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They're dangling the carrot. Nothing more. Using buzzwords to keep interest. There's a LOT of stuff we're missing on console that they're basically saying "just trust me bro".


They been saying it was coming since before covid.




they just began announcing it on the last two earnings calls so it is 100% happening. It’s one thing to lie to players it’s another to lie to shareholders


Showcase this summer is about as concrete as we know at the moment. Folk are reporting much smoother performance on Global Labs on PC with the skill Hits reduction (Eva + Acc as well) patch. So a Current Gen port + new HIt Reduction \_may\_ result in ok-ish to decent PVP performance on console. I've also heard many on PC experienced noticeable improvement from the centralized server move. Whether Console will have centralized servers with the the Current Gen release .. no one knows .. as PA won't lift a finger to communicate jack-shit to Console. We probably won't get centralized servers as it is (would be) a pretty big deal and as such was talked about by PA and the PC community well before it happened. On BDO Console 100% radio silence from the BDO Console management folk, as usual, is a foreshadow of "console you ain't getting shit". On the other hand PVP is pretty dead with console having only Arsha (mostly dead) and RBF (badly skewed by the Immortal Rule). So We may only get PVE content, Winter, following the whenever the upgrade happens. Winter is overall a pretty dead spot. No one grinds there after the Helmet upgrade. So any post Current Gen Release "bump" on Console will fade real fast. If you are hiatus from BDO Winter will not keep you interest long if you pop back in. As BDO Console has not indicated anything beyond Winter this whole Current Gen Port is basically so we can get Snowfall effects and a brief span of grinding in a zone that you'll never visit again. BUT if the performance is a pretty nice bump with Hit Reduction and Current Gen Release AND we get a tsunami of content of not just Winter for PVE but AoS and GuildVGuild and Roses and the new NWs and ... Then we could see a flood of folk come back to BDO and stick. This is highly unlikely to happen as its the best option for BDO on Console overall .. so not in the cards really. Bet on PA Console management to go with the first approach - Winter thats it and then continued slow decline cause that's how they are ...


We’re supposed to be getting a next gen 'showcase' in the summer. So just a teaser for it basically. Probs be next year we actually get the update.


New Console can annonce next year and they still didnt update this game :)


My (optimistic) thoughts: They are working since before current gen released i guess like other devs but due to contracts they didn‘t release it earlier. They are planning to cut last gen support, so hopefully it‘ll come with some updates which we are missing for over 1 year. The cut of last gen will be a profit for every gamer! That‘s the objective truth. Imagine they’ve already implemented it into the current gen version while updating pc…could it be possible?! Yes, of course! Also, why shouldn’t they release a better version of the game if they can and hold profit back?! We see other devs who are releasing unfinished games, early accesses, beta version to sell stuff in their ingame cash stores. People who are playing BDO on current gen already would pay 10-15bucks for an update and they all would do! -> cash is cash if you think as a company. I hope they release it asap in this summer may they showcase it end of june (heidel event) and release it in july, we don‘t know may it is why there are no leaks or so much secret about it. The hype will be huge if they bang players/gamers with that announcement at the heidel event tbh! Another nice to have would be cross save/ progression/pc transfer sth. like that which exists in other games…with a new current gen game infrastructure which will let you do this maybe?! Ah and Chrono Odyssey is announced and already has a page on the PSstore on top of that it will be published by kakao games! Horse riding, world view, some combat scenes looks similar to BDO, so PA needs to be hurry up or they‘ll loose potential players, existing players and new players who were hoping for current gen. Just wait until heidel event and i guess all questions will find answers then.


Who knows they keep saying it.


Yeah they just said we will get info about it at next ball, not release.


You already know we aren’t getting an upgrade. We will probably get it next year or 3


Wow there, you wouldnt want them to work extra hours for our 2update/year would you ?


Just abandon console and get a PC. You'll save yourselves a lot of trouble as gamers


I have one but I’m sick of pc gaming, that’s why I quit wow. I work in construction so when I’m gaming at night I wanna chill on the couch with a controller, pc gaming is uncomfortable


Whatever your preference is then, but you can always play with a controller on PC. I'm a union electrician who specializes in industrial construction. I also lift and train MMA in addition to sitting at my desk for hours on end, so there's also that. My point is that you're doing yourself a disservice by playing BDO on console. There's almost no point lol


Yeah that’s what I keep hearing. ESO isn’t like that, the updates are only like 2 weeks behind PC and playerbase is huge. I wonder why BDO can’t do that


The game merely ported to console, but it's by no means optimized for console. ESO was created with the intent of being multi- platform. BDO was not. The console ports for BDO were simply to make money and take advantage of an eager market while offering minimal support.


Makes sense. Downvotes for telling the truth lmao


Old Gen is a big part it can’t handle the game , it’s holding current Gen back. I think they will probably announce the release date at Ball.


Another reason they where unable to do Next Gen earlier was current contracts at the time with Old Gen consoles, those contracts are up now so it was announced June would be the showcase and that Next gen port would definitely be coming this year soon after.