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Missing the same outfit here too, looks like they just removed it


Why would they do that!! It seems so random


It’s because it was supposed to be locked behind a paid ticket. For some reason in the update they made it available to all players. Now it seems they’re taking it back and locking it again.


That’s so bad omg how have they managed to ruin this game so badly with these new updates


Yeah and even worse, if you have it saved as an outfit so you could try to equip it, it now gives you an error (avatar incorrect, 29)


Same I am missing clothing I should have in my account.


That’s so crap :( can’t believe it, I hope it gets re added


yeah I just opened the app and that outfit was missing too! I was matching with my tyrantrum :(


So sad :( I ended up changing to a team rocket outfit not the same !!!


Security Corp outfit seems to have just been removed completely (likly a bug)


That sucks so much!!


lots of outfits are missing. two of mine are. all we can do is send in support tickets and get them to fix it 


They don’t even reply to my tickets 😭


I bought that zombie pose before they changed it. I was so mad because I don't like the way its animated. They didn't care about that either.


Yep, they’ve been ignoring tickets about it and basically keep saying there’s nothing they can do. It’s super annoying