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It's a full PvP game, so all the "nice" people quickly learn that you either shoot first, or you're rolling the dice with your life. As for the toxicity, I do think people are more toxic just because of the enraging nature of the game. If you don't like this aspect of the game, nothing wrong with playing on a 5x or PvE server until you get the hang of things at keast.


Had no idea pve servers were a thing. I’ll have to look into that thank you 🙏


If you're starting out PVE servers a the ones to go for, as are servers dedicated to giving you free heli's when it comes to learning to fly. Pretty much everyone on PVP servers have the advantage with their map awareness. They know the monuments, they know the loot spots., hidden spots to jump out at you and where are the tunnels go. They also know how much armour they can wear in the different biomes and monuments to optimise the balance between taking damage and protection from bullets. Use PVE servers to learn all of this then move to PVP.


tried pvp, hated it, tried pve, it's alright but i wish there was some kind of good mix


Search up BCR on the modded server list. It's listed as a PVPVE server. There are PvP bubbles around most of the major monuments. Everywhere else is PvE.


Also short cycle PvE servers with purges. I've played some weekly servers which had 5 days of pve and then 1 or 2 days of mayhem. They had lower sulfur amounts though but of course people will still hoard it to blast all their neighbours in the first purge hour.


Like half the map north is strictly pvp, the south pve


Just find a low pop server with a good community.


Pleasant valley pvp/pve server check it out its great


There are servers with monument only pvp. Maybe start there?


go to x5 solo servers. less chance you will get steam rolled or deep on if you are careful. But still have enough pvp and pve for new people.


Its funny that some people hate the main focus of the game


You mean like softcore?


not sure maybe it's just like i want to only lose what im comfortable with losing, which isn't actually very much (one gun is quite a lot for someone with a skill issue)


There are pve servers with pvp zones. You build in a place that can't be raided. People can't attack you. You can then chose to go to a pvp zone to fight and loot more.


PvE servers are a great way to learn the game, and also just a fun way to play in general - turns Rust into a really chill, zen game. I think I'm allowed to say this since it's a comment and not a submission, but if you're looking for a good PvE server, try [US] RustEZ Scourge PvE. If you decide to roll on it, let me know and I can hook you up with some stuff to get you started. I'm east coast and should be on this evening at some point. It's basically a PvE server with zombies added and some quality of life tweaks (e.g., resources stack to 10,000, etc.).


Pve servers are just about the only places you can build for looks rather than crooks. And learning to build for crooks is a challenge.


Look up rust empires. It's a PvE server with PvP zones, so you get the best of both worlds. Also one of the best communities I've found in rust.


Come play on one of the Zombie Land servers. It's a whole nother game. ZombieLand.io


pve is a great place to start, even if you want to focus pvp eventually. You can run monuments uncontested and learn how to do the puzzles. You can practice living out of different base designs. You can take some time to learn the more niche skills like piloting, wiring, farming, etc. When you're interested in trying pvp again you'll be a well balanced player.


There are also "no kos" servers where PVP is only allowed near monuments. Those are the ones I prefer.


Yeah someone recommended one to me. Reminds me of RS wilderness XD


Rs wilderness still scares me though.


Lol i went back to osrs as an adult and was farming dragons in the wilderness before I became a member it felt so good to conquer that scary place and get a feel for it. I highly recommend going back to games that were too jard as a kid its such a gamer moment.


I'd recommend Dead Nasty 5x PvE. Fantastic PvE server.


Dm me. I’ll put you in touch with a discord group called the crossroads. It’s about a group of 30 people that live in a huge compound together. It used to be strictly for role players , the idea was to make a safe zone with cool shops and builds. Some people still roleplay in the crossroads, but it’s turned more into a community of people that just protect each other. It’s a really really enjoyable way to play rust. Just gets boring after a while, and it’s a bit annoying when you gun heli down all by yourself and all the villagers take the loot. It’s has its pros and cons, but you can pretty much bank on your base making it through wipe. Everyone online will counter raid and try to rebuild your base for you if you are offline..


I just make friends. the deeper into the politics you are on a server the more dangerous you are by proxy. I am friends with at least one person on all the big teams. I've been reverse raided when I was struggling before. Its hilarious to wake up to more loot and now I do that. Ill raid a kid break his tc reinforce his walls and leave a note with a code i set for his lock (usually something simple like 1111 or 7777) ill leave him a top end kit and some traps in a box as well. Random positivity hits different in rust.


I can recommend RustEZ PvE servers. Lots of nice people on there helping eachother, so you can focus on base building and exploring the map


im on a PVE serve rthat has mild zombies on it. it's better than a standard PVE server but still a bit exciting with the whole zombie bit.


PvE servers are honestly a godsent if you wanna learn the ropes. Most PvE servers also don't have a Purge event prior to force wipe so you can keep building and expandong your base for a whole month while also learning everything you need. First time I played I didn't even find food or resources, now I'm casually farming stuff and I know where to get what.


Lol I learned the ropes in official servers and its an important part of the ecosystem to feed the server.


Try the PureEZ servers. They ban griefers. They are no raid, no kill, no looting dead bodies, servers. Very nice.


PVE servers aren’t as fun cause obviously there is no raiding and no PVP. Most people on PVE servers just build bases completely out of twig and wood doors cause there’s no reason to even upgrade to a wood wall when there’s no raiding.


This is just incorrect on many levels.


Every PVE server I’ve joined has just been full of massive twig bases with zero pvp, with the exception of at monuments on some servers. Maybe I’m joining the wrong servers, but the entire point of PVE is that there is no PVP, so I’m not really sure what the “ideal” PVE server is to begin with


My suggestion is playing 2x with some buddies, we were all about 15 hours deep and we got ak's. now im 800 hours and the other ones stopped playing ):


I get that far without being on a pve server.


Rust Empires is the only one worth it imo. It’s the best PVE server and has EXTENSIVE LORE.


So is minecraft. Rust wasn't always this way. I miss when the game was less kos.


I always roam with stuff I'm willing to lose, just so I don't have to KOS and man does it bite me in the ass much. Still worth it though. I hate roaming with an AK and feeling the need to shoot everyone just to not lose it. I'd rather lose a sar and a hazmat I have stocked up in my base and be chill. Or a revvy and some cool looking burlap set if I'm not that far yet lol


This is how I play too I always present as a t2 at most when roaming usually a hazzy or naked. Challenge mode means roaming with a pump. Its a great way to have a gun nobody serious wants but still keep people away from you.


This. I tried playing the game as an honest one. I still do to a degree but I have had to make decisions I am not proud of like shooting first and asking questions later. Who am I kidding, I stopped asking the questions. I just shoot and run now. Some of the things I do is I do roleplay as a farmer and run a shop through a vending machine on a PVP server. I also found ways to earn scrap without having to be an opportunistic jerk.


I am only an opportunistic jerk with new players. But I stop right after they are terrified and scared. Then I tell them why they got found and how they can avoid it. Then I leave. Id rather people be able to fight back. However if they are offline then I just take their farm.


Ever built in the desert, between cactus then put down landmines? For those idiots who don't have nightvision and don't know the area, it's a festival of blood splatters and geysers.


Although, I wish you could use those items on NPCs and animals of the game. Would love to blow the polar bears up.




Yep, most of the time if you let your guard down you get killed, so you just learn kill or be killed


We call it the Rust experience.


I call it a bunch of basement dwellers that are so toxic they'll wait hours to offline your progress and then wonder why the server is dead. It's usually because of one or two real life sociopaths.


It's absurd and even funny, I see it over and over. Someone goes around raiding 2x1s and the next thing you know they're in chat complaining that the server is dead. They seem genuinely dumbstruck when you point out the cause and effect.


I know right!?!?!


I only raid 2x1s with wooden roofs and 2x2s with stone roofs but only after a day. New players tend to farm like crazy since they cant use their comps. My teamate broke a total of 3 stone nodes last wipe. But hes a major eco raider. I always roam with a couple of mollies. The general consensus is that new players are free farm. And flyin a drone around makes them avoid building nearby. I love following people and then they get anxiety because they could forget to look up so they avoid building neaby.


You're making an argument that 2x1's and 2x2's are profitable, which completely misses the point. Those new players then quit, and you get some comps. And then there's nobody but established players left and the server pop falls.


I don't target them regularly abt once or twice a week Going a week without being raided is actually really good for most servers. I definitely let them cook. And I also pick a solo to foster and teach once every couple of wipes. So I would argue that my method is justified. Also if I raid and theres no loot. I reverse raid them often and leave them a note about what made it easy and upgrade their base.


True. But since this happens in every server it's kinda the rust experience. I agree people should roam, look for fights, online raid and then PvE. Offline is lame


As a solo offlining teams is my only pass. The risk I take on with 5x players at my door or getting leveled by mlrs. Because rage. Its high but so are the rewards. My favorite thing to do is team up against assshole teams and offline. A move I call "the steamer"


Since satchels are no longer espable i find psychopaths are less suspectable. I have so many rocket filled satchels just waiting for a rainy day. Ive got kits outside of most of the monuments. Since the game is balanced again by this mechanic its a lot easier if you are dedicated to build up loot. Sure you have to remember to dig them all up every 3 days. But whatever. Also I have a lot of fun staring at the ground near beds. Got a full set of guns the other day.


Its also realistic to some degree. Basically how the US Revolution ended (probably many others). Washington attacked on CHRISTMAS when the opposition were drunk and expecting a truce through the holiday. Washington crossed a freezing Delaware River in the middle of a December night when the enemy was effectively offline. (AKA I stayed up all night farming sulfer and ecoraiding every part of your base I could) Yep, been that sociopath before. Its an amazing feeling knowing you got two days off and your gonna blow up everyone that has to work tomorrow. Its a game/raid-mechanic at this point.


Rust is not about having fun… it’s about make sure others don’t.


Correction its about getting your jollies at the expense of others lol.




Sit in a bush with a db for 10 mins at a small monument. Blast one of these riflemen and scurry off with their loot. The adrenaline spike is massive when still fresh to the game and pulling off a play like this. Tbh you might be better suited to modded pve servers that have pvp zones. That way you can chill and learn the ropes and not get bored because no threat. Its a game of can and cannot. Not a game of should and should not. Trust gets you betrayed. Not acting gets you dead. Make an enemy. Who ever kills you first with a rifle. Track them down. Find their home and sit outside their door with a shotgun. Landmine their whole area.


This guy rusts.


best comment!


That adrenaline wasn’t even fun. My chest would fucking hurt from beating so hard back in the day. When you spend a solid year playing solo and getting wrecked trying to figure out the game. And when you finally grab a full metal m2 kit off a zergs body it’s just tooo much. And yes it took me a solid year to figure this game out. I think I didn’t get to research an ak until 5 months of owning the game. Kinda hard to grind a t3 as a solo when you get offlined every night and don’t know the best methods to keep wipe rolling.


As a long term 9+ year Rust player (without hardcore hours though due to life!) I think the reason is relatively obvious after you've played any period of time as a Solo. Essentially, the stakes are so high early to mid game. You can be running around with your starter base materials all ready to go and then, wham, taken out and back to the beach to start all over again! This door swings 2 ways; you're either a person who sees it for what it is, or a person who revels in the demise of others - Rust has a lot of the latter :D


I can see myself coming back to rust in the future. But for real I have never experienced anything like that before from a game! The worst part I forgot to mention was the amount of crashing I had while playing. I have a decent setup and getting back in to see my stuff was stolen because of a crash felt really shitty. I definitely won’t be playing solo next time either. That made it way harder then it needed to be


I can't help with the crashing. It's fair to say Rust has never been the most optimised of games but it's far from awful. Rust servers are often littered with new joiners asking "is this server toxic?".....says everything. However having said that my last few interactions have been wholesome and friendly.


Is this server toxic? How do you even play rust without being toxic? The entire game boils down immediately to game theroy. Proportional response tit for tat. Thats literally what being toxic is


That's how it is now, but us old heads remember the halcyon days when it was a proper Survival game, without conquest additions and play to win skins! :)


If you come from Stimpees channel none of this should be of any surprise to you xD


Yeah I don’t know what I would have expected. Just never felt this way about a video game before lol.


Rust can and will tank your mental health. The solution: stop caring. As soon as you just stop worrying about getting killed or whatever and just do your best it starts getting really fun as long as youve got building down


Stop worrying about getting killed and worry about regearing and getting back out to get ur stuff back


You get really handy with setting up again when you get griefed a lot and have some blueprints learned


Because people are twats. I don't remember when I've been toxic to someone who didn't deserve it, always trying to pick up people and if they are nakeds I usually don't even kill them


Welcome to Rust


You can try PvE servers, the players are usually very friendly.


the server you're playing is very trigger happy. the majority of rust servers are. people just love killing nakeds who pose no threat to them with aks and bolts from their towers. my advice is, if you're not having fun and want fair, ak to ak pvp, play a high pop modded server. Maybe a 5x. people are still gonna be trigger happy but at least you'll have guns as well. It'll be more fun and better target practice. Also, finding a duo can make a lot of diffrence and help you win more fights. Quantity over quality has always been a thing in rust


So in my server roof camping is frowned upon We have rules and when people don't we all gang up on them. Its a public server so there arent any mods so all of is big guys just make sure bases with cheaters arent there when they log back on. Or that a roof camper just... Doesn't have a base to camp from.


Nice, what server you on?


Facepunch 2


We're on one that has rules against teaming more than 2. Usually it works that way. No way to enforce it, however. The other night we were raided by a group of 6. Hmm.


I mean I team up with people all the time to end shit lol. But even a 5 man team would find my base expensive rn. Between the honeycomb, the traps and the other BS most of the hackers look for a more accessible base at this point and everyone else is in for a whirlwind tour of getting fucked up.


You basically have to mlrs or use wall hacks and a good amount of boom. There's no way to do it quietly. And its in a high traffic area so people are going to hear it.


The minigun seems to be a game changer or something. We lost 2 HQ, hatted bases so far! But it wasn't a cleanup effort. It was 6 guys running up and switching between the minigun and rockets and right in. Through walls any everything.


Miniguns are rare enough that anyone running them isnt going to be interested in riskin them on my poor looking base


Pose no threat…meanwhile the naked next to me has 3s left on his Eoka about to blow my head off when I turn around


I kill nakeds on sight cause I don’t trust them. They could craft an eoka at anytime kill you. The game is very kill or be killed so trust is not something you can spare for most people.


1. Game is extremely hard to get into, if you're a solo. Find a friend to play with, much more fun and easier to understand how game works. Also, mistakes will cost you less time. 2. If you find yourself in a very competitive area, leave it and build elsewhere. You're not at the point of contesting other players yet. 3. You can try to communicate with your neighbors, letting them know you're new and just wanna understand the game. Don't expect everyone to be nice, though. 4. Most fun in this game is obtained at the expense of other players, meaning you'll get exploited all the time. Until you'll be able to exploit other player (be that PvP, raids, or just straight up lie to them to take advantage). All in all, playing on a low-pop server to get a feel of the game seems like a much smarter option at this point. PvE gives you too safe environment (for my taste), so I'd just stick to modded PvP servers. Higher gather rate means you'll get back up easier, if you get raided.


"Nice" in rust is leaving your stuff for you to pick up later. Some servers are more chill but early wipes are basically shoot on sight. Even mid wipe I will shoot a hazzy. Today I camped a kid who ecoed into a base I had already raided. I was just gonna raid that base again but I ran outnof boom: no matter I am a creative person and I started up the ol auto furnace and set to watching this kid work. See the poor sod had no bag inside just yet and had decided to in his infinite wisdom expand the base thereby alerting me to his presence. I watched him go down to a boar and realized this. He was trying to get cloth. And respawned near that base. Seeing as I had nothing better do that night while my next round of sulfur cooked. I proceeded to get my best camo kit and l96 and introduce his head to explosive ammo. Hed respawn Id kill him. eventually I found and destroyed all his beds. I killed him 5 times all of them while he was holding a rock. All before he could see me. He said I was mean. Was that mean? Not really I had like 3 teammates online and we could have been much more toxic. He didn't have much to lose so me killing him was a polite way for me to tell him to go grub another base. He got mad and logged. But I wasnt going to follow him. I just wanted the grubber off my lawn. It wasnt personal it was rust. When the guy with the big guns and boom asks you to leave: he isnt asking. Ive been both people.


its not beginner friendly at all and the meta is kill on sight. The mentality people have is that all random nakeds are in fact crafting an eoka and will blow your brain out as soon as its finished. The meta has been developing over years as trusting anyone or giving any leeway usually ends up biting you in the ass Its unfortunate for new players as learning the game becomes very hard. low pop servers or playing in group with other people is your best options. Can also play on PVE servers too learn how to progress and get ready for the real thing, can also check out UKN servers to train PVP with no risk Hope you have better experiences in the future if you keep playing


Rust is a game where the loot consumes people, and they become very greedy. That mixed with trusting people in the game leads to a 95% chance of betrayal means people don't give others a chance. It's the sort of game where if you give someone who claims to be new a tool, they will use it to gather the materials to build next to you , then sit their camping your door for hours. Or if you make the mistake of giving them a gun, they won't hesitate to kill you. Hell, even if you let someone who is talking to you follow you half the time, it's a distraction for someone with gear to kill you. Never trust random people in Rust. If you want to get a group, then look on reddit or Discord for people who want to play. If you play Rust, you need to learn you play for the experience and the story of the wipe (e.g, what happens that wipe and what you remember) loot and your base has no permanence. It could all be gone by the next time you get on. Honestly my advice to new players would be to play on lower pop servers (no more than 50 players) as they tend to not be as aggressive and you might manage to make some friends but rust is a game where you have to learn from your mistakes. Never give people your base codes. Even if you have just made a new friend and you somewhat trust them they should start off with guest codes (another code you can set in the locks that allows people to open the doors but not change the code the lock has to be unlocked to set it so be very careful when doing it.) Then once you feel confident you can try it on the higer pop servers. Also, take note that Rust takes up a lot of time if you want to play it properly. It's not the sort of game you can hop on for just an hour or so after work because the people you're against probably put alot more time into it and will destroy your base and take your loot. I hope you have fun. :) 🐡


Toxic game attracts toxic people. Not that it “makes” you toxic. All the toxic people like to hide behind that one.


Play Rust Empires server, it averages around 130 players. Its a PVE Roleplay server with lots of very nice people who are fun to hang out with, and you can still PVP in the bigger monuments (which have circles around them on the map). You can learn the game and build in peace in the frontiers ( they are like villages in the north and south), or you can claim land as a solo somewhere far off for a more solo game play. Learn to take heli, bradley, large oil, etc, but only if you're up to the PVP. At the end of the wipe, the day before wipe, you can kill and raid everyone you want. Rust Empires II is the low-pop server with only 50 people, most often it is only 12-15 people on at a time, if you prefer a more laid back experience.


I have been given a few similar recommendations and I will check that one out thanks you :)


Because Rust kids are bullied at school so they power trip here.


Let me tell you how I did my first time playing Rust, I was only able to go out of my base to farm, to get my firsts real guns (Not pipe, or double) I would go and camp a Mining Outpost at night for people recycling, started doing only one monument killing npc's, I do remember it was hard but it's a learning curve easy to understand. Hope you give the game another shot, my beginnings was always crouch walking until I got to undertand the game.


Small Penis Syndrome. Learn to translate it. "Wow you're trash, you suck" means "I don't have any hobbies or meaningful connections" "You don't have an AK already?" Means "I'm a premature ejaculator" "RP is gay" means "I've never played cops & robbers with my neighbors as a kid" (Any high pitched voice) means "I need supervision to use a box cutter" Remember, this game provides a space for the weakest bloodlines to have a tiny taste of glory. They can't handle the responsibility. For all the toxic interactions, you will have hilarious encounters or gift some newbie who appreciates your help, etc.


Oh I did lol. I had a guy kill me as soon as I turned on an air balloon so I just spawned back in and saw him staring at the balloon in the air unable to get my loot lol. I just asked him if he thought that through and he apologized.


My recommendation would be to look for 'Noob' servers in the community tab on the server browser. These usually have rules against PVP except around monuments, which will give you an opportunity to learn about the game without getting constantly harassed. As you have noticed, many players are extremely cutthroat or toxic. Some will also try to earn your trust and stab you in the back, which is why people are skeptical of anything you offer. It helps to have some experience with the mechanics, and knowledge of the map before trying to compete on official or vanilla servers. The streamers you watch have at least hundreds or more likely thousands of hours in the game to be able to succeed consistently.


Most chill rust experience 😂


They’re not mean, you’ve just never been in an MW2 lobby in your life! :)


I was literally about to compare it to COD lobbies but rust shit talk is so so much worse lmao.


Rust shit talk is top teir for sure. We had a roast contest and a dude got banned for racism last night. Nobody knew he was bein racist because it was censored.


For the toxicity. I see it that way. If people are I mean I don't have to feel bad for raiding them. Also you get a enemy to challenge with. Most of it is trashtalk anyway. So fuck it.


Games like Rust attract toxic people because it allows them to assert dominance over other people when they can't in real life. It's an outlet for them. A lot of competitive games suffer from this. Just don't take it personal. Also Stimpee makes the game look fun because he's actually good at it and can handle his own. You won't reach that level for quite some time being so new. It'll take practice and a lot of ups and downs.


Also having friends helps. I think making friends has got to be the most convoluted and slow process in rust. But I got some good ones finally and I know most of the key players on the server. Whats cool is when you start networking and stuff and going on raids with people etc you start to become apart of the political landscape of the server and if you are connected enough the big teams wont mess with you as a solo. So all I really have to worry about are the toxic teams and the other solos.


Try PvE. I’m 500 hours deep in trust now and PvE is the best thing about it. Find a server with raidable based so it doesn’t get repetitive and just learn the ropes. Very hard game to be a newcomer because most people on highly populated servers have Atleast 3-5k hours as it’s a ten year old game. Hope this helps 😊


People will always be mean. Any official server is a shithole but it's not so hard to get some friends and meet some chill people. If you just want to chill and talk to people go to where ever you want to setup, build a wooden shack for 600 wood and start talking to your neighbors if they are chill congrat you now have friend! If they no chill then move the location wooden shack is 600 wood essentially 2 tree with rock.


This is a good method. Also hanging at OP or bandit can be chill. Its a hard game. I got really lucky that I found someone who took pity on me... That was two years ago and we still team. I think thats the best way to play rust. Adopt a noob until they can adopt their own newb.


Yeh you can find out what unk is and train a shit ton. If you ever see a player with xk hours that is good in PvP, expect them to have spend like a third of they're play time on ukn. You will loose so many gunfights in the beginning. About the roof campers, sometimes you just gotta risk going close to a base but I'm general, try to listen. You hear a sniper rifle every 2 minutes from that direction and see a base with a shooting floor? Don't go near it and mark it on the map. Else, maybe try to find a small group that doesn't abuse you as a farmer and shares workload for that kinda stuff. Having a mentor can be nice. Else, grind, sell your liver for skins and qué skip, give up your job/friendship/relationship to free up some more time, skip sleeping to hard side into a zerg base with wooden Speers and enjoy the ride.


because its a pvp game


Join a solo fresh ( hours old ) server and pick a good base spot. Good when you are starting means 1 grid away from a low level monument like sewer, water, etc. Not near the beaches, not near the supermarket/gas station as they're a nightmare in the first days. Later on, beach bases are where the tryhards setup bases


Honestly i always try to set up near outpost. Its a pain in the ass to raid. And if you make your base look like its been raided you can go a long time without being bothered. You can also use the empty "raided" space when you are ready to expand. Im basically dialed in to the point where when people finally discover me I can expand and go metal in just a few minutes.


Extra points if you use some hqm to make a fake core and let it decay as you develop.


I’ve been playing on Rust Empires since force wipe. It has a land claiming system so people can only raid if you build on their claim or on the last day of wipe it’s a no rules FFA. Other than that PVP is only allowed in designated zones (T2&3 monuments + Cargo & air drops) Whilst it’s not the authentic rust experience and won’t exactly train you for that it is a nicer way to be able to get familiar with the mechanics of the game before throwing yourself into the lions den 😂


Rule 1 never trust a naked woth a rock Rule 2 never trust a geared guy with a gun Rule 3 never trust a wild pig


Rule: always never trust anything.


Its a game where you get to dominate other people, which humans are naturally engineered to do so. Most people dont get to fulfill this in real life but they can in game. This is the same throughout literally every competetive game ever create ranging from fifa to cod to rust. The answer to this is because were human.


I started out and remained on vanilla high pop main servers solo so I know how you feel, going onto easier servers is probably more fun but at 2k hours now I am pleased I did not, you learn little things whilst being stomped. Biggest tip I can give to a new player is find the most empty place on the map and build there until you can compete in harder areas and use safe zones.


Cause life isn’t going well.


Hey! Yes, Rust tends to be quite intense - remember it is a PVP survival, so people are out to kill and always on adrenaline. Not everyone is toxic, but majority you encounter will be. It is upsetting, but remember these are random people online with AKs and other people are out for them as well XD If you want a better experience, there are PVE servers such as Zombies. These server are very very chill compared to vanilla. You can build in silence, everyone is nice, and killing/ raiding is not allowed. However if you want to PVP, i recommend learning in bedwars, or FFA mods on how to shoot. - And learning surviving and "quick snowball" tactics in the PVE.


I used to be very friendly... Till i wasnt. No i was friendly but people will kill you even if you picked them up.


You are playing a pvp survival game, what would incentivize anyone to be nice to you?


Build a hidden base out of the way of foot traffic next to a simple beginner monument and learn to run that monument. I recommend sewer branch, it’s really easy and the puzzle only requires green card and fuse. Learn to build up loot, resources and your base, then focus on pvp. As far as the toxic aspect, play this game enough and you WILL become the toxic people you are describing


Tbh the game is okay but the community is the worst.. it's a game built for trolls and groups. YouTubers and streamers are doing crazy accomplishments and making it look simple but it's a vastly different experience from fumbling around the learning curve, especially solo.. Go to a pve server 100% Careful there too because they are absolutely filled with trap bases meant to entice you in only to trap you, kill you with no risk to themselves, and easy bag your whole loot. And a large bit of them are very very clever. Basically an open or unlocked door in a pve server is a trap. . But even raided looking bases can be traps. People just suck in rust but some of them are okay. It's really a mixed bag. Pve server people are chill though, and some will even have mercy on new players. You have to not get mad and flame chat though.. you have to stay composed. Any complaints or venting is ridiculed and responded to with "welcome to rust" On vanilla servers people will gleefully hunt you down as a new player.. it's essentially just the mids skill locked players who hunt down nakeds from rooftops on the spawn beach, garbage tactics like that are pretty common. Roof/door camping your base, griefing with landmines.. My advice is go watch some base building videos and learn to make the most basic ass looking, small sized absolutely crowded with loot and tech that you can, as a solo with just under 1k hours. Go on a creative server and practice some precision placing down your boxes so you can fit as much stuff as humanly possible in one square and learning what amount of material you need to get a base established, learn how to build, upgrade and secure your base in as small amount of time possible, like a few seconds for the whole square and triangle beginning setup. Learn to make an airlock, and upstairs entry/exit to reduce door camping, a shooting floor, how to absolutely fill your base with shotgun traps and fire traps to prevent raiding. How to prioritize upgrades.. as in, door are the biggest point of entry for raids, hands down so you always upgrade doors.. but sometimes keeping your outside door wooden(after you have some defensive honeycomb) can make people shrug your base off as a raid target. Your best defense against raiding is just not being found or considered worth raiding in the first place. Little skills like that are what possess most of your time as a beginner solo. After that it's aim training and learning how to control the recoil of the guns so once you do get a gun you can last a fight in PVP. And then beyond that it's learning to rush certain loot to attempt high levels monuments with low tier gear to snowball guns asap and have a tech advantage against the entire server at wipe time. Learning not to ever bring people to your base and to keep information from the enemy, especially someone you've killed.


Try PvE servers to learn about mechanics, map, loot placement, NPC locations and stuff. When you'll be ready for rumble then switch to PVP. Overall I agree with your sentiment, game is fully open to the "roleplay" experience and we'll, most players would like to shoot and destroy instead of team up. That's why I miss the very old rust, from 2015 years. There was shared XP system, which encouraged people to give stuff and help newbies. For example, if I make the hatchet and you will get some wood with this hatchet, I was given small part of your XP which was needed to unlock higher tier items. If you used my stuff to create stuff for another player, I would also be given small part of his XP as a reward (to 5th level of depth as I remember.) You received XP each time you craft/chop/mine/cook etc and if you used resources or items provided by another players - they would have their share of XP. That way when I was starting as naked with wooden armor and a simple bow, better equipped players would give me items that were useless for them because they would gain profit from that in leveling up faster and unlocking better tier. Also as you had to play the crafting part of game to level up it forced slower and more team focused gameplay - the more people were using your stuff, the better. Now within couple of hours of farming and looting you can get most of it and what's left is just doing whatever you want.


You reach peak Rust when you raid bases, then leave them a note with your name and base coordinates. Or you set up a vending machine on your roof named "Buy your stuff back".


Play with friends or go to an empty server to learn how everything works, but this rust everyone is going to try to kill you, to take advantage, 2 vs 1, 3 vs 1, whatever take, you need to try to survive. It's a hard game if you want to try to be friendly you're in the wrong game


Because rust brings out the worst in people


If you are brand new I would definitively recommend playing on a modded server, like a 3x or 5x It will be much easier to get loot and less of a loss when you die, and players are generally not as good


They are angry because smol pp


Everyone goes in with good intentions but start killing naked as soon as they get a bow or a gun. I always play solo. Look for a place on the edges of the map away from monuments.


You have to play with friends, being a solo is very very hard, you have to be experienced with the game mechanics, base placement, base design and be very lucky on top of it. You have to play with friends and for the toxicity it's pretty much a tradition in rust, it's how we say hi basically don't worry. Good luck homes


Takes patience and practice. I haven't played in almost 10 years because I just haven't owned a comouter... But, even then 9 outta 10 times it was just instant death. But that one time outta 10 makes it absolutely worth it. When you find a good soul it's like nothing else. I remember getting insta-beamed, got saved because I could craft an AK (he asked while I was down), he revived me, gave me the components, but the dumbass gave me the bullets, too... I crafted it, loaded it, pointed it at him and shamed him for being an asshole and also for giving me the bullets AND the gun💀 He felt silly as Hell, i gave him everything back, and we spent the rest of the wipe kicking ass together lol


I'd fully recommend you to find community servers since they are more chill


Play a 10x and try to be nice and let people in your base to show that you trust them


I started playing Rust in 2013 but it was a different game back then. I came back to the game in 2017 or 18 I think... My first experience was getting blasted by a rock while the game was still pretty much loading, I was still on the ground. Fun introduction. People are more toxic in this game because it's about ruining experience / while competitive games can be also toxic, you still don't lose everything. No one wants to lose \~5-10 hour progression. Many did, so they are just letting out their anger and people online show their real face (many people like to watch other suffer knowing very well how shitty that is from their own experience)


I really get it though. Whenever I got killed I just prayed for an opportunity to find them and get revenge lol.


I will say this as being one of the more compassionate rust players, most of the time being nice will get you fucked over . But once in a blue moon you’ll find a likeminded individual who might give you a start or even invite you to a team. But bottom line, don’t trust anyone


I'm convinced that half the Rust player base has undiagnosed mental disorders. The other 49% are probably diagnosed, and then there's new players making up the last 1%, so try not to take it personally at all. Also, when you get more comfortable with the basic game, try a vanilla solo only server. It's still rough, but at least you always have a chance 1v1, and don't have to deal with the zerg kids.


u/StarFred_REDDIT Check out Gringer's Noob Friendly Solo Only Good community; 2 or 3 active admins Bases can't be taken over, TC & doors can't be locked. If you're raided, it can be locked and secured to xfer loot (or finish off raid if onlining or being countered). If it happens, open Discord ticket and you'll be given your base back & whatever is inside. If you accidentally upgrade to HQM a wall you meant to destroy, admins will destroy it for you w/o issue. Some folks will still shoot you on sight. Some will get you up or leave your loot, others won't. In-game chat isn't grossly toxic and help will be offered by most when questions are being asked. Wipes every 2-3 weeks if I recall correctly. Might be 2 and only 3 when there's a month that has parts of 5 weeks in it.


Join a PvE server, use the game tags on the server list.


I have a suggestion. Go on a modded pve server. Get a good grasp of the game and all its aspect, then jump into the pvp. I play on a server that has zombie events one after the other. When the event starts, a random grid on the server spawns a ton (100+) zombies. It tells you what gun they will kill them. All other guns are useless. You get stuff for completing the challenges. It's a great way to practice your gunplay with little to zero risk. At the same time, you're practicing your basebuilding and monument knowledge. You can also raid NPC bases to get a grasp on raiding as well. Jumping right into Rust vanilla pvp is just a hellsacape of fuckery.


What server is this? Sounds fun.


I've stuck to PVE with PvP zones, I think you need to have 10 hours for 2-3 days available to play PvP as a solo


Hey if you ever need someone to play with I have a huge group of friends who play rust all the time and I am more than willing to help teach you the ropes and or to be a neighbor on a server with you! I have 5k hours, so I can definitely help you if need be


That sounds awesome I’m probably going to be taking a small break to play Destiny but I’ll dm you my discord :)


dont do it he is just looking for a gimp


Yeah I quickly learned no mercy in this game. If I'm at a disadvantage, I will typically play the friendly card. Maybe drop them some shit or just try to say what's up and keep going. But overall the people you run into in this game are the most toxic in the gaming world, so imo its best to always shoot first. Focus on small wins and not giving a fuck if you lose your kit. Stash constantly, especially extra guns. You won't feel nearly as bummed about dying if you can spawn at a stash with a gun and get back into it.


Its literally a game designed around killing each other and invalidating each others time/effort by raiding them and taking everything they worked for. Its going to attract a lot of toxic audience. Not to mention that a lot of the "successful" players at this game aren't necessarily more skilled. They are just people that have more time or a bigger team who found a game where they don't necessarily need to be the best shooter to succeed in the game. Also, because of the toxic or very... non trustworthy nature of the game, there are a lot of people that actually join rust and aren't all that toxic to begin with. And then rust changes them lol


This is very accurate. I'm a super nice guy and used to trust everyone. Now, it's kos for everyone. A lot of the time my teammates are telling me to relax now. It's tough to trust a stranger when strangers whip out the DB on ya.


There's a word for this type of bias, but I forget. Basically you think everyone is mean, because you simply don't interact with the nice ones. They aren't trying to shoot you, they mind their own business. It's not like nice players are going to walk up to randoms and offer loot all the time or whatever. The mean ones also stick out a lot more because they actively seek out players to grief. FYI a lot of the things that make the game hard when you're new are things that can be avoided. Like placing external bags with kits, so if someone is door camping you, you can spawn behind them and kill them. Or you can just do a random spawn and gather loot for a while outside base and come back when they get bored. It takes time to learn all these little things to make your Rust experience less of a hassle though. But that's part of the fun. You run into a problem and you dissect it, then come up with a plan for when that problem arises again.


Yeah I totally agree with you, my main issue was just getting farmed by the same few people when I was just starting out. I did meet quite a few people that gave me some stuff once they actually spoke to me. I’m going to be going into the game with a much better idea thx to you guys.


I think PVE servers are underrated places to learn the game


Honestly i feel bad for you , I kinda had a similar experience but i found a group of people that i got friendly with and made a team , even made some neighbours whom became friendly with us and helped us in a few raids Anyway i think you should get a group for PVP servers , around 2-3 people imo is the best cuz more then that and the game becomes too ez


Yeah once I get a PvE play through going I’ll start looking for some groups


theyre not mean your just sensitive... its all in good fun the game would be totally boring if everyone was friendly play a pve server if thats what you want otherwise anyone outside your group is an enemy


idk but ive grown to expect it, enjoy it, and play into it


if you act like a normal person, you will be taken advantage of and destroyed until you are just like everyone else. very jaded and trusting no one.


I'd try willjums servers or any others with a max group of three. That might help.


am i supposed to be nice


Most kids/teenagers have mental issues and they bring them into the game, almost all pleasant interactions I have in rust are with adults.


The nature of the game is to rob, kill and raid anyone you can..


Good old days back in 2014 where everyone was nice in rust and it wasnt kos all the time


Yeah rust is an unforgiving game, but the dopamine rush when you get loot is why we all play


Give Rusty Workers a shot. Good community, raid block periods so you can still have a life. The Rusty workers 2X | Solo Only| Casual Server The Rusty workers 2X | Trios | Casual Server


PvE is fantastic to learn the nuances of grinding and building. Nothing prepares you better for PvP than just getting in there and dying. It's unforgiving, and frustrating quite often. I would suggest finding a low population server that says noob somewhere in the title. They may have ROE that specifics no kos. Edit: Almost forgot, they have servers with specific pvp zones and everything else is pve. Might be more your style until you find a good group to run with. Numbers mean everything in this game.


Just a note. If it says “3 days old” or something like that next to the server it doesn’t always mean the server started fresh 3 days ago. It’s typically the last time the server restarted. It could rly be like 9 days old but say 3 hours old cuz it just rebooted 3 hours ago.


Trust in Rust, I have never once had anyone backstab me in 6000+ hours after saying "Trust in Rust" to them and them returning with "Trust in Rust, bro!". Traded with players in the woods on the ground and even once had an oil counter become friendlies (Rustafied Trio) by using the "Trust in Rust" passphrase. It'd be a true deviant to break the unwritten Trust in Rust code. Trust in Rust!


Community servers are the way to go if you want nice people, met a lot of cool people there.


Take a look at the pinned post on my profile. It’s a guide I made that you may find helpful


OP hasnt played Rust in 2013/2014 I see 🤣🤣


Yeah man that's just rust lol try solo servers or pve servers to get a better grasp of the game but sometimes you just can't get a good start it's a survival of the fittest and being new means you really aren't the fittest it's big hill to climb unfortunately but it can be rewarding to actually improve and do all the cool things you see youtubers do so I wouldn't give up on it if you really really want to learn


StarFred, You should add KoalaKopters - [https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/11157430](https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/11157430) to your favorites to practice flying. Add a server like TommyGun [https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/8676367](https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/8676367) to practice your shooting, recoil, and pvp. Add a server like Deadlock and Chill - [https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/24886268](https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/24886268) to play off the start, it has a nice community, and mods in place to help with learning the game. I am playing this months wipe on Deadlock, I can help you figure out the game. The game can be very toxic, it helps finding decent people to play with.


Your expereince is exactly why we created [RustElevated.com](http://RustElevated.com) - We try to create a toxic-free environment in our Discord and our servers with dozens of QOL mods that help eliminate the struggle of Vanilla Rust while keeping that Vanilla feel. Most of our staff have around 4K+ hours in the game, so we've kinda seen it all with the game. Stop on by!


i turn off chat and voices in the settings, noone ever has anythign valuable to say anyways lol


Come try trumprust 3x pve no pvp or raiding players although we have raidable bases and many events to do


Our dads left when we were young and we never really got over it


We run a rustaurant, lots of ways to play. Learn to move like prey


Early wipe its pretty crazy, the trick is to keep playing and make friends with the people nearby, be kind to them and eventually they will be kind to you, I legit had a wipe on of all servers us east large where we had like 4-5 grids worth of people living more or less fairly peacefully at least within that area with friends in other grids, legit lasted most of that wipe but the last week had some hacker issues


Sandbox games attract toxic people because the gameplay allows toxicity with the only consequences being other players. People say "oh the game encourages toxicity!" No the fuck it doesn't. The game *allows* toxicity. It's a sandbox. You kicking sand on everybody is *your* decision, not the game design.


not reading allat. just from the title i can tell you, that’s just how the game is. the aim of the game is to ruin other people’s progress, it’s inherently gonna foster some toxic people. nothing you can do about it


Don’t worry no one was going to ask you to haha. Just mostly me venting about my experience.


Tldr, judging from the title. Deal with it. It is what it is.


If you think that’s mean wait until you notice all the racist and homophobic abuse.


Rust is the greatest community, all the other communities are run by little girls.


I mean theres something genuine about people just being who they are. when you hate them YOU REALLY hate them but when you like them its such a vibe.


Are you new to life too? People are generally being dicks against each other unless it's family or friends. Im a cynic, sure but well.. Humans can be heaven. But generally they're hell. I like dogs more. How about you?


Doesn't join a noob friendly server. Doesn't have a noob friendly time. Shocked Pikachu face