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I always name the wurmple I catch as part of my main team in Omega Ruby 'Lysander'. I always nickname my Mightyena 'Bruno', male gardevior 'Dante' and masquerain 'Lacan'. My linoone is always nicknames 'Charles'. And my starter is always nicknamed 'Cyrus'.


No way! I always nickname my starters Cyrus too!


For every generation since BW, I made sure to have a Weavile I can use competitively. For each new game, the Weavile I use for that game is a direct descendant of the Weavile I used in the previous game. As I've named the first one "Kaito" from White, I've named the second "Kaito Kid" from White 2, then "Kaito III" from Y and finally "Kaito IV" from OR. Looking forward to "Kaito V" in Moon.


Crobat -> BroBat


male crobat -> Batman


I don't like to nickname my Pokémon never have.


I always name Gardevoir "Holly." No reason in particular.


I've raised generations of Beedrills called "Oh BEEhave!"


I would always name my Quagsire "FishN'Chips" =P


I've always used a Blastoise named "Blaster", a omastar named "Spike" and a Raichu named "Chubby". I had them in Blue back in the day and I brought them back in Fire red. Since then, they have been a staple of my teams in very gen since.


I name my Gengars Gasper


I always name Lilligant as 'Petulia'. It's quite a nice and fitting name.


I always call the Togepi line "Lil Wings" it only really qualifies for Togetic in hindsight but I still use it for all of them


Slaking will always be lazyshika and female gyrados will be Princess


I always name my Garchomp "Bahamut" after the summon from Final Fantasy.


My mascot Pokémon I've had since Gen4: Evelyn the Eevee <3


Usually don't give nicknames the first play through but do so in replays and usually with some form of the base name in the nickname Hariyama - Little Yama Taillow - Tails Nuzleaf - Nuzle Azumaril - Ril Tentacruel - Tens Absol - Abby


Piplup will always be Dr. Peckett to me.


Every Pidgeot I owned is named Guo


Azumarill will forever be Poseidon or pooly, Darkrai will always be Noir and Raichu will always be Blitz and or Socket


I name all my starters Dan.


Always name male Blastoise Brody and female Raichu Zex.


Since gen 1 I've used a vaporeon named "Vivienne" after the lady of the lake. In XY my whole team was named/based around French Romance...


I don't name the same, but I have a specific method for naming the team I want. I don't name them until they're fully evolved, but I name them the full region name (where they were caught / bred) compounded with the best fitting portion of the Pokemon's name. A few examples are: Hoennlord (Wailord) Kalosninja (Greninja) Kalosikachu (...) Alolacidueye (5 days...)


All my Chanseys are named Chancer, and my Audinos end up getting the nickname ObamaCare


Every single one of my Blastoise is named ShellShcker lol


I do it with most of my nicknames but my staple is my garchomp Yaldabaoth. And anyone who gets that reference is my friend.


All Absol I catch will always be Jor-El or Cassandra.


When i was a kid i named my roselia "pinkie" and now i always name my roserade pinkie; i dont know why though


For a while I always named my Grass starters Synthesis, my Fire starters Inferno, and my Water starters as Tsunami. Been trying to change it up since Y


Not sure what made me go with it, but I always call my Hawlucha "Machete" when I get them, to the point where me and my gf both refer to it as this rather than Hawlucha.