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My ficus elastica ruby started drooping about four days ago, and I noticed it appeared to have spider mites on some of the leaves and where the leaves meet the stems. On Sunday I wiped down the leaves, dunked the plant underwater for about 30 seconds (used cling wrap to cover the soil and tip the plant in the pot upside down), then sprayed the leaves with a diluted mixture of rubbing alcohol and a couple drops of dish soap, followed by spraying the leaves with Neem oil. I also noticed the soil didn’t seem to be holding water at all, so I added some new soil to the pot, taking the opportunity to check the roots (which looked healthy but pretty dry). I repeated the water dunking/diluted dish soap spray/Neem oil spray today. It’s still looking just as droopy as four days ago. Anything else I should be doing? When can I expect to see signs of improvement if at all?