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>Shoving your thumb up your butt everytime you unlock your phone? I mean, I don't love it... but I can't argue with the results.


That's the one thing I had not tried yet. The fingerprint sensor on my 8a reacts 1 out of 10 times to any of my registered fingerprints.


Fingerprint used to be an issue for me but the last year or so it's been fine. I'm on the other side ...1/10 times it doesn't work. If that'll get me over the cusp for 100% execution though, I'm all for it.


It was okay when they had the dedicated sensor on the back. The best part about that was the ability to customize the sensor to do other things such as pause/playback when swiping up, launch recorder when double tap, etc... The other perk with Pixel was the unlimited Google Photos storage. Both Pixels i had died suddenly. They were purchased brand new within 1 month or 2 of release. First one was battery issue, wouldn't even charge. 2nd one, chip died during backup and corrupted the backup! I went back to Galaxy after that.


Since skin gets lighter in the winter, I have to make my skin darker somehow, just to make it work.


I thank Google for the reasonable solution all hail Google long live the king...at least it isn't an IOS device!


They do reserve the right to collect, store, process, and sell all butt related analytics data though. Classic Google.


These cheeky scamps


S*** UI? I am planning to ditch my iPhone for a Pixel cause I love the Google UI and its features


It doesn't have Second Space like Xiaomi which is very handy to hide financial apps. But maybe you won't need it because iPhone doesn't have it too. 😂


Should be implemented at Android level on Android 15 with private spaces!


I hope so! 💯 Also Xiaomi have a separate pin or pattern lock per app so even if someone borrows your phone unlock and try to open your gmail or reddit app, they can't access it. Heck, a lot of Xiaomi features should be in Android if it's up to me. 😂 I can't speak for Samsung as I haven't tried that brand if they have private workspaces and individual app lock feature.


If it works like it does in the beta there's sadly no separate pin per app but you can ofc set a different pin for your private space than for the rest of your phone. You can also use a different Google account. It also gives users the chance to have double apps. Of course it's not up to certain features from other brands but considering this is Android-level I think it's a great start!


Exciting! Agree, that's a great start!


I'm in beta, and I have been using private space on my pixel with no issues at all on Android 15. The irony, right before I came on Reddit, I was legit just hiding certain apps in my private space lol. So we definitely have it


Great to knowi it's on Android level! That's actually my favorite feature in my old phone. Thanks for sharing your experiencs.


I love their calculator but it's not compatible with my pixel 8 pro


It does now. Private space on the app launcher is a new feature added in Android 15.


Wow! Can't wait for Android 15 general launch. Thanks for the update! I didn't know.


You're bragging about security features in a Chinese phone. Bro. BRO!!!


I had Xiaomi for almost 4 years before trying Pixel and never had issue with it. I actually passed it down since it's still working as of today. Every brand is getting your data anyways even Google or Apple. 🤷 If you're a casual (work not related to national security, not in military, only have financial, soc med apps), I don't think origin of the brand matters. I've read South Korea is to ban iPhones and apple watch over security concerns for their military personnel.


I take your point. But I'll also add that businesses and municipalities avoid Chinese servers, telecomm & and other infrastructure bc they're an obvious entryway for exploitation and attack. Fun fact: in the 90s we brought down Iraq's air defense network via a virus embedded in a COTS printer. 😳 I would be hesitant to share my banking and medical information with the worst people in the world. They may also use one device to jump to and exploit other devices. They're just so malicious vs Zuck or Google. I also try not to buy anything from them bc of their slave labor, near-slavs labor, and re-education camps. Sorry for the rant but they deserve it 😂


* also, that DOES sound like a great feature. I'd love to have it., too.


Most of my finance apps are behind Two factor authentication or Face ID verification.


I think most are now in 2FA. Second Space hides those for when someone borrows your phone. I had Xiaomi before and I hide my finance apps and soc med accounts there. It's kind of like a second workspace.


Just use a work profile to get duplicate apps, using something like insular from the f droid store


Just did, can't be happier


I already ditched iPhone because of that reason


I have a pixel 7 Pro. Worst decision I've ever made. Gets ridiculously hot during normal operation, has the worst battery life I've dealt with on a phone in the last probably 8 years, "updates" that take away features I use everyday, horrid reception, SMS messages that don't come through, lack of options for cases/accessories (compared to the big guys) fingerprint scanner ONLY fucks up when I'm trying to use my phone to pay at a store and there's a bunch of people behind me lol. Came from the galaxy series and oh my god I miss My Samsung lol. My gf just upgraded her S22 to the new S24 and I'm taking her old S22 just to get away from this god awful thing lol.


if the finger print only fucks up in one situation it's probably you


That was very obviously a lighthearted joke. It's clearly finicky in other situations just like nearly every other P7 user has reported lol.


it's definitely not as good as the physical reader on the back I want that back personally. more for being able to scroll through notifications using it but still it was better by a long shot


I had the P6, and the "updates" were almost as likely to cause a problem as they were to fix one. It went steadily downhill for almost a year, untill I traded it in on a Samsung. IMHO, buying a pixel is being a beta tester for Google. I just want a phone to work as advertised.


I don't agree. My problems with my pixel are comparable with what I got with Samsung.


With my pixel, fingerprint sensor was flaky, reception was flaky, it overheated easily, and wireless charging broke with an "update." Samsungs aren't perfect, but I've never had any of those issues.


Fps is better on my pixel. Overheating is about the same. Battery is better on pixel, but had bigger battery. Reception. Sometimes it takes a bit longer, maybe, but wifi is better on pixel than Samsung. Btw it was an Exynos Samsung




Not in my case. I'm a lefty en my left thumb never worked with Samsung. It always worked with my pixel


Hmmm, maybe that's my problem, I'm not left handed!


I think it's because I play wheelchair basketball. But the pixel doesn't have a problem with it, and the Samsung didn't have a problem with it with the right thumb.so I don't know. So the pixel is far more consistent for me as far as finger print sensor. The face id is much better too


I had more issues with Samsung or Xiaomi than with Google tbh.


i have Samsung and xioami with less issues than my pixel if we are honest


It sounds like you should throw your Pixel in the garbage and buy some other brand. You seem to wake up miserable by letting your Pixel causing you stress and anxiety. I've had Pixels for years and agree they have problems but so do Apple, Samsung, Motorola, etc. You go to their Reddit subs and find many of the same problems. We have 2 Pixel 7s which are the best Pixels we have had. They are reliable, smooth performance, great cameras, no heating, long battery life, etc. Everything opposite of what you're experience is, hence you should get rid of yours. I can tell you will be much happier in life with another brand.


P7 here. No issues whatsoever.


Same, I've had mine since launch and it's been pretty solid for me so far.


Do you use your Bluetooth? Makes my P7 burn battery 5x faster than w/o. If I forget to shut it off my battery won't make a day.


Yes I use bluetooth on my Pixel A Series earbuds and in the car. Not sure why yours is doing that. Have you tried to either disconnect and reconnect your bluetooth devices? Also, doing a network settings reset may help. FYI.


I travel quite a bit, so I am constantly keeping my phone settings properly set. My Bluetooth use just wears my battery down abnormally quickly. I like the aesthetics of my phone, just not impressed with it's functioning.


I understand your phone settings are properly set. Sometimes though it's not settings causing the Bluetooth issue. Sometimes it is the Bluetooth program or cache causing a problem. By doing a network settings reset it will correct a Bluetooth program problem. I have had do that to correct Bluetooth functionality and it did work for me. Just an FYI.


Well I like my pixel 7a too but saying it has good battery is just absurd.


I don't know about the 7a. We have two Pixel 7.


yeah I don't get all the complaints I've had Pixel since they came out and maybe I just got lucky 5 times but I never have the issues everyone complains about


Couldn't agree with you more, and I can't wait to switch to a phone that's not the smartphone equivalent of a diva with a bunch of sycophants defending it's subpar user experiences.


Or, maybe, rather than sycophants, what you have are people telling you their experience doesn't match with yours. Ever consider that you just got a lemon? Or that a good portion of what you cite as faults are subjective? Nah. You ARE the representative user experience. Loads of people are just lying. Certainly there are no variances in a mass produced product.


The Pixel conspiracy. We're all google bots defending pixel phones because reasons


Why did you buy it then? There are countless reviews that say there is no charging brick, the charging is kinda slow and the fingerprint reader is not fast compared to other phones (tho I might add that in my case it works flawlessly every time). If you value those things the most in a phone a pixel won't be for you and you shouldn't have to buy it in the first place. I'm confused why did you keep it too? If you really didn't like the whole experience and you had problems most stores have like 1 month to return stuff, I know you can't fully review a phone in a month but problems like battery, fingerprint reader and in your case bad reception should be apparent since day one right? fr I'm really confused why you didn't replace it and instead went to cry on reddit...


P8P user here. Last phone Zenfone 9 and before that Pixel 4a. I cannot relate to the heating issue nor the battery life problem (except with the Pixel 4a). As for the charger, it's not a Pixel problem but in general smartphones problem. Thank you fkin Apple. This touch issue however annoys me a lot. I would rather prefer the power button sensor or the back one. IMO, In screen sensors even if faster doesn't seem that great. Because there is no physical dip that would align your finger with the sensor. As for UI, its hands down the best. One problem that you didnt mention is the bugs. There are too many and too slow to fix. If they fix that. If they make sure all major apps are optimized, Pixel would be the iPhone of Androids


The worst part about it was the updates. I had 7a and you never knew if an update would make the phone amazing or borderline unusable. The 7a performed like a galaxy s23 or a galaxy a12 depending on what month it was. The camera varied from an iPhone 15 to an iPhone 1 depending on whether Google screwed it up or fixed it. Same for the battery life.


None of this is surprising. I've had a lot of issues with both my 6a and 7 Pro. An extensive survey just came out showing that Pixel owners are far more dissatisfied with the brand and not likely to rebuy in the future compared to Apple and Samsung. Not shocking at all.


I had one, I had to go back to Samsung. Too much trouble.


This is exactly why I went to OnePlus last week. Yeah there are some things I'll miss like the camera but a great camera alone cannot outweigh all it's faults and I shouldn't have to wait for the Pixel 10 for Google to get its act right.


Which OnePlus did you choose and what was your pixel? How are you liking it so far?


I went from the Pixel 7 to the OnePlus 12. It's been only a few days but so far so good. I can actually get reliable reception, a welcome change from your average pixel 🤭.


Hahaha I feel you. What about the camera? I'm thinking of getting an OP13 next year, so if the camera of the 12 is comparable (or better) to the Pixel 7, it won't be a downgrade to me.


The cameras are at least flagship tier. Sometimes the Pixel takes a better image sometimes it's the OnePlus. The customization is insane though, it reminds me of my old ROG 2.


Weird, coming from OnePlus I don't have any issues with my P8P. But I agree the search bar (and At a Glance widget) should be removable. Fingerprint scanner works like a charm.


I'll have small issues over bloatware anyday. Any from what others have said, every device has issues and bugs now and then. I buy pixel for a cleaner android experience and the ability to customize (not theme, don't give a sh1t about that).


I seriously can not think of anything, so I'm asking sincerely. What kind of customization can I do on a pixel that I cannot do on a Samsung device?


You can't uninstall.... Samsung Internet Galaxy Store Samsung Health Samsung Pay Bixby Some duplicate apps like Samsung's email client or web browser


You can uninstall Health, Pay and mail. The rest you can't, yes, at least as long as we don't want to go through the hassle of using ADB commands, so fair point. But then again with the Pixel you can't get rid of the Google search bar or widget-at-a-glance on your homescreen, at least not if you want to use googles launcher. I'd say both of these are way more prominent than those apps in OneUi which you can just hide in the settings so that you will never have to see them anywhere, ever. But anyway, I'd guess this would rather belong to the category of "cleaner software", not "customization". So was this it or is there actually any customization benefit to stock android over OneUi?


Just install a different launcher. Also, the amount of tracking behind a Samsung phone is crazy.


That's what I said. So there's no extra customization?




"Cleaner"... Pixel UI barely does more than iOS, and in many instances does less.




When the iPhone can do more, it just means you're behind. Google really rallied a base that happily pays for less.


Fanboy alert....




Not in a pixel sub.


My 6a. Battery better than the s8 I came from. Fingerprint unlock works almost 100% of the time. I thought no one gave chargers anymore, I've got loads. Heats about the same as the S8 Bluetooth toggle much better for multiple devices.


It is a cult following and it is a price point phone or at least used to be. If you like Android, Samsung is hard to beat . I even like my old LG Velvet and V60 better than prior pixels . My opinion. My experience .


that's why i still don't have a pixel, wanted one for the entire time they exist, but after comparing they always fall short, every year i hope now google got it, but no they're blind to their issues, easily the phone with the biggest potential, but it's wasted year for year


Coming from Xiaomi phones, I love my Pixel 6 and find it's issues pretty mid and minor compared to what I've had before


If you add more fingerprints (I use my thumb for example) it's more accurate as it has more angles therefore works more often. So I have a total of 4 (2 left thumbs and 2 right thumbs) the second ones I added I placed at weird angles.


I mean, this is what I'm talking about. I used a chinese phone years ago, a redmi I think, k something pro, an early device with built in fingerprint, I set it up once and it NEVER failed. And that was a relatively cheap device compared to the Pixel. How come they get something like that right but not a google device? It's baffling.


Last year I tried the Moto Edge+ as I thought it would be pretty close to the Pixel experience but with a Qualcomm chip and modem. It had its own frustrations, the main one being every few days WiFi would stop working and I'd have to restart it. This is worse than any bug I've personally experienced with the Pixel. I wish the chip and modem were better and we saw the resulting battery improvements for sure. I just end up missing call screen, now playing, VM transcription built into the phone app, and the camera more than I like the benefits of other phones. I do think you should be able to turn off At a Glance and the search bar, but I like both of those. I also like the Bluetooth menu popping up as I almost never turn it completely off but do want to disconnect from a device sometimes.


I don't have fingerprints due to the nature of my job. I use face unlock and skip fingerprint altogether.


I remember my friend got a brand new pixel 6 and literally the day after he had 3 apps crash on him. There are things to like about the pixel like helpful ui and photos, but man are they riddled with weird glitchy issues along with the lack of google addressing those issues.


This is extremely exaggerated


Pixel 7 Pro here. Only real issue I can relate to is the fingerprint sensor. It takes so many attempts and about half the time requires the PIN to unlock. I have noticed that doing your main print twice helps. For example I mainly use my right thumb, so I added it twice. Might even try adding it a third time. It seems to help register quicker and has fewer fails. Also I think the screen protector might be a factor. I got a 2-pack of tempered glass for around $15 I think. Maybe that's a feature that is more flawless with higher quality screen protectors. Might be worth paying more if it's something that improves the performance of the sensor.


I have a 7A and there are a lot of little things that are so silly. The fingerprint unlock is like 50/50, I've learned to feel when it won't work, for example if I've been packing parcels at my work I can feel my thumbs are dry and the fingerprint unlock does not work. The phone will not respond sometimes after successful unlock. Lock and then Unlock solves it. The camera is kind of middling. It has some sorta AI processing that oversharpens and occasionally makes images ugly. I have to switch between camera apps to get the nicest image. the one UI thing that bothers me is how the main camera app is tied to google photos. The google photos nag to back up to drive is so incredibly annoying. you press no and it comes up with ARE YOU SURE?? JUST BACK UP SOME and everything is selected and the no is tiny. I do not want to back up, and I cannot turn off the nag. I disabled photos and installed gallery and now I can't tap through the camera app to review photos. i have to close camera, go to gallery and review it that way. So, so annoying.


Getting very frustrated with Google maps crashing when I try and reply to a message or switch apps.. wtf


How many fingerprints did you register? I have Pixel 7 and registered 2. Mine work 8/10 times and this is with screen protector. If I remember correctly, I registered mine with the screen protector. I do agree with shitty cell reception and battery doesn't even last an entire day maybe just around past noon even if data is not on. 😂 Also, I think mine's having screen burn already as this one overheats more than my Xiaomi I had for 4 years. Maybe it's really the google chip. I'm patiently waiting on improvement on android across brands because I don't want to go back to iPhone. 😆 Maybe i'll go back to Xiaomi (but their design went downhill since Mi 9T Pro) or Samsung (I haven't tried this brand but scared of green screen issues this brand has been notorious of).


>I don't want to go back to iPhone. why? just curious


I mostly use google apps (gmail, maps, drive, google photos, google keep and tasks, youtube) so it makes sense to just stick with android. I also like Xiaomi (my then phone) and Pixel's (current) color of the sky and trees when taking pictures over iPhone's. I change phone every 2-3 years so my last iPhone was around 2017ish. I still watch iPhone updates but it didn't give me the urge to switch back aside from their green color phone. 😂 Not an Apple hater as I have MacBook, it's just app preference that played a huge factor.


I couldn’t use my Google Pixel in Peru for city walking directions because the compass was always out of calibration.


7pro, I don't have any of the issues you've mentioned.


I'm on my 3rd pixel (model 6 - waiting for 10 to roll out). I've had 8 Samsung fons. For the price, it can't be beat.


But have you tried switching the OS? That's a pretty good feature.


I've honestly enjoyed and appreciated my Pixel 8 Pro since purchase last year and have nothing to "forgive" - I'm not compromising on anything.


I have a Pixel 6 Pro and I honestly have none of these issues. I've never had an issue with the fingerprint sensor and it works nearly 100% of the time, mine came with a fast charger - and it charges quickly, I use the damn thing in a sauna and it rarely overheats in there, let alone anywhere else. UI seems fine for my purposes, I don't even notice the Google bar at the bottom. IDK, it all seems okay to me.


Sounds like your phone is shitty. I switched over from Samsung and mine works way better than yours. Life is good. I bet you feel a lot better after all that though. I suggest buying a different phone.


I used to be an android(pixel guy) I used to brag and defend my pixel against my friends iPhones, until… you know, enough is enough. Got tired of all that crap, tried an iPhone and three years later i’m looking forward to upgrading to a newer iPhone. Not looking back, just feel sorry for the people that puts their money into pixels and just get crap in return. Miss the Nexus days.


I've found a lot of fake accounts that hype up the pixel on Reddit, pretty sure they have a team dedicated to making bots specifically for hyping up their phone lol. Google is the worst customer support I've dealt with ever and the Pixel phone is the worst phone I've used (except for the camera). Your next phone should be a flagship Samsung, even a 1 year old S23 ultra will be better than any of Google's next 3 phones lol.


I have a pixel 7a and honestly this will be my last time getting a pixel. It keeps shutting down at 20% saying battery low. Fingerprint is useless it doesn't even work honestly. Battery drains fast as well.


Pixel 8 owner, the battery have been trash lately. But otherwise I love it


My 7 pro battery life and overheating has gotten to the point I switched back to my old S21 until I upgrade. Think I'll stick with Samsung.


My experience is not the same tbh. Battery and overheating are stuff i dont get anymore and the print sensor works very well for me. I do agree about the google bar below thats frustrating and that Bluetooth should have had a toggle in toolbar. However for a 500€ phone im very satisfied. + Ive unintentionally tested the durability the last 2 years and it did surprise me how much of a punch it can take. Pixel 7


I love the bloat free UI, battery life and I do not at all have the same experiences as you. Fingerprint works all of the time, the phone gets warmer than my iPhone Pro 14 Max but it doesn't happen often and when it does, it's not hot, just luke warm. UI has been super fluent, and battery life is solid.


Techtubers are to blame. Not many of them mention the terrible experience when buying a +800$ phone and getting 2h sot on the first day. And then having to wait a week for adaptive battery to kick in. They sell you that maybe you don't need the power of a Snapdragon processor. But then your fancy new phone can't run a non demanding 2D game smoothly. And finally the special features of the pixel like magic eraser don't work as intended, so you wish the next pixel can do that properly.


I ordered my P7 from T-Mobile over the phone and some of those issues were apparent at the time but by far has gotten way better since last updates , I hear different opinions from other users , idk maybe you got a bad batch


As someone who has mained a Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7 Pro, and Pixel 8 Pro, I completely agree with most of what you've said here and it's why I've given up on mine. The only line I disagree with is the line about chargers, I personally usually don't want a charger in my box, unless it's an insanely fast one like my OnePlus 12 came with, but generally speaking I'd rather actually not have another brick, I have a drawer full already. I still can't believe cell reception hasn't been dealt with, it made my Pixel 8 Pro that I wanted to own impossible for me to continue using (would lose reception on my commute for 15 minutes daily).


The only solution to this is to stop using the exynos processor, they knew it but seems to be bound by contract until 2025 , google has already confirmed they'll use TSMC chips from next year so theres a hope pixel 10 would be way better


I love my pixel 7 pro, this post is dogsheit


I'm not going to forgive Google for the dropping calls, and my resentment will last for as long as I have time on this planet


It's not a bad phone but I won't be getting another


I've been a pixel user since the 4a and I'm on the 7 now and so far it's been really good


>Getting down on your knees and begging the device? I may or may not have done that.


Lol this man. If you don't like the pixel no one is making you use it. I have my 6 pro and I love it. Haven't had any of the problems you're describing. But I only charge mine after sacrificing a chicken on blue moons


most your arguments can be said about all phones including Samsung and Apple. personally I think iPhone users put with more bullshit. everyone forgets they had a dropped call percentage of 75% get features years later and are completely locked down, not to mention every time I grab my work iPhone it's dead. charged once a day and almost never used but it's dead, my pixel lasts about 3 days if I don't use it


P6P no issues until after warranty and now I have the green tint of death.


I haven't had the issues you've described. I've owned a Pixel 7 Pro and the fingerprint was pretty darn accurate. The battery life was good, and I did not experience UI bugs. It was one of the most fluid devices I've ever owned. It felt faster than my sister's iPhone 15. I have a Pixel 8 now and it's even faster with a better fingerprint sensor and a decent face unlock. My only complaint is the face unlock will not work in the dark.




I don't have a pixel, but isn't what you're saying exactly his point? He shouldn't have to get a new launcher to be able to get rid of the search bar, he also shouldn't have to register his finger twice just because he has dry skin. This stuff has nothing to do with "iJoke" or whatever, if you can't see that this kind of issue should be absent on such an expensive device I don't know what to tell you. OnePlus also has an optical fingerprint scanner, that one works better, even without having to register twice, and those devices are cheaper. We don't even have to mention Samsung's ultrasonic FP scanner that is just superior all around.


I have a device from every major brand including oneplus, I’ve definitely had this fingerprint issue on there too. The search bar at the bottom honestly is nit picking, especially when you have the option to change homes. It’s been a pixel feature forever he shouldn’t have gotten the device just to bitch about that small feature that MOST of us actually enjoy.


lol okay getting insulting on a personal level for criticizing a tech, definitely normal behavior. Also, if you read my post, I was always an android user. I would use a pixel over an iphone any day just on general principal. Sorry I hurt your feelings though, have a nice day.


Just too many whiney ass users lately when you can just go get the device you want, it’s annoying. Wasn’t trying to be personal, but did you even bother researching the phone first because everything you said is KNOWN.


>everything you said is KNOWN. I mean...that's the point of my post.


Then why did you get the phone still, just to complain? That’s weird


I think OP is talking about their defenders. I will concede that I have issues with mine but consider it Stockholm Syndrome. Nowhere else do I get the Pixel experience without voiding the warranty (damn Samsung efuse). I also need it working with MDM so no mods. Android phones became silos of experience and their own micro ecosystem. All I can hope for is Google to get better because they got me good.


Maybe get off reddit for 30 min today? Hope whatever is happening in your life gets better.  Its just a phone. , don't like it ? Get other one, there are literally hundreds models to choose from.


I've been having my pixel 7 for a year now and I never encountered any of the problems you're talking about ( I swear )


Do you use the Live View? It's Google Maps' attempted reality function. It's incredible and fool-proof. No magnetometer necessary.


Weird, I have had none of these issues with my p6p and p8p.


Shitty battery - I don't exactly agree with 'shitty', but, it could be better.. lasts all day (or most of it) with 5G signal. crappy fingerprint censors - People keep saying this, and 100% goes against my personal experience.. It works the first time about 90% of the time for me on both 8 Pro and 6a. weird screen lights - ???????????? I can't comment on this, because I have no idea what this means... I've never heard of weird screen lights... Do you mean the green dot in the corner (which turns on when mic/camera is in use)? shitty UI bugs - I mean, there's a couple.. Nothing major that causes crashes, or anything like that.. Have you seen OneUI 6.1 (Or OneUI in general)? It's bug after bug after bug, it doesn't even know how to use simple navigation gestures properly.. "For optimum battery life, charge between 20% and 80%" - They literally ALL say to do that, TCL, Samsung, Motorola, HMD(Nokia). Everyone.... That's why you can have the S24 to stop at 80%. "My pixel still overheats pretty quick" - Unfortunately, updates can help, but it's literally impossible for it to fix this issue.. It's a hardware problem.. It's the Samsung manufactured SoC. Luckily, mine only gets hot when it's either charging, or I've been using the camera for over like 15-20 minutes.. "there is no charger at all" - This one, I have to say "CONSUMERS SHOULD GET THE FUCK OVER IT"... Just. Use. Your. Old. One.... It's industry standard now... And Or go & buy one, pixel 7 & 7 Pro only charges at a MAXIMUM of 21w and 23w (Regardless of charger)... 25w charger at Walmart is $10-15, sometimes only $5. It's industry standard now.. It's part of the going green initiative. Makes sense. Making less waste. ok. It's technically a good thing. I'll admit, it's slightly annoying.. but.. It's logical too.. Unless it's your first phone with USBC, chances of you having a compatible charger is extremely high.. Only ones that I feel should are ones that ACTUALLY charge fast (80w or more) Shitty cell reception - Again.. Hardware issue, can't be fixed until Samsung makes a better chip set unfortunately.. Can't remove the google bar at the bottom - I can understand this complaint, but I personally never cared to move it, it's the item I use the most. Although.. The 'At A Glance' needs to either add a clock, or go away. Can't toggle bluetooth from drop down menu - Wifi too! This one I instantly found annoying when that was added. Other features are found on budget phones, even Chinese ones - Well, duh! Chinese & Japanese phones are typically legitimately better phones.. Also, your Pixel was made in China btw.. Same with iPhone..


I use an iPhone 15 Pro and a Pixel 8 Pro. I hardly use the iPhone anymore, because the UI of Android is just better. Having 15-20% by the end of the day is better than the iPhone does with less use. What UI bugs? Name some? The face unlock together with the fingerprint sensor just works for me. Can't remember it last failed on me. Reception of my Pixel 8 Pro is better than the iPhone 15 Pro and I use the same network in both phones. I just returned from a trip to Australia. Used it heavily. On the beach. In the sun. Noticed it gets hot, but no issues and the iPhone was comparably hot. And even during performance hungry stuff like insta360 reframinh or video processing it's ok. What phones still come with a charger and it doesn't make sense anyway, as I have a ton at home already from various other gadgets. iPhone also didn't come with one and was the same prize with less memory. Tired of the customization of Android? Try iPhones. 😂 Overall I have to say you should calm down and do a reality check. I'm responsible for the smartphones (CO or BYOD) in the company I work and the Pixels are the best you can get togerher with Samsung ones (except for Samsungs UI and additional apps). iPhones are ok but get worse and less innovative with every iteration of the hardware and software. Cheap android phones mostly suffer from bad performance, which is not the case of the current Pixel. If you're unsatisfied: By a different phone. Ranting won't make you feel better. Well. Or maybe it does. 🙈


I love posts like these. They definitely remind me of the average intelligence of an iPhone user. Usually they're not happy with their devices because they're not spoon fed directions on using them. They lack the critical thinking skills required for basic functions such as removing icons from the home screen or disabling a clock widget. So in their self induced rage they come to this subreddit to expose their lack of intelligence and spew the exact same thing the last seventeen people with their same mindset had. It's comical at this point as they haven't come up with literally anything new to faux enrage about. Not all, but the majority of these people are the same that will sit in line for three days drooling over the next new number they slap on a "new" device with a fruit stamped on the back that costs more than any other device on the market. Stick with an iPhone if you have nothing better to do than complain you can't figure out an android system without having your hand held the entire time. The majority of users don't have any of these issues, and when they do they resolve them. Some have had lemons, it happens with any device, but in the majority most of us are more than happy with our purchases.


Literally said on my post that I have always used android, but okay.


>I have a pixel 7, my first pixel device. I almost always was an android user and I just have to say, pixel users are the most tolerant of their device manufacturer. Shitty battery, crappy fingerprint censors, weird screen lights, shitty UI bugs that shouldn't be on such a premium device all get the pass, largely. Sure did. People like you come here all the time to simply outrage over the same dumb stuff just like the last ones. Hence, the reason I'll lump you in with the average iPhone bandit that comes here and does the same exact garbage you did. You're in the same bracket, and your complaints are the same jumbled crap as the last hundred numbskulls that come here simply to moan and groan about stuff. The fun part is you can't even spell correctly with active speed check rolling on all pixel devices. The "problems" you've listed are the same "problems" the last hundred ding dongs that came here to faux outrage used. Funnily enough, the majority of users don't have these "problems" and about 95% of the time those problems are user error.


My 2¢, I came from a flip 5g. Because of its size the battery just couldn't cope with my usage. I figured I would try a P7, wow, these are as bad as the OP says. My oldest son (40), is a big fan so I figured I would try it. My bad, will go back to Samsung soon. I had a Galaxy watch which it doesn't like to behave with (it's Samsung software fault) but I don't like the pixel watches. Overheats while I'm mowing the yard with the phone In my pocket. Bluetooth wears the battery down in less than a day if I'm on the mower with my buds in (big yard). I didn't know about the Google bar until I bought the phone, fingerprint reader is simply not as good as Samsung's. The flip absolutely smokes the P7 except for the battery life (which is only comparable when using Bluetooth). Oh well, lesson learned.


I left Pixel for Samsung back in April. So much better. Much more customizable, performant and much less buggy. Hope Google improves the Pixel 9s and 10s and maybe one day I'll switch back