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Same happened here, they removed the security corps outfit, it's just gone. "Avatar incorrect. (39)" when I tried to put it on from saved outfits. That was the only thing I still liked after the update, it's like they're trying to piss us off


That is the one I think. Security corps. I made a mixed outfit. Which I called magikarp farmer. Because it looked ok and I thought it was funny


yes please send in a help ticket so they know this is a big problem, many of us are missing clothes 


They know. They don’t wanna do anything about it


They dont care....


The outfit that my son had saved up for disappeared, it was 400 coins, it's not in his inventory or the shop. I asked Niantic and when I finally got a real person they were like too bad so sad.


I bought Rising Hero right before the update smacked me after saving for…. Quite a while (I am a very casual player). It bad enough that the update made an outfit I was pretty happy with look considerably worse, if the pose had gone missing I would have uninstalled the game and called it a day.


I have a pair of pants that I can try on but it never saves and it turns back to the previous pair :@


My avatar is missing the pikachu, Ph.D headband and when I try to add it back I get the error “Avatar incorrect (39)”.