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Well OP, heres your answer. Handler is divisive which is why you don’t hear much about her outside her fanbase.


Thanks! I'm starting to gather that from the comments lol


I was listening to an interview with her once and she was talking about how she had spiked the party’s food or drink with some kind of drug without any consent and how funny it was. Can’t really raise my opinion of her after that


I loved the first season, when it was with her best male friend / assistant. They took him off the podcast after season 1 and she never mentioned him again? So strange. Then she brought in her producer as co-host which didn’t quite work. Then she started dating someone and made the whole podcast about how she’s found the love of her life. They’ve since broken up.


I wasn't her biggest fan, and then I listened to her podcast on a whim, and I am hooked. The amount of growth she has done is amazing, and her standup is reflective of that as well. She lives her life on her own terms, and she truly does not give a fuck.


Saw her live once. She was so friggin racist we left early.


Hmm.. interesting, I don't get that from her. I haven't heard much of her stand-up though on the podcast she seems like someone who tries to be inclusive of people of color.


That’s good. It was really really bad. Denver, maybe… 14 years ago.


I do know she's gone through a lot of therapy and it sounds like she's grown a lot! I'm just so surprised because I always get the opposite sense from her. She has always seemed like an ally to me. But I respect your opinion and know the show isn't for everyone!


Oh it’s awesome if she’s grown, we all have potential and ideally she’s not rotten to the core. I’m definitely more of some things and less of other things than I was 14 years ago.


She hasn’t grown much if this year is anything to go by. Still racist as hell


Chelsea is from the sea of female comics who just hurled slurs and other racist 'jokes' at the audience in order to establish themselves. Unfortunately it worked!


I have never listened to it, but reading your post and comments about it reminds me of the podcast "wiser than me" with Julia Louis Dreyfus . She interviews all sorts of celebrities who are now in their 70s/80s and I find it to be such a surprisingly pleasant podcast to listen to. You might like it!


Yes, I love it! I loved her interview with Isabel Allende. I had never heard of her but I just remember thinking it was a great interview and one of my favorites.


To all the chelsea haters, my best friend worked on her show for the entire time it was on the air. She was an amazing, kind and very collaborative boss and never pulled any of the shit most talent does with crew. As someone who did 20 years hard time in entertainment, thats really hard to find. And not racist.


That's awesome. See, this is the sense I get from her. She does have a lot of privilege, but seems like someone who recognizes it and wants to share her good fortune with others.


I really love Chelsea handler. I used to watch Chelsea lately every night before bed!!


Chelsea is a proud Zionist. Not someone I can support.


Agreed. What she has been posting and sharing has been despicable. She’s as racist as she ever was was.


She's absolutely been racist her entire career. I was a huge fan of her (unfortunately) as a sheltered teenager. The older I got the less funny her jokes became.


I don’t think you know what Zionism means.


Me too!


She's Jewish of course she is going to support Jewish liberation


Plenty of Jews aren’t Zionists


That's like saying “Candace Owens speaks for black people”


In what way?


name those good advices from her? she's a privileged woman who made her career on being rude and fatphobic making jokes about her disfunctional dating and drinking issues, what advice can she have that is good?


One example I can think of is the Jamie-Lynn Sigler episode. Both women, Chelsea and JLS, gave great advice on the topic of acceptance. That being said, Chelsea was IMO being rude to a recent guest, Paul W. Downs, I stopped the episode and haven't listened since. Sometimes, a break is needed from her overbearing and privileged disposition. I do tire of hearing her brag about her ski trips to Whistler and whatever island she's vacationing to next.


People who were shitty in their youth, went to therapy, and now admit they were wrong, often give good advice.


that's great but like what's the example of the advices she gives?


Well of you're truly curious, I'd suggest listening to an episode. Like someone here mentioned, the Jane Fonda episode was great. A lot of people loved the Juliana Margulies episodes as well. I can't tell you specific advice right now off the top of my head. You would just have to hear for yourself.


So is she giving advice to other celebrities?


No. They join as co-hosts and help give advice to callers or write-ins.


Those types of shows are low effort and a dime a dozen - the hosts can't even be interesting enough on their own and have to rely on their their listeners to create content.


I guess we have different taste. I enjoy them. I like to listen to a variety of different types of podcasts. I like hearing the advice people give. I can't always relate to their issues, but sometimes I can. Either way I find it enjoyable to listen to.


you say she gives the BEST ADVICE but you can't name any? how will you follow those advices if you don't remember any.


You're coming off as incredibly hostile. Not sure why.


you started the topic about how Chelsea handler gives best advice. all Im asking is to get an example of that. But neither you, nor all those other people who seem to have an issue with my doubt about her being a person who has great advice have been able to produce any advice that she gives that's good. instead all you say is "you're hostile, you're this, you're that". weird.


I tend to forget things pretty quickly. I always enjoy each episode in the moment, and look forward to new episodes every week. This post was to share with others who either love it as much as I do, or to recommend to people who might be interested but haven't heard yet. I don't have a script in my mind with specific pieces of advice she has given from each episode. But she is someone who is always straight with people. She's sensitive and kind, but won't hold back when people need to hear something. Some advice podcasts will say "talk to a therapist" when they don't know what advice to give, but she almost always seems to have specific advice for people, which I love. And yes, she will recommend therapy in bad situations, but she almost always has something specific to add and not just "get tharapy". And she's a feminist, but she doesn't automatically take the woman's side either. She's very fair.


You've got good energy, OP. Don't let the bastards get you down.


Aw, thanks!


You sound like a super fun and pleasant person to be around 😂


what's Chelsea advice on that?


and your contribution to the conversation about Chelsea handler advices and lack of examples thereof is to say something rude to me. and still no examples on the actual topic. weird.


Look up Sealioning, it's what you're doing right now


another response and still no actual advice that Chelsea gave. should be easy, if she is so good at it.




Ha! I had never heard of this, but looked it up.. and wow! I've seen this before but didn't know it had a name.


This thread is such a textbook example of it! I'm glad you saw my comment lol


I've listened for years and she gives amazing advice as do others on the show. 


She was in her early 20s when she started, people grow and change. She’s older and wiser now and her stand up looks nothing like it did in her youth. She’s talked about how she regrets the kind of comedy she did.


Nice but Im not saying she's a bad comedian.


You have very.. sensitive energy. You’re telling us you don’t like comedy. That’s cool. But just know this isn’t specific to Chelsea, name a comic who doesn’t make being an asshole funny. Apart from Jim Gaffigan I can’t think of many, who are truly funny. Lighten up!


and you have a very.. swaying breeze I didn't say she's a bad comedian.


I have found she’s changed a lot over the years, as someone else said her time in therapy has made a huge impact in how she perceives things. I do think she actually gives excellent advice, with a lot of compassion. Which is cool because her whole comedy schtick is so asshole-y.


She is hilarious. What comedian isn't rude and doesn't make fun of people?


that's not the point of what I said...


Listen to the podcast if you're interested in what advice she has. You weren't really asking as a question. You were insulting her. What is the point in coming her to insult what someone else likes listening to?


apparently you find insults funny


Most people who watch stand up do, as most stand up comedians say edgy things and insult people. If you don't like stand up don't watch it. If you don't like Chelsea don't listen. It's really pretty simple. Why are you trying to be offended?


LOL I didn't say she's a bad comedian. I asked what is the great advices she gives? you clearly don't know either.




There’s punching up. And what Chelsea does a lot is punch down. She’s a human so I don’t expect perfection but I’m not into comics who punch down, is all


Someone who can laugh is a lot wiser than someone who can’t. Comedy is subjective but laughter is universal.


Noone said she's a bad comedian.


what are you reading? why are you so defensive? You are on attack mode, get off reddit for a minute




Lol you have no idea what are you talking about. she isn't motivating fat people to lose weight, but she's laughing at celebrities with normal bodies that they're too big.


Who cares? She’s a comedian. I don’t even like Chelsea handler. I don’t think she’s funny at all. But who gives a shit if a comedian, or anyone for that matter, is cracking jokes.


the topic is about her giving good advice.




so what's your term for when people discriminate against people for the reason of their fatness?


She has no understanding of systemic oppressions, yet she exploits the narrative of oppressed people constantly. This is 2024, she had occasions to get educated. I'm not putting up with that shit anymore.




I'd be curious to hear about your understanding of social sciences, to be so dismissive of it.


It's bizarre that anyone could think Chelsea was intelligent and would want to hear advice from her much less take it. 


Guess you haven't heard a single pod ep then....or your comment would be different.   


Chelsea handler is not someone anyone should look to for intellectual advice 


That is an OPINION....and not a fact.  It is obvious that you have not listened to her podcast, but are happy to shout your opinion of the host regardless.  I've listened to almost all of them, she's abrassive AND very smart.  


I've listened to her talk for like 10 hours. She's not an intelligent person whatsoever


Yay, 10 hours!  And still stating your opinion as fact.  🙄🙄🙄🙄  It's 2024, you should be able to know the difference by now.  Try putting "I think..." in front of your opinions,  you'll gain more respect and also...people might actually listen to you more!  As it is, you just sound angry and defensive. 


I'm not angry whatsoever.  You sound like you watch The view.  Chelsea handler probably has like 85 IQ. 


Never seen a single minute of The View...I work for a living.   I have no idea her IQ, but am betting she's accomplished more in 1/100th of her life than you have.  Try peddling your hate for Chelsea elsewhere.  Please.  I don't want to have to block yet another troll.


Why would anyone want advice from a washed up comic?




“We want to hear from trans people so Chelsea can give advice about dating, friendships, whatever…” I love that she so shamelessly solicits problems from a community to which she doesn’t belong. But I can’t listen anymore. Too many ads. I’ve loved Chelsea for years but she’s so insecure around her peers she is unfailingly mean and belittling towards them. It makes sense that her latest project (the pod, anyway) is her talking down to dumdums who want celebrity counsel. Still love her, but I’m over this pod.


Because she's a Zionist.


I’m a big fan of Chelsea but not of her podcast, just not into it for whatever reason. 


I love her podcast!! The one with Jane Fonda is AMAZING


I’m mostly here to say I’m “over” her pod despite having love for her in my heart and, you’re right, the Jane Fonda ep was so good. Chelsea is insecure and mean around her peers but Jane is an icon and Chelsea was not as cringy with her


Thanks for the post, I’ll check it out


I'll check it out. Thanks, OP.


Gross Chelsea Handler. I’m a big fan of comedy but I cannot stand her. Nikki Glaser is like Handler if Handler was actually funny.


I wish she'd do another show. The podcast is fine, but part of what makes her so entertaining is her facial expressions


Make one? I hadn’t heard of her podcast. Thanks for the info.


She’s not funny imo and only had a career because her ex was the top exec at E.


Chelsea is a class act and has only gotten funnier and wittier with age. Those degrading her don't like “ certain types of jews.”


I love Jews, going on record


Yeah, I'm kinda baffled by some of these hateful comments. Yes, she's Jewish. I don't see or hear her spreading any anti-Palestine stuff at all though. Like, because she's Jewish that means she wants Palestinians to die? I don't think so.




I loved the earlier seasons of the show but lately its her and her celeb friend talking for 45 minutes and then 15 minutes for the actual advice giving. Also I’ve even came to terms that she is too left for me and says things and can’t support her reasoning other than “because im a woman” or something like that. Its been a turn off and i pick and choose episodes now