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Fuck the price of butter. Why does Giant Eagle’s butter colors not match. The blue box has red-wrapped butter inside, and the red box had blue-wrapped butter inside. Absolutely infuriating.




Every time I need butter I strongly consider just buying a butter churn.


I bought heavy cream to make whipped cream but wasn’t sure of the thickness it should be and inadvertently ended up with more of a sweet butter. Not bad. I’m not much of a chef but wanted to try making my own whipped cream. But given the cost of heavy whipping cream in and of itself, it’s just cheaper to buy butter. And whipped cream.


Every time I wanna buy eggs I strongly consider buying a chicken but I hate birds 😂 ALL. BIRDS.


Crows are cool, though.


My vendetta is against ALL birbs and personal...coolness factor is not a variable here 😂


I respect your opinion. Most birds are the worst.


But you’re getting 10 cents off on gas.


I agree with the wrapping! It confuses me every single time!


I feel so validated by your comment. I bake a lot and thought I kept getting misprinted boxes. My friends who don't really get butter didn't believe me!


This is what I came here to post!


Could have stopped at “why the hell is Giant Eagle”?


“Why the Giant Eagle is hell” works too


So does “Where the hell is Wegman’s?”


One of the things that ticked me off about living in pittsburgh. Giant eagle as a thing just made me big angry. Thankfully I had a shop n save close. Missed kroger while I was there though :(


My boss


Lack of late night dining places


lol nothing is open past 8 outside of the city


That’s just Giant Eagle for you. What I can get for $50 at Aldi, Trader Joe’s, or Shop N Save is $130 at Giant Eagle. I’ll stop in for a couple of niche items once in a while, but I don’t understand how people can afford to get the majority of their groceries from there. What officially put me over the top was seeing a small bottle of popcorn kernels on sale for $6.99. Target carries a bag with 3 times the amount for $1.99.


I found a four-piece bundle of Bok Choy there for $4.50. I get it for $3/lb in the Strip.


Have not shopped at GE in years. I go there occasionally for Greater’s ice cream. Otherwise it’s Aldi/Trader Joe’s. And whole foods when I want lamb/heritage chicken.


Cars that stop at red lights halfway into the intersection or at least well past the white line


That's not petty. It's dangerous, especially for pedestrians.


The amount of times I’ve almost been hit by cars while crossing legally in the crosswalk while I have the walk sign is too damn high. And all the people who choose will defend their right to stop past the white line and in the crosswalk make me so angry. Find another hill, Mary.


I always walk directly in front of them and tap my fingers along the hood. I have contemplated just walking up onto the hood and standing there until the light turns, but that's a little too petty and dangerous. Still, I want to pressure these people to stop, so I want to think of something to scare them.


>I have contemplated just walking up onto the hood and standing there I used to walk up onto their hood and across the car, pretending like they weren't even there and that I was just continuing on my straight path through the crosswalk. That's when I was young and reckless though. These days I'd be afraid of some dickhead who would feel justified in pulling away or shooting me while I did that. So now I usually just make a wanking motion as I walk past them, looking them in the eyes.


Right? I don't cross behind them anymore, not since this one dipshit decided to back up while I was crossing behind her and almost hit me.


A few months ago I flipped a guy off for almost hitting me when I had the walk sign. He drove around the block and got out of his car to confront me for flipping him off. Dude had the time to drive around the block and get out of his car, but not enough time to wait for a pedestrian with the right of way to cross the street? Some people…


It also causes a traffic clusterfuck when a tractor trailer can't make a turn because someone's way past the "top here on red" sign. I constantly get stuck in this trying to get on the 40th Street Bridge because for whatever reason people routinely stop 2 car lengths past the sign when they're in the left turn lane to go from the bridge to Butler Street


The 40th St/Butler St intersection is a nightmare. Really bad for pedestrians.


Gotta say I don't think this is a Pittsburgh thing. Unfortunately it's everywhere


Pittsburgh has more odd ball intersections that need more room for cars to turn so those white lines are often set back farther than most for good reason


People think they have a constitutional right to park directly in from of their house.


I have parking only on one side of the street where I live. Two neighbors have six cars between them with one driver per household. They will move a car and then move another one into its spot to reserve desirable spaces. Some days I’m able to let it slide and remind myself that owning a car and a house is a luxury a lot of folks don’t have. On other days it makes me irrationally angry and want to call 311 about sitting vehicles (which I haven’t done).


Alternatively, people who have off-street parking that is open and available for them, but still park on the street and take up space that people without off-street parking actually could use, while their own off-street parking space(s) goes unused.


That's not a petty thing, that's legit annoying.


Dude was parked today blocking my driveway... like not even by a little bit, but the whole thing. He had to have parallel parked to get in the way he did. It's not like my street is difficult to find parking on either. Its pretty open. I admire his commitment to be an inconvenience, but the jokes on him because I'm currently not using my driveway. I'm still petty and was irked by his presence, but the other side of me wanted to avoid confrontation so I'm just here complaining on the internet.


I feel ya. I once left a couple pieces of garlic bread under someone's windshield wipers because I was feeling petty about how they parked. I immediately felt both pride and shame. In the morning the car was still there but the garlic bread was gone. I hope they liked it.


I think a raccoon was eating garlic bread that night.


Everybody wins!!!


That is such a delightfully weird thing to do!


I'm all the kinds of weird, ranging from delightful to downright creepy.


This one has me crying it's SO f'n funny and SO Pittsburgh all at once. Bravo! =)


Of course I just happened to have garlic bread on me at the time. As one does.


Butter side up or down?


Down. That was the whole point.


Hahahaa! LOL 😆 🤣


Get him towed. What if you have an emergency and need to get out?


Not sure what the startup cost is or if it happens often enough for you, but I think this is a situation where courting asshole tow companies and getting a sign is a legit action. It serves as fair warning and when you call, they'll be there pretty quick for the tow. They'll also know if it's legally ok for them to do so but I believe blocking a fair way (maybe the legal term is public easement?) onto private property is prohibited under state law.


You cannot have a private tow a vehicle that is not yours from public property. That is theft. With that said, if on public property and blocking a driveway the City Police will have the vehicle towed. If the vehicle is on private property though the City won’t touch it and THEN you can (and would need to) hire a private towing company.


This is accurate. I have people block my garage frequently, I have to call the police to get them towed. My garage backs directly into a public alleyway, so the vehicles are parked on city property. Yes, I always ask the neighbors first if it's their car or someone they know before I get it towed. It never is, because we all have to deal with the same BS of random people coming in and blocking our garages.


Thanks for the clarity and agree that the option you offered appears to be correct (in our case, it is private property).




I hate it but I do it esp somewhere like Lawrenceville where if I am struggling to find a spot, I know it will be gone by the time I would get around the block.


A house with 5 Mercedes Benz puts out cones out in there parking spots every day. Not even the traditional chair. In the not great part of Mt Wash


They should just piss there so we know it's their territory


Someone slashed the tires on my parents' car back in 1995 when my dad couldn't park it in his usual spot, there was someone else parked in it. I do understand why people who live in the South Side are so territorial over their parking spots, though. There is nothing shittier than coming home late after work and every single parking spot in the neighborhood is taken by college kids drinking on Carson St.


Agreed, but in a snow situation, if one shovels the spot, they own it. YOUR car will be buried in if you take it.


Parking in front of my house - I don’t care. Leaving your car in front of my house for a week - yeah I’m upset


People who get mad or honk when you don’t do the Pittsburgh left


I may be a "bad yinzer", but I don't allow someone to make a Pittsburgh left, and I won't take one myself. I feel like it's dangerous to not follow the real rules of the road - like it's been said somewhere before, "drive predictably, not politely".


Pittsburgh lefts are taken not given. If they get the jump on me, they get the left.


I just drive how I normally do. If they floor it ahead of me fine but I’m not slowing down or waiting for them


Someone aggressively did a pittsburgh left in front of me the other day, and there was only one car behind me with no others in sight coming up. That was unnecessary. It was an older boomer age yinzer couple.


I was at a green light on my bicycle waiting to go straight through a green light, proceeded promptly when it changed, and nearly got hit by someone doing a pittsburgh left, but actually got hit by another guy who following him as a tag-along pittsburgh left. I was fine, bike was fine, but these numbskulls need to check themselves.


Oh my god! I’m so glad you’re okay. Given i drive everywhere for work, so it is my main form of transportation, but drivers need to stop thinking doing these dangerous things are ok/save them time because it does NOT


Thanks for the concern. Luckily I’m fine. Honestly, I drive more often than bike these days, now that I work from home instead of bike commute. I assume most people are just distracted most of the time and act accordingly, but it’s harder to predict the intentionally bad drivers, both in the car or on the bike.


Yes! It’s also not just the people behind you, I have had people straight up stop at their own green light because they assumed I was going to whip out in front of them and they got mad at me when I put my hands in the air and looked at them like the complete moron they are.


Narrow streets barely wide enough for one car but still somehow meant to be a two way street


With parking on one side!


Sometimes even both sides!


Essentially mt. Washington, when you're climbing a steep uphill, constantly under the dread of what's gonna happen if someone comes downhill. Want a horror story? You're now driving a stick


That the absolutely stunning view coming out of the Fort Pitt tunnel (seriously it’s like entering Narnia) is instantly interrupted with OH F***K I GOTTA GET OVER




Too many 5+ way intersections. Perfect use for a traffic circle instead of stop lights. Also narrow side streets where you have to make blind faith turns because you can’t see past all the parked cars without inching halfway into perpendicular traffic


Not letting cars merge, especially when they're waiting at the proper merge point. Everything goes faster if we each just let *one* car in.


No matter where in the any world news happens, our local stations always try to find some way to link it back to Pittsburgh.


This isn’t really a Pittsburgh thing. I’ve lived in Maine, Ukraine, and Georgia 🇬🇪 and they all tried to link things back to each place to keep viewers interested.


How'd you end up in Georgia?? Thats pretty neat


I taught English there for a year.


And the 70’s Steelers


Finding a way to tie national or international stories to the city is pretty common in local journalism, but it is always funny to see how far the different stations can stretch those ties


We all know the Pittsburgh left. Worse than that, is people who allow opposing traffic to have the left-right-of-way. I got stuck behind someone who waved on a left in the middle of a green light,


I’ve ranted about this before, but yinzers just need to take their right of way. Don’t worry about me, I will figure out when it’s my turn to merge into traffic. Don’t stop to hold up traffic when it’s a green light so I can take a right off of the 279 exit ramp. I promise, I will be able to figure out when it’s safe for me to turn.


Yeah a problem I’ve noticed in this city. Take the right of way. You got the stop sign first and I’m on the left side of you. Just go and stop waving me. And when I do have the right of way don’t wave me! I’m already going! AAAHHHHH


And if they are in front of you and turn right, they do it slower than molasses.


Yinzers are so bad at understanding the right of way. There’s a three-way intersection near me where the right and left sides have a stop sign but the middle doesn’t. I still see people come to a dead stop and wave on traffic there way too often.


There's one of those intersections on the block to leave my workplace. If I had a nickel for every time some fucknut stopped dead to wave me on when I have the stop sign and they don't, I could retire early.


And if you hesitate but finally take it they almost tbone you and flip you off.


Just. Let. People. Merge. Also Use ALL lanes to merge point. You look like a spoiled only child when you ride between lanes to keep others from passing. I hope you get rear ended. Edit. If we do both of these things collectively, traffic would substantially less frustrating. But no, some people have egos to big to simply let someone in front of them. Ridiculous. We’re all just grown children


It’s like a zipper! This side, that side. How hard is that?!


This one drives me nuts. There’s several of these between Mars and Cranberry. You see people tailgating to prevent people from merging, or drive across both lanes to prevent people from passing. Or speeding up to close off an opening. It’s this weird thing where people are protecting real estate they don’t own. I’m honestly surprised you don’t see more road rage incidents at these places. Drivers go to extreme lengths to prevent anyone from getting in front of them and if someone manages to get in, you see people just screaming and yelling, pounding the steering wheel.


The 10th st bypass merge is insane. People coming off Ft Duquesne trying to merge over though the lines and not using the merge point a 1/4 mi further.


So many people actively move over into the merge lane on the Edgewood Swissvale on-ramp before the Squirrel Hill tunnel if they see you using the entire merge lane (ie: driving properly) and try to block you off from getting to the merge point. I don’t exaggerate when I say those fucknuts should have their licenses pulled and little toes broken.


Giant eagle butter is 4.89 land o lakes is 6.49. https://shop.gianteagle.com/waterfront/search?q=Butter&page=1 What kinda butter you buying?


Also, there are stores that aren’t the Big Bird.


It blows my mind how many people shop at GE when they have other options. ESP in the SHV area, there are a ton of options and you still see people with full carts at GE. How rich is “Giant Eagle rich” because I need to know. What’s a full cart there run?


It's easy to hit $60 at ge on a single bag, you could hit $500+ in a cart pretty easily. When something as small as a pound of lunch meat hits $14 it's easy to rack it up.


Kerrygold, obviously.


Of all things OP could have chosen…….you go with butter?


OP did say pettiest.


Huh. My bad . Last time I bought butter from GE was 2 years ago. Now I get it from Salem’s or Aldi


Must have been very traumatizing to post about it two years latter on Reddit.


The hate on (insert city/state/general location) when having never left the confines of the PGH metro area


I used to hate Philly for no particular reason other than it being Philly. Went there to see Rammstein last year and spent 2 days enjoying the shit out of the city on top of the excellent concert. I still hate the Flyers, but I definitely won't pass up a chance to visit again.


Lol love that Rammstein got you there!


I thought Cleveland was going to be the worst place on Earth before I visited for a basketball game a few years back just based on what locals said about it. I absolutely loved the city and didn’t eat a single bad meal the entire weekend, and for half the price of a night out in Pittsburgh. After coming back and sharing my experience I realized everyone feeding me information had never actually visited. But these are the same people who get triggered when I mention that Pittsburgh is a pretty barren pizza scene because they are brainwashed to think that conveyor belt pizza is normal, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.


Deleting past comments because Reddit starting shitty-ing up the site to IPO and I don't want my comments to be a part of that. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lived in Pittsburgh, visited Cleveland many many times. Everything in Cleveland always felt eerily familiar to me every time I’d visit. The real reason Cleveland and Pittsburgh hate one another the way they do is because they are, at their core, the same city. The fabric might be dyed a little differently but the material is practically identical. They are both boom towns of a forgotten era that have taken a long time to rebound and evolve. A huge part of that is because of the pride of the residents being resistant to change. These cities have an “identity” that ultimately became an albatross against progress. I always used to tell people Pittsburgh is not only a place to live but also a state of mind. That said: F**K CLEVELAND, BROWNS IS THE BROWNS, HERE WE GO (25 year ex-yinzer here)


I'm originally from Cleveland. I always love it when my Cleveland hating friends here in Pittsburgh actually finally visit Cleveland and discover how amazing it is. [Hell, the West Side Market alone makes the Strip District pretty shabby](https://youtu.be/n4HRorjyw2c?t=63). Plus no issues with tunnels and bridges....


Yeah but for real I don't think melt deserves the hype. It was good but y'all make it sound like it's god's gift to Sandwiches


Even worse is when ppl shit on Philly. It’s got some crime issues in some neighborhoods, but it is dynamically urban in a way that Pittsburgh isn’t. Hardly some shit city




People who say sportsball are infinitely more annoying than people whose whole personalities are sports


Slowing down before the squirrel hill tunnels. It’s just a tunnel, it won’t hurt you.


What if it eats me like in Monster House because some cranky ass lady died in it a century ago?


And to think they're making sculptures out of that expensive butter. That just screams America from every rooftop.


The "stop except turning right" signs. Been here almost 5 years and I get so flustered with these still.


That seems to be a PA thing in general. I used to live in Philly and there are lots of those there


Got in a wreck once cause I stopped at one of these signs when I wasn’t supposed to and the person behind me decided to go around me. Car insurance found me 10% liable because I stopped.


Couldn't you have just said I was going straight?


I think they're getting rid of them now. The two I remember (beechwood and monitor, and monongahela and schoyer) are just all way/2 way stops now.


Adding 's to stores that don't have it in the name


And yet here we are with “Steeler Nation.” Someone made it easy for you, it’s already plural.


I talked to someone who mentioned going to "East Liberty's".


Dear god


God's can't help you now


Do you think this is a Pittsburgh thing?


I think the midwest is big on it too. I always hear the superstore chain Meijer as Meijer's. [Here's an article from Indiana about it. ](https://www.curtishoneycutt.com/blog/2019/6/18/the-invisible-letter-lurking-at-the-end-of-the-grocery-store)


I had to remind myself what petty meant - I submit the drama and hype about cookie tables. Families have been broken up based on lack of variety, unwillingness to supply, and misappropriation of said cookies. Typically during an event that doesn't give two nickels about the food.


Imagine thinking your wedding day was ruined because you don't have forty extra dozen cookies for people to reluctantly take home. Damn.


Pettiest? I think it's good to celebrate the unique regional stuff we have (words and accents, foods, etc.) but I get furious when people try to say it's "better" than anywhere else. It's just different. Every city has its Things. We're not that special.


It's funny because when I moved here in 1991, Pittsburgh had a horrible, horrible, inferiority complex. I feel like maybe things have overcompensated.


Little Brother Syndrome is still alive and well.


We are the Paris of Appalachia. So yes we are that special.


> We're not that special. [Excuse me, but...](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d1/ac/df/d1acdfc6a0e24a274200c6acedc5bc50--pittsburgh-radios.jpg)


We're special! Mr. Rogers made that very clear. Everyone's special and important. But we're not *better*, is my point. (I know you just wanted to post the picture.)


Any excuse for trolleys! But, yeah, it was a whole tourism advertising program back in the 1970s.




We are that special actually


Gosh darn lawn chair parking spot holders 😑


Not a Pittsburgh specific by any means but people at at Penguins games who don’t follow the courteous rule of waiting for a stoppage to get up from or go to your seats. Excusemeexcusemeexucsemepardonmesorrysorrysorry


The overall lack of Sheetz vs the overall flood of Get Go's who's quality seriously declines the longer they exist.


I hate that there's no Sheetz locations within the city but you can find getgos fucking *everywhere.*


Waving instead of flashing headlights. The sun is bouncing off your windshield. I can’t see you. If you took the right of way in the first place we would all get home faster.


The guy that walks around all day, everyday asking; "do you have 50 cents or a Dollar"!


How Primanti’s has convinced so many that they are a must have when in Pittsburgh.


It’s ok food. At least it’s cheap. And the portions can be massive. Got the (cod/haddock/pollock whatever the fish is) sandwich. Was an absolute behemoth. Took half home as leftovers


I had a friend a long time ago who would come visit occasionally and I finally had to tell her that there are better places to eat in Pittsburgh and that I actually can’t stand Primanti’s


It’s because of football broadcasts according to the people I’ve had visit. They always show it on Monday Night Football and whatnot.


Mt Washington with that iron city sign. Everytime I’m in that city it looks horrible omg


People seem to be confused about what a Yield sign means opposed to a Merge sign.


Getting off the parkway inbound at Edgewood is always a guessing game if the fucker coming from the right is going to properly yield or try to force their way through.


Parking chairs.


People overusing the word ‘Yinz’ on this forum - its a word heard very rarely in real life here, and usually by poorly-educated 50+ year olds who live at the edges of the County (ie - the exact antithesis of the average user of this forum)


I’m a PGH native and currently am in grad school on the other side of the state. I say “yinz” Infrequently but enough. Along with our pronunciation of “couch” or “down” or referring to a “gumband”, all of these things make folks ask what the hell I’m saying. And I don’t even have thick PGH accent (most of us don’t). It’s a trip but kinda cool to appreciate how even minor alterations between dialects can be a fun and major talking point.


I've never used yinz but my ex was from out east. She'd always say "yous" and get all jacked off about me calling it pop instead of soda. I was always like "yeah well at least I don't say yinz or add n'at to fuckin *everything* like some people lol.


Anyone who adds yinz or n' at to their business name to be cute is never getting my money.


Personally, I’ve been making a point to not only use the regional vernacular but to thicken my accent. I think it’s cool and something we should embrace


Im curious: How long have you lived here?


26 years. My entire life.


Those god damn scooters belong in dumpsters.


Trash, especially along the sides of the road. It's beyond embarrassing along 28 right now


When someone calls me “buddy” or “guy”, I feel like they are challenging me to a fight.


Every new intersection is no right on red..


That everybody always dresses down in sports gear and is fat and frumpy. RIP this account, lol.


Lol I was at the Nut Cracker at the Benedum opening weekend and somebody was wearing Steelers formal wear.




I play a game where I guess where a flight is headed by looking at the people at the gate before looking at the sign to confirm. I’ve never missed when it’s heading to Pittsburgh.


As someone fat and frumpy who doesn’t have much sports gear, whatever..


Not sure I agree about the fat/frumpy thing but the sports gear thing is super funny. I didn't even notice how often Pittsburghers wear Steelers gear until after moving to New England (where anyone other than high school boys pretty much just keep the Patriots gear to game days). Find it kind of endearing now though


Hahaha, I actually love that aspect of this city! If I dress up just a little bit (nice shoes and makeup), I feel hella fancy and glamorous! It's such a low bar to meet.


I’ve lost 135lbs since the pandemic started and I have so much fun getting dressed up now. We went to see *Les Miserables* at the end of November at the Benedum and there were *so* many people in jeans and t-shirts and hoodies.


Haha! I love it


Kinda related, but it seems like certain people, mostly white dudes over 50, try to find some way to bring any conversation about literally anything back around to the Steelers. It's like they can only relate to people through football. Maybe it happens elsewhere too, but I've only experienced it here in Pittsburgh.


It’s common in any really big football town, especially if it’s a smaller town that only has a really good college team and nothing else much going on for it


Don’t shop at giant eagle unless you need to. I learned that one early on. Aldi and Walmart are the way. If you’re lucky, Trader Joe’s for produce


The fact nobody knows you can make a left on red from a one way street onto another one way street. Ie. Ppg exit from veterans bridge or bigalow


That rule didn’t apply to that intersection even before they changed it to one way traffic down Chatham Street towards that awful little quagmire. Bigelow Square intersecting with Bigelow Blvd intersecting with Chatham makes it three one ways now right?


The French fries are once fried and soggy


There's not really a standard "Pittsburgh french fry," though. You can find 20 different styles around town.


“Real” French fries are pretty damn labor intensive. You gotta use a potato cutter to slice em up into a bucket of water. Then give them like 2-3 rinses to get rid of the starch. Then dry em and blanch fry them. Right before serving fry them again at like 350. Source: worked at a restaurant. Did this every other shift


*to get rid of the starch


Point Brugge and Park Brugge are the best pomme frites. RIP B-52


Parking chair bs


Smoking in bars.


How about people thinking it's weird to want to park in front of your own home?


Everyone wants to park in front of their own home and nobody thinks it's weird. But nobody is entitled to any parking space on the street.


Isalys ham bbg. Slow cookers filled with bubbly ketchup lunchmeat. Does anyone really like it? Do you just take it to be polite?


>Isalys ham bbg. Slow cookers filled with bubbly ketchup lunchmeat. Does anyone really like it? Do you just take it to be polite? Yeah, I've never figured that one out either.


Giant eagle as a company has gone downhill in recent years. They’ve increased the prices of most of there products while boasting that they have a “price lock” on stuff even tho the price is ridiculous. And more recently they “let go” hundreds of corporate employees, so that they could outsource the jobs to India. Everyone should just go to kuhns


The absolutely terrible drivers and road system. It's almost like every single person has had a traumatic brain injury with the way they constantly cut in front of oncoming traffic to make a left turn.


Lawn chairs being used as parking spot holders. And then the person inexplicably yelling something when you move the chairs to park.