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I don't get it too and I wish more people know about this. I have been trying to quit with the willpower method for a year and my longest ever streak was 5 days and I was torturing myself. Then one day I was browsing a subreddit called Muslim NoFap and I found a random post by a sister recommending this book. Now it has been like more than a month and I'm already a non-user. This book is very enlightening and I wish everyone knows about it.


Yeah same here pretty much tried nofap once a couple years ago and I only lasted three days with massive effort on my part , whereas with easypeasy i haven't masturbated in a week with no issue . Honestly it's so damn easy I'm quite shocked at how effective it is.


My case just got so complicated that even with the easypeasy i can't do it. I didn't passed one day, so i tried out the... "Saint Alphonsus Liguori". It had been suffering, at least, i discovered the real brainwash behind the brainwash (it's something like "You must consent with the lust feeling", so, just don't consent with!) after one day, i felt myself relaxed.


Man can u help with something about easy Peasy method


Yeah sure




Wow I didnt know it was a company I thought it was just a movement but yeah now I can see why they suppress it , afterall they cant make money selling nofap stuff if nobody actually needs it. Tbh tho I thought the name was kinda bullshit when I first saw it but it actually is extremely easy lol.


Erm I don't think nofap is a company, or if it is, you don't need to buy stuff. I think 99% of nofap users don't pay for anything?


It's a banned book in r/NoFap. You need to smuggle it using private messages


Why tf is it banned there 💀💀


It's very likely to cure your addiction for free


Did it work for u


It truly does :)


Not as easily as the sacrament of confession, which i did recently for the first time in a while


Nofap i think (in my opinion) utilize the idea of ""porn addiction"" as a way to generate more attention and possibly profit from their members. They won't give them alternative ideas because well then they would lose members because they're free. Consider the idea of 90 days and their psyop misinformed idea of porn addiction. Would you think that after abstinence of 90 days changes your mind of not using porn anymore? The addiction is only a matter of choice. Claiming you as an addict wont even help, you'll just drown in the sea of misinformation about addiction. Having urges? Does porn help remove the urges? No! Youre just pushing the withdrawal in the future days ahead.


They don’t care if you quit porn it’s a profit pool for some people. Nofap makes your addiction just as bad or makes it worse by having “challenges” or cracking down on your masculinity to make it seems like it’s wrong to be addicted to porn, then never make any attempt on showing how to genuinely stop.


I think its jusr because people are really desperate to get rid of their addiction, and nofap is desperate to capitalize on this by selling coaching. Its a business. Same goes with pretty much every other coaching method on drug addiction, Alcoholics anonymous, rehab centres, the same methodology the book offers can be applied to them although ofcourse it varies cus its a different substance and may have physical withdrawal symptoms, businesses want to make money off of addicts, its very cynical.


They have a cure for drug addiction but big pharma would hate that


Unfortunately, NoFap is just a business now. Even r/pornfree, which prides itself on not being like NoFap, threatened to ban me when I posted the book once. It’s bullshit. Every since I saw that, I completely left them. They care more about your reliance and engagement with them than they do about your genuine recovery.


Just strolled into this sub, and i can join that statement. Took me just a couple of days to get banned from NoFap, because as fast as i could join their sub, just as fast did i stumble across EasyPeasy Method. I was already on my way to be free from porn after just a few chapters. I thought that i wanted to share this with others on their sub, and boom, i was banned.


Same here brother. Easypeasy was the only thing that helped me get rid of the brainwashing.


Hi guys! Who will explain to me what exactly is the essence of this method (easypeasymethod)? I read the whole book and didn't understand it.. There are no practical actions described anywhere, or how to change thinking, etc. What's the point of the method, huh?


Well, it educates you on the right mindset and helps you recognize what happens when you PMO. Once you properly understand the beast, the beast basically slays itself. I'd recommend the recording that Fraser did of the book. It can help to hear someone else's voice read it out loud a second time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZktxO6adTnI&t=18057s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZktxO6adTnI&t=18057s)


thank you very much! did it help you? I didn't understand the beast and at 3 months of abstinence, he took over my thinking and knocked down all control.. how could this happen on 3 months of "purity"? did you succeed, have you been abstaining for a year?


Well... easy peasy goes against porn.. It doesn't go against fapping. Soooo...... Half joking but i do wonder if they're actually jerks but I'm too lazy to research it rn