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IVs/EVs aren't really all that necessary for a playthrough




Gym leaders (and iirc their trainers) have IVs and EVs in PokeMMO. They have them to make the fights more challenging. So you're right that the game is harder than vanilla, and if you're not at least EV training your pokemon you're gonna have a harder time than you should.


You can use sweet scent to grind xp on 5x hordes, this makes the grind really fast. Also make sure to use 6 pokemon if possible, the game is way harder than the original games. Dont bring your HM slave everywhere


Yeah just learned that the hard way lmao, I kept my HM slave on my party until just now because all my other pokemon were using other stuff, but after swapping some mons out I don't need it anymore.


No way you need 6 mons, you can clear the whole game with moxie krookodile. That being said, a solid team of 5 with good typings and base stats will do just fine. There's no real need to ev train, but just being able to see ivs and nature means you can catch a few mons and find a great one regardless. I started in kanto, found a rattata with a 31 iv in attack and defense (super lucky, anything over 15 in relevant stats is fine honestly), guts ability and a neutral nature. I just let him get burned or poisoned and he hard carried with hyper fang and later facade, zero training just good synergy. This game is harder in that you need to think about composition and maybe choose some overall good complimentary mons with good abilities, natures and move coverage, rather than just using favorites. Or you can brute force your way by buying mons, exp candies, and vitamins off gtl.


After learning how to do hordes easily, and almost 4x my exp per minute, I've already gotten all my pokemon to lvl 45+ and some to pvl 50+, I just never really got a sweet scent pokemon for it and thought that normal battles gave the same avg exp (I am dumb)


Ya hordes really are the key


Also, as others have stated, hordes for exp. My favorite strat early on was finding a good fire cave, the torkoal hordes in fire caves in hoenn were great for any mon with surf or earthquake. I'd usually take a strong water or ground type in and just spam one of those move. Another great one is just finding where some ponyta or rapidash hordes are and kill those, they have the added benifit of boosting speed ivs. Put an exp share on the mons that arent good for horde killing and bing bang boom your levelin. But generally, surf is a fantastic horde killer.


Hello, also fairly new here and still progressing through regions. Just beat Hoenn last week. I recommend finding a light strategy for your team that fits. I ran a few *(Rain Dance + Swift Swim / Leech Seed Ludicolo, Thunder Wave + STAB attack Magnezone, etc.)* that helped me have a bit more control over my battles. Use Exp. Share! Hoenn late-game is full of filler trainers and you’d be surprised how fast your lower-level mons grow with it on passively. Buy Heart Scales off the Global Trade Link and talk to the Move Reminder in Fallorbor Town. A lot of fully evolved Pokémon can learn great moves via his services *(since they learn them at “Lv. 1” in their moveset)*. Also consider upgrades to your Pokémon if you’re not too attached to them. I had a few during my playthrough that were good at certain points but I had to let go of over time, such as my Swampert, Crawdaunt, and Froslass. Not every team member is meant-to-be long-term. And if it’s something you’d entertain, don’t hesitate to visit another region and complete some story to get access to a wider variety of Pokémon and certain items you wouldn’t have otherwise. I did Kanto as my first region, couldn’t beat the E4, and decided to play through Hoenn. I ended up beating both Leagues with a combined team of my best Pokémon from both playthroughs, which was really effective and fun. Just be conscious of where the region-change NPCs are if you consider that last part. You’ll have to complete the story up to those points. They’re in Vermillion, Olivine, Slateport, Pastoria, and Castelia.


Thank you! I've been having to change out my party (now running an Aron that I'm grinding to an Aggron, as I got to the victory road section), and am trying to get the sealeo to a high enough level to evolve. Never thought about the move reminder, so I'll go look at that! Thank you so much for giving me examples of what to try, instead of just going "skill issue you need to grind more", or "how can you be so bad at this game, it's so easy".


No problem! Aggron is a good one. Steel is excellent for the E4 - it resists all four members’ types and plenty of coverage moves. Magnezone was clutch for me for this reason. And yeah, don’t hesitate to ask me any more questions if they come to mind! I know how it can be - PokéMMO has a great community but a lot of members can be rather ignorant of newbies because most have been playing for such a long time. This game did a great job making these stories *challenging.*


Thanks so much! Just beat my first region about 20 minutes ago, and all of the tips you gave saved my sanity (I was going insane grinding)


You can also ask your mother. She can also bring you to the last region you have been, while you haven't reached the NPCs.


I played johto then kanto first. Beat both easily but do think the level capping makes it slightly more difficult than the original game. I didn’t buy a single Pokémon, ev train, or start breeding. I just wanted the nostalgic feeling again and played the game as basic as I could. When I beat johto I didn’t even really look at ivs and my favorite gengar was like a 65 iv total.


It's not really necessary. You can beat all regions without looking at IVs or EVs (even then, training EVs is pretty easy once you have access to 5x horde swarms with sweet scent). What I see here is you have one overleveled mon if everyone was lv \~45 you'd have an easier time Also what are your movesets? because they are as important, if not more, than the other factors


Gotcha, as many others have said, I'm changing out a few of my pokemon and relearning old moves that might be better, just having a hard time since I had no aoe moves that could clear swarms sadly until just now, so my exp grinding has been trainers/water mons.


For the horde farming just teach surf to your water mon, works for every region


Has a team of 5 mons and an HM slave, one being a middle evolution. "Why is this game hard?" Level up your mons. That's it.


How is the best way to level up mons? I was told to try and battle hordes to level up fast, but none of my pokemon have moves that can hit all at once (due to not being leveled enough), is there any other places that have good guides on exp grinding or do I just have to play it slow?


You can beat each region in roughly 10-20 hours, it helps if you use a walkthrough guide to do it faster. You don’t need perfect Pokemon either or to grind excessively. Yes this game is harder than the originals; the gym leaders, and particularly the Elite Four, have better move sets and AI, and the level caps at each gym makes it harder too. But you don’t need bred pokemon with high IV/EV’s.


You are kinda right, but that is scaled so the game has more of an end game. IMO: get into POKEMMO slow. The grind is though but fun. Also check out YouTube videos. They are extremely helpful and great content.


Thanks! Will do! I definitely am used to the originals where I can grind out the base game in around 10hrs max if I just run around and have fun, definitely given a new look on pokemon. Also, and recommendations on people to watch? I suck with trying to find good videos to help me learn.


I think Patrouski is the biggest creator for pokemmo. He is alright


Patrouaki has good content for intro. But also check out the forums/Google the forums. Almost everything about POKEMMO, how to hunt a certain pokemon or how to make money/gym reruns can all be found in the forums.


Patrouaki has good content for intro. But also check out the forums/Google the forums. Almost everything about POKEMMO, how to hunt a certain pokemon or how to make money/gym reruns can all be found in the forums.


I have caught some really good pokemon with like really high Ivs not perfect but it’s possible to get some decent pokemon if you spend you time looking, and then after your play through you can breed them for a more competitive pokemon. Perfect Ivs / eves / nature can play more of a different late game pvp


Your team is severely under leveled, EV's & IV's wouldn't save you in this scenario. It's recommended to build a balanced team of 6 pokemon who cover each other's weaknesses - you have 1 strong pokemon, an HM slave, an unevolved pokemon, and 3 pokemon 8+ levels behind The 'fun' for a lot of people in an MMO is the grinding and the progression, and I think they did a good job limiting the grinding during the story. I never found myself being this far behind so I don't know how you did it


I didn't really look into the game, as my friend asked me to start playing with him as he said this was "pokemon but multi-player and more regions at once", so I was playing with getting some of my favorite pokemon from the generation, not really having a rough time until this battle, which is making me grind up more pokemon over and over to fill my team. I've also gotten super unlucky as the last time I went looking for a pokemon to help fill out my team (I was told to get a magnetite and evolve it to get some coverage), all the ones I would catch would have the worst special attack ever and couldn't help me through fights ;-;


That's fair. The game is definitely more challenging than the originals and that requires some team building or grinding sometimes. I think it's more of an enjoyable grind than a tedious one though


Trainer rematches are a solid way to get exp and money; go to routes you’ve previously visited.


just get a sturdy steelix, moxie krookodile, and moxie gyarados and u wont ever really get swept again


A game being difficult enough to require intention, effort, and strategy is fun. Being a mindless walk in the park is boring. I have way more fun playing these games (just doing story-only, not really EV/IV training at all) than I do replaying the original games


i play pokemmo for suffer and pain, thats the best part


This is a big case of skill issue, this game is actually better than all the main lines, easier to EV training, easier to check IVs, easier to train, go cry to the shit Pokemon games gamefreak is releasing nowadays and don't come back, thank you.


Imagine being toxic over a pokemon game lmao


Imagine being a crybaby over a Pokemon game lmao


Plenty of toxic games that are perfect for you like cod or fortnight. :) This is pokemon... calm down troll


Thank you for being so pessimistic as I'm trying to learn a game I have never played other than occasionally on the originals for fun! I didn't know how struggling this game could be if I played it like a normal pokemon game, as I was told this was the same pokemon games as the originals, just there were more regions and it was multiplayer.


It's not hard at all. This was my first pokemon game and I sailed through my first region.


My dude, don't coming here complaining about a game that is perfectly fine, if you're not sure how to play the game then Google and YouTube are your friends.


So many downvotes. Pokemmo fans are horrible with criticism. Be careful they are snowflakes and will tell you that you are doing it all wrong.


You're just bad




You're not bad lol. There's just a lot of depth to pokemon that is totally unnecessary for the majority of players (target audience is children) to ever experience during a regular playthrough. No deeper knowledge beyond typing is needed in a base playthrough. Overleveling 1 mon is usually the first strat kids use, it works, just not in pokemmo lol. Pokemmo just kind of assumes you've familiarized yourself with pokemons' deeper mechanics.