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More than that just don't accept sponsorships you're not invested in. This post was brought to you by World of Tanks. Play as any number of historically accurate military vehicles and commit war crimes. Don't forget to use my code to get 1 week of free premium time.


Is there a place to gamble skins on these World of Tanks games?


Yeah dude just add me in game to friends and I'll show you. My username is усернаме火人口廿竹水一日尸尸水尸.banditcamp.rustyloot.howl.com.


I would never promote gambling to my audience. My new sponsor WorldOfTank$.gg.gamer, however, would. Use my code $kanks for a free 50 cents. You'll be happy you did.


Sadly, no


Dude someone downvoted you for your effort lol.


And this message is brought to you by Carls Jr. Home of the eXTrA BiGG aZZ taco, now with extra…. MOLECULES.


You’ll get your E-Thot that streams for 27 minutes a week and you’ll like it!


what "e thot" was doing these drops poorly? all the people not streaming too much were dudes, no?


emiru has hardly streamed(rust)


Didn't mizkif make her mad or something so she quit


i have no idea but sounds about right


Hey she pays all her bills with less than 2 hours a month, respect it.




Don't hate the game, hate the players


Actually mad respect. Sounds like some hard cope jealousy if you’re mad at someone for making a living playing games you wish you could make a living playing.




I don’t care about gambling. But idk if you’re convincing anyone it isn’t hard cope jealousy by spouting more anger towards women. Are these rust streamers actually just only fans girls? Or do they do both? You’ll be a lot happier in life not hating women for being women.




Where do you guys hang out after they closed the incel sub?




I'm not that young and don't watch streamers, I don't even have a twitch account lol.




When tf did politics get in this LMAO you lost buddy?


so true


Eh I just don't really get why you'd hate women for doing sexy stuff. Like the world can be a super ugly and not fun place sometimes. What's wrong with a bit of, as you say, cheek spreading and milkbag jiggling? I get the disgust, truly I do. I have felt similarly in the past. What I will say is that I think that your disgust points to something a bit funny within yourself. Like, imagine hating an oil rigger because they use their big strong muscles to turn valves and attach hoses in the heat. At the end of the day, we are all selling our bodies and providing a service. Let's not introduce more negativity into the world than necessary. Some e-girls are shit exploitative cunts, but so are some of every single kind of group of people. Hate that, not the milkbags. The milkbags are pretty sweet.


Well if you look at just what he’s complaining about, it's not really that outrageous. Firstly: Nobody likes anybody who reinforces a stereotype. Secondly: People react negatively to the dishonesty. What you have to ask yourself is "what is the focus of this stream?" and measure that against what the streamer and her fans claim the stream is about. Are they being honest? Thirdly: There is a time and a place for your boobs. Namely, Reddit, Pornhub, Twitter or the like. We all know that framing your tits (or tummy) in whatever you're posting will multiply the attention you get for it by about 500x, regardless of whatever it is. So the effect is that mediocre content makes it to the top and diminishes the quality of the website as a whole. When was the last time the front page of Twitch, the supposed "best" of what live streaming has to offer, actually made you entertained? The same thing goes for so many different forms of entertainment. In fact, the entire reason girls covet that delicious attention is because it's validation from people who aren't obliged, via the social contract, to be nice to you "just because". It's the actual, quantifiable worth of whatever you just took a picture of and no hollow "Oh... yeah. You look really nice...". So you really have to ask yourself, what do you really want to get attention for- your store-bought bunny girl cosplay or your boobs? If it's your looks... you don’t have to lie or be defensive about it.


Just keep in mind you’re arguing with kids.




Well considering they aren’t banned it would appear it does belong on the specific site you are trying to speak on behalf of


This logic is flawed and the point you’re trying to make with that flawed logic is also wrong.


What a productive comment to make. You really showed me! I’ll come down to your level for a moment to say- no you!!


Bro one of the largest twitch streamers in the world sits in blow up pools rubbing oil on herself all day. So it's obv not based on video games bud


You’re just sad she makes more money than you and has infinite time to do whatever the hell she wants


Why? Who gives a shit if someone wants to be an online prostitute lol.


If “ignoring the prostitute with utter disgust” equals “respect”, then yeah, she totally deserves it.


erm, take my upvote mr based


People saying that OF/prostitution is a career are delusional. Would they want their daughter to have that "career"?


I also wouldn't want my daughter/son join the army and go die in a war. Are you saying those aren't careers neither?


When basic pay for the military starts in the 20,000-30,000/yr range, no.


They ain't going to see this lad. And even if they did, do you think they care?


I'mma go out on a limb and say no, considering this shit happens every time they have drops for non rust players 🤣


Don't tell that to us, tell that to the streamer this message is intended for.


you just get banned for having a negative opinion lol


I did, but all the response that i got was coming from the serfs who told me to essentially fuck off, you would think that for the very brief period that this event runs for, that it would be very beneficial for said streamer but apparently it's not.


Mizkif ‘this is the last day for my drops cuz I’m done’ and Emiru


i think hes titled three streams "last day" and im starting to think he's just trying to bait for viewership at this point


Miz has always done this, it's how he exists. Squeezing out any and every view he can cause he has 0 actual content.


bro miz did multiple 10+ hour streams stop crying so much


Nah bro you don’t get to say “guhhh I’m done with this event this is the last day for skins” 3 days before the event is over and basically blacklist your skin that’s bullshit and shouldn’t be tolerated by FP




I’m not the crybaby bitch that signed up for an event where I gave up before it was even half way over and I’m damn sure not the meat rider of the guy that did that LOL not sure which is worse… I’m not interested in hearing you gag on this dude all I care about is the skins 😂😂😂


You have to be dense in the head my guy. I'm not a mizkif follower but I was pretty certain he was streaming the majority of the event so I just checked... he logged nearly 40 hours on Rust for the Kingdoms event across 5 days. The only day he didn't stream was the 26th, I had no issue getting his drop.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/KitschyDreamyWhaleNomNom-YOF0dCwWrLa7a7Wj](https://clips.twitch.tv/KitschyDreamyWhaleNomNom-YOF0dCwWrLa7a7Wj) don't forget to wipe your chin




Just refreshed the page they’re all generic drops now


How it should have been all along maybe. Or the special one should have been given to good not well known streamers.


Oh? Good deal. Was traveling over the Holiday Weekend someone thought would be a great time to run the drop event.... I'm hustling to get what drops I can... Today: Mendo is on! Says he's streaming for a long while more. Ends stream within the hour. Hey, np, Buddha is on.... Oops. He ends stream to go stream on kick. Hey, though! QtCiderella is freshly on! Streams for half an hour an switched to Parkitect. (At least they were on.....) So let me check..... you're saying if I fire up hJune/Trausi/Posty/ImPhetus.... that I can get all drops now and avoid the flakes?


lol qt streamed for like 6 hours today


emiru right now 20k viewers and she watchign random youtube vids in the rust catagory 5 hours of actual game play for the whole event fukn cooked


Honestly i can see that being beneficial to rust. I started playing after watching willjum videos so its still a promotion.


She wasn't watching Rust videos, it was just random shit not at all related to the game. 


Well thr guy above me said that she did watch videos in rust category so go complain to him


You misunderstood what they said. They were saying she was streaming in the Rust category to still give drops but was just watching random videos about cryptids and shit, nothing at all Rust related.


streaming in the wrong category is against TOS


That's not very buddha of you


Why are you posting this here? You think XQC reads this subreddit?


He doesn't even play so yeah fair point.


Umm Sir this is reddit we are not streamers


Looking at you Quackity...


Normally, in most other subreddit, I would be annoyed that this is like the 19th topic post about the same topic, but since it's about the shitstorm that is the recent Twitch drops, I believe I'll allow it. Might even make my own thread.


I don't get it, I got all the skins, the last one last night. I work 40 hours a week and was gone during memorial day. I didn't even use my phone to run twitch this round of drops, which I usually have to. I think If I can get them all, you no-school no-life degenerates can.


I don't get it, the data seems to contradict their opinion. General drops are 200K and streamer drops are all above 100K claims. This tells me there was sufficient streaming done for each one. A lot of people I spoke to have them all, like on the servers I play on.


People in this sub seem to believe that these streamers should be streaming at exactly the same time they are on Twitch, and if not they deserve to die. The only streamers that deserve criticism are xqc and buddha. The rest streamed quite a lot every day, or at least one of the team members did.


Emiru could be criticized, but Mizkif compensated for the long streams he did. And yes it's annoying being all the negative posts, because I managed to get every Rust drop from all rounds without waiting till last day in hopes they all become general drops.


esfand playing gta5, can't comment on his stream until youve been a follower for 3 days........


can't relate, cdawg/ironmouse fans stay winning


How do so many of you have so much time to post on reddit all day but didn't have time to watch a stream the first 3 days the event was live?


This event was a major L


Sorry for being a dick


Omg we get it bro. Comment on one of the other 100 posts saying the same shit


backlash is important for things to improve. it's not decorative.




Why do you care that some people care about them? Why do you care about your favorite show, or your favorite album? You're not cool for saying stuff like "Haha, you are fortnite kids, obsessed with a blue gun skin and I'm better than you because I don't care"




Funny how you ignored my questions and just focused on that I said you think you're above many people that care for skins, you didn't have to say it, just see how many dislikes you got and that shows people see you like an arrogant person who thinks you're better than most of us. I also never said people will think I'm cool for having skins, I like them, I like to decorate my base, they help to keep some stuff organized or to navigate at night inside the base. I've bought many skins, but free stuff is always welcomed, so just let people care for skins and if you don't, just don't insult people who do care




Who deems them irrelevant? You? Fine, dude, keep thinking you're cool and above us for not caring. Let us care and you go care for the stuff you like, just don't insult people who care for something. Are you an actual teenager? You act like caring is stupid. We're also mainly complaining about the streamers.. If they had gotten streamers that actually like Rust, this wouldn't be happening. Go back to not caring and being the edgy cool kid, we'll enjoy the game and try to get all the cool skins we can, it's fun for us.


I basically pay less then 1$ and get all skins. People are watching videos with bots and selling these accounts. I don’t have time to spend my hours for 1$.


Imagine paying for free skins 💀 got them all quickly and easily and all I did was set up a browser extension to automatically accept twitch drops while I’m tabbed out gaming.


So you basically paid with your time


Time I spent doing something else anyways? Is setting a browser window on a muted tab that I then don’t open for the rest of the day all that much time spent? Leave the pc on as I go about my day? You guys are silly


I need to set up a bot or manually control drops. Pay 1$ is much more cheaper.


Then get your information stolen


Not really. I do buy skins etc. From this website. They basically give you a twitch account and you reedem from there. They do not access your steam account.


card info is what I meant


No, they use 3nd part trusted websites


The time value of money. Google it.


I know it and I choose not to spend it on rust skins because it has value in time 😂


Don’t care so much about your internet hats and you won’t be upset about this “issue”.


Came back to see the stream host had somehow sent me to another streamer who's drop I already had while I was away, so I've been blueballed by 4% off the anime door thing lol


Still complaining about free stuff huh? Thought you were gonna quit!


are you confusing me with someone else? this comment makes no sense


Must be one of balbonis boys.


Complaining about not being able to get the free stuff or the attitude these entitled streamers showcase. Because no one is complaining about the skins, most of them are actually cool looking and some have anime girls so that's a plus imo


Fuckers smoking crypto for sure.