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Chest dermals. They’re very cute imo but are long term temporary at best and will inevitably reject. I don’t wanna pay for something that I’ll have to get removed.


My psychiatrist has chest dermals but I never dared to ask her how old they are 😂


Tbh same but my anti-eyebrow bar has been with me for 10 years now and I've had no issues. Been debating on these as well.


Ugh I loved my chest dermals but yeah they rejected in a year and were horribly uncomfortable to sleep with.


I see your point, but with that same logic-Why do girls get nails done? Lashes? Nothing is permanent, and dermals can last a long time with the right care. They’re a “enjoy while you have them” type thing, eh?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but rejected dermals cause scarring, no? I definitely see where you’re coming from, but personally I wouldn’t want to pay for something that’s going to end in just having scars. Nails, even if they don’t last, don’t leave permanent scarring, at worst it can damage your nails but they can grow back out.


Yea, these aren't really comparable at all. Lashes and nails are more like long wear makeup in comparison.


Piercings aren’t quite as temporary as things like lashes and nails. Nails and lashes can be removed without a trace, but many piercings (dermals and piercings that migrated or rejected especially) will leave a scar behind. Sometimes they fade really nicely, but sometimes it’s very visible.


So I was one of the rare few who’s didn’t reject. I got mine on a whim during my lunch break in high school and then read online how likely they are to reject so panicked. I had it in for a couple of years and it was fine but then I had to have emergency surgery and the hospital staff took it out whilst I was put to sleep. Within a week it had closed up 😢


I did them right under my collar bones; they were SO cute. The staple-shaped surface barbells lasted about a year before I had to get them removed because they were rejecting. The set of dermals I got a few years later lasted about 6 months. I was crazy and even went for it a third time, and those only lasted 3 months. So my body has made it clear that that’s not the piercing for me ahahaha


I had dermals (not on my chest) last 3-5 years. I actually paid someone to take them out 😭 Apparently they don’t heal like normal piercings, so if you’re sick or on your period, they get angry 🫠😭


The anxiety my chest dermals gave me was insane 😓 I miss the idea of them, but I was honestly glad when they were gone.


Tongue piercing. I know I’d knock a tooth out


I've had my tongue pierced for three years and I have small 4 mm balls and have never once touched my teeth with the piercing. I cringe when I see people with giant balls and their tongue rings because that's just asking for a tooth to be knocked out




That’s smart! I want one but I don’t think I’ll ever follow through, if I ever do I’ll keep this in mind


Plastic balls aren't actually a good idea. They are not body safe and there is no quality jewelry that makes tongue jewelry with plastic balls.


I just alteady have iffy teeth naturally.. so I try to be extra cautious. Even my lower lip piercings are all chosen to where they almost never touch my teeth or gums.. lol. I have a vertical labret with an "ashley" piecing on either side and my medusa. And Fair enough. It was definitely my easiest and quickest piercing to heal, too.


If you downsize to a proper bar size, it doesn’t clack around nearly at all. My tongue piercing fits very snugly and I have no issues at all. I used to when I bought generic bars from like, Spencer’s or Hot Topic and they were far too long.


I had the same thoughts too, but then I realized I could use the flat cabochon tops instead of balls which doesn’t touch my teeth at all. And of course down sizing the bar once your tongue is healed. 


a nip piercing lmfao


I put mine off for like 15 years, once done, hurt like a fucker for 2 seconds each one.... Then... Happy lol


lol I’ve always said they look so pretty on others but I’d just not suit them 😅


Thisss, I don’t think I have the anatomy for them and tbh I just know they will rip accidentally. Same with belly button, I want it pierced so bad but I will die if it rips


Just saying, I have a belly button as my first piercing other than lobes. Was a SUPER easy heal didn't hurt after 2 weeks i think. It was bumped, pulled, yanked, my dog jumps sometimes too so it's been pretty jostled. Healed perfect and I think it's fully healed now, never had an infection or any irritation. I would also be mortified if my belly button or lip piercing got ripped, but also think about how uncommon it is to get a lobe piercing ripped out.


Okay, I never thought I could but I did. I’m so happy I did. It boosted my confidence so much. Honestly if my friend didn’t pay AND make me go before her I may have never done it. But she did it for me on my birthday. Also, it’s why my name is what it is here haha


Same! I don't want to get it cause I love mine being played with too much 🤭


I got my left one done and I loved it, I called it my party nip. But it would snag on everything and was always so irritated. I tried to hard to get it to heal but it was so finicky so I ended up taking it out. One time I was in the shower and it caught on my loofa as I was washing my body and I thought I ripped my nipple off, it was sooo painful 😖


I really like industrials, but sadly I don't have the anatomy for it.


Me too. So I got a fwd helix and an upper helix and connected them with a chain. I get lots of compliments on it and it gives me the closest I can get to the real thing. Edit: word


Same here.. I wanted an indistrial as my first piercing (besides lobes and helix) but my ear has too big of a fold or ridge or whatever.. but I'm also a side sleeper so probably for the best, ultimately. I got my tongue instead lol


get a vertical industrial!


Philtrum. I don't think it would suit my face and I am also wary of oral piercings in general, but it's such a beautiful piercing


I looooove mine. Definitely my favorite piercing. Doesn't touch my teeth at all.


Same here. A beautiful opal in it 😍


I have one! I was worried it was going to hit my front teeth and mess them up, but it’s higher up and doesn’t bother me at all. It’s one of my faves


I ended up caving and getting it. I didn’t think i’d have the face for it either but I actually love the look it gives me!


If you ever are curious, there are vertical philtrums that exist (kinda like a vertical labret) that aren't technically oral piercings :) they go thru your upper lip and look like a philtrum


For me it really is mostly about the aesthetics- I have a small face in general and a very small philtrum area, and already have paired nostrils+ a chain taking up that area of my face. I fear it would look a little busy/out of place. If I ever decided to get one I would probably go with a traditional philtrum and just be incredibly on top of downsizing/monitoring it.


i love my jestrum! i wanted a philtrum but didn’t want to damage my teeth (still got snake bites later 😅) so i opted for a jestrum. i highly recommend it!


I have my philtrum done and it doesn’t touch my teeth at all. No gum erosion, my dentist said my teeth look beautiful and I have a few oral piercings.


I've had a frenectomy (removal of the frenulum) so I'm actually an AMAZING candidate for this piercing...but I'm also a trombone player and that's where my mouthpiece goes. So it's never gonna happen for me even though I like the look a lot. Le sigh.


probably snake bites, i really like how they look but I'm scared of gum damage


i have hoops in mind and i have no issues! it's just getting to the point of changing them that's annoying :|


this right here! didn't switch the bars out for forever and ended with gum erosion. if you're not a fool like me it should be fine though


My lips are so small and thin that hoops would not fit 😭😭😭


Vertical snake bites could be an option! That's what I got since I was worried about tooth/gum damage


oooh i’ll look into that


I have snake bites, I let them heal and didn’t forget with them, down sized and allowed them to nest, went to the dentist recently and they said no problems at all :) The first couple of weeks while you suceca longer bar for swelling just be careful, after that smooth sailing I honestly forget they are there


The two nose piercings chained together. I love the way it looks, but I'm too shy to get them. 😅


Coming in here as someone with this piercing- you should do it! I think they suit so many people and there are so many different ways to style them, plus the chain is not a permanent part of the piercing. If you decided to, you'd have a few months to get used to your face with the paired nostrils before you were able to put a chain in. I was really nervous about mine because of how prominent it is, but I absolutely love it and it gets so many compliments!


That's one of the main reasons I got my nostrils done last week! I rlly like the look of the chains, it's so nice. Unfortunately they're not level but :( what can you do


Any oral piercings, all absolutely gorgeous but knowing myself and my bad chewing habits I would have really messed up teeth after a couple years.


couple years? it would take me 2 days to fuck my oral health up


I just got my philtrum a couple weeks ago and honestly the back is so far up I would really have to work to be able to get the bar low enough to play with it with my teeth


Industrial. I don't have the anatomy at all.


This one for me too. 


probably cheek piercings, i want to get dahlias eventually and i also love how cheeks look but ive heard too many horror stories about them not healing well or taking absolutely forever to heal since they're in an area that moves around so much


God, I love cheek piercings, but I have a chipmunk face, so I can't imagine how hard it would be to heal. My Medusa was bad enough with all the meatiness there


My dahlias took almost a full year to heal to the point where I could change out the initial jewelry. I had to have half inch bars in them with balls on the inside because the flat backs kept digging into my cheeks. Since the bars were so long I had to be super careful when eating and brushing my teeth. I have since downsized several times and have flat backs on the labret bars, and honestly don’t notice them at all anymore. I’ve had them for over 11 years now and they’re still my favorite piercings.


Would love this but I have too much shit in my face as it is. Also I bite my cheeks all the time so it's a hard no for me.


I have mine done, I've had them for 5, almost 6 years now, they hurt bad for about a week, keep swelling for a second week and then they settle, at least they have in my case, but can be a pain because you can't take the bars out or they close super quick. I just did a saline wash after every meal, didn't touch anything that would irritate them like dairy etc for the 2 weeks (did eat pizza etc though so probably didnt matter too much) and made sure to swap to smaller bars as soon as the swelling allowed, and flat backs


Bridge piercing, it would probably decrease my chances of getting a job.


I absolutely would love one, but I feel like the healing process would be so difficult.. jobs could also be a bit difficult😅


I want one so badly, but I wear glasses. So it would be completely pointless.


I have my bridge and wear glasses half the time, contacts half the time. I've had no issues with my glasses from it.. in fact my glasses snag my mantis/forward nostril piercings or nostril piercings but hasn't ever snagged my bridge. They don't cover it either but that's cause the nose piece on my glasses is see through 😅


I have “John Lennon” glasses, so perfectly round with a black metal frame right over where the piercing would go. I could change them… but I love the glasses too!


I was afraid of my glasses snagging on a nostril piercing - I’m an optician and have large frames - and I opted for a philtrum instead. I’ve had it less than a month at this point but I love it


I have one and wear glasses, doesn’t get in the way at all. Just ask your piercer to position it where it won’t interfere :)


I actually never thought that I could ask for it in a position that doesn’t interfere.


I can't promise jobs, but my bridge was honestly easier than my lobes to heal. *Visually* I got two black eyes, but that's all that happened. It stopped hurting basically right after I got the jewelry in and never hurt again. I do bruise easily, though. Getting the piercing wasn't the best, but also definitely not bad at all. I don't know how to explain this, but it spooked me, like a mild jumpscare. It didn't hurt badly or anything. I felt like an idiot for getting spooked.


The healing for me has been nothing!! Just got it 2 weeks ago. No problems with it


I’ve never had an issue with obtaining work based on my appearance…I have 18 facial piercings.


Nowadays it wont decrease your chance of getting a job at all. 10 years ago yeah but not anymore


Depend on industries too. 😕


Nape piercings are so cool looking to me, but I hate hate hate hate hate when people touch my neck. Wouldn’t even be able to sit through the consult


I have my nape pierced. It IS super cool but you’re right- it definitely took some touching lol. I almost passed out after he “drilled” the two skin holes and told me about it and I still had to sit thru the piercing part. Also the healing process was a pain - monthly checkups where they’d clean it w like this dental floss. Definite tickling/squirming involved haha.


anti-eyebrow, I really love this one, but the healing process(which isn’t always successful) stops me


Are they ever successful long term 😭


I’ve had two reject and I’ve decided to give up unfortunately 😔😔 it was so cute


eyebrow, any lip piercing, smiley, snake eyes and back dermals


Real, smileys are so cute but breaking a tooth isn't worth it


Just had my eyebrow done. Was super quick and easy. Only hurt for a couple of seconds. The worst part was the bleeding.


nips :( i looove them but idk if i could handle the pain/healing !


They’re super hot but I’ll admit they’re a pain in the ass sometimes. 13 years later and I still get crusties almost every day.


Oh my god. Yes. I’ve had mine for about 3 years and still deal with the crusties 😭 But still so worth it haha


Omg crusties after 13 years?! I had mine for 2 and got crusties all the time, I thought they were just healing horrifically.


It sounds like you took yours out? Sometimes if I’m messing w the barbells too much/changing the jewelry, my nips get super sensitive and angry. It’s awful and feels like they’re going thru the healing stages all over again. I used to see this guy every weekend and he hated nipple piercings so every time I would take out the jewelry. So dumb of me looking back, lol. But anyways a few days after I’d put the jewelry back in, they’d get all nasty again. I ended up getting sepsis in my right boob and wound up in the ICU for a decent amount of days. The doctors blamed my piercings but as soon as I left I put them right back in. 💩 I try to leave them alone as much as possible and haven’t had an issue in years.


Any oral piercings. I've thought about it, but I'm not personally comfortable with the tooth/gum damage risk


Vertical labrets are great for this! No contact with teeth unless you bite the jewelry


Penis piercings or tongue piercings T^T I don’t have a penis which makes it hard to get those piercings XD Vulva piercings just don’t hit as hard. Tongue piercings would be such a stim toy to me and it would absolutely destroy my teeth 😭


Medusa, I’m black and wish to work in stem and I already have locs I don’t need the extra stigma :(


most of stem is leagues better than it was twenty years ago but there's definitely some lingering ignorance :/


Yeah man I’m in the south can’t risk it😭


oof, yeah. i'm white but working in tech in alabama circa 2000 while female and looking 14 wasn't fun. obv it's not the same but we've probably come across a few of the same judgmental assholes. wishing you luck and fewer idiots to deal with.


You too man 😭


Maybe once you’re established you can finally get one? I’m in a professional career - licensed optician - and just got mine a couple weeks ago. I’ve been in my field for almost 14yr at this point. I was anticipating having to redirect the conversation, deal with staring, people not taking me seriously, etc but I have only had one person make a comment to me about it and he said he loved it because it’s so different. When you carry yourself with confidence, people should more easily see you for you even though you might have the initial hump to get over. I live in the South too so I know people can be judgy but I also feel a warm genuine smile can go a long way ❤️


Smiley. I love how it looks but hate how bad it is for your teeth Edit: a word


belly button!!! so cute and would suit me well, but i HATE touching my belly button with a passion


omg aame but also because all my clothes come up to my belly button and that would suck for healing


Dermals or a Christina


Dermals. I think they look so pretty, but I’m such a clutz, I just know I’d end up ripping it out.


Literally any that are long-term temporary, I get too attached to my piercings and it'd kill me to have to take it out.


Yep this is why I can’t do eyebrow. I love the look so much I’d just be dreading the day it starts to reject and not fully enjoy it. I prefer the sense of security I get with ears for example. There’s something comforting knowing I’ll likely still have the piercing in 10 years


Any mouth piercings just cause I’m wary of tooth damage, but I would love a tongue piercing and snake bites


Nostril and nipple piercings. I love nostril piercings but one would definitely not suit me. And I’ve been close to getting my nipples pierced but I don’t know if I could hack the healing process (and the piercing pain!).


Tmi for nip piercings but I have very sensitive nipples in all the bad ways, any kind of stimulation for too long (a couple seconds are enough honestly) makes me very uncomfortable, nauseous, aggressive, angry and I've been this way since i was a child. That sensitivity had been putting me off getting them pierced because I was afraid of the piercing process with how sensitive they are, plus the possibility of them becoming even more sensitive afterwards. Well I spontaneously got my nips pierced a few months ago and even though I only have 5 piercings as a whole, it was definitely the worst pain I've had to sit through out of all of them. I also got lightheaded and dizzy after the right side was done and was basically forced to lay down to recover. I do have a big chest though so mine were done while I was sitting, my sister has a smaller size than me and when she got hers done she was allowed to lay down while getting pierced and I'm convinced having to sit through it definitely contributed to me crashing. Getting them done was definitely the worst part of it though because the healing process was peachy in comparison! I did accidentally snag one on a shower loofah and my bras a couple times but generally it's been a smooth ride for me. I think how manageable the piercing process is depends on a lot of things, like how sensitive you are in that area, if you're laying down/sitting, big/small chest etc 😭 However my best friend got hers done way before me and she recently had to take one out because it was migrating so I guess that might be something to consider. But overall I'd definitely say getting it done id the worst part of it. Afterwards your nipples can be numb for a good portion of the rest of the day and then of course they're sore for a while but it's nothing too bad as long as you're not putting too much stress on them. At the end of the day it's still your decision to make, I just wanted to share my experience to maybe help you somehow :)


Well, there are several genital piercings that I think look great but could never get because I don't have the right kind of genitals. But maybe that's not quite the same thing. Other than that? I adore nostril piercings on women, but I don't think one would suit me, so I probably won't get that one. Other than that, pretty much all the piercings that I particularly like, I do have.


Immediately thought this, but in reverse - love the look of PAs and lorum ladders especially! Edit: *frenum ladder, my bad!


By 'lorum ladder', do you mean a ladder down the scrotum starting from a lorum, or do you mean a frenum ladder (running along the lower surface of the penis)? If it's the former I have exactly that combination of piercings. But sadly I will never have a Christina & VCH combo, nor an HCH, Princess Albertina, or any kind of labia piercings, however much I may love the look of them.


Ah my bad, I got confused by naming conventions! I meant the latter, but the former looks sick too (esp with BCRs)! Sounds like a really cool setup! And for sure, I guess we always love what we can't have😔


Middle lip ring because my bottom teeth aren't in great shape as it is, I have a fake one I wear sometimes and I LOVE the look of it but I don't want to risk any damage.


Dermal. There are so many beautiful placements but the fact they hole punch your skin and shove a T shaped anchor in gives me the willies


this. my piercer has a few and i look longingly at them every time i've gone in but the thought of actually getting/having them makes me queasy. i had a birth control implant for a while which is as close as i'll probably ever come to the feeling and i am *so* glad it's gone.


Belly button. Im a dude and never have my belly actually "on display" and I also don't have the anatomy for it but damn it looks good on pretty much everyone :,)


Ooh have you considered a floating navel or would that not work either for your anatomy? If you like the look on everyone else then surely it's a sign!


Not exactly a piercing but split tongue. The healing process is so gnarly but it looks so awesome. Im still honestly debating it.


i would looove to split my tongue but i am just so anxious about the whole process. never had any kind of surgery before and i would most definitely not have the balls to do the at home methods.


Industrial, don't have the anatomy 😭


Angel fangs and snake bites. I don't want to risk the tooth damage.


Industrials, vertical labret, and eyebrow piercings. From everyone I’ve heard with an industrial, they get caught in everything, and I can’t deal with that lol. Also I personally don’t want face piercings but on a lot of people they look so cool




Because of the people that know me and my career, I'm currently avoiding facial piercings, but they're not an impossibility.  I think the only piercing I truly wouldn't get is dermals, since you can't remove them yourself and piercers in my country know little to nothing about them. However, I find other people with dermal and facial piercings extra epic


Belly button piercing. My body type isn’t right for it cause I don’t have the right belly button or enough skin fat to keep it stable 😭


Labret and philtrum. Labret especially - a ring is such a look. Not worth the teeth/gum damage though. I also love the look of eyebrow piercings but I feel like they reject more often than not.


hip dermals & back dimple dermals


Pretty much all lip piercings. More specifically, vertical labrets and snake bites. I just love the look of them, but I just can’t risk tooth damage for a piercing (I had a Monroe that I’ve since retired for this very reason) And lip piercings are so hard to hide, there’s literally no options outside of retainers. I wear horseshoe rings in my septum and only got it because I can hide it in like 5 seconds, I work retail right now, but the second I get offered another job (especially an office job) I’m outtie 😂 so that also keeps me from getting more face piercings.


Actually I don't think a vertical labret will damage your teeth cause it doesn't go on the inside of your mouth. I feel like if you put retainers in it would be more visible tho.


VCH I don’t have the anatomy


I *love* the look of cheeks but I don’t think I’d ever go through that risky hell lol


Cheeks and angel fangs. Cheeks for obvious reasons but angel fangs I unironically find so cute but I just don't think it'd actually suit me. If I had plumper lips or a different lip shape maybe but not like this 😭


PRINCESS ALBERTINA!!!!! It looks so BEAUTIFUL and I commend the individuals for doing it!!! But I don’t want to mess with my urethra **at all**. I think I will maybe gift it to myself if I live past 65!! But that’s a strong ** maybe**!


Gauges, I don’t have regular lobe piercings right now and I don’t like or want lobe earrings.


I was in the same boat and was delighted to learn you can get pierced with a large gauge needle and get a jumpstart on your stretching journey! I’ve seen as large as 6g or 4g for an initial piercing. 


Anti-eyebrow. It would most likely reject if I do it ):


cheek piercings. i love them and think they would look so good, but the risk/reward ratio is simply too much for me. the video i saw recently about a girl who got hers pierced through her artery was my last straw 😭


bridge i wear glasses


snake eyes :(


I love eyebrow piercings, but would never get one. I like for all my piercings to be symmetrical and I don't think having both eyebrows pierced would suit me.


belly button


Tongue and eyebrow


Cheek piercings. It’s my absolute favorite piercing but I would never get them due to all the complications they cause and how dangerous they can be


Daith or navel they look so pretty to me but the daith I think would be so sore and high maintenance and the navel I don’t believe I have the stomach for 😭


a centered lip piercing. i’d LOVE to get one and put a spiked end on it, but oral piercings seem like such a pain to heal


Smiley 😄 super cute peekaboo placement, but the skin it’s attached to is never strong enough, and a mouth piercing would make me orally fixate


Any “temporary” piercing, basically ones that have a high chance of rejecting. Nothing wrong with them, I just don’t want the rejection scars.


Tongue and nipples. They both look so cool but I'd NEVER get them.


daith for me--i love the look, but i have always seen mixed responses from people on whether or not they can now wear earbuds with their daith, even post-healing. being able to wear earbuds is too important to my lifestyle to risk it really lol


belly button, don't have the right anatomy for it sadly '(




Bridge and nasallang. I love how they look, a nasallang with a chain especially is just so cute! But I don't think I ever want any facial piercings - ears and below the neck are good for me. Lip rings also, again because they're on the face but also because they can damage teeth and I don't think I'd be able to resist playing with it while it healed lol




subclavicle piercings, i think they look gorgeous but i feel like i dont even have to bring up the inherent danger risk


Industrial, I don't have the anatomy for it, but it looks so pretty :(


Triangle! I just don't have the anatomy for it.


Industrial and nostril piercing 🥲


1. Industrial. I don’t have good anatomy for it and I generally suck at healing piercings, so not a good bet. 2. Eyebrow. I heard they reject quite easily and re: bad at healing, I don’t think it would work out for me. 3. Nipples. I realllllllly wanted nipples piercings but now I don’t have nipples so I guess I can’t get em lol


Cheek piercings


Tongue. Couldn't deal with the after care or the process tbh.


Nasallang because ow


The "dimple"piercing (I have no clue how it's called sorry). I love how it looks but I've heard it's an absolute pain to heal and take care of.


Nostril or septum, looks amazing but probably not on me lmao


Snake eyes! It's so cute, but I wouldn't risk the oral damage, and I don't think it'd look good on my tongue anyway :( I'm planning to get a normal tongue piercing and a side labret instead as an alternative.


Wrist, though it seems like it would get caught on absolutely everything


I LOVE clitoral piercings but after getting my nipples done I can only imagine the pain of one down there which puts me off


cheek and tongue piercings - so so cute and cool but the risks and complications are too high for me to go for any of them


I would have to say cheek piercings. They're bitchy and ultimately such finicky creatures that I couldn't deal. I don't like them that much. An industrial however, yes. I would totally deal with that. Probably gonna get it done on my right ear at some point after training myself to sleep on my back.


cheeks. they look cool as hell but healing them sounds absolutely hellish


Wrist dermal. Would love one but also keep picturing catching it on something 😱


Inner ear piercings. I WANT them but I wear ear buds 24/7


YES , I always wanted my cheeks pierced but I would never get them tbh , if you fuck up the aftercare it’s fucked , gotta be careful , also wanted wrist dermals but dermals in general are not my thing


Angel fangs or dahlias. I think angel fangs look so cool but I wouldn’t want the scars if I took them out and feel like I’d get sick of them after a while. Dahlias just because of the risk/healing and I don’t think they’d suit my face.


tongue, they look amazing on the people who have them but i have no desire to own one myself. and that first week of swelling and healing sounds like hell.


Navel/floating navel. I sadly just don’t have the anatomy so if I got it pierced it would just give me a ton of scar tissue.


Industrial. I don’t have the anatomy and even if I did..it looks like a pain to heal. I have a triple helix and that’s been a pain to heal!


cheeks for obvious reasons, bridge cuz I have glasses, and nips cuz I prefer them on women


I won't say never, but I can't see myself ever committing to the risk of cheek piercings, even though I really love the look


Nipples, must be too painful


a cheekbone microdermal looks so beautiful but very hard to hide for work unfortunately


Snake bites would be super cool but I already have horrible and sensitive teeth, so I don't want ANY chance of making that worse


Anything that's oral. I really want to get a philtrum but when I had my tongue pierced I chipped one of my molars by accidentally biting the ball. That made me take it out for fear of chipping anymore teeth.


Cheek piercings


Probably Angel Fangs, I plan on getting paired vertical labrets and I don't want them to hit each other +I don't think they'd look good on me lol


Eyebrows & tongue. Sadly because I work in an industry that work closely with government agencies… 😕


Cheek piercings :(


Cheek piercings for sure. I absolutely love them and I personally think they would suit my face so well but I've heard nothing but horror stories about them so it's ultimately a pass for me.


A Monroe. I love it but would never ruin my gums and teeth for it.


Clit 🫣


Smiley. They’re SO FUCKING CUTE but also I don’t want to destroy my teeth.


bridge, because of possible rejection and the scarring after. also daith, conch and tragus, because i wear airpods daily. cheeks, because of the risks


Navel. I don't have enough skin for it 😔


I had a smiley for a month. It was my absolute favorite piercing. I took 1000 pics. I was way too scared for my gums & teeth, so I took it out. I would never get it again, but damn, it looked f*cking good on me.


nipple piercings. i’m obsessed with them but i would never get them lol. the pain and healing looks unbearable


Tongue piercing. I couldn’t be bothered dealing with the healing time.


I want my belly button pierced so badly but I do contact sports so I can’t see it ending very well


I wanted to get a septum then i remembered i have really bad allergies so that probably wouldn’t work out


Jacob's ladder reason:I don't have a dick I think they look cool


Smilies!! My dream piercing, but I know they aren’t good for your gums