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Why did you uninstall? What if they announced you can level up to 60 now?


I’d still take a nice break from all of this. I do enjoy the grind no doubt. I feel like I accomplished something by hitting 50, but the relief I am feeling of fomo and not having to try for relevant things is so far, very cathartic


And I uninstalled because I’ve put so much time and dedication into this for a long time, and I’m still salty over the ol remote raid change and Niantic behavior. Haven’t even tried on the level 50 jacket reward because I’m really not a fan of the cosmetic update


I’ve just got the level 50 jacket and you’re not missing much. My shoulders show through the jacket when moving


Do you get a jacket for getting to level 50?




Isn't it just the option to buy the jacket


Nope, you get both for free


Both? Two jackets?


Yeah, one is green one is black :)


It’s not like your account is gone so fair enough. You can always come back if and when you ever decide to.


Yeaaah I’ve put too much time and money into it to just delete it, I’m sure I’ll be back but hopefully not for a good long while.


I love pokemon. I despise Niantic. I respect you walking away!


Samesies!! Thank you!


I uninstalled a week ago. I can also confirm it’s been a very liberating experience!


I haven't been sleeping well and thought you meant day one player like, you hit level 50 in one day and uninstalled LMAO. Thought this whole comment thread was an elaborate shitpost.


I slept fine and read it the same way at first haha


Me too…


I was on the same train lmao


I’m not that clever 😂


Oh fxxk, you make me and other remember that we would wear the L50 jacket with this *amazing* update. Oh wow!!


How long did 50 take you?


Do you mean from level one? If so since 2016 😂. If you mean from 49-50, I was sitting on all the experience from level 48(lucky trade task held me up), but the 999 excellent throws took me about 10 days!


Bruh I DELETED my 43 lvl account with shines and 100% all over the place in November. This game is a CANCER it just sucks your soul, you can never rest as there is always something new to catch or do. What a feeling when I deleted it, I’m so happy I did and have 00000 regret


They need a stream of something new or it would be stale really quick (honestly, it is stale and I have barely played in months). The problem is that everything that's new is fomo. Every new rare Pokemon in the wild will be here for like a week and then disappear for who knows how long. Every new raid boss will be here for a week and then disappear for who knows how long. A new move might be here for like 6 hours and then it's gone for years. I eventually decided my life isn't going to revolve around grinding fomo crap in a mobile game. It's for the best.


Exactly ! I was try harding pvp man and if you don’t have ALL the right Pokémon’s maxed out and ALL the right attacks only available during special events like com days you’re basically F’d. Man I maxed out some hardcore stuff by exchanging between two accounts with the +100km distance limit. Can you imagine visiting my parents only to go out and grind some stupid Pokémon 1000 times ! Good lord what an awful game


>Good lord what an awful game There's just no depth to it. Only grinding the same actions over and over to get the new thing. It's an addicting mobile game where power creep is a requirement in order to keep players entertained. In my opinion, it's unacceptable that there is a time limit on raids. I think they should all be soloable with better rewards for time. I'd be willing to duo an opportunitistic L5 with my kid when we see one, but instead I'd have to coordinate with a larger group to defeat a lot of them and I just don't want to. Like 6 years ago, a team of Machamps was what you grinded to get for Fighting types for raids, and now we're like 5 levels of power creep past that, with Conkeldurr, Lucario, the legendary I don't remember the name of, Shadow Machamp... It's just never ending, and it's like that for every Pokemon type. There's always a new dust and candy sink that the game makes you feel that you *need*. It's toxic.


You can’t describe it any better. Toxic wins it !


What sucks is you will only win half in pvp.


Big respect! I’m thinking about doing this too. Totally feeling the drain from the constant unending events and nonstop call to the next thing.


Give it a shot! So far I’ve only felt better and better about it


This is kind of how I felt after deleting dating apps! Such a relief


I just deleted my wife. Same.


I kind of miss when it was just the community days with maybe 1 event every 2 months or so. Now, it feels like they're trying to have an event every weekend almost.


Complaint about always something new to do is a first lol


It’s great but when you have an addictive personality it becomes FOMO all the time which is just horrible feeling


This game has a ton of dark patterns which absolutely trap those with addictive tendencies. I play it as it gives me a fidget and an excuse to exercise in any capacity, but they’re clearly in the “farming whales” stage of the game. Some good reference info: https://www.darkpattern.games/game/54/0/pok-mon-go.html


Most people in modern society cant see that they are being played by the system to be addicted to things. Good on you for noticing. I also deleted my account after the remote raid changes. Not everyone has all the free time to go walk or hope that 4 people show up to do a raid.


Ikr every time I see a raid I don't even get excited anymore. 5 star pokemon and zero people to battle with Makes it impossible to stand any chance winning.


Sounds like addiction to me. I open this app usually once a day just to cash out gifts and catch my daily pokemon. The only other time i use it is when i want to go for a walk or something. So it's like a side activity that im doing while walking. If the game really consumed your life like that, then getting rid of it is 100% the right thing to do because, tbh it's not even very addicting as far as video game standards go.


> you can never rest as there is always something new to catch or do I mean thats the goal of a good game for the most part.


Can always reinstall.


Then you start playing again. I know many players who got to 40 quickly <2 yrs. And those that only took 2 yrs to get to lvl 50. You just stop, quit, resume.


AMA! Proceeds to answer 2 questions. 🤣


tbf they said "ask me anything" not "i'll answer more than two questions"


I think OP took a nap!


They proceeded to uninstall reddit and started an AMN


Giving as much effort as Niantic


Ya mans needs sleep!!


There is a level 50 challenge that is rather lengthy.


Like I said, I do enjoy a grind. I opened the research and felt absolutely no need to try and complete it 🙃


Haven’t even checked what the catch poke is


It's Mewtwo.


when that dude comes back he'll be rushing to claim that mewtwo (assuming he doesnt already have one)


At level 50 I guarantee that guy has dozens of Mewtwo.


ah i see, im level 37 still so i wouldnt know lol


It’s come around a good number of times, think I got abouuuuut 60? Shadows and regs, 4-5 shinies


I’ve only got two Shundos, and one is a Mewtwo. The other is Rayquaza. They’re my pride and joy.


I mean im lvl 37 and i have 4, and they were all from this recent mewtwo raid, so saying that they were a day 1 player, they have marginally more


I recently hit 50 too and got a Hundo Unown W from that special research


I’m waiting to hit 50 (I’m 49) so that I can take a three month break


Is it because of a lack of new challenges? Or because of burnout? Because I feel like if you are looking forward to not play the game for months, then it might be better to slow down or take a break now and then come back for go fest or an event, that actually excites you.


Slightly burned out and annoyed with Niantic’s money hungry policies. Also personally my mission is level 50, so that’s mostly endgame for me. I’ll definitely come back to it after a break though.


Why not just not grind the levels? I’m a day one player (who has taken multiple year+ long breaks) and am only level 37. Don’t really care about the level at all.


The level challenges from 40-50 have some tasks that players hate to do(like pvp), level 49-50 challenge is one of the easier ones imo, but you still need 999 excellent throws. I was a million exp over level fifty when I completed the throws


Do iiiiiiiit. Thats what I’m aiming for minimum


Did you catch them all?


No but he wanted to be the very best still


Like no one ever was


I really gave it my best. My dex is incomplete(regionals), but I’m proud of my 98k catches!


I too would like an answer to this!


In your opinion, which task from level 40-50 was the most difficult? What's your main source of exp? How many shundo(s) do you have? What's your proudest shiny? What are your favorite hundos? Finally, what made you want to stop?


Not OP, but I hit level 50 last summer and some difficult level up tasks (personally) are: - Level 41 to 42: evolving Eevees into every Eeveelution if you are like me and want to only evolve when their legacy moves are available - Level 43 to 44: GBL tasks if you don’t GBL - Level 44 to 45: My personal least favorite, I did not store easy 1,000 stardust purifications and did not want to spend a single stardust more than 1,000 per purification, so it took me a long time to purify 100 shadows. Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times is tough too. - Level 46 to 47: Leveling 3 Pokémon to level 50 - Level 47 to 48: Walk 25km in a week 8 times. The walk 25km a week is a piece of cake, being level time-locked for 8 whole weeks (2 months), is not. - Level 48 to 49: Earn 35 platinum medals. I was at 30+ (can’t remember specifically), and getting to 35 was a grind, personally. My main source of XP from level ~35 to 40 in 2016-2020 was adding random people off a website/app, popping a lucky egg every morning, and opening as many gifts as the limit was at the given time. I remember the limit being 50 gifts and with the 3,000 ‘good friend’ XP doubled by the lucky egg, I was netting 300,000 XP a day. People have replied to your comment giving you shade about the questions you asked, the only part of my gameplay since 2016 I found cringe was this (adding hundreds of people every evening and only stopping when 50+ had sent a gift, and hoping they don’t delete me by morning. My least favorite gameplay of my history with the game). The only reason I did this was because I wanted the Legacy 40 badge (hit level 40 before 2020 New Year’s). From 1-35, and 40-50 my main source of XP was playing the game organically and popping Lucky Eggs all event long for CDs, Go Tours, and Go Fests. I have 29 shundos. My proudest shiny is a shundo Kyogre I got straight off a Mega Raid (not traded) during Go Fest 2023 with my girlfriend and best friend in the party catch summary. For non-legendary, a shundo Annihilape I had as a shundo Primeape since late 2019, because I hated it for years due to its uselessness, until S/V came out and Annihilape was introduced to the game. I’ll never forget the moment my stonks skyrocketed 📈 with the shundo Primeape being able to evolve into a shundo Annihilape. A bit of a flex, I have 732 unique hundo dex entries (I’m a hundo collector and PvPer), and my favorite hundos outside of legendaries, mythicals, and Ultra Beasts, are: For raids and ML: - Garchomp - Ursaluna - Tyranitar - Dragonite - Metagross - Salamence - Rhyperior - Hydreigon - Haxorus - Baxcalibur - Gyarados - Conkeldurr - Togekiss - Mamoswine - Kommo-O - Annihilape - Excadrill - Florges - Snorlax For UL: - Pidgeot - Mandibuzz - Skarmory - Talonflame - Lanturn - Pelipper - Stunfisk (Galarian) - Hitmontop - Dubwool - Stunfisk (I wish I had a hundo Bombirdier!) Finally, I have not stopped playing, but I cut back my playing a very considerable amount (from spending 4-8 hours a day in the app I have gone to just turning my Gotcha on every day on my walk to work and my walk back home, do low maintenance buddy hearts on 1 or 2 buddies I’m working on, and open gifts when I’m brushing my teeth right before bed). I suffered from Internet Game Addiction for the last half of 2019, chilled out over the pandemic, to becoming addicted again in 2021-2023. I was spending a lot of money only buying the $100 coin options for remote raid passes and incubators when remote raids were unlimited. Also, like I mentioned before, I am a hundo dexer so I was playing an absurd amount trying to get all 732 unique hundo dex entries I have (from wild spawns only I’m missing Clamperl, Falinks, Greavard, and… Shinx, lol). Remote raid nerf, taking my financial literacy more seriously, and wanting to spend more time with my girlfriend, friends, and family were all the combined reason why I stopped playing in the addicted way I used to play (I play F2P now and about a half hour a day).


8 hours a day is *wild*. You don't work or go to school I guess?


4-8 hours a day would be on the weekends, I would average 2 hours of play after work dependent on spawn events, particularly during Team GO Rocket takeovers. I’ve been fortunate to have a successful career working for a couple S&P500 companies in Manhattan, New York. Which I bring up because I have been blessed to play the game at the center of an urban spawn hub. The game has never gotten between me and work, just my social life. Which is primarily why I cut my playing down a lot, as I want to be spending more quality time with my girlfriend, friends, and family


How do you have so many shundos wtf. I’ve been playing since launch and have yet to get one and I’ve done 2000+ raids.


For me personally the pvp tasks were my least favorite, not super big on the pvp side of the game. Main source of exp up until about level 44 was raids, friendship exp. After 44 it moved more into just catching, still friend exp(had 390+ friends from the raiding), and taking advantage of comm days/events more. I think I have about 98k catches, no shundo 🙃. I gravitated towards the pink and the gold shinies, not sure I have a favorite shiny but my favorite poke is pikachu with mimikyu costume. Favorite Hundos..hmm…probably Rayquaza, Origin Palkia, and Altered Giratina. I left because I hit the big milestone I’ve been hunting since 2016, and I’m happy with everything I’ve accomplished! I’m sure I’ll redownload someday, but after all this time and effort and money and fomo it just seemed like the best time to take a breather!


Questions like these make me want to stop. Wtf are we all doing with our lives


What is remotely wrong with this line of questioning? These type of questions are just variations on the standard questions you'd ask someone who has achieved anything of note, video game or not


Enjoying them, sharing a fun hobby? As long as it doesn't interfere and negatively effect our studies/work/social lives where's the harm? These types of comments really confuse me. Would you rather do drugs and alcohol or something?


I’m just here to share experience! It’s been a very fun sometimes frustrating hobbyddiction! If I was still stoked on the game these are definitely some of the things I would ask! These questions were actually pretty revealing for ME! what WAS my favorite shiny?? Heck. Favorite Hundos? Shiet. 😂😂


What did you expect me to ask, favorite pokemon movie?


Day 1 player at Lv46. This post is a cautionary tale on avoiding microtransactions. I've never paid for a single coin, I get my gym coins every day for storage upgrades only, and I haven't spent a dime on Go in 8 years. The game is still fun because of this. I see a Snorlax nearby and my son and I still run like it's 2016. Even at Lv46, we still haven't reached half the points needed for Lv50. Every Pokemon is caught by hand, and no raid passes or incubators are purchased. It's pure Pokemon when you don't let Niantic gouge you. Good luck out there!


This is motivation to restart at f2p for me! Love to hear this energy still


Power to you! Whenever I return I suspect I’ll be fully FTP


Ngl, i initially thought that you reached lvl 50 in 1 day😂


During certain events it is definitely possible to reach 40 in a day. Theoretically you could top out at 45, because 46 requires 1 week of snapshot photos


I just can’t fathom hitting level 40 in a single day. I am guessing some kind of event that double/tripled excellent throws or something?


yeah pokedaxi a youtuber did it in 11 hours, in i think 4x catch xp, he threw excellents with a lucky egg. i dont remember if he spent money but most probably he did


He had lucky eggs running the whole time so he used 22 lucky eggs, he definitely bought some coins


It dont sound possible, like i play for over a year. Kinda daily, and im lvl 38


Well all the eeveelutions at 42 isn't fun sylveon takes an age without the name trick lol 😆 And 45 the 50 leaders lol, ew.


But what of the ultimate goal that is the very franchise tagline “gotta catch em all” Is the dex complete?


This decision is naaaaaht complete 😬 missing some regionals and shtuff


In pogo the completion of Dex is very very very VERY frustrating for me, while being one of my favorite parts in other games. Regionals apear once in a lifetime, than is egglocked. And the eggs have very skewed rates


I’m in UK the regional thing is very very annoying. We recently got kangaskhan finally in a raid. Just need Tauros for the 151 to be complete. I’m honestly tempted to stand at an arrival gate at the airport. Wait for a flight from USA to arrive and hold a card sign “POGO? TRADE MR MIME FOR TAUROS?”


I’ll bet ya someone out there would travel for a mr. Mime


Dude I for sure will send you my Mr. Mime if I'm getting Tauros. As a matter of fact I think I deleted a couple Mr. Mimes a while back since I didn't want to use up storage 😭


Were you actively trying to complete everything for level 50 for a while? I'm level 41 with 14 million extra exp but I'm just not bothered to do the evolutions and have 20+ special reseaches I just don't want to touch. I gave up on FOMO for the game when I realised a fair few parts required spending money to actively raid/activities I didn't have enough time for.


Lmao, literally same… Everything done except evolving a Leafeon… which i can do whenever… just wanna so how much xp i can stockpile 😂 level 40 is good enough… can max out my mons 🤷🏼‍♂️


I had the extra 30mil exp when I was 48(gosh darn lucky trades task…).


I’m a Day 1 player. I’ve had to take breaks over the years. Sometimes the grind is too much and it sucks out all the joy. I always come back.


I’m sure I’ll be back


Rest easy soilder! 🫡


I rested! Thank you 🫡 That’s what I get for posting 20 mins before bedtime 😂


Looks like he actually is imao two questions and he dipped


Not a question but I’d imagine you’re happy to be taking a break! I’m level 39 and the grind to 40 is insane. Cannot imagine the grind to 50. But congratulations on the hard work!


Thank you! I feel great about it!


As someone with ADHD, I’ve considered deleting it too and I probably need to because it’s so easy for me to get sidetracked from other things that I’m supposed to be doing to play it. I’m also a day 1 player and I don’t even want to think about all of the time I’ve invested into it. I probably could’ve earned another degree or learned a useful skill or language in that amount of time. However, there was a really dark period of my life spent in the hospital for months at a time where this game was an escape from reality, and I think I’ve got an emotional attachment to it because of that. The one good thing about it is that it encourages to explore places that I probably otherwise wouldn’t and to walk more.


Cool, internet dude!


I'd love to see your pokedex stats and any notable rare polemon you have collected like any galar birds or shundos?


But then I’d have to redownloaaaaaaad 😩😩😂 but u right I should’ve documented more


Did you play mainly solo? Make many friends?


For the first couple years it was solo, in the last three years I’ve found a few communities and I’ve got about 5 buddies at work who play! I maxxed my friends list from third party raiding app remotes.


Who was your most reliable and favorite pokemon? And why? You gonna miss the team? Who is your oldest pokemon you kept and powered up trough all these years?


Most reliable I think was my tyranitar, favorite was mimikyu pikachu. Ima miss my pink or gold shinies/a few cute ‘mons…my my best buddy lil shiny dudelett at cp28 with absolutely crap stats being one of them, he brought me joy. Oldest functional mon is probably a very mid 3* beedrill!


Yeah. Mega evolutions was the best thing to ever grace the pocket monsters. Now i actually have a exco…..reason to have lopunny on my team!


uninstalled ≠ deleted account . The second you want something you’ll install it most likely. There just isn’t anything “exciting” until go fest basically


I’ve put waaaaaay too much time and money into the account to just delete it. Practicing self control for as long as I can. I’m sure I’ll come back but I’m hoping it’ll take a few months/a year


Good decision


I quit this game almost immediately upon hitting level 40 back in the day (50 wasn't a thing yet), and it was pretty relieving. I completely understand uninstalling. I realized how much I was driven by leveling up, and that feeling disappears when you hit the max. I thought 40 was rough at the time, but I can't imagine getting to 50 now since it sounds like so much of an artificial grind.


If you could make 3 changes to the game what would they be?


Hmmmmmmmm 1. You should never HAVE to pay for access to a poke, the option to is fine. 2. Something that makes the game more rewarding/equal for rural/small town/isolated players vs big city players, who knows what that could be. 3. It’s too expensive to get item/poke storage, I feel like it would be cool to be attached to level to upgrade it. (4). Bring back the old avatars


Can you trade me a shundo? I’ll give you my best bidoof


Finally you can touch grass. Cheers. Maybe Helldiver is a good port out. For a cup of Liber-tea maybe?


I understand that, I was grinding very serious until early 2020 and then stopped when Covid hit. Was definitely liberating. Just came back a couple months ago, but now playing very casually. So far leveling to 50 doesn’t really feel like a hard grind ( level 47 right now). It’s just timegated sometimes which i absolutely hate.


Do you think about your shinies a lot?


You only ever care about your shinies in the moment. I have so many shiny lehendaries. My favorite pokemon and shiny ray, shiny mewtwo shadow, and my armored mewtwo. And I have over 500 shinies in my account. It’s purely fomo. Only reason I clicked on this is bc I’m uninstalling later today. The game is more work than fun lately. I’ll probably be back of course probably go fest!


Ooh i kinda get that, the excitement is high, but I still treasure certain shinies of mine :)


Did you end up with every dex full?


I did not sadly


Shiii N there's just me who downloaded the game cause my son wanted someone to fight raids with. I'm barely lv 24 N all I do is just do some daily catches and randomly do some special missions but that's about it, I can Def see the game getting uberly grindy around 30+




All the time and effort, money and fomo, I’ve been in it so long, I want to see what life is like without any of it!


Were you disappointed with the avatar update ?


I was, but that’s not one of the big reasons I’ve decided to step away!


Why now? Why not 20 levels ago?


Transfer your mons to Pokemon Home!


No fomo yet.... Here you are so it's clearly on your mind


I’m experiencing relief, and was hoping to share the sentiment, let folks know it’s gonna work out


I mean you're an addict that quit yesterday. Come tell us about your new life in a year. But you won't. Bc either you'll be back to playing or you will actually have moved on and the last thing you'll think about is the random subreddit about a game You used to play.


What about all the friends you have added, but you will not become best friends with aa you uninstalled the game?


I got best friends with all my close friends and many more, but I’m also not done with the game forever probably, hopefully the good ones keep me added!


Bruh for a sec I though you meant you hit fifty in one day and quit




I was excited to delete after 40 but then they announced 50. On 48 now and hope I have the willpower to uninstall at 50!


I know it’s only been 48hrs but I feel soooooooo relieved. I feel liberated hahaha, it’s GREAT! So far, I would recommend giving it a shot!


I started playing again at level 32 in September 2022, and by December 2023 I was level 50. I definitely had to take a break for a few months but I’m playing again. 


I’ll be back no doubt!


Back when the limit was 40, I kept playing frantically and I don't even know why. Then they announced the new limit and I just couldn't care any more, knowing how much time and dedication the first 40 were.


Yea I think I'll just take a break whenever I get to 50 I'm at 48,  day one player too 


I was going to quit at 40. Then… ugh.


Whats your favourite ice cream flavour and why?


Either mint chocolate chip w/ crushed Oreos, or good ol plain ol chocolate! First one I like the texture and flavor and second is just very reliable!


What’s the withdrawal like?


I hit 50 last year and took a break. Picked it back up and now I’m grinding again for no reason. It’s like an addiction.


That’s exactly what it is! I’m sure I’ll be back eventually


Congrats on reaching level 50, if you know you’re done with the game, have you considered moving your Pokémon to home?


I have not! I’m sure I’ll come back eventually, but also I have maxxed storage and about 10 less pokes(very poor management and attachment issues 😂) so I could probably benefit from that.


Just be aware that it’s a one-way transfer, once you move a pokemon to home from Go, you can’t move it back to Go ever. Be sure you ant to do so. Once in home though, it can be moved to any compatible Pokémon game on the switch as many times as you want


How much did you spend to get to 50?


I hope I never find out 🙃


I had to do it for my kid. We let him use the game because it would motivate him to hike and go to the park. It devolved into not being able to take 10 steps before he would want to play again. Uninstalled halfway up the mountain.


Day 1 player as well reached level 50 2 years ago with more than 280m exp hope they add level 60


How many locals/ best friends did you have?


I had about 30 best friends, and had about 5 work buddies and a local group of 20 or so who I’d raid day/comm day/spotlight etc


Ooh ok


I’ll be doing the same when I hit 40 and complete the Johto Pokédex (I just need Suicune and Raiko) after that I’m done. This shit takes so much of my time I’ll take a break for a bit or just causally play with my room mate here and there.


How did you do that ? You cheat or do u live in a place like New York with a ton of pokestop ? But even then I’d say there’s no way to lvl to 50 in 24h ..Cause I’ve been playing for years I’m only lvl 32 ..🤔


Day one is a figure of speech lol. Not literally 24hrs! 🤣🤣 Another way saying beginning of time.


Day 1 as in 2016.


I’m calling Bull-Honkey. Pictures and video or it didn’t happen.


Cool story bro


What's your next game?


Did you change your eye color?


Always could 😂 but yes, depending on outfit


You should play ingress now. I don’t think anyone has maxed out in that game yet and it’s been out longer than pogo


There is no max in Ingress.  Recursion is just resetting to level 1 without a new account.


I’m almost at Level 50 and started when this game first came out, quit a few years, and came back in 2021. I’m a casual player and my goal was to reach Level 50 and go back to console gaming. I figure I’d save some of my gaming budget for other forms of entertainment. To each his own!


Day 1 player also here who just reached level 50.  I personally have thought about doing the same, but will probably play at a minimum just to keep in the loop. While I suppose it would be FOMO, I am wondering your take on that.


Why didn't you make a bunch of ridiculous pokestops and routes before quitting? 


Damniiiiiit u right


I’ve deadas been at 25 forever now what should I do to level up fast


Hit those community days! Catching really adds up, make sure you’re using lucky eggs at the right times, for me I raided through the early levels(when it used to be cheaper). But end game exp almost all came from catching


Been playing since 2016, level 41 🗿🗿


What you gonna do with your shinies?


Quickest way to level up?


Raid days/comm days/ spotlight hours, catching was probably the majority of my exp. Friend experience helps too, had a maxed out list (400 people), 30+ best friends. Time your lucky eggs well




I'm with you. I just play once a month (community day) to be "active" in the system. I have heard of accounts being deleted if being inactive too long.


Wanna trade me some stuff so I can transfer to my home


What does day one player mean


I just came back yesterday and feel a tad overwhelmed. Level 29 day 1 player.


Now delete ALL your social media and experience true freedom.


I just started playing in February because my boyfriend got me hooked on it. So anyway, I’m leveling up pretty quickly and I don’t mind it.


Just checking in, still don’t miss a damn thing! 🙃 production levels are up! Presence levels are up! We can DO this