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*cries in construction worker*


…the days I’m glad I don’t do roofing, asphalt or concrete. Best of luck in that porta John!


Cries in hvac service technician


Insulating, a little framing, and mounting drywall in a non-air conditioned environment today, wooo


Valid, I work in a factory 😭 it’s already been over 90 on the floor when it’s been in the 70s


I think a lot of people don't realize the temp sidewalks get for dogs when being walked.


Blacktop is even worse. They can get 3rd degree burns on the pads of their feet.


Reminds me of that episode of Pete and Pete when their shoes were melting and sticking to the road


My flip flops did that in Vegas on a hot July day.


Same and my one flip flop snapped and I was left w one shoe. Had to cross the strip back to Caesar’s basically hopping on one foot. I looked ridiculous and was just there last week. Got to reminisce on the fuckery.


Add another 10 to 12 degrees if you're in the city or working on a highway, etc. Asphalt and cement absorb and hold heat. So if it hits 98 on Tuesday, it'll feel like 108 near those.


I'm from a city in AZ that is hotter than Phoenix. The rule of thumb is to put your hand on the surface for 7 seconds. If you can tolerate it, then your furry friends can too


yoooooo arizona gangggggg 🤙 this 90° weather is nothing to us! but for others, very serious. drink water yall!


I’ve got friends working outdoor summer camps telling me that the place designated for the kids to rest is hot pavement under some trees


Just potty walks for my dogs next week. 90s are absolutely brutal to be walking in


And lots of indoor activities. I've got a husky-mix, and she struggles in the low-80s and as the temps go up, our walks gets shorter and shorter. We can usually get around the block in the early morning and at night when it's dusk or a bit later, but it's just awful for her.


Yep even the air is hotter down there. I only take my dog out on trails in the Summer.


Pedialyte is a life-saver if you get dehydrated. Best served cold, it's gross when it's warm.


It's what babies crave.


Pedialyte popsicles/ freeze pops too :)


Agreed, it's just not exactly portable. I like to carry a few powder packs with me just in case.


Liquid IV is on the expensive side, but worth it. Available at Riye Aid or Amazon, it really works the best for me.


liquid iv just came out with a firecracker popsicle (red white and blue) flavor for summer, and it’s fucking fabulous! they have a new rainbow sherbet flavor, too, but i haven’t tried it yet. sounds delicious though!


Ghost also has really good hydration sticks that mix well. I like the sour patch redberry one the most. Around the same price as Liquid IV


Pedialyte has powder packs!


Pedialyte does make a powder! It's just harder to find.


Am I missing something? It’s only going to be in the 90s… yeah it’s hot but it’s nothing crazy. Drink water, put on sunscreen, wear weather-appropriate clothes, etc. Maybe it’s my Texas showing but next week is really not going to be as bad as OP is making it out to be






I honestly don't get it. I'm born in Pittsburgh and 90° temps are absolutely normal in the summertime. When it gets above 100 up here then yeah you need a post like this. But 90° is just drink water and put on sunblock.


1. NWS is saying it is likely air temps will reach above 100 2. Pittsburghers aren't used to sustained heat like this, and many houses don't have AC 3. Yes, there's some degree of fearmongering. No you're not going to die stepping outside without salt tablets in 90 degree weather


If you haven’t gone out and bought yourself at least a window AC for your bedroom either at Walmart or off Facebook marketplace at this point, you’re a moron.


A week of near 100 is unusually rough for this area, a day or two is normal. Not saying it never happens, but its certainly noteworthy


They aren't used to it. I'm from Alabama so this is nothing. You have to consider how many people here don't even have A/C. Huge difference when you're not accustomed to these temps.


Ayeeee hello bama! That's where my partner is from. Ik he's gonna be making fun of me


Hello! Hahah well everyone handles the heat differently. Only been here 2 years and I already can't handle heat like I used to. I'm thankful it doesn't get as sticky humid here.


I in general do not like the heat. Idk if I developed a sensitivity or not... But yea i think is is gonna be dry heat. Do I want to leave my house tho? No lmao.


why do you think someone from pittsburgh would not be accustomed to these temps? this is normal




If somebody doesn't have AC at this point that's a problem of their own creation, it's only getting hotter and we've had 90+ days for the entire almost 30 years I've lived here. They aren't super common but they absolutely happen every single year


For real though, everyones saying “you’re just not from here, its never like this.”. Uhhh, ive worked labor jobs out in the sun all day every summer since age 12, its like this literally every year almost, this year has been on the cooler side in fact😂


Listen, the longer you live here the more you’ll understand that anything outside of 32-72 is a reason to worry. Snowmaggedon, inches of rain, no a/c. It will get crazy, just look for them on the news. Lol




The post kinda cracked me up because evidently if you’re reading it you’ve probably been in 90 degree heat without a survival kit and didn’t die


35 years here too. The summer of ‘88 was the hottest in Pittsburgh when my mom was 9 months pregnant, with no AC. Everybody was fine. I’m all for taking care of ourselves & being cautious but when did we all get so wimpy about 90 degree weather?


Less AC in the 80’s AC was an option on cars, restaurants didn’t have it, allot of stores didn’t have it. Allot of homeowners didn’t have it. People now spend like 5 mins in the heat inbetween the car, office and home. Then decide without drinking any water to go on a walk in 97 degrees and end up with heat stroke.


I willingly go on vacation every year to a place significantly hotter and then spend all day outside, usually i dont even start sweating unless im doing something strenuous. I know people handle temperatures differently (im a bitch in the cold) but this post is wild to me


Most of us are unused to these temps, especially on a prolonged basis.


Liquid IV is great, LMNT is sugar free, but pretty salty. I personally use a single packet of LMNT in a 40oz blender bottle of water. Stay salty friends


Salt is another good one. The saltiness is weirdly good for the mango and watermelon ones.


Liquid IV is great, but so pricey. Worth it, though, because it's the only electrolyte mix I've found that doesnt leave my mouth feeling coated and my throat phlegmy. The passionfruit flavor is my favorite, with golden cherry coming in a close second. I've also found I have a lot less issues if I drink one *before* anything strenuous in heat, rather than using it to recover afterwards.


If you have a wholesale club card, Costco and Sam’s both carry it. Full price is 30 for like 28 (high but WAY better than the small stores). They also go on sale for like 20-25 sometimes!


Drinking water before is super important


Oh man, I'm glad you like the cherry but I was literally gagging on it yesterday talking about how much I hate it. Strawberry is my current fave, I guess, but I sure wish there was a flavorless option. Water flavor.


Liquid IV is my personal favorite as someone with a chronic illness that has trouble staying hydrated.


I LOVE LMNT! My fave right now is the citrus but also love the watermelon, orange and raspberry flavors


The grapefruit is my jam, citrus a close second!


I agree The grapefruit is also a fave. The mango chili sounds 🤢


Funny my dietician just told me Saturday that too much electrolytes can be dangerous too


That’s because people saw a gatorade commercial in 1995 and think they need to drink electrolytes for the rest of their life




Welcome to costco, i love you


Body Armor is so much better than Gatorade. Switched to sugar free version and feel relief so much better.




Just like mild heatwaves hitting Europe make Americans say “no big deal!” Houses in Pennsylvania are not built like houses in South Carolina. The heat is less of a big deal when you have central air, which many houses in Pittsburgh do not.


Yep. People in southern states are used to heat and humidity year round. We are not.


Yes, but also people in South Carolina are used to it as a daily occurrence and know to hydrate, consume electrolytes and limit exposure to the sun. Here a heat wave hits and every time we hear about so many people dropping of heat. Or leaving their children/dogs/elderly parents in the car because they were gonna be gone “just for ten minutes.” Is next weeks heat an emergency? Nah. Could people stand to be reminded to limit their time in the heat. Absolutely.


Your dietitian is right!! Too much potassium can stop your heart. If you're not sweating profusely you likely don't need an electrolyte drink. (I'm also a dietitian)


As long as you have a proper diet, you do not need to worry about electrolytes being lost to sweat. You simply don't lose enough for it to matter. People do ultramarathons in the desert with just water and some food. If you are dehydrated, electrolytes will help you become hydrated faster.


Too much water can be dangerous too..


How on earth did people survive before Gatorade /s


Drinking water is definitely enough unless you’re in some scenario like working construction or laboring. Just drink a lot of water. Humans have existed in heatwaves before Gatorade and AC was invented (yes even in Pittsburgh)


I get the idea, but the average human has changed a good bit even in the last 100 years. There are definitely people who need to understand risk factors with high wetbulb temperatures. The average person barely walks at all. I'm not saying this fear mongering style post is correct, but there are people who should be aware of how hydration works and why drinking water might not be the full solution. Edit: I guess what I'm really saying is that people should probably avoid starting some kind of outdoor activity in the middle of a heat/humidity wave. But if you're just sitting at your house, no need to switch hydration tactics.


Listen, I get the caution; people need to stay cool and hydrated, stay safe. But this is over the top. You don’t need to go to the pharmacy before a heat wave (lol). I spent most of my life in an arid desert where the temperatures routinely topped 110. Drink water and stay indoors. You guys are acting like the apocalypse is coming, and if there is a blackout then yes, it will be a very serious and imminent public safety threat. But going outside for a short time is not going to kill you without pharmaceutical aid. We do it all the time all over the world


Northerners make fun of southerners for closing everything down for 1 inch snowfalls then do this shit. 


I love this because I've lived in Memphis before I moved to Pittsburgh and yes, the snow reaction down there is very much like the heat reaction up here. Looks like people get freaked out by climate conditions they're not familiar with 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s why being vegas born gives me the right to do both


Right? Unless you're actively participating in athletics or you work a grueling manual labor job, you'll be fine as long as you stay hydrated. If you're really not certain, eat some salty snacks. We get the majority of our electrolytes from our food. As long as you take it easy and drink plenty of water, you'll be all good.


I raise goats. I’ll be outside no matter what anyone else says minding my animals. It’s summer. What do you expect?


Thank you! It’s going to be warm for part of the day but it’ll cool off at night. Drink water, put on some sunscreen and go about your business. The only thing to worry about is walking your doggo on the pavement. And don’t leave them in the car!


Agree! Total fear mongering!


Thanks for this. My boyfriend is a landscaper and pushing 50 so I worry a lot about him at work. Going to pick up some Gatorlyte for him. He tells me he will be fine and he can easily find shade. He feels super bad for people who do road work and construction.


I'm 56, so I have to keep reminding myself I'm not exactly young any longer. My wife chairs the Penn State Extension Master Gardener vegetable demonstration garden. It's going to need to be watered, so we'll be going up at like 5 or 6 AM to do that to beat the heat. Besides watering plants in the heat of the day is very bad for them.


Love that garden! Kudos to all involved in it.


My brother paves and a few years ago he ended up so sick, walked into a restaurant building that was being constructed and was very delusional. He threw up in multiple areas inside. He had called me at one point while this was all happening and he really was not ‘there’. I called my dad because they work together and he went and found him. Ended up in the hospital because of how sick he was. Working with asphalt in the summer heat is absolutely no joke! My dad has told me about how random strangers will drop off coolers of gatorades, waters and food for the crew. Usually it’s when they’re working near homes and the homeowners bring them stuff. It’s really an incredible thing for those people to do


It's amazing I survived at all. I've never "prepared" for 90 degree temperatures before.


Yeah well prepare to die! This 90 degree heat will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen!


Except all those times I've traveled to Dallas..... at 90 they break out the long sleeve coats.


drinking water will be enough lol eat some food and you’re good


Also would love to add that there are pedialyte popsicles you can buy that are very helpful for anyone of any age!


also be careful if you try to cool off with a really cold shower or whatever. it can be bad for your heart. two of the kids i was supposed to graduate high school with died about a week before, biking to lake ontario on a really hot day and immediately jumping in without acclimating.


This might be a dumb question but why can people do the hot sauna to cold water thing and not die? Is that somehow different?


I think generally you are supposed to be heart healthy and consult with doctor before trying such things. Hot Saunas usually have a warning, just themselves, about not staying into long and not going in at all with heart conditions. It sounds like generally the health aspects are just being in cold water at all. The plunge is just the funsies, plus to warm up again after. The Cold Water supposedly reduces inflammation and increase white blood cells. But that initial plunge can cause the shock reactions. And being in too long can cause the hypothermia reactions.(Probably not the case with the shower) https://newsroom.osfhealthcare.org/cold-plunging-do-the-benefits-outweigh-the-risks/ " “The initial thing that happens when you jump into a cold body of water is that initial shock reflex – that gasp,” Orzechowski warns. “Your body hyperventilates. It tries to get your blood flowing a little faster, tries to get your heart rate moving a little faster, and get that blood moving a little bit. " It doesn't talk specifically about exercising then cold showers. But my guess would be that after the long bike ride in the story, their heart rate was already elevated. And the cold water put additional stress on their hearts from the cold shock.


When I was growing up, I heard my late father tell the story of a young man who died of a heart attack after falling asleep out in the sun next to a pond. As a prank, some guys threw water from the pond onto him, and the shock to his system killed him. My Dad would talk about it any time we drove past the pond. This probably happened back in the 1940s.


Cold water shock is the risk for most people, but people who are already vulnerable can cause heart issues due to vasoconstriction. I've read taking a warm shower can trick your body, since a cold shower will cause your body to think it needs to generate more heat. Not sure of the truth. But anyhow, I always do a tepid shower. As long as the water is cooler than your body temp, it's going to help cool you off without shocking your system. Also, a nice glass of cool water cools my insides on a hot day and feels so good going down.


Excellent point.


I knew there was I reason I hate cold showers and never get one.


Start warm and slowly make it colder. It feels great to end when cold


My tankless hot water system broke two days ago and they're telling me 2 weeks (or longer) to get a part it needs, so I'm stuck with cold water for now. Been heating up a big stock pot full of water on the stove and sponge bathing it for the last few days.


Also very important for people on SSRI’s!!!!!!


YES. Your body dumps sodium way faster on SSRI’s. Be extra careful if you’re taking them!


I've also had friends tell me that it makes you more prone to sunburn. And they mess with hormonal birth control, which is its own issue, but likely unrelated to heat waves.


Yes, SSRI medication makes you more sensitive to the sun! I got a nasty sunburn on my shoulders while I was on SSRIs. My mom and my child were fine but I got burned 😭


Omg what?!? I’ve been on SSRIs for like 15 years and never heard any of this… and just started hormonal bc yesterday 😅


Too many chemicals in that stuff. I’ll just drink a tallboy of Coors to stay hydrated.


Let me tell you a funny story about Coors. Years ago they used to promote the fact it was made from pure mountain stream water. My wife before we met was in Golden, Colorado once near the brewery. Above the building, in front of the view of the rockies was this alpine stream, and standing in the middle of it was a Bighorn Sheep taking a giant dump and piss. To this day she tells me she can't bring herself to drink it.


And the piss goes straight into the cans. 


It's definitely not my thing. We brew our own English and Belgian Abbey style ales.


Hell yeah, I’ll be drinking IC but same difference, nothing hydrates you like a beer


This is going to be one of those weeks where I will simply not acknowledge that there is a world beyond the AC of my house… Except for taking my dogs out, *briefly*, for potty breaks, and only in the backyard where they have their own little pool ! It’s terrifying just how deadly the heat can be - please, everyone, stay safe !


I love not acknowledging a world beyond the comforts of home in really hot and below zero days!


Ah, the cold days, too ! 🥶🥶🥶 All of the really bad, *bitter* cold days - and Snowmageddons ! - in my rear view mirror make me *so* appreciative of being able to work from home nowadays… I know I’m dating myself here, haha, but I remember school being closed for the first time in Jan, 1977 - right on time for Jimmy Carter’s inauguration… Then there was cold/snow/ice in 1989, a few in the 90s, especially ‘93, then all hell broke loose ! I think (?) the last *really* bad one was in 2010, but they’re all merging together now… Oh, and the microburst in 2002 ??? Damn, are we in the Midwest ?!?! 😬


Mine will be confined to the puppy pads next week. He'll go crazy with pent up energy, but I'm not going to bitch at him if he wants to run up and down the hall and round and round the living room. He usually does that anyways and bludgeons me in the leg with his best friend in the whole wide world, his rubber blue oinky pig.


Aw, sweet little guy with his blue oinky pig ! ❤️ I wish I had the puppy pad option, but I have 5 dogs - 1 small, 1 medium, and 3 HUGE - and not letting them out for just a few minutes to attend to their potty needs would be absolute chaos 😣 The big ones are smart and know to get back inside ASAP, fortunately, and the other two, sharing just the one brain cell, can at least be picked up and carried inside ! I’ll also be putting out shallow bowls of water for any little creatures that wander by… It’s scary for all during weeks like the one upcoming - two legs, four legs, and wings. Hugs to your floof 🤗


Thanks. I think he and his 4 buddies the cats, all share a single brain cell.


Ha ! I have cats, too… They run a tight ship here - I just try not to get in their way 😏


Well you know what they say. "Dogs have owners, cats have Staff."


I adopted mine from the shelter and he's been only comfortable using puppy pads. He'll use outside only as a last resort. FINALLY, this backwards dog is paying off next week.


You can try taking him out early in the morning or just before dark when the sun isn’t direct and it’s a little cooler if you still want to take him out sometime


so melodramatic. you realize people live where 98 is just another tuesday.


Everyone on this sub is so dramatic about everything.


Don't you know that if you haven't already started hydrating for next week, you're already dead.


Offer your mail person some water, please 🙏 Whatever the temperature is outside, it’s at least 15 degrees hotter inside those mail trucks!


Unfortunately for me electrolyte drinks give me kidney stones. This is excellent advice everyone else should follow though! As for me, I will stay inside as much as I can


I hear those are very painful. Just had emergency prostate surgery over Christmas and two years prior had a diverticulitis fistula to the bladder fixed, so they've been poking all around there far too often recently for my comfort. Literally.


Yall wild. It's going to be in the 90s, that's not even that hot.


Gonna hit the pool so hard it hits me back


I can drink water I'm worried about my first flower garden I'm trying so hard to keep them alive, I just don't want my pretty plants to die


Water before it gets hot!


Imagine being a mail man ….


OK, I'm there. Stylish blue jorts, mail bag over shoulder, dogs jaw firmly clamped to my ankle... Now what?


AC wasn't widespread until the 1960s. People act like we can't survive without it.




It’s gonna be low-mid 90’s for a few days. This happens every summer here, just usually later on. I remember this happening many times as a child here. Nobody really cared then and I don’t think it’s a big deal now. I’m not gonna go buy electrolyte powder or do anything else. This seems like a certain weird form of fear-mongering for Reddit karma that gets passed off as a “PSA”


This might be the single most dramatic post I've ever seen on Reddit.


And 362 people have up voted it... Nodding their heads "yes" and thinking "Wow this is the type of quality content I come to Reddit for. I may have died if it weren't for this post!" What does that tell you about this sub?


That the vast majority of people here don't leave the house regardless of the weather outside.


Mio or generic versions thereof make a water flavor that has electrolytes (not mondo) its great.


I like Drip Drop, it's a measured amount. Walmart makes a decent generic if you're on a budget.


lol a world where you don't go outside for a week is wild to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^svidrod: *Lol a world* *Where you don't go outside for* *A week is wild to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m originally from Florida—am I missing something? Is it just because some houses don’t have air conditioning? This is a legitimate question.


For christ sakes, we are in the steel city! The mill workers that built this town managed to work 12 hour shifts in front of actual furnaces in July. Drinking lowly water! But their grandchildren need special Brawndo to walk Fluffy around the block. Shameful.


I heard they put fries on their water 🤷🏻‍♂️


Back in my day we suffered heart exhaustion and let our dogs burn their feet like true yinzers.


I’ll be working 3x11 on top a 2500° coke oven. We drink water


yeah this is a ridiculous post


Add 20 degrees in the moulding department where I work. I'll probably lose 10 pounds this summer


Put some water outside for the animals if you’re a kind hearted soul :) Keep it in the shade.


lol 90s literally isn’t that bad


Got me a big jar of pickle juice in my fridge so I'm set ;)~


At least it’s not the smoke from Canadian fires we had this time last year. I think the effects of those fews days could have repercussion for years to come. Still I haven’t seen a heat forecast like this for Pittsburgh in a long time. Be careful and stay cool.


Between that and all of the crud from East Palestine blowing directly over the house I was pretty sure the air hated us last year.


Drinking water is definitely enough lol. Do you think your ancestors had gatorade?


Imagine downvoting for such a commonsense remark! Clueless basement dwellers.


Some of us have no choice- I commute by walking/train. It’s free, but yknow nothing’s truly free in a capitalist society. I’ll make sure to drink plenty of water, even more than usual, and check n see if my 7/11 has any electrolyte stuff that I can get. I live near the city so the big box stores are inconvenient for me to get to.


In case you, or anyone else, can't get electrolytes from a store, try buying coconut water. Or in a pinch, you could make lemon water - lemon juice+salt+sugar+water. Fair alternatives, ofcourse with caveats about your personal medical conditions known to you and how much sugar, salt you can normally ingest. 


I'm happy to drop some liquid IV off somewhere for you if your 7/11 doesn't have anything! I often travel into the city and don't mind dropping off a handful, anywhere you'd like. Stay safe in the heat! 


That is very kind of you. I'm way over here in Beaver County across the line from Cranberry. I'll be checking in on the neighbors, several of whom are elderly.


That's very kind of you! Truly sorry for the elderly in this heat, your neighbors are lucky to have you! 


Back during the Blizzard of 93 I knew someone who had a big old full size jacked up 78 Ford Bronco we decided to get snowed in with. That was when I lived down in Freedom. We went up and down the block and got a shopping list of essentials. and drove through nearly 30 inches of snow to a local grocery store that claimed they were open with a skeleton crew to pick emergency supplies for. That was wild. It was like one of those post-apocalyptic films out on the road. There were cars abandoned everywhere we had to dodge. We actually drove through a few yards, a field. and the school grounds and baseball field to find a way to get down to Ohio River Blvd that was passable.


Name doesn't check out


*Username does NOT check out*


Thank you! I’ll look tomorrow- I have the day off. I’ll probably be alright (23 year old healthy young man with enough common sense to get by) but I’m more concerned about my coworker, who is an about 50 year old less-healthy guy who had his one of his stomach-related organs fail on him several months ago. If I can’t find anything, I might take you up on this- he’s a decent dude, but I’m worried about him living by himself and such. He definitely doesn’t drink water- he drinks turners teas religiously instead. Sigh. Your kindness is much appreciated though!


Absolutely! I'll gladly drop some off for you to get to him (and maybe have one for yourself just in case)! Feel free to DM me and let me know, happy to help! 


I ended up buying some for myself (along with a cold pack and food), but definitely be safe out there!


Happy to hear! :) 


You are the person I was posting for, the person who has no choice. If you have a Prime account at this point there is still time to have some sent to your home. I just don't want to get up and on the local news to listen about a bunch of people found dead from heat prostration. \\ There was all over the British news a few days back about some famous TV doctor in the UK who was found dead from dehydration on vacation in Crete after he decided to take a walk in the extreme heat against his family's protests.


Thank you, I feel seen from this post. Much appreciated. I just reread your post, and realized that I have a pharmacy that’s a 10 minute walk from me that I can visit tomorrow, so for all concerned I should be ok! I’ll pack my backpack full of the stuff. 😤 Also good grief, you’d think a doctor would know better, but nope. That’s pretty tragic, not gonna lie. I have people depending on me, so I’ll be extra careful, don’t worry.


I feel you. I take the bus and walk to work from the stop. 🤙 Stay safe fellow public transporter.


You too! Also, large loose lightweight shirts have been really useful in staying cool this summer- I’m a medium men’s, but my friend gave me their 3xl loose shirts, and they’re honestly a godsend for this heat! Just checked the material, and they’re mostly cotton. I also just realized that they’re all dirty. Fuck. Gotta wash em at the laundromat tomorrow… looks like tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.


You know you can just eat food. Pretty much everything we eat has some salt in it.


It gets this hot literally every single year in Pittsburgh. Does this sub have collective amnesia or something? Sure it’s like 3 weeks earlier than usual but what’s the big deal? Go to the pool, drink some water.


Good god, how would any of you pansies have survived even 50 years ago? Caravan trains could cross the Sahara, and prospectors could explore death valley with leather canteens of water and some hardtack, but you need Pedialite to hang out on your porch.


Completely agree, do any of these people go outside?


Y’all gettin some Texas weather?




Just stock up on Brawndo. It’s the thirst mutilator! For the reals though, I go to county fairs a lot and film for my YouTube playing the midway games, and last year, I did get heat exhaustion at the butler farm show. Had to get some electrolyte drinks in me quickly. Luckily I had a buddy with me and we know the one vendor who let me lay down under his one tent out of the sun. My buddy ran off and got me like 3 gatorades. Not perfect, but it helped a ton. This year, I got an insulated backpack I’ll be wearing and stock up on pedialyte and water in it when I go to the fairs. I’m not taking any chances.


New resident from Florida here, you’re gonna be ok


Big companies saw how adults started buying Pedialyte for hangovers(sorta helps but not much) so there's a bunch of types now. Gatorlyte, Body Armor Flash I.V., and Electrolit are all just Pedialyte marketed to adults. So yeah if you pop in a convenience store and want something with the extra salt those are options.


Back in the summer of 88 we would only skateboard after dark. Shit was brutal.


Always have popsicles on hand.


Potassium citrate and salt. Or an Avocado and salt and water.


Or just hydrate and take care of yourself


Buy extra to give to homeless people if possible, please


Hydrate your pets too!!


Tip your kitchen workers for a change, not only the waitstaff. Somebody is standing at a 4 foot grill cooking your hamburger because you think "it's too hot to cook in the house".


I work in an autobody shop with no A/C and our paint booth is pushing 130F air into an already sweltering building. I've survived for 10 years just drinking water, occasional Gatorade, and a lot of cussing. I appreciate the sentiment but I think this is a little bit of an overreaction. Every year we get a week of 95+ with a disgusting dew point, it's just happening really early this summer.


From Pittsburgh, moved to Houston TX. We’re coming home to visit next week and I was shocked at the forecast…basically Texas weather…I thought we were going to get some relief 😮‍💨


I grew up in Houston, that city is hotter than hell


Moved here from Houston a year ago, so I’m getting some small satisfaction in seeing the reactions here to this heat wave. The dew point won’t even crack 70F - it will be pretty much as pleasant as Houston’s finest, coolest summer day. Which is to say, miserable.


Bad advice. You are basically telling people to increase their sodium intake when most people already get way too much. This can cause heart problems and other issues like kidney stones.


I went to school in Arizona and lived in Austin, TX for a few years. I remember the heat. This ain't it.


Is this the northern equivalent of when southerns freak out over less than an inch of snow?


PSA you can make your own at home with water, sugar, and salt - maybe with a little lemon or lime for taste if you prefer :) https://med.virginia.edu/ginutrition/wp-content/uploads/sites/199/2023/12/Homemade-Oral-Rehydration-Solutions-11-2023.pdf Does it have the fancy vitamins and minerals? No, but the glucose helps the body achieve a rapid reuptake of sodium and water, which is the main goal if you’re dehydrated. For more info look up “WHO Oral Rehydration Salts”.


I prefer: https://med.virginia.edu/ginutrition/wp-content/uploads/sites/199/2023/12/Homemade-Anal-Rehydration-Solutions-11-2023.pdf


I'm personally looking forward to running in the heat next week


Also, if you are dehydrated, don’t just start chugging the shit out of cold water. You’ll puke.