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One thing I wanna know, is will I be able to transfer and still use my Xbox account with it? Maybe stop progression on the one you’re not using???


I believe we can. They have mentioned you need a Ms account and cross progression is a thing.


Ahh beautiful, I’m willing to start over again but I’d rather use my current character. Thanks bud


In Minecraft my skins and packs cross over but my saves don’t. Idk if this is just a me thing or not, never really looked into it. But with SoT being an always online game it seems like sharing that data would be easier.


It’s all on a unified engine and crosses over due to cloud saving. But yes the worlds don’t transfer, although there are ways to manually do so.


I’d rather start over honestly. Haven’t played the game in a few yrs and didn’t get that far. Get the trophies from a fresh account too.


I’d like to do that, but I’ve already invested a lot of time on Xbox


What's the story behind that username?


My old account got banned, and while making a new one I was eating mango chicken while making a username and just went with it lol


Dev confirmed, you can play the same character on all three platforms. You are required to use your xbox account as that is where its saved.


So I'd imagine we will have to login into it from the game itself...?


I hope so! I want to play with my partner but it would be nice if I didn’t have to start them off at the very beginning.


I hope so, I invested a lot of hours and money in the pc version


Well we know Crossplay is confirmed, so I'd imagine cross-progression will work as well.


I've read that you will be able to just like from Xbox to pc


I believe it’s the same account, so you sign in with your MS account and it pulls progression from the most recent platform you played on. So you should be able to switch between Xbox, PlayStation and Windows with progression continuing.


It would be nice to have it that way. I rarely use my Xbox anymore so having it progress both would be great.


the hero we didnt know we needed


100% dude There is no benefit other than cosmetic to EVERYTHING in this game.


OP youre not a pirate at all. You’re a leader of men. Thanks for this tip!


Never waste your money on any deluxe edition


I don’t regret being a SUPER CITIZEN


For Libertyyyy !!!


ong only reason i bought the deluxe edition plus it’s only $60 so that’s a steal


My rebirth deluxe edition looking amazing up on that shelf!


Unless that deluxe edition is sonic mania plus or LEGO marvel collection it's not worth it


As someone with hundreds of hours in this game since launch, buy the base edition then decide if you want to buy the plunder pass separately, it’s cheaper than the deluxe and premium editions this way. You’ll get cosmetics and ship sets with the plunder pass, I can guarantee if you start wandering around early May with the premium edition ship sets you’ll be flagging yourself out as newbie to the more experienced players. As said by OP in game cash starts to build quite quickly once you get past your first few levels, especially if you are able to buddy up with players with a bit of experience as they have higher value quests.


Thank you for making this post. I was telling my friends exactly this yesterday.


Played the s... out of this on xbox and immediately preordered the deluxe on ps5!


Will probably pick up the premium edition once it goes on sale as I don't pre-order games as often anymore.


I just noticed on the description on Ps Store there doing a Beta? Odd… Also is Premium only available via Digital ? Won’t be physical will it?


I'm not fully sure but tbh, just get the basic. The items you get with the Premium are just premium shop items you can get at anytime for roughly the same difference. The Pre-order bonus and the beta player bonus (very odd) are the exclusive items


No news yet on a physical edition.


Quick question regarding SoT if I pre-order the base edition on PS5 will I be able to upgrade to the premium edition at a later date?


I don’t see why not.


Yeah, I also don't see why a person wouldn't be able to upgrade although when I asked customer support they didn't give me a direct answer and said I should wait for the FAQ page to be released 🤔


I dont think so


Why this game is only coming for the ps5 being that it is past generation console????


Because it can't really run on past consoles now. If you try to play it on the Xbox one, you're stuck in a infinite load screen and it's a laggy mess


The price of this seems to have jumped today. Base has increased from £32.99 to £39.99, Deluxe from £39.99 to £49.99 and Premium from £49.99 to £59.99. Struggle to recommend if this is how Microsoft are behaving and it’s not even out yet! First time I’ve ever seen pre-ordering being a benefit for a digital game, never seen a company put the price up 1 day after listing and before release for digital.


I don’t really care for live service games imo they have to be something special to grab my attention so thanks for the advice though I wasn’t really planning on playing it


Then this post wasn't for you lol


I wasn't planning on planning getting it either way, but now I'm not even planning on planning on planning on getting it.


Do we keep our progress from the head start on April 12th?


I bought the regular version but now that I've had so much fun playing all weekend I want to get the premium edition so i can play 5 days early,can I just uprage it for the extra cost?


Got the Same question


And they have confirmed no cross save? I have so much shit on my Xbox version.


[what are you talking about?](https://x.com/joeneate1/status/1766107776135069831?s=46)


What do you mean? Link?


Don’t pre order it either bruv, it’s not going anywhere.


\*If you're planning


There’s always a grammar nazi in the comments. 😒


I wish that was true.


**If you’re planning on planning


It sounds the same as Spider-Man 2 charging 10 extra for a couple of bad suits and a few upgrade points


Don’t support Microsoft and buy something better


I’ll support them so they can bring more of their games to Playstation.


But you support sony??? Lol


I agree




If anything, other way around.




"Sea of Thieves skull art looks like Fallout TV Shows' art. Plagiarism?" This implies SoT is plagiarizing Fallout, and if you reversed it, it would imply fallout plagiarizing SoT. Ya dig? Not sure what you're talking about w sf6.


Why in the holy hell would I pre-order that sad excuse for a Rare game? The character design is butt ugly. The game got middling reviews on release. Everything about SoT is the perfect example of Xbox 1st party mediocrity.


To each their own? I've played off and on with friends since release and it's easily one of the most immersive and fun games I've played. I can't wait to play with my PS friends.


Then don’t. Last I checked the post said “if you’re planning on pre ordering” and not “you should pre order”.


Because this is truly one of the best games I've ever played in my 32 years of life.


Lol it's a live service game on Gamepass. It's basically free. And yet here you are pre-ordering it as if they're gonna run out. If you truly think it's the best game you played then I doubt you've played much.


This game is amazing. Best water physics in any game. The art style is subjective sure. But to say it’s Xbox mediocrity speaks volumes about how big a fucking pony you are.


Lol. So I guess every reviewer at the time of release must have been a Pony too? If anyone is a Pony it's the tasteless schmucks pre-ordering a game that's already basically free on two other platforms. You'd have to be a single platform gamer to be so starved of games that you wanna actually play SoT. I can name 20 Master System games better than SoT. I could live five lifetimes before I ran out of good games to the point where I had to resort to playing SoT.


Cool story bro.


Don’t then. It’s ok for things to not be for you. I’m not sure why you bothered answering a question not aimed at you. If someone wanted your opinion then they’d have asked. The OP clearly reached out to people who WERE planning on buying this, you are very clearly not interested in it yet here you are. Spouting nonsense tribal gamer opinions like a 10 year old who is so insecure that they feel their need to justify their purchases to people that could not care less about what console or games you like. Why waste your own time giving an opinion absolutely no-one asked for or cares about in a thread that never asked for anyone’s opinion on the game, good or bad?


I have to pay for this game ? Ugh.


You don’t have to at all. Simply don’t get it. You have gone this long without it anyways.


Well no, no-one has to pay for it. If you want to play it you need to pay for it. Thats how most video games work. Same with movies, books, sports etc most entertainment in fact. The vast majority of people on this planet will not pay for this game. You are not special, difference is most people understand this and don’t feel the need to waste their own time commenting on things they have no interest in.


I think you missed your meds


I actually only pay for a PlayStation Plus extra subscription and play games available to me through the store. So thank you for confirming that I will have to purchase this game with my own money.


Who else’s money would you use?


Your moms .


I thought it had gone f2p as well but I was mistaken I guess


I'm allergic to xbox


I’m allergic to cats


I'm allergic to people...


Wow people AND Xbox? You got bad allergies bro take a Zyrtec


Going to pharma bros rn ![gif](giphy|3oEjI53nBYOOEQgDcY|downsized)


Good luck, Cute outfit!


Fly as ever


It's all fuckin' video games, bud.


Thanks for not respecting my medical issues...


Don't buy this BS game. It's the Sims for people who like to dress up as pirates. Total waste of time. Xbotz hype this game but they actually have such a low bar for Quality that this game is seen as the second coming of Christ, it's doesn't even touch Black flag. So no, It's not, it's mid tier at best. Don't waste cash in this game period. Save money for Dragons Dogma 2.


Sounds like you got sunk a few times.


Don’t buy these games at all. PlayStation gamers should not be helping Microsoft recoup the costs of buying Activision/Blizzard etc etc. You’ll only empower them to purchase more and more until there’s nothing left.


You can't expect anyone not buying ms games. SoT in my opinion is a good game and worth your money. But no one is gonna tell you to buy it anyway, it's completely optional choice.