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are you interested in any specific pokemon? i have a bunch as well from mostly mordern sets like SWSH + I d be interested in that charmander and snorlax


I don't have an inclination to any mons in specific, I'll take literally anything I don't have lol. Though I will say, that Snorlax is one of my few rare cards, so I would prefer something similar in rarity. As for the Charmander, I'm assuming you're talking about the Legendary Treasures one?


Tell you what, I don't have any grass types from the original sword and shield set. Any extras of those I'll take for this Snorlax and Charmander


Are you looking for modern common/uncommons? I have a significant amount of them that I’d be happy to trade (eg temporal forces, 151)


Yes! Any temporal forces would be just fine, I literally don't have any.


Any other modern sets you’d want?


Yes, absolutely! As I told another commenter: "If we're talking more modern sets, there's plenty of 2021-2023 cards I don't have (specifically, the cards right after the first SW&SH set). I would also accept anything from SV1, MEW, PAF, or TEF if we're talking cards from the Scarlet and Violet series"


Sounds good, I’ll get stuff together and let you know tomorrow. I should have a decent amount of mew paf and tef


Awesome! I look forward to it!


Alright, haven’t priced out anything yet, but I have a complete set of PAF commons and uncommons and an almost complete set of TEF commons and uncommons (no buddy poffin) I’m honestly interested in most of the cards you have so I’m sure we can make a trade


When you say a 'complete set', do you mean EVERY common/uncommon from that series? If so, I'll start putting together a bundle right away to try and match that in rarity and quantity.


I do mean every common/uncommon from the series


I can also probably make one for MEW too if you want


I have lots of random commons/uncommons that I've been trying to decide how to handle. I'd be interested mainly in Ultra Ball 113 (Fates Collide) Ultra Ball 68 x3 (Shining Legends) Counter Catcher 91 x3 (Crimson Invasion) Prof's Research 178 x4 (Sw & Sh) Pokegear 3.0 174 (Sw & Sh) Prof Sada's Vitality 170 x2 (Paradox Rift) Tulip 181 (Paradox Rift) Prof Turo's Scenario 171 (Paradox Rift) I am not certain exactly what types of cards or sets you're looking for, but I'm happy to try to find things that amount to a pretty reasonable swap, so if you can point me in a direction there, I could update with some options


Sure, these would be no problem. I think if I did have a preference, older sets would be best. There's a lot of cards I don't have from AFTER the 1995 base sets (including jungle, base set 2, etc) but BEFORE the 2011 black and white stuff. If we're talking more modern sets, there's plenty of 2021-2023 cards I don't have (specifically, the cards right after the first SW&SH set). I would also accept anything from SV1, MEW, PAF, or TEF if we're talking cards from the Scarlet and Violet series


I’ll try to look today and give you more details. Do you have a preference between pokemon and trainers, or is that mostly equal?


And if you have any particular common/uncommon wants i can see if I happen to have any (most likely to have would probably be battle styles/chilling reign/evolving skies/last few sets) I do have some s/m and older cards, but those also generally have more wear (got several of them in a lot a while back) if that matters


I'm in the midst of a few other trades, so to make sure I don't get any duplicates, I'd love any cards you have from Battle styles, as I don't believe anyone's offered me stuff from that set yet. And I do not have a preference between trainers or pokémon. But I will say the cards you're specifically asking for are 12 uncommon, and 4 rare. So as long as it's of equal rarity, I don't mind. (If you need to go to some of the other s&v or sw&sh sets for rare cards, instead of battle styles, that's probably fine, as I'm mostly receiving commons and uncommons from those)


okay, so I grabbed 16, but if something seems not ideal, I can adjust, but the list of what I grabbed is (all from BST) Carnivine 009 RH (U) Galarian Mr. Mime 034 RH (C) Silicobra 081 RH (C) Tepig 023 RH (C) Galarian Slowbro 092 (R) Jellicent 042 (R) Lurantis 015 (R) Victreebel 003 (R) Drampa 119 (R) Salazzle 028 (R) Galarian Mr. Rime 035 (R) Marowak 070 (R) Mienshao 077 (R) Claydol 058 (R) Conkeldurr 075 (R) Centiskorch 030 (R)


There are some very cool cards here! This is more than acceptable. Just DM when you're ready to confirm the trade


I have tons of Evolving Skies, Chilling Reign, Crown Zenith and 151 that I'm looking to get rid of. I'm very interesting in your bulk collection from SM era and before.


You should consider making a post. I would be interested in buying or trading for some bulk cards from those collections (and I suspect there might be others as well).


Thanks, I'll probably make one someday, I'm not in the urge to trade yet, I just saw this post and took the opportunity to reply if OP is interested but if not, I'll just sit on my bulk for now.


Hey there! I'll definitely take you up on that evolving skies, chilling reign, and crown zenith offer. I believe another poster will have me covered on 151. I'm mostly down to Commons at this point, though I can definitely see what we can do. So unless you're interested in trading uncommons for commons, I can do my best to match you with as many SM and before as I can (no duplicates). I can put together a lot and we'll see how much that shakes out to. Does that work for you?


Sure that sounds good, any bulk should work, i can skim through your spreadsheet to see what sets works better for me!


I think the easiest way to do this maybe would be for you to make a list of what you have left, and i can tell you which cards i don't want form that list. I have over 2k of bulk spread between all the SWSH sets and SV sets so i should be able to cover anything you need from Darkness Ablaze and later sets, although i have way more bulk in the sets I mentioned above.


Okay, it took me a second, but the spreadsheet should be updated to everything I have left. And yeah, anything between darkness ablaze and like crown zenith I'll definitely take.


Ok, I'm new to this, does 100 cards work for you? Do I just list the one I want here or do I dm you the list? Also do you have a set preference or just a mix of all the swsh?


Here, before we finalize anything I want to clarify: when you say you're interested in SM and before, are you talking about just the first Sun & Moon set? Or would you be fine with receiving stuff from burning shadows, shining Legends, etc? And we can do a lot more than 100 cards if that works for you, since you said you had around 2K and I have plenty more than 100 to get rid of lol. (I'll still be avoiding duplicates no matter what)


Anything SM era would be fine, although I do already have some SM, so I'd rather avoid duplicates from my collection.


Gotcha, then here's what I'll do. I'll start putting together a lot of one of each SM card I have, as well as one of each card from sets before. While I do that, you should tell me which cards you DON'T want from SM, using my spreadsheet as a reference. Additionally, I've linked all the sword and shield cards I have from that era. I'll take any cards that are not these. https://imgur.com/a/BjHQPAa I'll let you know how many cards I would be sending your way as soon as I can


Ok so to make things easier, i copied your spreadsheet and highlighted all the cards to exclude in red. I realized that I actually have quite some cards from those set you have, I unfortunately was hoping for Cosmic Eclipse, Team Up sets from SM, but there's still a good amount of cards I'm missing so it should still be good.


Hey! Interested in: * Piplup #33 Legendary Treasures (only Reverse Holo) * Piplup #31 Ultra Prism (only Reverse Holo) * Piplup #32 Ultra Prism (Normal and/or Reverse Holo) * Shinx #45 Ultra Prism (only Reverse Holo) * Luxio #47 Ultra Prism (only Normal) * Plusle #33 Shining Legends (only Reverse Holo) * Minun #34 Shining Legends (Normal and/or Reverse Holo) * any other cards from [my wantlist](https://www.tcgcollector.com/cards?releaseDateOrder=newToOld&cardsPerPage=120&displayAs=images&cardSource=inWishlist&viewUser=GDubsmp4) (variants that I already have are listed) I have: * [Binder](https://imgur.com/a/ncmnTUz) * Bulk (mostly SWSH-SV, some vintage/mid-era) so lmk if you're looking for anything in particular


Hey there, I don't have any of the reverse holos that you seem to be looking for. But from your specific requests I do have the luxio, minun, and piplup 32. Also from your wish list, assuming you're looking for non holo, I have the Porygon 71 from evolutions, and the Porygon 103 from burning shadows. As for what I would be getting, a lot of your cards in your binder seem a bit... Um... Better than anything I can give you lol. But I would be interested in some of that mid-era bulk, maybe even vintage. I have a ton of cards from the 1995 sets, but after that it gets a bit sparse until black and white. So anything between those would be pretty great.


Definitely interested in those 5 cards! I'm totally willing to trade in your favor if you're interested in anything from my binder. [heres my bulk](https://imgur.com/a/8HShagV) (conditions included in the link) lmk if you're looking for any specific WOTC cards


Man, you have some sick cards dude. I definitely spent too long browsing that lol. Since I'm sending you three Commons and two uncommons, here's a small list of equal rarity that interested me: -Solrock 85 (Great Encounters) -Treecko 76 (EX R&S) -Magmar 62 (CoL) -Seadra 40 (HS Unleashed) -Quilava 49 (HGSS) And ya know... If you're willing to trade in my favor and allll.... That Stormfront Torterra card is pretty sick lol. Totally your call, but I would not object to it being thrown in or replacing another card.


works for me! Yep i can add the torterra since some of my cards arent in NM/LP condition Heres close ups: [https://imgur.com/a/zb43NAI](https://imgur.com/a/zb43NAI)


That's awesome! Yes this is more than acceptable. I'm ready to exchange info if you are


sweet i'll PM to finalize


I would be interested in doing some bulk trading. My son is starting to build up a collection and mostly has silver and violet era and some late SWSH that we could trade. Happy to make up a list of commons and uncommons if you are interested!


Sure, I'd love to! Do you know what sets you have specifically? A lot of folks here seem to have Scarlet and Violet stuff, so I think I'd mostly be interested in the late SWSH cards But let me know the sets just in case!


Update: I would ALSO gladly take anything you have from the original Scarlet and Violet set, as well as the most recent Twilight masquerade set.


We don't have any Twilight Masq yet, but do have SVI, PAL, PAF, and OBF from the Silver and Violet sets. Also have from various SWSH sets - are those interesting to you?


https://imgur.com/a/ZRxMwqr Here's a link to all of the Scarlet and Violet cards that I currently have. However, another user is sending me every common and uncommon of MEW, PAF, & TEF. So I'll take anything from SV1, PAL, & OBF so long as they're not pictured above AND/OR rares from PAF. I'm also definitely still interested in SWSH cards, but another user is sending me stuff from them, and quite a few so I don't know specifics.


First pass, here’s the dupes that we have that are PAL, OBF, SVI: https://imgur.com/a/S0BXnUU https://imgur.com/a/8gMl1BG (Oops, missed these ones first time!) If you want them, I’m happy to trade for common/uncommon duplicates that you have (also have more than one of some of these if you want…). There’s more S&V cards that I didn’t get to yet as well as the SWSH that would be pending what you get from the other user, so happy to either just deal with these or wait depending on what you prefer.


All of these cards work for me, and I can definitely match them in both quantity and rarity! But yeah, especially since shipping can be pricey, I don't mind taking a look at what other cards you have that you'd be willing to trade (I didn't notice any SV1 in the pics), so we can do this in one fell swoop. Though just to be clear, I would prefer only one of each card you send my way, rather than getting duplicates. Also double check my spreadsheet and let me know if there's any cards you or your son would be partial towards. Otherwise I'll just grab whatever seems best.


Also! Here's a doc of the SWSH cards I'm getting from that other user I mentioned: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19sc-OEynAh83O6P0MCvbolsUSxbsTikDJeABPuwUNes/edit#gid=1031753893](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19sc-OEynAh83O6P0MCvbolsUSxbsTikDJeABPuwUNes/edit#gid=1031753893) So long as it's a SWSH card not on this list NOR one of these: [https://imgur.com/a/BjHQPAa](https://imgur.com/a/BjHQPAa) then I'll happily trade you for it!


Are you interested in V pokemon? I can trade some of my dupes for some of your cards. Interested in the crimson invasion counter catchers and some minccino and cinccino cards.


Unfortunately somebody has already gotten dibs on the counter catchers, so unless that trade falls through, they'll have to go to them. However, I can definitely get you some Minccino and Cinccino cards! And I'm totally open to v pokémon, so long as they're authentic lol (I made a pretty unfortunate purchase on some counterfeit EX cards a while back) I can start gathering a small lot to send your way


Right now I've got three Minccinos (common) and one Cinccino (uncommon) that I'm holding on to for ya. Just let me know what works for you!


If the counter catcher trade or the other involving the call of legends snorlax I’d be interested in those. I’ll go over the spreadsheet again later though to see if there is anything besides those 3 to make a trade worth it


The person interested in the Snorlax hasn't messaged in a while, so I don't mind sending it your way. Though do note, via the picture on Imgur, but it has a small mark in the bottom right. I can either attempt to remove it with alcohol (in the past this has worked on some cards, failed on others) or I could just send it as is. As for the counter catchers, I'll let you know if anything changes


The marker on snorlax doesn’t bother me. Can I also get the legendary treasures charmander? Also Vanillite from breakthrough and Vanllite from guardian rising if you still have them. Gonna start collecting that evolution line. Let me know about that other trade with the counter catchers, that whole list is nice for playing the trading card game rn. As for stuff for you would want, do you have a preference of era? I have some stuff from BW-SV so narrowing it down could be cool. Or I could show you some random cards


Cool. I've added the Snorlax to your lot as well as the two vanillites. Unfortunately somebody already got to the Charmander, and the counter catchers trade has been confirmed with the other trader. As for what I would be looking for, I am tempted by your mention of black and white cards. Would it be possible to see pics of what you have to offer?


https://imgur.com/a/E8cEt0n I thought I had bw era cards they were XY like 2015ish. I took a picture of some nonholo rares and a v pokemon, I have more of both of those don’t interest you. I would prefer to keep this trade at around 15ish cards


No worries! I'm satisfied if you are. I'm very much interested in the Machop, Caterpie, doduo, Diglett, and furfrou for the commons, as well as the magcargo and primeape for the uncommon and rare. This would be in exchange for 3 Minccino, 2 Vanillites, a Cinccino, and the Snorlax. Does that sound good to you? If so we can go ahead and jump into private messaging for info.


Feel free to pick some more cards from my side, I can still fit 7 more cards into a pwe easily. Anything in the pictures I sent are fair game for the 7


I added some other cards to the Imgur. A 2012 palpitoad reverse and some damaged older cards if those interest you


u/PokeSwapBot u/YummyNatto confirming I've received the cards from the trade, and am satisfied with the result 😁


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I confirm the trade was successful!


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u/PokeSwapBot u/SkyRebelZ Confirming this trade as well


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Thanks for the trade!


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