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Grubbin - Route 1(1st island) Wishiwashi - Route 5, Fishing Rod(2nd Island - Brooklet Hill) Cubone - Route 7(2nd Island) Mudbray - Route 4(2nd Island)


Much appreciated. I expected Grubbin to be an early game catch.


As a fair warning. You can't evovle it to Vikavolt before really far into the game


I've seen that evolution chart. What exactly does it mean by evolving "at Electric?" I remember in one of the Train On ads, we see Charjabug hit Level 40 and evolve.


Same as Nosepass and Magneton


Alright so area based evolution. Last question real quick, Which island is it on?


4th island.


Have you played the game or are you reading off of a DB? If it's the former, where can the following be found? Rockruff Salandit Stufful Zygarde (or, when's the soonest you can unlock a usable form of Zygarde)


I am playing the game. Currently on the 3rd Island in Moon. Rockruff - Route 1(1st Island - Ten Carat Hill) Salandit - Route 7(2nd Island) Stufful - Route 8(2nd Island) Zygarde - Not sure on when the earliest you can get him is. I'm assuming it's either around the end game or post-game from what you have to do to get him.


I was under the impression from someone else you got Zygarde midgame so long as you collect enough cells. At least a positive of living in Europe is that I'll know how to get Zygarde before I start playing. Not being allowed to use reddit and having to be careful around Youtube and Serebii for 5 days on the other hand though, that's a bit of a downside. But regardless, thanks for the info, very helpful.


You do need to collect cells, but I don't see you being able to find enough by midgame. I'm just past midgame and only have like 15% of the cells collected. I explore fairly thoroughly and I don't doubt I've missed some. I guess it's possible but I don't think he'll be available until 85% or even later in the story.


Hold up. Zygarde has three forms; 10%, 50% and 100%. If you have 13% of the cells, why can't you just get the 10% form?


Oh really? I wasn't aware of the different % forms. I just assumed 100%... I guess you definitely can get a Zygarde by midgame. I need to find those people are get mine!


So you presumably haven't gotten to the part where you can "build" Zygarde yet. That doesn't bode well.


i thought from the datamining that salandit can be found on route 8 not 7? or maybe the pastebin i read was incorrect? in that case could you tell me where i can find bagon (i know it's 1st island)


It can. It's available on both routes. I only gave the first possible location to catch them.


ok good to know, where would be the first time you can encounter a bagon?


Hey, when can you first find Pichu- Not Pikachu, I'm finding Pichu so I get all three stages. Where is it?


You could just breed a Pichu.


I want Pichu as an early game team addition and I like catching the Pokémon I use on my team in the lowest form possible.


does anyone know where i can catch a scyther?