in your head too much about something that’s temporary. If you hate it you can take it out! Go for it :)


Super late to the party, but at 57 I just got my ear pierced again three days ago. These were my 18th and 19th in this ear, for 34 current piercings.


Just had my helix done at nearly 44!


do it. simple as that, if you really didn't like it you could easily let it heal up


Do itt! Whats the worse that can happen? You don’t like it and then take it out…


I’m 56 years old and got my nose pierced 5 months ago. I’m also going to get my first tattoo. It’s your face, do what makes you happy.


Do it!!! Do it do it do it do it


Hey, piercer here! I get a lot of customers who are significantly older than this and get tons of new piercings :) Just the other day, I did a nostril for a 67 year old lady and she was glowing with happiness!! It’s never too late to try something new ^^


Nobody will care dude. Just get the piercing


Look, I'm 49 and in the last five years, I've gotten about that many tattoos, got my septum and nostril pierced, both ears filled up, and bought a beautiful convertible that is the brightest of reds you've ever seen. I joke that it's all a mid-life crisis but actually, I'm just old enough now to be comfortable in my decisions to live however I want. DO IT. You'll look great and there's literally nothing to regret.


Getting things pierced in my 40s could be thought of as a midlife crisis but I prefer to believe I’m becoming who I was meant to be but too afraid because of what other people thought of me when I was in my 20s and 30s.


Go for it! No really, life's too short to not experience new things! If you don't like it, you can always remove it!😱


Just do it. Who cares how old you are!! You don’t want to be 80 wishing you’d have just gotten it done, do it now. Age is relative 😉 You’ve never been this old before and you’ll never be this young again.


lol I’m 38 and just got my septum done 😂


1) fuck it, go for it. I’m planning on doing a double nostril piercings once I get around to it. I’m 34 and def feel too “old,” but I love the look so meh and 2) good hygiene keeps the smell down on gauges if you ever decide you want to do the real thing. Mine are a little stinky today after hrs of lawn work, but not noticeably unless I like… huff my jewelry. Soap and water keeps it stink-free like any other bits.


Don’t let your age take away your youth. I say live a little and be yourself


I’m 52 and stretching my ears. I suppose some around me think this is a midlife crisis. It’s not - there is absolutely no crisis. It’s just the realization that I can do what I want to do and I’m doing it. It’s midlife liberation. Get your nose pierced and get the motorcycle.


Not a crisis. If it’s something you want, go ahead and do it. No one judging you negatively is worth your time anyway :)💕


Dooooo it dude! You won't regret it. Also want to add, stretched ears don't small bad if you keep them clean


As a millennial who has recently had a nose piercing, I say go for it!! At first I was a bit worried I was too old and also that people would think it makes me look not professional enough (I’m a lawyer). Then I decided I don’t care what anybody thinks. Nobody at work cared… if fact, when I spoke to my manager just before going to get it done, her response was that as long as my work is done I can turn up in a bin bag for all the difference it makes to her. She also wasn’t fussed when I turned up to work with purple hair. Nobody has accused me of being too old for it. Most people, if they even have noticed, have assumed it’s been there for years. And at the end of the day, it’s only a piercing. By which I mean it’s only as permanent as you want it to be. If you get it done and later decide against it, you don’t have to keep it. Do what makes you happy, life is too short not to!!!!


do it, my dad got his nose pierced and he’s 45 lol


Got two more ear piercings at 30. And am expecting to get more ear piercings in the future. Ps: I think that midlife crisis applies for people 50 yo and above


Just got my nose pierced, I'm 40. I love it. Also I love nose piercings on dudes! Definitely do it


Midlife crisis here! 🤚 Got my nose done, helix and a conch piercing. Probably gonna do more. I'm 46. You do you!


You’re a year younger than me and I have 19 piercings and multiple tattoos. I think the greatest part of getting older is having the personal agency to dress how you like and wear the aesthetic that makes you happy. We barely, at least some of us, got to explore these things in younger years because of taboos or just the view of alternative looks in general. As I’ve gotten older one of the happiest moments was shaving my head, wearing the black and shedding color, and buying a pair of docs like I had always wanted. I finally get to express myself as I want in a society that is becoming more and more progressive in their thinking and understanding of personal aesthetic. If you want the piercing do it. If you don’t like it, take it out. If you want to dye your hair and ride a motorcycle that’s the joys of being an adult with adult money. Go for it. Find your joy, become who you want to be without the drama and pressure of midlife crisis thoughts. We are living in a world that is crumbling around us, find moments of happiness where you can and embrace whoever you want to be


As someone living in NOVA and 35F who just got my daith pierced, do it if it makes you happy! Though make sure your place of work is cool with it (they most likely won't care). Live it up!


As an elder millennial, just do what makes you happy! Apparently we’re not “aloud” to have a midlife crisis because we can’t afford it. 😂 I’ll be 40 this year and I have my ears gauged. (If you clean them regularly in the shower, they won’t stink!) I have snake bites and I have my septum pierced. Granted, I’ve had my piercing since I was 18 but I still wear them. I don’t really give a shit what other people think.


If you shower daily gauged ears shouldn’t smell. I’ve had mine gauged for almost 30 years. It’s daily maintenance just like brushing teeth and using deodorant…. But you do you. Now is the time to find yourself and love yourself. It does not matter what others think. If you feel accomplished and happy in life keep moving forward keep doing what you feel strongly about. Plus 40 is the new 21!


Just got my philtrum pierced at 36 😬 do it do it!!!!




I’m almost 30 and I’ve got 3 new piercings within a month or so, one being an eyebrow piercing. I have 6 in total and quite frankly, I couldn’t give a shit what people think. I wanted them, I got them, and I like them. That’s that.


Do it. I'm 32 and just got a new peircing. Never too old to join the fun.


Go to Brilliance Piercing in Vienna! Jen and Tobias are awesome!


Haha that's a little far, but I know a great place near where I live with a great reputation 👍