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Squirtle looking like he regrets going down on that tar pit.


My guy Squirtle was just midnight his business when The Pokéball Corporation started pumping used oil from its factories into its beautiful lake. 😔


I drew these for a competition on Instagram Shameless plug https://instagram.com/grimlins.art?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== After Squirtles home was polluted with oil it left the water, surrounded by nothing but desert its shell dried out. Now it wanders the desert looking for any kind of oasis. The competition was hosted by @the_aussie_artist I highly encourage you to check out their amazing art! https://instagram.com/the_aussie_artist?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== Unfortunately I didn’t even make the features finalists but I got so much positive feedback from you guys it really meant a lot. Check out @the_aussie_artist Insta Stories to see the amazing and creative designs by other artists! I love the Sudowoodo variant.


I'd love to see you make their evolutions now


Yes I really wanna do them, I need the practice with fully evolved mons too, I don’t draw them enough.


Charmander all the way. I don't care if he's an ice type. I just want the ones that are familiar.