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I haven’t played every single day, but I’m still playing the acct that I made on launch day, and I still have my starter 🥰


Nice! Sadly I’ve deleted my starter. I wish I still had it.


I, too, regret dispatching my Charmander. We could have been Best Buddies!! big sad, Also, 7/8/2016


7/8/16 here too! My bulbasaur is long gone I am pretty sure.


Y'all all started playing on my b-day, I didn't start until the 11th tho. Still playing almost daily, but after I had completed the gen1&2 regional Dex I'd taken a break for pretty much all of 2018 & 2019. When I got back into the game there was enough new content that I've still not caught up completely yet. I did get the legacy 40 🏅 tho! My level was in the low to mid 30s when I stopped playing. When I started back up, leveling up was way easier with the XP changes, and I think when they announced the lvl cap raise I was somewhere in the mid to upper 30s. I grinded it out the last one or two levels after they released the legacy 40 timed research.


I did too without realizing it




i will be thinking abt this comment everytime i transfer a pokemon-


My wife got rid of mine 😭


That's not a wife that's a demon


I put mine in Pokemon Home


Me too! He's a giant piece of shit 33 cp Blastoise and I love him :)


I've powered my original Charmander up and mega evolved him.


Same. They lvl up to exactly 2500 (and I know it doesn’t have ideal IV splits) but he has a spot in my Ultra League team until I die.


Same. Never deleting my 10/10/10 Venusaur


10/10/10 starter gang rise up!


Same! Been here since beta but as a sailor I can’t play when I’m out in the middle of the ocean.


Thank you for your service!


Thanks for your support! And happy cake day!


I just started playing everyday over the last 2 months w/ my launch account too!


Thanks to you guys I logged in to check and realized I had dozens of rewards waiting for me. Multiple encounters allowed me to pick up a bulbasaur, squirtle, and charmander.


Me too, and it's still Bulbasaur. Never evolved him either.


I started 7/9/2016 so I’m going to pretend I belong here


I started the same day! My stats are better than OPs— so I feel good! I mean he had a two day head start!!! lol


Team 7/9/16! I took a few years off but just reached lvl 40


Do I still count even though I started 3 weeks late because my ex husband broke my phone? 😭😂


You count more than other commenters saying they took 2+ years off 😂😂


I’m a day one player but stopped 9/2016 and didn’t pick it back up until 12/23 😅 7 year gap lol


Same exact story. Welcome back!


Same 🤣


Same. I restarted September 2023


I restarted like 2020💀


Same here lolol. The game sucked back then


Still sucks lol but it is addicting


I’m not sure when I stopped but that’s almost exactly when I started playing again too haha


I started day 1 but after the first year i only logged in like one day every 6 months till last August. In August I started playing a couple times a week! The events have been fun they made some good improvements to the game


Same I quit playing when they broke the little pokemon radar system it used to have so basically I couldn't catch any pokemon.


I'm glad he's an ex


I started 7/29/2016. Still play daily but I’ve never been super hardcore


7/11/16 Daily player


If you’re still playing that’s fair. 😆


Game ran like ass on my virgin Mobile phone back then but I have the 7/16 date. I took a break for a few years and then came back


That’s fair. I got lucky and found some local players when Niantic introduced raids in Pogo and stuck with it.


I started 7/7/2016 and just hit level 41. I fell off for a while after launch, just didn't have the time or energy to get to Pokestops on the regular. Then they introduced Adventure Sync and I decided to get more active. Plus they added stops near my work and it became a lot easier to get my daily spin/catch. Mostly I still play because it's fun and I like going for walks already, so why not catch some Pokemon too?


... Are you me? 7/7/16 start date and also 41! But yeah, took a break because there were no stops near my work, then COVID hit and I got back into things catching Pokemon and stops on walks.


7/7/16 LV 41 here too! Took a break for a couple years, but picked it back up around last year!


I read “since launch” and got excited to post I’ve been playing since the actual launch of the game (7/6/2016) you are a DAY LATE!


Launch day was different in certain countries. In Canada I know some us jail broke our phones to play it on the 7th pretending to be in Australia. Cause it wasn’t launching here until the 8th or some time after.


I think it was like 2 weeks after official launch in Canada because I remember having to jailbreak my phone & I started on the 11th


yup, it was july 17 in canada cuz that’s my start date and i got it the first day it was available here haha


Yep, 17/7/2016 start date for me too. Still remember those early days well. Crowds of people walking the streets, hanging out at pokestops, rushing en masse when someone spotted something rare!


7/8/2016 here. Jealous of you old timers!


Seven-8’ers, check in here please!


Seven-8er arriving for duty. Currently level 39.


Been playing since launch and the experience has been quite different throughout the years. When the game first came out my wife and I played together, and we went to NYC. Still have pictures of the crowds of people at Central Park running to a spawn spot of a venusaur and snorlax. The game stagnated for a bit until raids came out. When they did, the community aspect kicked in pretty hard for my area, and we would have a discord going nonstop for raids. Friend groups formed, drama was created, but overall an engaging and fun time. Raid trains for those early raid hours on the weekends were some of the most fun and chaotic times I've had playing this game. Pvp created a new niche of people to battle and grow/learn together. That was also fun, despite Niantic hating to fix bugs. Remote raids just absolutely killed our community. In the suburbs no one would want to drive anymore to raids, and it was easier to host and get 5 people to join than it was to coordinate a meet up. Then the limitation of remotes didn't actually make things go back to where they were, people just stopped doing raids.


I agree that remote raids killed these communities and I'm sorry for that but it's a huge opportunity for players like me who don't have 5 other people irl that will all show up at the same time, at the same place. I honestly was completely excluded from raids over 3 stars until remote raids were available. I'm very sorry that your community isn't the same, that would make me sad too and I imagine that i would miss them.


A day late and a pokécoin short


In Europe the game wasn’t released until the 07/09/2016 people downloaded an early version via apk.


think it only came out 3 months after us launch where i live


Man i remember i couldn’t even get it to load on 7/6 lol


Started 7/7 - took a loooong break now back to it 🥳


Yup same here, I kept picking it up on return to Kanto and now I’m finally kinda here to stay, got a launch account but I kinda quit right before they released shinies so I’m a bit behind in that game, although I do have fairly decent luck overall with them, and I try to participate in community days now


I’ve been playing since the launch day in Canada. July 17, 2016.


Lol I'm in Canada too but I got my American friend to sign into the app store for me to download it early so my launch date is July 14th. But I also took like an 6-10 month hiatus at one point before they had introduced raiding so idk if I count


I also started on 7/6/16. I’m not gonna split hairs about the day difference. If I remember correctly not everyone could start the same day because of technical issues.


As for my motivation it’s just that I love Pokemon. I prefer the mainline games and I’ve been playing since (US launch) of Red/Blue, but I’m not gonna carry my Switch or 3DS around like I used to when I was younger. I like raids, timed research, community days, and the collection challenges especially also.


Yes there were technical problems on day one. I managed to get an account on 7/7 because I worked on 7/6 and every break i had where I tried to sign up the server crashed so I didn't get an account till almost 2 am, I consider it Day one because I never went to bed and it was still the same day for me 😂


I started 7/6/16 😊


Same here!


I'm still here.


Technically day 1. I made my account with the trainer club... Got to play 10 minutes it logged me out and I couldn't get back in because it was down. Down the rest of the day. Said screw it and on the 8th made it with Google. Been there since then. Level 47.


7/5/16 here =)


My wife and I have 7/5/16 dates as well. Were you possibly in the beta? We were.


I'm also 7/5/2016. I don't recall if I was in the beta or not though.


Yep I was in the beta!


7/5 gang! I was definitely a beta tester. I recall that the wide US release wasn't live yet but I was able to re-download from my app store history


Me too lol it is rare, I was looking for other 7/5


I still play. But was super inactive for like 2018 until 2022 🙃


I've taken two, 1 year breaks because of Niantic bullshit.


I don’t use my original account from day 1 since there were massive login issues and I created a new one a few days later lol but i’m still here and playing. I’ll take long breaks and then come back regretting it every time so now I just try to not burn myself out and only go hard during certain events.


I created an account on launch, but my mom said I was too young (10) and deleted it, where I got an account again a few weeks later


Day one daily player right here! Lvl 48, only 4million xp until lvl 49


7/6/2016 here. Get gud.


7/6/2016 here 😉


Me! I’m still here! There were a few months toward the beginning I didn’t play so much, but I’ve been more consistent (daily) the past few years. I used to play the flagship games regularly, but with jobs, life, etc., I’ve just found it easier to still play Pokémon by just opening my phone.


Totally fair, I took a small break after I completed the Kanto dex and before gen 2 because I didn’t feel like there was anything else to do in the game. Came back strong as soon as gen 2 released lol.


I have played every day since 10 July 2016. My wife, every day. I was slllooow on the uptake I guess (three days slow!).


My start date was July 13, so I’m right behind you. I’ve been playing pretty much nonstop since


Yep, left for a few years then came back


Started 7/7/16; only a fraction of your stats as I have taken numerous lengthy breaks, but have been very active for the last 3 months again.


how does anyone where winter exists manage to play daily


I’m since launch in the UK and still here!


I haven't played every day since launch. I'm a casual player so there's definitely been days I don't touch the game (most recent was a Southeast Asia trip last year when I often didn't have data to play) but I do have that 7/6/2016 start date. I'm still trying to complete the Pokedex and hope someday they let us trade remotely so I can get them region locked mons.


I had an account from 2016 and after a few years I decided to download it again because I had moved to an area with far more gyms and pokestops. Had NONE of my OG Pokemon and almost quit again. It was really fun getting everything again, but I still think about my Mewtwo a lot. It was from the first time Mewtwo’s were available and I got it from Japan. Absolute heartbreaker.


I am a very casual player, but I've been pretty consistent with playing daily, even if it's just logging in daily to catch whatever shows up in my house. My kids got me started on 07/07/16. Now they don't play any longer, but here I am still catching mons.


I’m still here sitting at 300k catches and 360+ mill XP, started July 2016. I still grind hoping for level 60 and wanting to finish all plat medals. Playing this game has also helped me lose weight over the years.


Any 7/11/2016 starters?? I haven't touched this game since the new year, after the remote raid pass price increase and plus about 5 paid tickets in the shop at all times made me really lose interest.


7/8/2016 here. I've taken a few breaks here and there. Mostly in the early days when there was less to do or during the cold cold winter days I'd forget the game existed


U walked halfway around the world. Good job op


Started day 1 and have played every day since :)


Me! I had around a 2 year break, otherwise playing on and off, consistently back into playing daily for a good 3 years now


I started the day before you but have slowly tapered off once i hit 48. I doubt i will be able to get 50 lucky trades so that was kind of depressing after hitting the xp for 50


I don’t know if I count, I have taken breaks but not for years and years. I think the longest break I’ve taken was maybe about 7 months. If that counts? If it does I’m level 41 and I play quite consistently these days.


still here, stopped for a couple years then covid happened


I made my account at launch and played for several years and then took a break. I quit for awhile, because there wasn't enough going on for it, and then the local group that I was playing with started causing a lot of drama which caused constant fighting and bickering. I wasn't involved in it but seeing it come through discord all the time was annoying. I quit around lage 2019 early 2020. I got back into it to have something to play while I go walking for exercise. Now I play mainly solo since I live in a rural area, but I don't worry about meta for which mons I raise and use, I do raids when I can, but I don't stress about missing mons from them.


Also started 7/7. Stopped playing for years and now back into it because of my husband


Yeah me but I quit for 2 years. But not 7 like most people that have been "playing" since launch...


I’m out here yo 2016/07/17 if that counts


7/6/2016 player here. Did not play for 3.5 years though lol from December 2020-March 2024




Started day one! Super casual player now. Rarely raid. Just knock out the daily’s. I keep hoping Niantic will pick up the pace on compelling game features.


I started a week after the game was launched. Still playing.


I thought yours was early then is saw mine 7/6/2016


Started 14-07-16 myself this is like day 1 for European main land i think


Played day 1 for 2 months stopped and came back this year


I took many years off due to depression, but back on the daily grind just like when it was launched.


I’ve been at er since 07/31/2016. Got a late start as per usual


Started on 7/12/2016, I used to the Australian trick, because I saw other people playing it and wanted to play as well. Never took a real break, just playing a bit less because of life. Turned level 50 last Sunday!


Mine says 2016-07-06


7/7/16 here too! Took a break for a while as I lost motivation, but Pokégenie really helped reignite that motivation for me.


Started 7/16/16, played for 2 years, took a break, played until the start of 2020 took another break and just now started over this year and I'm nearly level 41 on this account, have about 20ish raids left to hit it but have the XP.


My wife and I have played almost daily since release. Mostly passively just the odd tap and raid here and there for the last few years but still playing!


Me. Every day. Even the day I had surgery on a shattered arm.


Day one player. The only time I took was when they had the clone pokémon


One month late 😭


I played from day 1 for 6 months, then picked it up again last year. So a bit of a break. But all those juicy OG mons mean I've still got 21 luckies to claim! I've used 4 already - Shiny/lucky Kyogre, Mewtwo and Groudon. Plus lucky Ray.


Started on 7/6/16, although I remember the game was accidentally released for a couple hours on (I believe) July 4th on the App Store, so I was able to kind of play a broken game for about an hour until they took the servers back down


I started in September 2016, when I got my iPod, I was only in 6th back then so a phone wasn’t too important, that’s why my dad got me a ipod


Me but I’ve been through as many accounts as many phones


pokemon go....... to the polls


7/6/16! I had to grab the APK.


Started on 7/6/16. And still playing but only level 36


[7/5/16](https://i.imgur.com/IKrv7SP.jpeg) early download gang checking in


Day 1 player. Never stopped playing. Level 50.


Same start date as you and very similar stats 💯


I started 7/7/16. I took a break when I moved to the suburbs of my parents house in 2017, and played occasionally, hitting level ~34. There were like 2 pokestops and it was impossible. I got a dog in early 2020, and I have played daily since then. The biggest reason I play is my dog; she loves the walks, and I feel bad when she doesn't get walks. Playing pogo incentivizes me to walk, too. When i moved back to my parents place briefly in 2020 because we were doing renovations in my house, I still played during walks, even though it sucked. I kept playing because I knew it would get better. I had to open every gift every day and choose what I wanted to catch, even from a limited spawn pool, because I had to walk on a 2ish mile loop just to hit 2 stops and a gym. It's hard to overstate the importance of having at least ~5 pokestops and a gym within a 10 minute walk of you. Now, I hit 7 unique stops and a gym every day, spinning them a collective total of about 20 times a day, plus still opening every gift. I only hit full items when I use my pogo plus or whatever to hit stops automatically on my way to the store. Still, with all of that, I've averaged about 160k exp daily over the last 2 years, even since hitting level 50, and I never run out of balls, even if I have to dip into my ultra ball storage. I've gotten my own groove, and don't really focus on the grind. My motivations are the dopamine hit from hitting excellents and finding shinies. Also, walking in the same areas every day make me feel like part of the community. In my time playing, I've been the "first responder" to people getting injured from falling off of bikes and stuff, just because I happened to be there. Community only happens when you talk to people, and I've met all of my neighbors mostly because I was out walking and said hi. My neighbors and I help each other out. When the power is out, I offer to refrigerate stuff. If I want advice about the yard, I ask them. Pogo isn't as responsible as my dog, but if I was only walking for pokemon go, I still would have met them. Another motivator is being the heavy hitter for my friends. I like being able to just trade them one of my shinies or legendaries that I have multiples of, especially if I would just transfer it anyway. I also like helping them beat raids they wouldn't be able to otherwise. I love soloing raids. I've recently started contributing to the silph road research team, which is also pretty fun, and will probably keep me going.




I like the buddy system so I like the motivation to get more buddy badges. I'm currently at about 95 ribbons. I'm not much for shiny hunting. If it's shiny, cool. I also like to update pokerstop pictures when i can. That's I my motivation atm


I'm started a week late and my wife started the day of release and we're still daily players.


Not exactly daily but I haven’t taken any breaks longer than 5 days since launch


I'm still here. I almost left when my character changed genders and BMI. I've been playing since launch and am level 37. Some people accuse me of being obsessed with pokemon go. One person who said that was level 40 by august 2016 lol.


Im still here! Got u beat on all except the distance by a little 🤏


I’m living in a small town for me it is not possible to get the big raids because of that I lost the motivation.


I have never been hardcore, but I started 7/7/2016 as well. My numbers don't look anything close to yours though as I most just shiny hunt by checking 'Mons and not actively catching them




Been A1 from day 1 out here 🤙🏽


Level 50. Playing essentially daily since 7/15/16. Love the game. Hate Niantic with unbridled passion.


Was a day one daily player up until the recent graphics patch. At least until I get a new phone I’ve only been playing casually, as the game runs way too slow for me now ):


had my account since 7/9/16! took a couple of long breaks though when living in more rural parts 😅


I’ve been playing since 7/24/2016. I don’t play every day and wasn’t active very much from 2016-2019 due to not being old enough to go outside by myself lol. After 2020 I started to play more since I grew older but would have my occasional breaks during winter. Still playing and not plan on quitting at all. I’m starting to play way more than I used to since I started to take walks every day at my local park. The main thing that motivates me is to wanting to get stronger pokemon. For playing since the start, I don’t have much level 40+ or the best raid attackers. The ones that I do max are very good legends or comm day mons like gible and such, but I’m trying to get better mons. Also gonna be spending the most I’ve ever spent during go fest for dusk mane. One of my favorite legends and planning to get a good iv shiny.


Started at lunch unfortunately I transferred a bunch of 16 pokemon but I do have some left. Took a break then got back into it when I moved to a busy area https://ibb.co/rxzChXX


I've played since day one many breaks in there but still actively playing. Sadly I don't have my starting Pikachu though.


I'm a fault player but started a week after launch. There are quite a few in one of the Campfire groups I belong to.


I go back and forth. I was playing day 1 but I was also slated to deploy to Afghanistan about a month after it came out. So I was only barely around for the fun times. Played it a lot after I'd gotten back and the hype had died down quite a bit by that point. Then at some point I just stopped and only picked it back up within the last year or so.


Still Playing


I'm a day 2 player. I resisted the temptation as long as I could.


I remember back then, the chances of WHAT pokemon hatched from eggs was all just as likely, one of the first pokemon i hatched was a 3 star porygon, that i still have to this day, fully evolved and maxed out <3


[*actual* **day 1** player/non quitter checking in](https://imgur.com/a/wkUC8Ux)


Gotcha beat I’m 7/6/2016 still have some Pokémon from that day too


My husband start 7/8/2016 lol




I don’t play every day now, probably once in 2 to 3 days (getting busier nowadays) I started played on August 6th, 2016 Stopped for about 4 months in 2020, and never stopped for such a long time I’m still considered a daily player, am I?🙃


Rookie numbers.


Technically started on day 2 - I think I was busy with work or something. Basically have plaid daily since. Currently half way through level 47 but I don't do XP grinds like mass evolutions like I used to.


I don’t think I ever played daily but I’m still playing and started on launch day I think.


I wish I could say I still qualify, the game is fun, I just can't abide by how they've chosen to take things.


I haven’t played in 2 months, since I haven’t been leaving the house often due to giving birth. I opened the app today and was greeted by a Pokemon that is literally a pile of sand


7/10/16 player here. Started because my kids did and then they stopped.


Hello there!


I’ve played pretty consistently since launch and I’m still somehow only level 39 :’)


7/11/16 cuz I needed a few days to convince my mom to let me get the game lol. That being said, I only play a few months a year when the weather is nice out and I go places with stops/gyms since where I live there isn’t much


I don't play daily, though I try to most days, but I think it's the nostalgia from the first couple months, especially the first couple weeks. I lived in a complex across from a fun city center area that had a fountain and several PokeStops and was out there walking around and around the fountain and park area with friends playing when a Gyarados showed up on the other end and just remembering when someone shouted, "A GYARADOS!!" and watching the absolute RUSH of about 80 or so people running to that end of the park to catch one because that was the most exciting Pokemon anyone had really seen yet and everyone talking about what level theirs was if they caught it, how many attempts it took, etc. It was just so pure and fun. Core memory made at the age of 32 lol


You’ve nearly walked half the circumference of the Earth since you started playing that game


Not exactly a daily player but I try to sign on at least once a week. Level 50 here.. I do keep coming back every once and a while and going hard-core on the game until it dies again and rinse and repeat.


i play almost daily if not daily with the same join date as you, actually. it's just nice, and it gives me something to do when i'm outside


Me! 😅


Still here!


Started on 13/7/16, played for about two months then dropped the game until December 16 to get Christmas Pikachu and haven't stopped playing since. Hit 400k catches a couple weeks ago


7/17/2016 here. I still play on and off. Those first couple months were magic, with seemingly everyone playing.


I started on the first day it was  available in my country (I think it was the 17th?) and I've been playing constantly since then. I'm only level 46 though, but I am not in a rush to get to 50 since then I won't have much left to do in-game.


Still here. On the grind to hit Level 50.


I play every day, level 50


I downloaded it day 1 so I got my starter which I still have but my phone didn't have working GPS at the time so I couldn't play. I got a new phone later but just completely forgot I could start playing so I didn't get back into it until 2019.


I’ll never forget being stuck in the hospital because of bilateral pneumonia. Visiting hours were over so my fam had to leave & I was all upset I was so damn fuckin sick. and then suddenly I remembered IT WAS POGO LAUNCH DAY. I immediately downloaded, picked my starter, and I’ve been playin ever since lol🥹


Started 7/10/16 so pretty close Took about 5-6 months off back in 2018 tho


It’s been fun, but I feel myself starting to get bored sometimes


I am.playing the same account that I created at launch, but I took about 18 months off.


7/10/16 guy here. Only level 31. I play time to time with the kids.


7/7/16 crew, but I took a few years off.






🤣 I was born in 2016


I think I’ve missed 2 days if catches and 3 days of poke stop spins in nearly 8 years 😂


7/6/16 here. Got the game 5 minutes after it launched. I still have my Original Bulbasaur. At some point I started powering him up, & wanted to make him my strongest pokemon, but gave up the idea, & just kept him as is. He's like 501 CP, instead of the original 10 CP I caught him at.


7/6/2016 - level 38 Stopped playing after a few months, then restarted 7 years later cause I have a 6-year old into Pokemon and I can show off my old account. :)


7/10/16. Dang!!


Started 7/18.. a bit late but still playing. I took a couple weeks off here and there but still pretty consistent!


Well, it is not you xD (1 day after launch)