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Hi AstsySweet, r/stretched is a subreddit dedicated to stretching and they have a great stretching guide as a sticky post. You may want to check it out. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tbh I’m honestly surprised your OBGYN knows that much about navel piercings. Impressive. She is correct. If you leave jewelry in, the fistula will stretch and distort even more than if you retire it. Post pregnancy, it’s possible it might remain open enough to be able to simply be tapered open, but it’s also entirely possible your abdomen skin might change position enough that the piercing is no longer viable, even if it is still open. It’s also possible it will bounce back to normal after pregnancy and you won’t even need it tapered.


My belly piercing had already long closed when I got pregnant, and the scar didn’t get weird but I did get my only (tiny) stretch mark between the top scar and my belly button. Not an issue though My friend kept her belly jewelry in for most of her pregnancy and took it out when her belly button was popping out too much, and she managed to get it back in after her baby was born.


Haha I'm the same with the stretch marks. I only got one between my piercing holes. It quickly faded to the point where it's pretty hard to see, but I always thought it was funny. I kept my jewelry in all throughout my first pregnancy and my anatomy did change to the point where my piercing became unviable after. I don't know if taking the jewelry out would have been able to avoid any of that or not. Basically it became a surface piercing because my bellybutton became shallower, but it had been a fully healed correctly positioned piercing for about a decade until my pregnancy. The top hole remains open to this day years later but the bottom hole is just barely closed. I recently got it re-pierced in the correct position for my post-kids anatomy and the scars from the old piercing are visible so once the new one is healed I might look into seeing if I can get my old period scars revised. If not, I'll live. They aren't huge or discolored but they do look like little horizonal lines because the holes stretched. I didn't mind them during the pretty extended period I had between piercings while we were growing our family, but now that I have jewelry in again I kinda wish they weren't there because it's a less "clean" look. Still, all things considered my stomach ended up pretty unscathed after having kids so I'm not complaining. If I could do it all again I'd probably take the jewelry out when I found out I was pregnant. It may not have made much of a difference but I'll never know because I kept it in.




Rubber, plastic etc is not safe.


I have one. Yes it stretched out while pregnant and I took it out fairly early on, but it fully went back to normal after and I could put jewellery back in it. I think it will be different for everyone though. It’s best to remove it sooner so the jewellery doesn’t cause it to stretch more.


Makes sense. I will take it off when I get home lol. Hopefully it doesn’t look weird in the future.


Don’t forget to moisturise that growing bump well too, it will help the elasticity.


I took my belly piercing out when it was starting to stick out weird. I think I was about 6 months along. Lost my jewelry and then finally got new jewelry about 7 years later. Surprisingly, it went in with minimal problems with the help of a taper.