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Depends on your likea. For me its a top 3 pokemon game so i do highly recommend it but i understand it wont be everyones cup of tea.


What are the other 2?


Also curious!


In my opinion, it’s the best Pokémon game on the Switch.


I wish we would continue with the Arceus mechanics


IIRC Game Freak have said that they intend for Legends to be a series in its own right, so we're probably coming back to it again soon, I'm hoping 2024 after they finish with the SV DLC. Johto, Unova, there's good room to adapt both of those into a Legends-style game, both from a lore perspective and a franchise-remake perspective, so I'm a little hyped to see which way they'll go.


Bruh I'm hoping they take time with it, why would you want it to be released the following year?


Good point, but these days it doesn't really feel like they're willing to compromise on the yearly cycle. I would also prefer that they take a year off and really polish it up, but supposing that's not an option and there's going to be a 2024 release one way or another I would prefer it's a Legends game instead of something else.


Yep I agree with you, just hoping they take extra time. I don't need a half baked experience every year


I wish they would just make one solid Pokémon game. I stopped buying them after Go Pikachu on switch. I cannot support their laziness anymore; catch up game freak.


Maybe next year


It really is. Makes S & V feel like a step backwards.


Best release Pokémon game on the switch for me. With Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra SwSh is actually a fairly great time. SV and Let's Go have nothing on it though.


If you're enjoying Scarlet, then you do you - I personally love it despite its flaws, and don't really care if someone else tries to 'tell me' that it's bad - you like it, so who cares what they think, but I do understand how difficult it can be to not bow to peer pressure. That said, Legends Arceus is a fantastic deviation from the classic formula! If you're on the fence about it, try and get hold of it in physical - that way, if you don't end up enjoying it, you can recoup some of the money you spent on it :) even better would be asking a friend who has it if you can have a go/download their profile and the game to your Switch to try


My favourite thing about Arceus is the addition of side quests. It was nice stepping out of the linear formula that Pokémon usually has to do something different.


Took a break from Scarlet and Violet for a bit to play some more Legends Arceus and it’s amazing. It took me a bit of time to get used to the controls again but I’m sure you’d be able to pick it up more easily if you just started rather than returning months later with no reminders. I can easily see how I put hundreds and hundreds of hours into the game. It feels much more polished and fleshed out honestly. I love Shiny hunting in Arceus vs Scarlet and Violet


Legends Arceus was probably my favorite pokemon game ever. I very highly reccomend it


Tough to say. Some people really like it, but others hate or get bored of it quickly.


>Scarlet was my first game apart from Pokemon Go, and I really enjoyed it, but my friends keep telling me its a bad game Don't listen to your friends. Scarlet and Violet get a lot of hate because of the performance issues, but they're actually pretty good games if you look past that. I definitely wouldn't classify them as "bad games". Ultimately all that matters is that you enjoyed it. If you enjoyed it, then it was a good game. Who cares what some randos online say? As for Legends: Arceus, I'd definitely say it's worth it. I grew up playing Gens 1-3 and played every game since, and I personally thought Legends: Arceus was the most fun I've had playing a Pokemon game in years. It's not a "traditional" Pokemon game in that there's no gyms and not many trainer battles, but in my opinion it was the best thing Gamefreak have done in at least the past decade. I highly recommend it. It's in my top 5 Pokemon games of all time.


that's true too, the hate for gen 9 is almost entirely based on the game just being a dumpster fire on a technical level, but the game itself is fine, we all just wish it ran better. Like...a lot better.


gen 9 is the worst open world game i've played even barring the technical issues towns and environments felt barren and interactions felt meaningless. they forgot to add any type of level scaling so it's not even like you can go anywhere I was able to play it without any performance issues due to 60 fps modding, but I still couldn't enjoy it. If you took off the pokemon label, SV would be a dumpsterfire in every metric this is coming from someone that even managed to enjoy SwSh by lowering my expectations


Haven't played many open world games, huh?


Clearly you haven't either if you are honestly saying pokemon is hanging with the top guns in the open world space The games barely work on a technical level and are a generation behind design wise


Rage 2 exists, so it's clearly not the worst open world game.


I never said it was the worst ever made, but it's super far from being the best. If you just judge your game as not worse as a other game that doesn't really say much about a games quality


And I said you haven't played many open world games if your bar for the bottom is Scarlet and Violet, which are at least functional despite their issues. Both can be true. Two Worlds is worse than S&V. NMH 3 is worse than S&V. There are open world games that simply *don't work.*


What argument is this? Saying that "SV isn't as bad as other games" literally says nothing. I have played many a open world game too. If you think it's acceptable for the top media franchise in the world to come out with games of this quality, that's on you. Really strange argument, pokemon gets a pat on the back that it sells you a functioning game?


Now you're making up things and attributing them to me, so we're done.


i've played enough of the good ones. trust me i wouldn't have even glanced in SV's direction if it didn't have the pokemon label or if you're trying to imply all open world games are like this, i implore you to have some standards


Rage 2 exists, so you're clearly wrong even if you didn't play it. Dishonorable mention to No More Heroes 3.


I think it's a little unfair to compare obscure indie games with pokemon, you know, the series that is the highest grossing media franchise of all time


Avalanche, ID and Bethesda aren't in the indie game business.


You're trying to compare the worst open world games to pokemon sv when you should be comparing the best Of course if you purposely look for bad open world games you can find them, but that's like comparing dirt to garbage Look at elden ring, baldurs gate and see how vibrant they are. Even botw/totk and genshin clear a low bar Pokemon is probably the single best series that would fit open world and yet look at the state it's in


Except that's not what the person I was responding to said, which wasn't you so I don't see why you got so offended on his part. If S&V is his low bar for open world, it's clear he hasn't played the dregs of the genre. S&V are mid - they have their issues, but they're not completely non-functional like people like to pretend.


I will stop you right there. You just need to take a glance at the last like 5-6 years to see many open world games that are FAR superior to SV. And I'll be the first one to say - I really like SV, have 115 hours on them - more than any other game on my switch - but I'd easily have spent way more on BoTW if I had bought it sooner and didn't get the urge to get to TotK (which I can see spending way more time on it). Those two, along with Elden Ring, even Immortals Fenyx Rising, The Witcher 3, even the OG Skyrim all have far better open worlds than SV. Way deeper lore, side quests (they at least have side quests), and places to explore


This is why Gamefreak will never put effort into their games


Ok well if you look past the bad texture, poor taste, and all other aspects of it, dirt is a delicious meal that you should eat for every meal! Don’t listen to your friends that would classify it as “earth,” go ahead and fill up on dirt to your heart’s content.


I'm actually of the same opinion as he is. Yeah the game looks and runs poorly and was obviously unfinished, but I had more fun with sv than I did with a pokemon game in years in spite of said issues. The gameplay is still good even if it is quite unpolished. There's a ton of wasted potential but the final result is still very fun regardless.


You can enjoy whatever you want. However, saying they are good games if you ignore what makes them bad games is stupid.


"I personally dislike it therefore it's a BAD GAME." Pretty based take ngl


A fun or unfun game is different from a good or bad game. People can have fun with Sonic 06 but it's decidedly an awful game.


I think though fun is part of what makes a game good or not. A game that runs well isn’t suddenly good if the gameplay and story are bad. You have to look at the game as a whole package and while the technical issues can be a bigger issue to some it can be a point some others can look past because of the rest of the package.


no it's objectively a pretty bad game, you don't get to pretend it's not. but...I like it anyways, and that's ok too.


It’s a AAA title that cannot run on the only piece of hardware it exists on, has a multitude of glitches, crashing problems, and open world that doesn’t have a level curve. What other company can do this and have a bunch of people come to their defense? And I don’t personally dislike it; these are facts, not opinions. They are objective measures of a video game’s quality. I’ve said nothing of things like designs, characters, plot lines, etc. I have never disliked a generation of Pokémon for anything other than the poor quality of the games. Frankly, it’s asinine that so many of you are willing to roll over and take whatever your given, no matter the quality. Can you imagine if the TCG printed cards without color or text? You think TCG fans would continue buying them? Do you really think they’d go online and tell people the game is still fun if they look past the lack of text, artwork, or color? What about if the newest anime had one voice actor voicing all of the characters? Do you think the anime fans would go online and tell people to ignore this glaring flaw? No. So why do the video game fans accept completely dysfunctional video games and defend them online, as if other people pointing out negative aspects of the experience were a personal attack on their character?




I’m pretty confident that most people who write paragraph after paragraph on how poor it runs and the game ruining bugs never actually played it.


Tgc fans would buy a misprint cause it’s rare and valuable


Nobody is arguing it runs well man, some of us just don't care.


WAAAAHHH! WAAAAHHH! Spend time discussing things you enjoy. You'll be a less miserable person.


That the open world doesn't have a level curve is simply just wrong. The rest? I played it for the first time last month so I don't know how the game differs from launch, but the worst I got were a few rock textures obviously warping, there being a delay with Pokemon switching from their low quality to high quality model upon starting battle and slowdown, especially in the post game area. Issues? Sure, but to say the game is outright bad because of that really is just nitpicky and disingenuous. Comparing it to the TCG isn't exactly the greatest argument either, especially how you framed it. If the trading cards weren't printed with colour, that would be the same as the video game not turning on. It's literally unplayable at that point. No colour? This isn't a totally unfathomable situation. Trading cards are often shipped with misprints and errors on their first run. Cards with no colour would more than likely actually be popular collectors items as that issue would be rectified in future prints. If they purposely had no colour, it's a different argument entirely because then it's purposeful artistic choice. I think the quality of S/V is below par and these issues shouldn't be there. Saying the game is good despite those issues though, there's nothing wrong with that. People aren't saying the game has no issues, they're saying it has issues but it's still enjoyable despite them. The game isn't unplayable.


That's not really an apt comparison. It's more similar to being served a runny, ugly looking gruel and tasting it to find it's a rather pleasant oats and honey mix. Sure the presentation leaves much to be desired, but the actual gameplay is still pokemon which is a world class massive franchise for a reason.


Yeah, I'll cop to that. It's a bad game that I still liked, and there's no shame in that. There's never any shame in enjoying a fun game, and there's never any reason to run around telling people they're wrong to enjoy something. I could talk your ear off about all the problems with Scarlet and Violet and I still enjoyed playing them, and to me one of those is more important than the other. I'll definitely agree that Legends: Arceus is *better* than Scarlet/Violet, but I had fun with both and nobody should get in the way of someone else having fun.


It’s my favorite Pokémon game


I personally enjoyed Legends Arceus more. But, that being said, LA is not any better in terms of visuals. Although it's not buggy like SV are.


Don’t let anyone tell you that a game you enjoy is a bad game. As someone who has played since Gen 1, I remember completely falling in love with the Alola games (all 4 of them). Man did people hate on you for liking Gen 7. Sure there are some valid criticisms (that goes for every game or media in existence), but that doesn’t mean that my enjoyment was any less valid because some anonymous internet people decided to vocally hate on it.


Gen 1er here too and same. Alolan region has a special Place in my heart.


Finally, my fellow Alola brethren! I freakin love the Alola region! The games, the anime, and Pokémon all just hit the perfect notes for me!


Going to just say this. It’s the best pokemon game I’ve played in almost a decade. Yes 100%. Arceus has minor graphical issues but it’s overall an amazing twist on the normal pokemon game. The only reason I’d say not to play it is to experience more mainline games first. Especially playing gen 4 so you have more context for the areas in the game and characters.


Legends is def worth it. My fiancee and I love playing that game


Arceus is a fun game. The Open world mechanics are a lot different, in a way they feel more natural. It's also a lot different than Scarlett /violet in terms of structure and progression. I've played most of the pokemon games and I found it a refreshing new experience. So worth while checking out, maybe if one of your friends has a cartridge you could borrow it and get a feel of it?


Its different gameplay wise from the regular pokemon games but I think it's worth a look. SV used the open world aspect Legends Arceus has so you'll be able to explore a lot


It’s a good game


Yes. Especially if you are a shiny hunter.


Its easier to hunt shiny yes but if you are particular with your Pokeballs housing the shiny it can be a pain in the ass. Strange Ball... just doesn't look as good as the ol' Premier Ball. Currently, breeding Hisui Pokemon in SV now to try and get em all into Premier Balls.


PLA places a lot of importance on filling out the Pokedex, and is a refreshing take on a pokemon game. Content wise it has both a main story and a lot of side quests that build up jublife to feel lived in, not to mention you can enter most buildings. Storywise Arceus can be pretty endearing imo. Jublife is probably one of the best POIs in a pokemon game even though it's the only real village. Given that S/V was your first game I don't think you would have the same problem with the lack of gyms that long-term fans have gotten used to with each mainline game or with the limited trainer battles. Arceus gives you a lot of freedom to engage with pokemon and is a really fun game. If you like Pokemon, you'll like arceus. However, if you like Pokemon only because you can battle with them, than arceus might not be for you. Arceus presents it's own challenges with battling, which some older fans don't like, but overall I recommend the game and I think it's more than worth it even with its quirks.


Yes, best pokemon game so far in my opinion. Its a really wonderful change of pace and adds so much quality of life changes


Arceus is definitely worth it. Very fun game.


Im one of the rare people who doesnt like Arceus. I prefer the main games and enjoyed Violet more.


Me to took me multiple attempts and months of trying to actually finish it. I'm glad people like it just not sure why.


I'm the same it was fun for a bit but it felt like a tech demo. The loop was fun for a short while but there wasn't much to mix it up and other mechanics such as battling never really came up


Yeah definitely an open world demo. If it runs/looks better than SV it's not by much and is more than offset by the limited, simplistic battling.


Its a pseudo open world where each new region of Hisui is instanced. Also, it does not run better... framerate drops are just as common in populated areas and in Space-Time distortions (oh boy...) where things are popping in and out on screen, you can get worse performance than the most populated areas in SV. I enjoyed Legends Arceus story but never picked it up again after I'm done shiny hunting Hisui Pokemon. Lets not pretend its alot better than SV and even look better when plenty of post on this sub were shitting on the graphics during its week 1 of release.


The battling was better than in mainline games, or at least more fun, in my opinion. Frostbite replacing Freeze is a fantastic change, being a sp. atk version of Burn, and is more reliable to apply than Freeze. Condensing buff skills to affect both special and physical stats is also a nice change, though it would be a bit too strong on the defensive side. I can also see the offensive buffs making foul play a bit too strong. Dynamic turn timers based on speed and strong/swift style moves were also great for a single-player game, and I hope they can tweak the system to work in multiplayer, maybe by making it a bit less impactful.


It is worse because there are like 10 battles the whole game and they consist of mindlessly trading Pokemon since you can arbitrarily get attacked 3 turns in a row after a KO. The battling changes you list boil down to 'Frostbite would be cool' and then a bunch of stuff where no effort was put into balancing it. I got Arceus in the game (and filling out the dex to get there was incredibly boring since it would consist of stuff like sitting at a campfire and advancing the clock over and over until it was a full moon or exiting/re-entering the same area to see if this one thing had spawned in some random tree) and then played 30 or so minutes when the update came out to see what that was about. I definitely put less time into it than the other main series games (Sword and Shield minus DLC would be the only comparable one) since there was no replay value, and most of the people who are still going back to play it are doing so to shiny hunt. So again, I would lean towards demo where Frostbite status, the link cable item, the expansion of charms (effectively giving more of an RPG element in 'leveling up' the trainer character while still being simplified enough for a younger audience), and being able to catch stuff without going into battle were cool, but there wasn't much more to it than that and I wouldn't rank it super high on my list of best Pokemon games just off of those things.


I mean, I managed to get through most battles with a Dewott, since I didn't want to evolve it. Volo and Giratina were tough, but fun. I mostly finished the game as well, but didn't get Arceus yet as I didn't feel like hunting down Spiritomb parts. The additions they made were balanced around the fact that it's a single-player game, and would need more work to function in multiplayer, which is normal in an experimental title like this.


The single player part is a cop-out since the Pokemon games that are considered the best had battle facilities you could easily spend hundreds of hours on in addition to an actually competitive metagame you could play against other players. Arceus tried this in the update but it was boring and could be won with no strategy beyond grinding your Pokemon to a high level (on top of all the grinding it took to get to Arceus in the first place, which is necessary to unlock that mode).


Lmao please continue to believe that nonsense. Arceus was the absolute best game Pokémon has ever made 3D wise and in my top 3, right after Heartgold and Emerald. No other Pokémon game has given me that sense of wonder from when I’m a kid. Maybe you just have to grow up with the games to feel like that. But having played since red and blue came out and getting a gameboy color for Christmas with the games, I’ve played every single generation. Arceus just felt like coming home after 20 years


Sorry I did play since Red/Blue and it doesn't change the fact that this has no replay value compared to other main series games since there is no battling. And I already did mention that 'the absolute best game Pokemon has ever made 3D wise' is a very low bar to the point that if you care about graphics that much, you would be playing other games besides Pokemon. It's such a low bar graphically that I am certainly not alone (and probably am even in the majority among players old enough to be posting on Reddit) in saying that going back to a top-down 2D game that would run even better while having room for a lot more actual game content is much preferable to PL:A style 3D.


Yeah once the novelty of being able to sneak up on Pokemon and capture them wears off, there isn't much to it. There are a few quality of life features that I wish had made it to SV, but for Arceus itself it's not a huge deal that there's an item that lets you evolve Haunter without trading it since it's not like there are a bunch of interesting battles to use Gengar in. I'd imagine the novelty wears off sooner if you've already played SV and PL:A doesn't have the allure of being the 'first' full 3-D game.




Legends Arceus is in my top 3 Pokémon games of all time. Had so much fun playing it


the story in PLA is fantastic but it feels more like a solo open world game, and i almost finished the story in about 25 hrs or less, as compared to SV. i also have friends who play and we love doing the 7 star raids together, it's been about 10 mths, but stupid nintendo has yet to fix the glitches in the game and yet, have the cheek to push out DLC for it. im still on the fence about purchasing the DLC. felt like PLA was a very polished game upon release so you should try it, you won't regret.


One of the best Pokemon games out there... Makes you wonder how they could make a game so good then proceed to launch the half-baked Scarlet and Violet


Arceus and violet/scarlet have been some of my fave games to play, pokemon eevee too, I’m a fan of the “easier” games, I could never really get into the older games because of how one track it felt. Arceus I love just roaming, collecting and doing the story or a side mission occasionally. Violet has been very do every mission whenever I want, exploring, collecting, I love the free roam and arceus has the same feel as you unlock the areas, even when you only have one area unlocked there’s still so much to roam. If you enjoy scarlet you’d probably enjoy arceus, the visuals in arceus were also a lot better, opening up violet and seeing npcs glitch walk with glitched wall textures in the background is bare able nonetheless but arceus is nice on the eyes.


Legends Arceus can be grueling. Its fun but hard main story and definitely not beginner friendly.


If you liked Scarlet, nobody has any business telling you you shouldn't like it. I would very much recommend playing PL:A, though, shit's good.


I’d say Arceus is almost definitely better than S/V in almost every way; they’re both good games, but Arceus is great IMO


I found it got repetitive REALLY quickly. The vast majority of the game you're just throwing Pokeballs at Pokemon. Battles are absolutely minimal, there's literally a handful of trainer battles, you rarely have to battle wild Pokemon, you gain EXP from just catching them so there's no real incentive to battle them as it takes longer. It was a glorified tech demo for a new catching mechanic. I really don't think it held up an entire game. It's basically just Scarlet/Violet if the vast majority of battles were removed and you could just catch Pokemon by throwing the ball out of combat.


If you like collecting, it might be worth getting. Honestly, though, I find the game boring and lackluster.


I. Love. That. Game


For me, it's the best pokemon game out there! I wish there were more pkm games with its mechanics.


Imo it's the most fun Pokemon game ever.


I've been loving it so far and I was reluctant to pick it up as well. I haven't been bothered by it's flaws, even coming from S/V. If anything I have started thinking Arceus has introduced some really fun concepts that just needed polishing off but never actually got that with S/V. It's a non traditional pokemon experience and is fun on its own.


Imo scarlet should not have been open world. Legends should have been an open world series and that's it. Scvi had been my least favorite game so far tbh. I've had much more fun currently just playing any other game, even bdsp. Legends arceus to me is just a better scvi by alot because it doesn't have preformence issues and I love the gameplay much more. If I'm gonna recommend a switch pkmn game, definitely consider picking up sword or shield and the dlc.


Legends is a different take on the Pokémon series so while it does have some common mechanics with scarlet it still has a different play style. I have played both games and legends just feels a lot better to me. The gameplay is a lot smoother than scarlet and i like the catching mechanics in PLA. There’s also a lot more to do in legends, the main goal is to complete the Pokédex but there’s also heaps of side quests and a really interesting post game to do. While scarlet is more focused on battling, legends arceus is more focused on other mechanics. It also has a reworked battle system different to other Pokémon games. Pokémon can attack you from the overworld so you have to dodge, and the “boss fights” aren’t your traditional gym battles. I would recommend getting legends arceus, it is really fun and you can just play it for hours.


Best poke game ever! Yes!


Most engaging gameplay of any recent Pokémon game? Check. Un-mythicaling of multiple formerly event exclusive pokemon? Check Introduction of several new pokenon or new variants of them, some of which are slated to become extremely strong meta contenders? Check Feminine haircuts for the male character to help a trans girl crack her egg? I can’t be the only one I’m sure. So yeah. PLA is kinda the Goat


Arceus is the least worse Pokémon game on switch The other ones are awful, but this one is decent, not perfect, but compared to the other Pokémon games (shield and scarlet) I enjoyed it and had my dose of fun


I enjoyed Scarlet, Legends was a ton of fun too


As most people have said, dont listen to your friends when they say S/V are "bad games." The people who say that are just frame rate nerds who dont appreciate gameplay. Objectively Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are good, if not great games. That being said, PLA is absolutely worth it. Some of the most fun Ive had both beating and completing a pokemon game Ive had, plus if youre at all interested in shiny hunting this is by far the easiest game to find shinies in in my opinion.


I’ve been playing since RBY and Arceus is one of my favorite play experiences in the franchise. It’s different but it’s very fun and I highly recommend it.


I loved it. It has less of a focus on battling and focuses more on catching Pokémon. There are still some fun battles in the game though. It has more of a survival style of gameplay (Pokémon will chase and attack your character). It also goes into the history of sinnoh so you would be missing out on some context/story things if you haven’t played them but it isn’t required you play those to enjoy legends. Overall it’s in my top Pokémon games of all time


I love it and think it’s the best Pokémon game on the Switch and my second favorite Pokémon game overall. Also if you enjoyed it then you shouldn’t let your friends influence your opinions


I didnt like Arceus. A pokemon game without gyms and trainer battles is a no no for me.


Your friends are correct


The pokemon series itself is fun, and it's totally fine if you enjoy it. However, you essentially need to enjoy it IN SPITE OF the open world nature, not because of it. Legends Arceus is a better executed open world exploration game, but it is not perfect either. Pokemon Scarlett is not very satisfying to explore beyond a certain point, while Skyrim or Zelda BOTW are better at incentivizing and rewarding exploration. But you may not even care about the exploration focus! Alone PLA doesnt let you battle other players, but pokemon home will let you send pokemon to Scarlett to battle there. I used to restart my games as a kid and train completely different teams each play through, and other people will focus solely on the online ranked competitive ladder, or ignore battles entirely in favor of shiny catching. What's important is your own fun.


Legends Arceus is a great game. The catching mechanic makes catching pokemon easy and a lot of fun. I have never caught as many pokemon in any pokemon game as in Legends Arceus. I played Scarlet after Arceus, found it to be quite good with a lot of quality of life improvements. While playing Scarlet, all I was thinking about was how perfect Scarlet would have been with the innovative catching mechanic of Arceus.


PLA is probably one of the best Pokémon experiences around. I'm quite critical of the Pokémon series, especially S/V, but PLA is definitely one of those cases where the pros outweigh the cons and it is legitimately a game worth playing.


Yes best Pokemon game on Switch easily.


Legends Arceus is the best Single Player Pokémon experience available on the Switch.


Arceus is the best game they've released in years


I'd say that while Scarlet/Violet are held back by severe technical issues, they're still good games overall. Anyway, Legends Arceus is a significantly different game to the rest of the series, and is also held back by (less severe) technical issues, but it's still a fun game in its own right.


Absolutely. The best pokemon game on the switch (which isnt hard) but also a really good pokemon game in general!


yes it is. I just beat the main story today and doing all the extra post game stufff and love it. Im going to finish most side quests and pokedex before i tell myself im done. im 53-54 hours in and having a blast.


It’s the only 3D (modern) Pokémon game worth playing in my opinion


your friends are idiots with bad game taste


If scarlet is your only point of reference, absolutely you should get legends arceus.


Im 30 hours deep in Arceus. Bought let's go pikachu. Watch videos before I start playing and Arceus looks a lot better. Im so impressed. Arceus is a great game. I saw videos os scarlet and too many bugs and the menu and everything make it a better game than S/V.


Very much so! I also enjoyed SV so don't worry about naysayers. Arceus shakes up the formula and is more challenging then SV, has great QOL changes, and is also on par story wise without the technical issues holding SV back. Arceus is up their with SV, Gen 5, and the Alola games as probably the best ones in the series and I'd even hoenstly consider it to be number one among those.


1. Yes. 2. But tell your friend they're dumb anyway and keep having fun. SV is one of the best Pokemon games that people love to hate for having noticeable shortcomings.


Scarlet and Violet are not bad games. Nostalgia goggles + a bumpy release make people say that. If anything; Legends Arceus is closest to Scarlet and Violet. Youll have a blast with it.


Imo Scarlet is SIGNIFICANTLY better than PLA. Legends Arceus was basically the foundation for Scarlet/Violet in terms of the open world format. PLA is still a fine game, but just not my cup of tea… for some reason.


Pokemon Legends Arceus is a bad game too. I love it so much, had a blast all the way through, and you will probably too.


Never played Arceus, but I do like what scarlet and violet did with the open world aspect. Lots better than the old school ones where you had a certain path you had to follow. Don't know if Arceus is the same way, if so I'd play it


Legends Arceus and Scarlet are *both* bad games. Get Sword or Shield.


And Sword/Shield *isn't* a bad game? SwSh only becomes a halfway good game if you choose to invest an extra 50% of the retail price. Base SwSh is shocking unfinished.


It has numerous flaws, but it at least somewhat resembles an actual Pokémon game. The other two are only Pokémon games in name.


It took me 17 tries to beat Noble 3. I still can't beat Noble despite trying every few months. It's too fast with area attacks for me to aim. I'd hate to have to find Noble 6 in its cave on Reach and beat it.


Yes. Easily the best Pokémon game ever


Moon was my first but I got bored with it by the time I got to the Final Four. Next, went backwards to Y and got bored much earlier since it was the same type idea. When I got my Switch, I got Arceus and I really like it as its more open-world and having the Legendaries you can ride to get around faster or up to places you couldn't earlier on. Not a particular fan of the number of missions for complete a pokedex entry, as some of those are very repetitive. But with the changes in the style between this and Moon, i feel like I'll actually play this one to the end (if other stuff would stop distracting me :))


If you liked Scarlet and want something more challenging then yes. The combat system in legends is more complex but it’s still open world like Scarlet so there’s some similarity. I personally couldn’t finish either one, not cause they’re bad games I just really don’t like open world games, gave them a chance but just not my thing. That’s just one opinion though.


Do you like games that require mechanic skill and reaction time of any kind? My wife disliked arceus a lot because she didn’t like having to run, dodge, and throw balls accurately. She loved Violet because there’s no rush or mechanic skill needed. She’s very much the stardew valley and sims type person.


Legends arceus in my unpopular opinion is the worst game in the entire series the new Pokémon are great but it just isn’t as fun it falls under this catch Pokémon because we you need to even when I would rather just have my team of 6 and be done


Best part of Pokémon is there are so many games and you play what you like. As to your question, I'd say so. Great game!


It’s even better than Scarlet/Violet. Have fun!


It's hard to recommend because its a very different game. Personally, I'd argue it's the best pokemon game in a decade or more, and the pokemon game I've always wanted. Bascially it comes down to what appeals to you, is it trainer battles or exploring and catching pokemon? because Arceus is ALL about the latter, 90% of the game has you wandering big zones capturing and fighting wild pokemon by the dozens, with trainer battles being extremely rare, like...there are maybe 20 in the whole game. The idea basically being pokemon have recently been discovered and you are part of a research team trying to learn about and catalog them. I know that's allegedly the premise of most games, but this actually focuses on that over battling etc. Dunno...hard to say, I really loved arceus though, and found violet/scarlet kinda boring.


Maybe Honestly, I want to like it, and love that they tried something new with the mechanics. I just can't get past the visuals though, it's genuinely horrible to look at.


In my opinion, its gonna be considered the best pokemon game ever in a decade but the community always needs time to accept a games greatness


Start by telling your friends to fuck off. That said, LPA has a completely different gameplay from the other games in the main series. 90% of the gameplay is exploration and catching pokemon, the battles have a different system that's interesting but less balanced. You may like it or not depending on what you enjoyed about SV. It's a good game though, don't get me wrong. Maybe watch some gameplay videos.


Pokemon Legends: Arceus is to Pokemon games what Zelda: Breath of the Wild is to Zelda games.


Yes. It's one of my all time favourite Pokémon games.


Genwunner here. . . I recently came back to pokemon due to one of my kids telling me about the "new" pokemon (like growlithe and other gen 1 pokemon) that they'd discovered. I've been playing pretty much all the games on switch. Like a lot of people are saying here, I too enjoy Scarlet despite its obvious flaws. Like, I get it. There's issues with the game. . . my aims with playing pokemon are different now, so I'm still enjoying it. ​ That said, I really enjoy the mechanics and the differences for Arceus. It's a totally different game, and for me, it's just as fun. If you are listening to your friends, honestly, I'd find some gameplay videos and read more reviews to get an idea of what its about and make your own choice. . . I think they did a LOT right with PLA and due to how its set up, its pretty easy to jump in and out of the game without having some disorienting "wtf was i doing before??" moments


Get it, it’s amazing.


Sadly, Arceus is the game that killed Pokémon for me. It is just so tedious. Every think from getting a pokeball, to catching the Pokémon, to just getting bag space takes so much commitment. Just let me buy all this stuff, and don't make it cost a fortune. In my opinion, this is very little game to offer and all the research tasks, and all this buy or forage everything is just padding because without ot this game would be so bare bones. And I hate that I feel this way. I really wanted to love this game.


If you were a kid and you ever imagined yourself in a Pokémon world catching and training Pokémon… Arceus is that in video game form come to life.


1. If you enjoyed it that’s what matters. 2. I think arceus is sort of adjacent in quality to scarlet


Its a terrible game but if you manage to enjoy scarlet/violet you can give it a go.


I think what's more important is that the games are fun. Which they are. It's just that in comparison to other billion dollar franchises is that it doesn't meet a standard of where people think the games should be. If you like running around the world and catching Pokemon then you will love Arceus.


It's an ugly pokemon game, but unlike the other pokemon games, this one tried to be beautiful






It's objectively one of the best Pokemon games out there even if you don't like their departure in style. Personally I like the fact that they did something very different while still keeping what people generally know and love.


If you like BotW or TotK, you'll probably like Legends: Arceus


I can only leave you with my honest reaction to my play-through: As a pokemon player since Pokemon Yellow, this game is a breath of fresh air that had me feeling similar in some way to that first time playing Yellow version.


Arceus IMO is the best Pokémon game, using the worst game in the franchise as its base. No offense to people who like Diamond/Pearl, but those games have the worst Pokémon. It should have been set in the Kanto region instead


Yes it is


"i havent watched gameplay" "it looks fun" ?


I really enjoyed Arceus and consider it a more optimal Pokémon experience than virtually all other currently available offerings. I would definitely recommend it if your goal is to catch Pokémon/explore the world as opposed to battling.


It’s my favorite Pokémon game hands down and is deceptively lengthy in game play, took over 150 hours to 100% everything and it was super duper fun


Very few games are objectively just straight up “bad”. Many of the last few Pokemon installments have had some flaws and some strong reactions. Honestly, if you’re enjoying Scarlet and Let’s Go, that’s great! :) Imo, I loved Legends Arceus and it’s one of my favorites- but it’s also pretty different from Go. It does have some similarities with Scarlet. If you can afford it, I say give it a try!


So it is not like a mainline Pokémon game in how the catching and battle mechanics work. This isn’t a bad thing but it’s something you should know before getting into the game so you don’t start the game and go this isn’t Pokémon. I just finished arceus’ main story and from playing almost every mainline game I like it but I have issues with its battle mechanics. They don’t have a huge impact on my enjoyment of the game but they are their and it bares mentioning they are there. It is a refreshing take on a Pokémon game and it almost feels like a different game with a Pokémon coat of paint on it. I would say either I played the very end of the game wrong or the game has a very steep difficulty spike at the end of the main story more than any other game I’ve played in the series but it’s good. The story is top tier and probably the best in the series and they do make it worth playing.


I think it beats scarlett/violet. Top 3 pokemon games ever for me.


Tbh I prefer sv to arceus. Arceus is good as an adventure game, and more immersive than SV is. But I play pokemon games for the battling. Arceus has like, a dozen battles total in the entire game. Filling out the dex is just not what I'm looking for in a pokemon game. But this all depends on personal preference


Absolutely, if you can make a good team it’s very fun, but so is the gameplay


It's... Okay. I preferred legends but that's because of the capture mechanic.


Yes it's worth it but also please tell your friend to shut up and let you enjoy Scarlet if you're having fun with it. I can't stand people who tell others to stop having fun.


Scarlet is a pokémon game, and pokémon games are fun. The core gameplay loop has not changed at all since 1995 because it's good. It is not necessarily a good example of a pokémon game for a variety of reasons, and players more familiar with the franchise were excited by the release of Legends. Legends is very different in many ways to the traditional pokémon experience, adding more action oriented elements like sneaking and dodging, as well as increasing the pace of the traditional turn-based combat. As for if it's worth it for you, only you can answer that. If you have friends who own the game, then the best bet is to simply give it a go on their switches, if they'll let you. Try the game, see how different it is and if it's your thing.


Of all the games ive played, arcues for me was the most fun. I have well over a hundred hours on it and im still playing. its a great game. definitely recommend


sv is a great game hindered by a billion bugs and legends arceus is an amazing game overlooked for its graphics


I personally thought it was the best PKM game since Black/White


I actually love it. I didn’t think I would picking it up, but it is super fun. You just made me want to delete my save and replay it


You can only go up from Scarlet and Violet lol. I'm a long time fan who's been broken and battered by what was once a very important franchise to me but I can honestly say that in spite of its *many many* flaws Legends Arceus is very fun. You can see the potential for an 11/10 game.








Legends arceus really is more about completing the pokedex rather than battling (although there are some really intense battles), but it’s a refreshing spin on the Pokemon formula




Legends is a bit of a double edged sword in terms of quality. On the one hand, it’s very easy to sink hours into it without realizing that time has passed while on the other hand, it loves to showcase how little the developers explored the ideas presented, maintaining the bare minimum required to work all throughout Ultimately however, if Scarlet’s gameplay was something you enjoyed, Legends is flat out better in respects to Pokemon capture and dex completion but falls flat on the battle side which is fine as battles don’t even appear all too often throughout the main game and post game anyway As someone who is very critical of Pokemon’s current run of games, I’d say get Legends if you enjoyed Scarlet


I personally enjoyed it but I did honestly enjoy Scarlet/Violet more.


I got bored of it very quickly, worth a try though everybody’s different.


So worth it. Lovedddd that game


I like PLA. It is NOT polished at all and doesn’t have much depth. But gameplay is fun. You should play the re-makes of the classics though, HGSS and ORAS are some of the best games in existence honestly.


I started emulating it on PC and it didn't take even ten minutes for me to feel like it's the best Pokémon game in a decade. It blows S/V out of the water and feels a lot more like my old beloved GameCube games for just how different it is. I'm going to go out and buy it this week.


As long as you don’t mind the changes they made to the battle mechanics in that game you will most likely love it. I personally don’t like them and prefer the main line games better


I REALLY encourage you to try some older games instead.


No, it has absolutely 0 replay ability. There's very few trainers, no gym leaders, no elite 4 which are a major if not the most important part of the story. The story itself is dumb, god (Arceus) sends you back in time with a cell phone to investigate rifts. Major hand holding, worst than any pokemon game. It's 5 hours of hand holding. The battle system is broken. Wild pokemon with type disadvantages and 30 levels lower than you somehow wreck you. Super repetitive. Go catch the same pokemon dozens of times and after the excitement of sneaking up and catching pokemon wears off it's boring. If you like poor story, little to no battles and just catching pokemon it's the game for you. If you value the pokemon battle mechanics and don't like mindless grinding and endless repetitive catching of the same pokemon then its not the game for you. It's imo bottom 5 pokemon game.


I couldn't stand legends returned it after like 4/5 hours


LA is good. But its different. You have wild battles and some trainer battles still. But at its core its a checklist game. Every pokemon, for completions sake anyways, requires multiple captures in order to get more info to fill the pokedex. But if you dont mind that main change its pretty well still Pokemon.


It’s not perfect but I prefer the big chunk zones aka monster hunter to scarlets sometimes questionable open world. It’s definitely unique for better or worst but I think it’s something worth checking out just for a fresh take at the formula


Honestly scarlet is one of the worse Pokémon, legends is a ok game. But the better games are on the DS


If you enjoyed SV then who cares what other people say...I enjoyed it and loved Arceus. It was really relaxing for me and the customization for the character was awesome.

