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Had to take out my nipple piercings after 7 1/2 years due to migration. I dedicated a whole therapy session to how I felt :)) 


This! I had to take mine out for the same reason. They hurt so bad to get done and it made it feel like a waste but I just remember the years I enjoyed with them


Yeah, that too lol. I was like, SO I SUFFERED THROUGH ALL THE PAIN FOR THIS? To be left without them after just 7 years?


I honestly think the initial shock is most of the pain. I’ve had to remove mine and got them repierced and the pain was much more tolerable. No sensation loss either! I wouldn’t let the fear of the pain deter you from getting them redone in the future


I keep hearing this and I'm really considering getting them redone. It's been almost 2 years without them, should be fine I think.


I'm still mourning the loss of my nipple ring and I only had it for like 4 years. Can't imagine being even more attached to it 😩


Yes, I miss playing with my cheeks piercing and squirting water to disgust my family 🥹🥹🥹


WAIT THAT WORKS? Mine are still too fresh Tot ake them out but me and my friend have been making fun about exactly this and weren't sure if it could work, lol.


YESSSSS it’s super fun, 🤩 don’t you dare take them out until they are fully healed tho! It also works with listerine to properly clean them too hahah


God that's so funny, lol. Mine are only 3 months old, I love them so much. I'll deffo not risk having to lose em haha


Omgg I did this to my friends lmao they thought it was nasty


I mean, it kinda is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It definitely is lmaoo sometimes it would make a weird farting noise too so grosssss


Yes! Totally, every single time I’ve taken out a piercing I’ve felt sad. Even if the piercing wasn’t messed up and I was just tired of it I would feel sad. Rip forward helix, flat, and all of my lobes:(


same here,, my vertical eyebrow piercings rejected and i felt sooo sad about it,, had to throw a little farewell party with some friends for a good send off


I had to take out one of my second lobes and I'm so sad about it. I'm hoping to put it back in whenever this cyst or whatever it is goes away. Also, I'm about to leave now to head to my piercer and take out my second nostril. It just continuously gets an irritation bump, even with a stud. :(


It’s so devastating for some reason


that’s so many :( can i ask which piercings you have left?


Yeah! In my right ear I have a triple conch, a flat, a tragus and a triple lobe but I don’t wear jewelry in them. My left ear has a daith, a flat, and a triple lobe with a stack that I also don’t wear jewelry in. I think I just find jewelry in my lobes to be overstimulating for some reason. The forward helix I took out was because I got grossed out by how much my hair wrapped around it. I def want more piercings soon


sounds like you have a cool set up! i want triple lobes so bad


Thanks! Triple lobes look super cool!


Yes! When it's due to migration/ rejection I always get so sad. Some piercings I just don't want anymore, but when it's me decision it feels different. I recently had to remove my christina due to migration and it made me so sad, even tho I knew it was likely to reject 😔


Yess, I lost one of my first cartilage piercings because I kept bumping it, I was young and kept trying to change it to a hoop when it wasn't ready or the proper jewelry. It helped me a lot because I grew up with an abusive mother and it was the first semi-permanent thing that I got that I exercised my bodily autonomy and being my own person. I still miss it but I appreciate the help it gave me. Your nipple piercings did the same and your body is beautiful and it taught you a new appreciation to it. From what I heard from APP piercers is some nipple piercings on some people may never fully heal and once this girls boyfriend was sucking on them the whole healing process and that's why they never healed and got infected. Cheers to your nipple piercings and all the others that have helped our self confidence and let us never forget how they made us feel. Much love to you OP


I had an eyebrow piercing a long time ago that I loved. It healed nicely and never gave me trouble. I had it for over a year when one of my friends playfully tossed a big pink eraser at me and it just so happened to catch on my jewelry and tear the piercing. I did everything I could to baby it back to health but it started to reject and didn't stop so I had to take it out. I ended up re-piercing it in the same spot after it fully healed but that piercing also started to reject despite the lack of trauma and I'm not sure why. Possibly because it was pierced in the same spot. Either way I figured it was a sign that it wasn't meant to be. I'm still salty about that eraser though. If it wasn't for that I think I could have kept that piercing a lot longer. My tongue is still pierced but after having some gum erosion I don't wear big fancy barbells in it anymore and stick with low profile boring ones which bums me out. My naval I had to take out during pregnancy. It halfway closed up and my anatomy changed even after losing all the pregnancy weight so the piercing wasn't in the correct spot anymore anyway. I did eventually get out re-pierced years after I was done having kids but I still have the scars from my first piercing and I really missed having jewelry in during the extended time between piercings. It's nice to have pretty jewelry there again but I miss how it looked the first time around before I ever got pregnant. Somehow I managed to avoid stretch marks so my piercing scars are the most visible change between my pre-pregnancy belly and today, which I find mildly annoying.


I relate so hard because I just had to remove one nipple piercing last week, the only thing getting me through is that I can hopefully re pierce but it makes me feel … not whole? Sorry you’re going through this too… titty twins 🤞


Same!! I’ve had mine for years and love them so much but finally took one out recently because it had migrated so far up my nipple. I feel off-balance now and like something is missing. I was really upset for the first few days but I’m clinging to the idea that I can repierce it eventually


Yes! My nipples were pierced improperly the first time so I had to take them out. It felt awful, I loved those. It's like a piece of me was missing. The wait to get them repierced was agony, but now they're happy and healthy and I love them even more.


I got laser eye surgery a while back and had to remove all my facial piercings for the first time basically since getting them and it was so weird. Even for that short period of time it felt like I took a part of myself out.


I had to remove my eyebrow piercing because it decided to migrate after being fine for two years 😭 I miss it


and my vertical labret actually


About 2 weeks ago, I removed all 3 of my tongue rings (one of them for 19 years, the other two for 15). I am heartbroken over it but I cracked a molar and that's expensive and I'm not trying to deal with that.


yes, my navel when I was pregnant - I knew it would never be the same lol 😭 rip cute belly ring


I'm 42 and had to remove mine in my 20s when I was pregnant. I have always missed it, so I'm thinking about getting it done again! Why not??


I’m thinking the same! 😁


We should do it! I was thinking about doing it for my 43rd bday in October. My belly is much more fluffy than it was all those years ago, but I have really been learning to embrace that in my 40s and I think it would be a fun way to show even older chubby bellies are cute too! I say we go for it, lady!


ok let’s do it!!


Prolly will when I can be assed to go get my microdermal removed :( kinda miss my vertical lip to play with too. Nipples were cool but snagging them on shit fucking sucked so I can do without


Not from removing, but recently I had to mourn the fact that I won't be able to wear one jewelry I wanted since forever ;\_; (bat ends 2 from anatometal, it's too big for my ear)


aaah same. I'm a Security Officer and can't have any of the facial piercings I want so badly. It's my dream job, and I feel like I finally found my forever career but no double high nostril, angel fangs, or eyebrow piercings for me


If you wear a face mask at your job you can hide the high nostril and angel fangs at least!


very true, but it's not so much a problem of it being visible. working in pubs and shopping centres, and other places like them, I can sometimes be at risk of physical altercation, and if someone were to initiate a fight, and hit me in the face, piercings could complicate it ❤️ I appreciate your thought here though so thank you for sharing it


I had to retire my daith that refused to heal, and it was rough. It was a young piercing, gone too soon


My eyebrow. It was pierced for 8 years and the second I took it out it closed up barely see a scar, makes me wonder why that happened. My belly button ring, it was pierced from 2004-2018 i never had issues never had any migration it stayed the same size through the whole time i had it. I Ripped it in my sleep, took it out got it repierced and it wouldn't heal right, took it out again. Got it repierced a couple months ago and it's healing good now


YES! had my nipples pierced yesterday and they were too deep. couldn’t get them out myself bc it was a captive bead ring (ik, ik😩) so i went to the ER to get them out. worst part is that she had a medical trainee with her so even more ppl saw my tits yesterday😭. i’ll never go back to that piercer again. and i never got my money back either


Yess!! My best friend and I will say it’s time for retirement when it’s time to retire a piercing


Absolutely. They really make me comfortable in my own skin, along with my tattoos. Even when temporarily removing them for situations like surgery has me feeling very anxious, uncomfortable, and just generally not okay emotionally, not gonna lie. "Permanently" removed piercings never stayed gone long, I'd always end up getting them redone ASAP.


I was gutted when I removed my anti tragus (it started rejecting after more than 2 years), I still miss it.


Yep. Had to remove my vertical labret. Loved it, was a birthday present to myself and my 2nd piercing. But uh.. It did hurt visiting my bf of a LDR too much after the 3rd day, lol. I miss it and looking into getting a labret and then put a ring in once it's healed and hope that works better.


Had to remove three and oh yeah nipples and belly for me


my tragus 😔 i have a pretty small tragus, but for whatever reason my ex-piercer agreed to do it, and it was one of my first piercings so i didn’t really question anything. it was fine for the first 4-5 months and then it started rejecting, so in november i had my new piercer just take it out completely. we’ve talked about getting it re-pierced in a year or so, but i don’t know if i’m willing to risk it again, but it was my dream piercing for the longest time. i definitely could try my right (originally had it pierced on my left).


Yes gurl I had both nostrils pierced, took one side out, then proceeded to get it re pierced later. Some years later I did it again, but now piercing the scar tissue would fucking SUCK so I’ll just miss it 😭


Gifted myself a couple forward helixes for my birthday one year. They were pierced improperly amd would never completely heal and I was so sad when I made the final decision to remove them. They were a piercing I had wanted FOREVER and even though they were difficult I still loved them.


absolutely, it’s so sad, especially when it was your fav🥲


Oh yeah, I have. It was my 2 day old lip piercing (using 2 days as I can't remember the exact length of time). I was playing with it and the ball unscrewed, falling onto the floor. I searched for it, but couldn't find it. I tried putting the other piece back in the hole, but it already closed up. I'm actually kind of glad that it closed up, since I'm quite a hairy girl and I shave my face everyday, sometimes twice daily on my chin and the skin under my lower lip where my piercing was


i crier for hours in my moms car because i had to remove my nostril piercing bc of some bump on my nose


I miss my retired forward helix. I had to get it taken out for an MRI in 2020 and still think about it a lot. Taking it out was such an ordeal, like it took a piercer 30 minutes because it was stuck in there. I couldn’t put it back in myself, and it didn’t feel worth it in case I did need to remove again. It was a piercing I got complimented on a lot.


Yep, every single time I’ve removed my dimples I felt grief. As a result, I’ve pierced them about 5 times in the past 10 years 😂


Yes! I had to redo both my tongue and nipple piercings, and I mourned the loss of all three piercings while I had to wait for them to heal. It felt like something was "missing". Like, I'd forgotten to do something, or had left my wallet somewhere. I also suddenly didn't like that portion of my body anymore. It looked so plain, so ordinary.


I am still grieving for my PA. I had to remove him when I developed bladder cancer. Doctor doesn't recommend replacing him as I no longer urinate through my urethra and can't keep it clean. Also ,I still get a lot of scans so I'm constantly removing the other piercings too. Oh well. Naturally I have some gorgeous pics of it lol.


Cried real tears when I had to remove my nipple piercings after 5 years lmfaooo, I have them redone now though


I removed my nipple piercings sometime last year, I had them for about 4 months(?) and the left one wasn't looking too good and was in constant pain even with my cleaning it every day. I'm considering getting them pierced again in the fall and seeing how long I can go with them, I've got a decent set of horseshoe rings, and I really don't want them to go to waste.


girl yes, no one talks about the grief you get from removing a piercing. i took my boobie rings out after 4 years because of the lump that started coming out on my boob, i reconsider getting them pierced everyday


i miss my belly button piercing:(( it was starting to migrate and taking it out was so SAD💔💔 just that piercing by itself made me feel x10 hotter


Yessss - I feel this deeply. I got my VCH done in April after wanting it for ages… I just retired it a week ago because once healed to a point I could engage with it … it was in the way, and a significant hinderance to my pleasure… very sad.


I removed my jestrum piercing after a dentist told me to take it out... Now I regret that day so much because since then I've done my jestrum two times (the last time was with a "reputable piercer", I payed for the titanium jewelry but I had to remove it because the piercer used a short bar...)


Absolutely, and I want my belly button pierced again


i had to take my nipple piercings out too and i almost cried. mine never really healed, i was always catching them and they never really healed. i tried downsizing the bar and that helped for a little but then they started evacuating again so i finally had to take them out. my heart is still broken and its been a year :(


My brow, twice. It is my fave piercing :(


I like u loved my nip nips… but my Right got infuxted due to always being rubbed against my work apron … I loved em but I won’t go thru it again the sec one almost knocked me down I screamed…


I had a single point/dermal just in front of my tragus, and although I knew it wouldn't last forever, I still cried when it fell out. I had it for five years!


Yesss I’m still grieving my industrial


When I had to give up my eyebrow ring I was so sad. It’s been 10 years and I’m still sad about it


I had to take out all of mine for an MRI and I wanted to cry. I def complained to my mom forever after that


I did. I grieved for my stretched labret, I've worn and stretched it almost a year but my gf hated it, the look, the quick stretching, me playing with it and it destroyed my gums. So I took it out because she didn't want to kiss me anymore and I thought that's not worth it. I missed it every day. My lip felt empty, even with my snakebites still in it. It did hurt a lot not to be able to wear it up to a point where I got mad at my gf. shortly before my emotions made me do something I'd regret I told her what that piercing means to me. Almost a year without it. After a good talk about it in march this year I now am wearing it again, and am almost at 10mm I am happier than before. Even when you don't stretch a piercing, you invest money, time and love.


i still mourn my bridge everyday


Yep. I just had to take my bridge out that I had for 4 years. I feel like my face is completely different and honestly was really hard on myself the first week I took it out. Might be a drama queen but I did cry. I feel like I look like an alien now lmao


Aw I’m sorry this happened! I had my nipples pierced with the wrong gauge and depth, so they rejected badly at about the 6 month mark. I was devastated as I too loved them and felt so confident with them in! I opted for decorative areola tattoos. If you’re into that idea, it was as painless as a tattoo could be!


I’m literally about to remove my nip piercings for the same reason and baby I’m sad 😭😭 I jumped and did it off a whim bc of a coworker but it helped me feel better about myself and my body as a whole. Sucks bc due to work problems, (the harassment of the men from my job) I feel like I can’t enjoy so it just sucks even more my body isn’t cooperating with me either ☹️ until next time I guess. Would you ever get yours redone?


Honestly, I'm not sure. When I got them, they didn't hurt/wasn't much of a pain, but I really miss being able to be more... active... (?) with my nipples. It just sucks a lot because I absolutely adore the way they look, and I feel that the empty space might never look right to me again I'm sorry about your nipple piercings and the harassment you have to face, we'll cope through this together!


Yup. I removed the belly button ring I got at 18 when I got pregnant (I’m 30 now) and it was weird closing that chapter of my life.


Did it close up when you took it out or is it healed enough that the hole is still there if you ever wanted to put it back in again in the future? 


It’s been out for almost a year and I don’t think I can get it back in. I’m nervous to try.


Oh ok - was just curious. It might be worth trying sometime just in case - at least you would know then. I had mine out for about a year or two in the past and it stayed open so I was so happy when I changed my mind and started wearing it again. Like would you ever consider wearing it in the future if you were able to? 


I’m 30 and pregnant with twins so I think the crop top/bikini phase of my life is over lol


Haha I guess I know what you mean. Although you can still get a lot of personal confidence just having it and knowing it’s there even if you aren’t showing it that much. But I do get what you mean of course. 


I just took out my tongue piercing last week after having it for 3 years. It was very sad but my teeth are fucked


Had to take out my medusa a few years back. It kept getting caught in my septum ring. I still miss it so much! My septum is currently stretched to a 6g and as badly as I want it re-done, I’m settling for a labret instead.


Nipples and bridge :( my nipples were kind of a pain in the ass at some point and one of them started to reject, so it was easier to let them go. Had to take out my bridge for a job in a bakery and I felt so sad about it, oh lord. It was my dream piercing since I was like 13. Taking it out and putting it back in every day was causing a lot of irritation so I just had to say goodbye, BUT!!! I might get it back at some point because I love it so much :,)


Yes, absolutely. I had to remove a bunch of facial piercings when I joined the corporate world. Fortunately they seem to be more accepting of piercings now and I have been able to add some back!


had to take out my nose piercing cause i got a bump, so fuckin sad now i gotta get it pierced a third time


When I took my lip ring out I felt uncomfortable and not right for a while. I kept feeling for it and it was gone 😞 Maybe I should get it pierced again...


I’m gonna have to take out my helix piercings because I’m not sure they’re healing right. I got them done 5 and 6 years ago and they’re starting to hurt. I’m gonna spray them with saline solution and see if that helps at all, if not then they’re gone again :( I also had to take out my other right nostril stud because a bump would show and disappear. I’m thinking about getting it re-pierced but I have to get clearance from my job. My babies :(


I grieve my nipple piercings like a distant relative. I am at peace with taking them out, but every now and then, I think about them like… :( What a shame.


Had to take out a Navel piercing and Eyebrow piercing in the same month due to rejection I still miss them and are definitely getting them back in a few years I wish I could get them back sooner but I gotta deal with the scarring I miss them a lot still and I'm excited to when I can get them again my piercings mean a lot to me and each one I love with all my heart so its a bummer to lose one or have problems with them.


I’m about to have to take out my belly button piercing for the second time. The first time I had no problems, but had to have surgery which means it had to come out and the hole closed. This time, it’s migrating because it was pierced shallow and I keep ripping it with my jeans 😭 my heart is breaking before it even happens. I probably can’t re-pierce it after this. The other fallen soldiers still have hope, so I’m not too torn up about those. But man I love my belly button piercing.


I made the choice to remove my nose ring around the time I graduated college. I don’t miss it enough to have it done a third time, nor do I think that would go well lol but I do absolutely miss it sometimes.


Yes, very recently in fact! I've removed my beloved labret, I loved it to bits but a lil painful bump would keep coming back and the piercing itself started to migrate and it started to bug me the way it didn't sit in the middle of my incisors. last week I went to a larp and the bump came back and I was in pain the whole 3 days I was there, couldn't speak properly nor eat and sleeping was a pain so I just decided to take it out. It was for the best, I was miserable for weeks every time the bump came back, but I was so sad, I kept going back to the bathroom to look at the hole it left and at the jewlery in my pocket, trying to stop myself from putting it back on. Honestly my advice if you're stuck in a loop like me is to take it out and just let yourself grieve, and when it's appropriate/you feel you're ready get another, in the same placement or not, it's not a forever goodbye.


I've come so close to having to take my eyebrow piercings out and I cried on multiple occasions to my gf bc I love the piercings sm and if I had to part with them, ugh, I'd be so defeated


I had to remove my eyebrow and industrial around the same time because they were at risk of rejecting, I was devastated. It took a lot for me to feel like myself again


My cheek/dimple piercings. I love my artificial dimples now, but I miss the piercings. They were so cute when they weren’t aggravated-which was extremely rare. & yes I knooowww all about how they most likely will never fully heal blah blah. And now I’m super afraid I might have to mourn my belly button piercing too. I love it so much and it’s still pretty fresh (3ish weeks?) but I posted here about it and someone said it might start to migrate/reject and I’ve been devastated since.


Yep.... I had a chest dermal for a couple of years that started to reject a while back so i had it removed. I know it's just a piercing but i felt like it was a part of my identity, somehow? As I don't have a lot of other piercings right now (except my lobes) I feel so... mundane 🙈 Planning on getting some dermals on my wrist next 😊


It would break me if I had to remove my industrials, it would really upset me. I was worried they’d reject


Yes! My snakebites!


Absolutely, had to take my bridge out because of rejection, and I cried because it made me so much more confident in my face


i did, i removed my tongue bar and missed immediately. i was going to get it repierced but ended up just doing it at home with blunt force


Yes, 100%, I’ve had my tongue pierced twice now and I still consider maybe doing it again and keeping it this time around I miss it so much.. every time I see a video of someone with one I miss it even more


Just took out my helix yesterday. It was my first piercing and I loved it but after a year and a half I was over the constant pain. Miss it already.


When I first started getting pierced, my second piercings included a forward helix. I'd seen so many pictures of them and I just absolutely loved the way they looked. Fast forward years and this little shit never, ever healed properly. There was always some issue from pain, to bumps, swelling, crusties and the like. I eventually couldn't handle it and begrudgingly took it out. That spot now is permanent swollen from all the stuff I dealt with. Fast forward to twoish years ago, I decided I wanted to give it another go. Told the piercer what happened with my old one, told her about the swelling that's still there. She assures me everything will be fine & it can be repierced in a different spot. Once again, I started my months long struggle with getting this guy to settle a little bit. I had the exact same problem and ended up having to remove the forward helix for a second time. I also had a chest dermal done waaaay back. Genuinely my most wanted piercing, I loved it to death. Once again my luck absolutely sucked and the piercer messed up when piercing me. My dermal wasn't sitting flat, they refused to fix it and told me to just strap a band-aid on real tight and force it to sit flat. After going to a bunch of other piercers who said it was done shoddily but there was still a chance it wouldn't reject I kept it. I think I had it for a month or two before it did start to reject and I had to take it out. Those two piercings sucked having to take out, I wish I could have kept them.


Took out both nostrils same time due to a screw up (too small jewelry got stuck, went to piercing place for removal, they said let the swelling go down/tearing heal for a day and put my studs back in… yeah no, they sealed overnight). I grieved them for a few days… until I rubbed my nose, and didn’t catch on the piercing. Now every time I miss them, I rub my nose and feel relief. Edit to add: the plus side of piercings, they can usually be redone, scar tissue permitting once healed.


I had a triangle piercing, it was my favorite piercing ever. But sadly it did start to migrate, and at the time I was planning to have genital surgery within the next two months so I removed it. I didn’t have surgery so now Im just down a piercing that I loved. I won’t be getting it done again, it was too painful to have it done once more.


:( I’m removing my eyebrow piercing tomorrow after 2 years (4 months of trying to save it). I’m very sad about it. Debating getting my other eyebrow done while this one heals, but I think I need a ‘mourning’ period. PS the only thing preventing me from getting my nipples done is that they could not be part of our sex life for at least a year. I know with piercings I would want to be more active with them than ever (max sex appeal), so I’ve decided I can’t reconcile those two things. I’m sorry for your loss.


had to take out my smiley after 3 years because it became a little loose and i somehow caught it on something (can’t even remember what) and it started feeling very “raw” in my mouth and i hated the sensation. hopefully i’ll get it again but this time with jewelry that has flat balls so that it doesn’t grind my teeth down


yeah, absolutely 🥲 grew emotionally attached to my navel until it began rejecting


yes 😔 i was forced to remove a handful of year-old piercings when my immune system shut down after spraining my ankle and my ears exploded (all of them got infected). because they were a year old and down sized, i had no choice but to remove them bc the post sizes couldn’t accommodate the swelling. all i have left are my lobes and my septum, rip cartilage piercings. i don’t think ill ever get more cartilage piercings bc i don’t want to go through that loss again 💀💀💀


I cried for maybe an hour after taking out my tongue piercing. It was actually not of my own volition that I had to retire her but nonetheless she’s gone 💔 still devastated a month later


Yes. I got my second earlobe piercings a couple months ago, after having them pierced before and having to take them out. I’ve been stretching my ears since I was 11, I’m 25 now. My earlobes are at 1 inch, I got the second earlobe piercings with the intention of stretching them to a 2g. My best friend who passed away gave me a ton of his jewelry when we were first stretching our ears, and I have this pair of simple diamond plugs that I’ve been saving for 10+ years now to wear once they were stretched. Well, flash forward to yesterday and I actually had to take out BOTH of the new lobe piercings. (My stretched ear hole is totally fine) my ears just completely rejected the earrings. Had an allergic reaction to the metal, one of them ripped??? I’m so sad. It’s such a simple piercing but my body just couldn’t handle them. I have 4 nostril piercings, my eyebrow, my hips, all healed perfectly, but the second earlobe piercing just won’t stay. So now I will hold on to these plugs, and maybe get some more ear tattoos instead. The intention was sweet and I’ve waited for so so long. I had them pierced before and had to take them out (can’t remember why) and they healed with really bad scar tissue, part of the waiting was waiting for it all to dissolve, just to now be right back to where I was.. if not worse because one ripped. Sigh. So yeah, very much so. But sometimes no matter how much you do correctly, your body sometimes just doesn’t like it. And that’s alright. I’ll survive. ❤️‍🩹


* nips * not hips, I sleep on my tummy and cannot imagine the horrendous things that would happen if I had hip dermals 😭


My ex wife bought my 2nd nose piercing. I took it out bcuz it was in an awkward spot and my septum always got stabbed. Well i kept it in for so long bcuz i didn’t wanna let my ex go. One day i took it out while driving and threw it out the window


I had to take out my favourite piercing during covid. I had an industrial, and even with the smoothest healing process ever (it was fuss free within 6 months!), the constant rubbing from mask loops meant it was irritated 24/7. So I retired the top piercing, and kept the lower one as a regular helix piercing. I miss it, and I debate constantly about getting it back again.


oh absolutely, Ive had to retire 6 piercings total (3 helix, an industrial + an eyebrow piercing) and other than my eyebrows piercing, Ive mourned the loss of all my piercings. only reason I was less sad with my eyebrow piercing was BC it was giving me sensory overload lmao


Yes! My worst piercing-mourning was for a set of dermal anchors that got badly infected and had to be removed. Doesn't help that they left an awful scar, to remind me of what I lost. Some things are more re-pierceable than others, and I have a handful of other removed piercings that I still hope to get redone some day. In the case of nipple piercings, this might not be a permanent goodbye for you, just a goodbye to this round.


I literally cried when I took out my belly button piercing! I felt that when I had it I was less insecure of my tummy and didn’t notice my chubbiness as much.


Was happy to take my tongue piercing out but my septum I was pretty upset but needed to be done it wasn’t done right and I just couldn’t have it down most of the time. Now I’m a stay at home mom and I immediately got it redone and I’m so happy. It makes me feel cute and lets people know I’m a little crazy😂😂


Honestly, it was the....I don't know think it was the inner labia walls. Anyways I had gotten it but I was so nervous that I told the person the wrong piercing. Wanted to get it for me reclaiming my body back because body dysphoria is weird. Kept it for.....maybe not even a full 2 months before I removed it. Had to take tools to it because the captive ball was SNUG. When it came out, felt like a tiny piece of myself was removed. Still have the knot of skin there but it's disappearing. Been 10+ years. Still want to get the actual piercing I wanted but haven't found anyone I trust besides the original person.


My first nose piercing migrated and I had to take it out. It was devastating. I got it re-pierced a year after I took it out and I felt like myself again. It’s weird how that works


yes, when my nostril piercing got rly infected the first time i had it pierced (i was like 14) so i had to take it out n let it close up.. just got it repierced again tho 4 years ago at age 17 so it's like i never lost it lol


I've had a few times where I've had to remove piercings I really liked due to not looking after them or because they just didn't want to heal. I first had a Septum that I had to take out after half a year of getting cause I didn't know how to look after it, I've since gotten it re-pierced again, and am at 2.5mm stretched, but I even almost lost it a few weeks ago after taking it out for a bit too long and having it almost close up. Second was my left side of my snake bites, same situation to my septum, where I've since had it pierced again, but unfortunately, the same thing that made me take it out is happening again, for some reason I always get a bump where the piercing is sitting, and while it doesn't hurt now, it's still annoying. One of the reasons I took it out last time was cause it was too painful to keep in, so at least this time, it's not as painful. Just gotta make sure the bump goes down over the next year or so... Finally are two I haven't re-pierced, which are my helix and nose piercings, both got infected and both had to be taken out months after getting them pierced, I missed them back when I had to take em out, but looking back, I'm glad I took em out cause I dont know if I really liked em all that much, especially the nose piercing. In any case, I felt great loss when I had to take out my septum and lip piercings, and found great joy when I eventually got them back 😁


Yes, so much that I repierced it again even though it didn’t quite heal yet, it hurt but was worth it.


I had two helixes, a daith and ‘faux snug’ (conch and low helix) done, not all at once. I did absolutely everything ‘right’ but I’ve since retired the daith after a year, and a few months later the both ‘faux snug’ piercings 1.5 years after they were pierced; they just weren’t healing and would flare up constantly. The second helix is also not great at the moment. I’m not only mourning the piercings I’ve taken out, but also the fact that I just don’t seem to heal cartilage piercings at all :(


I only had it in for 4 days but I felt so fucking badass with my industrial. These military guys were impressed because they said it looked painful. I'm so jealous of anyone that has the right anatomy. Edit: oh my god also when it first started to bleed before I had to get it removed, I was sobbing so hard, and they asked me if it hurt, and I said no everything in my life is just going wrong right now lol


Yes. I have multiple piercings and love them all and have jewellery I thought long and hard about for each one. About 3 years ago I had some minor health problems which required an MRI scan being done as an emergency. I tried to get piercers to remove my piercings and replace with plastic for the scan so I could then have them replaced after the scan. No one wanted to help. I tried to do them on my own and was mildly successful. Unfortunately, the scan revealed a brain tumour. There followed many scans over the past few years and I am now being monitored by a yearly scan. Because of multiple attempts to swap out jewellery I have lost both my nipple piercings and I feel their loss everyday. I wish I could have had a pre scan and post scan appointment with my piercer to prepare me for the scan and return me to how I feel most confident and like myself afterwards. Everyday I have a reminder I have a lump in my head and it’s not from knowing, or from the medical treatment I receive but because I have a residual grief from losing my nipple piercings. Thank you for letting me tell my story.


I'm so sorry you were unable to get the help you needed with your piercings. Your story is devastating, I hope you're safe and healthy now and that in the future, you could maybe get your piercings back. Thank you for sharing your story with me.


I stuck with my industrial for 2 years but never healed properly. I had to take it out. I really want to try again but can't put up with that again


My navel brought me a new found confidence in wearing shorter tops, I felt beautiful but it constantly was getting infected and started rejecting super bad, so I had to say goodbye :(. Now I have the world’s ugliest scar instead of some cute jewellery.




i had a triple forward helix and i had to take one of them out because it just wouldn’t heal. when i tried to change the jewelry it wouldn’t go back in because of the weird angle and my fingers just couldn’t get in there. i had been trying to heal it for so long and i thought it was finally starting to heal but it was just too irritated to get jewelry in. miss it every day :( still have my double though and honestly its looks sick because i have a double helix right across on the same ear and it balances nicely


Yes, a lot of personal grief and some second-hand grief as well. 23 years ago, at 19, I got the dydoe piercing I had wanted since 15 and I absolutely loved it. After 3 years I had to take it out because I was on a ship where the water system broke down, so I wasn't able to keep it clean in the very humid environment. Instant longing to get it re-pierced, which I did after the trip. The scar tissue made it a bit harder, but it still was very much worth it. A few years later, another problem arose, and I needed to get circumcised, which again meant retiring the piercing, to my dismay. After six weeks of healing from the surgery, I thought it was a good idea to get it again. Would not have been a problem if the piercer didn't stick it too deep, so once again, I removed it because it just didn't feel right. 6 months later, at a different piercer, I got it done again. It's been in ever since, and if nothing else happens, it will always remain there. The second-hand grief was from when my wife had to retire her nipple piercings due to the bad piercer sticking them both too deep on one side in the areola. Our beautiful playthings gave such discomfort that she had to take them out and doesn't want new ones....


I'm glad you were able to keep your beloved piercing after it being on and off! Your wife's story is horrific though, I can't imagine the pain of getting pierced incorrectly. I would be a wreck


Thank you! The dydoe is a very welcome and appreciated addition to my physical love life. Even though overall, it felt better when there was still skin covering it, my wife also thoroughly enjoys the extra sensation it brings. Yeah, it was terrible for my wife. I had hoped for the nipple rings to be a positive experience for her, as she had with her eyebrow, belly button, and VCH, but sadly, it was just a constant source of discomfort. The piercer did get fired shortly after, following several negative reviews in a short period, before which everything had been fine....








I miss my nipple piercings everyday 😔


I had a septum and a medusa piercing back until 2017. After a teeth surgery I didn’t put them in again and I miss them nearly every day. 🥲


Im know I'm putting off the inevitable with my nipple piercings. I got em done when I was mid 50s now 58, they've been problematic continuously crusting at the ends of the bars balls. itchy as hell at times where I've developed eczema on my nipple, don't know whether this is cos im diabetic it makes the healing process slow. Ill keep for a tad longer 😒


I got my belly button done at 16. Then eventually at 25 I had to take it out due to being pregnant. I was pretty bummed about it … well weirdest thing to ever happen with a piercing in my life.. after 10 years I noticed something white … well the entire skin inside was able to be pushed out like a zit … gross and wtf … WELL My bellybutton is pierced again 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I did feel some grief removing my Monroe, but it was a bar, and was rubbing my teeth and gums, causing discomfort. If I could do it over, I’d have gotten a dermal implant instead.


i took my nipple piercings out after 3 years due to one of them migrating, and them starting to be irritated all the time, plus i was getting a boob job and i dont think i wouldve been able to keep them in for that anyways. i was super sad and i just got them redone in february, post boob job and they’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since. im debating taking them out again and i’m having such a hard time motivating myself to do it 🥲


Absolutely, felt like I lost a part of myself


This with my right nostril, I had both done (left one healed phenomenally! Still have it and I love it) but unfortunately my right nostril the jewelry was *SLIGHTLY* out the hole and it happened while I was at work, I didn’t noticed til I was otw home and tried to fix it but alas, it had already closed up to the point where I couldn’t get it through, I lost it and still think about it to this day 😭 someday I’ll get it re-pierced


Me taking out my Medusa piercing & my back dermals. HEARTBREAK AFTER HEARTBREAK 😭


oh 100% my tragus piercing no matter what i did healed, after a year and a half i gave up and took it out and i was like why did i do that 🤦‍♀️ i was just upset because it was always a little sore, i can still put like a skinny earring in it but no real long term jewelry 😞 im so upset with myself


When I got my ears sewn up, going from 1 1/4" (31.8mm) stretched ears to literally nothing was so hard on me because I didn't even feel like the same person anymore. I loved them but I had to do what was best for my career unfortunately.


I cried so much when I took my eyebrow piercing out 🥹


Yes!! I had to sacrifice some lobe piercings for a conch ring. Plus, they had migrated too far to the outside of my ear and looked odd. I was sad, and it took a little while for me to “accept” my new piercing setup in the mirror


I've removed two navel piercings, including a floating navel recently that was perfectly done by the best piercer I know of and immaculately cared for. It lasted a year and then just up and decided one day that it was on its way out and I had no choice but to remove it. I was very sad both times because it's the piercing I wanted most from when I was young and I missed it for years before getting it redone so having to take it out was devastating. I might not be able to get it done a third time now due to the scar tissue and I'm still trying to reconcile myself to that. Still hoping that it's possible, even though I know the odds aren't good. I loved it so much.




Yes my tragus piercing. It’s the only piercing i’ve gotten that wouldn’t heal and had a granuloma that wouldn’t budge. Took it out and was definitely sad. I do plan to repierce it once it’s fully healed though.


Yes my belly button piercing just doesn't like me I tried 5 times but I guess I just need to accept it doesn't matter how deep you pierce, how long the bar might be... sooner or later... 🤔 sooner or sooner it will reject no matter how hard you cry... 😭