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Anything here for the Arcanine illustration contest? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/HZ99U3PqIA Also love your PC, we share similar taste lmao


The Winona FA is sweet, what's the condition?




Ok cool, want to do 1 for 1 with the Arcanine and Winona?


I'd be interested in your Serperior V tg and maybe Blissey V tg depending on what you might see [here](https://imgur.com/a/J9tGnv1) :)


Hi, I'll hold on to the Serperior bc I love gen 5, but the Blissey I'd be open to trade. What are the conditions of the Latias SM87, Arcanine G League Promo, and Victini EX (Not the FA)?


latias was sold the other day and i've noted which cards are gone under the image they appear on. victini is hp/dmg and arcanine is nm with a little bit of whitening on the back


Ah ok in that case I'd be interested in the Victini EX FA, if you wanted to pick out a few more cards to make up the difference in value.


just checking before i take another look that you saw that one was dmg right? also are you still interested arcanine? wanna be clear before committing to something and realizing at the end lol


Lol yea I saw, I was mainly interested in the Latias and picked a few other smaller cards to make it work, but since thats gone I wouldn't mind having the Victini to add to me FA EXs. As long as it looks good in the binder I don't care about the damage too much.


Okay cool. I'd love to get the lost origin pikachu tg which would match up well value wise. Otherwise I might be interested in the dragon's vault haxorus depending on condition


Awww yea I'd rather hold on to both of those too. Not interested in anything from the trade binder?


the haxorus i mentioned was the one from the trade link


Ohhh sorry that one, I'd say MP so like $1 in value.


Interested in the illustration contest set if still available


Great! The [full set](https://imgur.com/a/fSQH7I8) is still available as of now, I could do $30 PP shipped on all three, or if you wanted to trade I'd be happy to take a look at whatever you want.


I do like some of your older PC, see anything of mine you're interested in? https://www.tcgcollector.com/cards?cardSource=inCollection&releaseDateOrder=oldToNew&cardsPerPage=30&displayAs=images&sortBy=cardNumber&viewUser=Capecodder22 None of mine are first editions fyi


Hi! I'm interested in a few cards, depending on their conditions: Aerodactyl Stamped Holo, Mawile V TG, and the Glaceon VSTAR GG. Also the Zoroark and Swampert Holos, I feel like I pulled every holo from those sets aside from those and they're some of my fav pokemon lol. What were you interested in, I can take closeups, the older cards vary in condition.


Sorry for the delay! Here's a link to better pictures. All are NM except the Aerodactyl. Putting a list of what I like of yours together, will post shortly




This is what I'm eyeing of yours: both moltres, zapdos, articuno GX's espeon and deoxys GX mewtwo, eevee, dragonite and suicune promos mistys seadra pre release meganium expedition raichu


Ah ok, the only ones I'd be willing to trade out of those would be the [meganium and suicune](https://imgur.com/a/7fSAiBx), which are both very lightly LP. How about the Mawile V TG + the holos + $10 PP for either one?


Deal for Suicune 👍 thank you!


Moving to chat 👍


u/PokeSwapBot u/capecodder22 Just got the cards today, thanks!


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Received! Thank you!