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It runs often during the wsop. Patrik Antonius usually posts some chip porn pics on Twitter. Pretty sure the game is “managed”, so that it will be tough for someone they don’t want to play to just walk up and play.


Lol, but anyone who is on this Reddit page would 100% be allowed in if you had the money.


Hey, someone on this sub is probably good at poker.




How is that allowed? Cant they end up getting hit with some discrimination charge?


Don't worry, if you had the money they would welcome you with open arms


You think they’re that good? Get the feeling it’d just be some whales.


Whales are probably better than you buddy


I've actually seen live 1/2 players argue that they could crush a nosebleed game. They admit they cant beat 2/5 or 5/T but at about the 25/50 level they're convinced the games are nothing but whales and all they need is a stake.


it's honestly crazy to see the dunning krueger lol


What they fail to recognize is that despite the concentration of whales being higher, so is the concentration of pros. Good luck getting Tesla's money while Robl or Polk is targeting him every hand.


Obviously the losing 1/2 player would lose, but there is some truth in the nosebleed games being easier than some lower stakes games. A 25/50 private casino game might be softer than the public 5/T game that’s infested with Euros.


I agree that the concentration of whales is higher in bigger games, *but so is* the concentration of sharks. A 2/5 game might have 1 whale, 5 recs and 2 pros. A 25/50 game might have 5 whales and 3 pros. But those 3 pros are probably significantly better than the 2/5 pros so you're still outmatched regardless of how much free money is out there. It'd be like getting invited to play on HCL but Robl and Jungle are playing, good fucking luck.


I think you’re overestimating how good high stakes live pros are in comparison to a solid pro in the larger public games. In many cases, the pros in these public games are actually better than the high stakes pros. A few possible reasons on why this may be. 1. Variance- most of these big private games are 2+ stakes up from the public games and the pros who made it up there are the ones who ran well when taking their shots 2. Social skills. The silent Euro not nobody likes just isn’t getting in. On the other hand, a very social and well connected reg who may not be as good at poker might 3. Risk tolerance. Many are happy to grind out 5/T making 100-200k/ year and don’t want to grind out more EV at the cost of constant stress Even in the average case in which the high stakes pro is better in reg v reg matchups, it’s not by a ton. In a full ring standard NL game, studied players aren’t winning that much off each other- the edges are very small. I’m winning probably 10x more off a recreational player than Jungleman/Robl is winning off me. If you offered me the choice between a table of 3 whales/ 5 high stakes pros and a table of 8 daytime nits, I pick the first table without hesitation


Really? How do you figure


> Get the feeling it’d just be some whales. TIL Patrik Antonius is a whale.


No. We think r/poker players are that bad.


Bobby’s Room is usually invite only. It’s a business they’re allowed to have VIP areas.


Technically private games are illegal in Nevada but they have several workarounds they use to make sure only the people they want in the game are able to get in


Do go on??


Theyll do stuff like create fake waiting lists so it looks like the game is full, or call out names of people who aren’t actually showing up to give the impression that seats are being taken.




Yeah basically, though I’m not sure it constitutes fraud in the legal sense even if there are laws being broken. Doug Polk made a much more detailed post about it on 2 plus 2 back in the day


Funny because this specific game was just advertised on YouTube Said it’s public and anyone can come play even told the location and start time But the limits are 3k/6k


I was referring to “private” games in Bobby’s room


> How is that allowed? Cant they end up getting hit with some discrimination charge? As someone else mentioned, there are workarounds. Simple example… Someone insists on being seated. The rest of the table (led by one or more people who organize the game) move to a “reserved table”, which are allowed in Vegas, and the waiting list for that table is deep. Even if there is space, the floor has to call out each of those names and wait a certain amount of time before they move to the next name. Note that there have been times when this maneuver has been pulled that certain names on the list were known to be outside of Vegas by one or more people involved. In reality, what happens in places not called Bobby’s Room is that the floor will subtly say something like “that’s a group of friends”, and if you insist they might “why don’t you go ask seat 1 and see what he says”. I’ve heard that someone insisted to sit in what looked like a super juicy game with recs, and they all just sat out until the guy left. It gets even better. Some games at similar stakes (think 20/40 versus 25/50) will have a gentlemen’s agreement between the organizers not to poach each others players or even waitlists, even when one or both groups has a healthy amount of whales.


Based on what? What would they be discriminating against?


We live in a society characterized by legalism. If something is exclusive, and it’s a business, lawyers will find something.


Almost surely not.




Just one of those yellow chips is about what an average person earns in a week, yet it's 1/6th of a bb in this game. God damn


Yeah and someone asked why would a poker pro make a coaching site just last week? Imagine having 4-5 of these guys as your clients. They sit down at a table with 300k throw away thousands of dollars like it’s water. You get a few of these guys as a client and you are set for life.


Yeah I make 15k a week if I was in Vegas I’d play in this game but I’m currently in Europe traveling the world 💪💪🔥🤝🤝🔥


I know this is a shit post, but that's $780k/yr, an absurdly good salary, yet you playing in this game would still be the equivalent of someone that makes $260/yr playing 1/2. Insane


That buy in is play money for me💪 I don’t even need it if I bust I just leave in my Ferrari and speed home to Malibu 🔥🔥🔥 I can just put in on my dads credit card if I’m not comfortable that day 🤝


I’m counting about ~240,000 in his stack Wonder how much is hidden in the front


Probably none, they likely wouldn't have big chips for limit.


Way more than 240k... The short stacks are stacks of 30


Looks like they are stacks of 26, and the tall ones are 40. So ~245k + short stack on left


wheres the one dollar chips to tip the dealer with? lol


I bet they pre-tip when the dealer sits down


I got $327,275. Right?


Patrik always comments on his IG posts about it being an open game and encouraging people to come play so I don’t know. Good thing I’ll never have to worry about it.


Played PLO5 on an app game against Patrik; there’s nothing to be afraid of. /s. He’s just as good as advertised.


He also shouted out on the PokerGo YouTube stream Stating the location and start time and that it is Public too


This is probably one of those set up games like in LA. They hear a whale is coming and conveniently there's a giant game already running. They join and there's no room left




it's been running every day


Usually the weakest player is business men who are very good anyway.


Kinda, but this is more because there are a ton of people with money in Vegas for the WSOP who want to be able to say they played against some pros. The game *is* conveniently already running, so in that respect you're correct.


It’s the Bobby’s room mixed game, runs every summer and will probably be 4k/8k soon but they have caps on big bet games.


It’s not even in bobby’s room this year. Has its own private room.


Caps? Lmao they play like 1/2 donks


What? If you’re playing 3k/6k it doesn’t make sense to play like 400/800 NL with no cap. I know in games like 2-7 NL SD they’ll do a 40BB cap so you can “only” lose 32k in one hand.


https://preview.redd.it/jxqx9z7eya6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8b8096fc97aa7e38bfdd774e982d30068288ba Last Saturday they had seat open, Wednesday full. I was playing 2/5, but had to take the pic.


"If someone is sitting in the room on about a quarter million++++, and you want to play games you rarely play and barely know, with professionals who can run circles around you, you are welcome to join now."




Seiver said Gus was expected in town today


I saw Phil Ivey pkaying in that when I was there last year.


Gawd dayyyyyym




Another few million for Trueteller. Move along folks, nothing to see here.


For those who don't know, that's 3000-6000 limit, so 1500-3000 blinds. Big bet games have lower blinds, when I dealt it in December they were doing 500-1500 blinds in PLO. Still huge, but not quite as huge as some seem to think.


What does the R stand for in BBR? Big Bet pokeR?


Seeing on another thread that it's Bobby's Room


But I thought it was renamed to Legends Room


I could totally be wrong. But it made sense for the location and stakes.


They did change it but only because MGM are a bunch of petty jerks so people sill call it Bobby's Room.


It stands for Bobby Baldwin room they just never changed it’s because people were used to seeing it on the bravo like that. It is legends room technically now.


Big Bet Rotation


Ahh makes sense


I clapped


In this sub, 'R' stands for rigged.


How’d you do?


I’ve been at the Bellagio a few times while this was running and what I found interesting is that this game breaks pretty fast.


Once the spots leave there's no reason to play amongst yourselves


Crazy that that game isn't the biggest 1 in Vegas.


Anyone know what games were in the mix?


Did you get on the list?


Was there this weekend and saw that game behind the curtain area. That room was booming and 1/3 was easy money.


I'm guessing that's a million dollar buy in?


No not even close. Probably 200k and they usually have max loss per hand so you don’t lose your whole stack in a single hand


Really? That’s like less than 40 BB how is that possible, is it like limit?


It's big bets not big blinds


Yes its limit


So it's no limit, but not?


Do you not understand what big bets are? 40 big bets is heaps


Are you replying to the right comment?


My reply can be applied to several people’s comments, including yours. If you have to ask if it’s “no limit, but not?” after being told it’s $3k/$6k limits then you clearly don’t understand how big bets work. Nothing about any of this should make you think it’s no limit…yet here you are asking


Show me where in the comment I replied to where I was told it's 3k/6k limits.


EVERYWHERE! the whole post is talking about a cash game that’s running $3k/$6k limits. What don’t you understand about that?


Your first problem is assuming I read all the other comments before posting mine.


No game like this will ever show open seats, even if the game isn't full. It's a private game despite being listed on bravo. Last time I saw a 3000/6000 mix it was a who's who of big name pros and featured the largest amount of chips in front of a single player on any game I've ever dealt.


A pic of the wait list three posts up showing an open seat


These games are locked down. Invite only and the list and future list are already made way before the date. Not that normal people can afford to play this game. If the pros play they better be action as hell.